============================================= READCHK.TXT (README for unpacking EXMPZCHK.EXE) ============================================= EXMPZCHK.EXE IS A SELF EXTRACTING EXE ---------------------------------------- 1) You receive the exmpzchk.exe file. You should download the file as a binary file into a temp subdirectory. From that temp subdirectory, you can enter the following command to unzip the file to the directory specified. exmpzchk /d Where temp is the subdirectory that will be created and used to store the unzipped file. Looking in temp, you will see the original directories: AIX4 HP-UX OS2 WIN16 WIN32 According to your system please change to the approriate subdirectory and copy the file to the subdirectory (for OS/2 or WIN) or to the path (for AIX or HP-UX) where you have your other FlowMark executables.