Date: 10/30/96 **************************************************** ** IMPORTANT FLOWMARK INFORMATION - PLEASE READ ** *** DO NOT USE OSCOMPACT WITH FLOWMARK 2.2 *** **************************************************** The OSCOMPACT Utility included with FlowMark 2.2 should not be used at all. FlowMark 2.2 ships with ObjectStore 3.1.k. The fix for the OSCOMPACT problem will not be available until ObjectStore 4.0.x. There should be no pressing need to use OSCOMPACT since FlowMark 2.2 databases are considerably smaller than FlowMark 2.1 databases were. Should you have a need to compress your database, please contact your FlowMark support group for recommendations. They will be happy to assist you. ****************************************************** We recently published the above notification. Due to a number of questions, we are publishing this additional information. Q: Why shouldn't we use OSCOMPACT ? A: ODI has informed us, that under rare circumstances OSCOMPACT compacts the database in a way, that subsequent actions on the database could result in a corruption. ODI does not plan to fix the version of ObjectStore that ships with FlowMark 2.2. It will be fixed in a later release. Q: The size of our database grows from 80 MB to 110 MB during the day. We are working with an OS/2 server. We run OSCOMPACT daily. What should we do now ? A: The size of your database at the end of the working day is not a problem for an OS/2 server. We have customers with 130 MB databases and more than 100 clients connected to an OS/2 server. But our recommendation is, to use an AIX server. Our Lab has tested a 160MB database with 40 clients connected to an OS/2 server, without running into problems. Q: We are working with OS_AS_SIZE=18000000 (180 MB). We have been told, that this value is required, if our database is between 80 MB and 110 MB. Why should we set OS_AS_SIZE this high? A: The ObjectStore utilities, e.g. OSCOMPACT (OSCOMPAC in OS/2) are requesting an OS_AS_SIZE about twice the size of the database. That is the reason your OS_AS_SIZE is set so high. If you are not using OSCOMPACT it should be possible to work with a lower OS_AS_SIZE. Q: We have just migrated from FlowMark 2.1 to FlowMark 2.2. We do not want to migrate to FlowMark 2.3 within the next 6 months. What is your current maintenance plan ? A: FlowMark 2.2 with fixpack 2 and/or fixpack 3 is extremely reliable. Customers have provided positive feedback regarding these fixpacks. We will continue to provide cumulative fixpacks through the life of the product. Q: What have you done to inform Customers about the OSCOMPACT problem? A: 1) We opened APAR PN90680 to document the problem. This is the standard channel to inform IBM branch offices. To reach those not using the standard channel... 2) We added an append to the IBM internal FlowMark Forum, and asked folks to contact the service group if they had any questions. 3) We put the information on our anonymous FTP server to give Customers direct access. FTP to login as anonymous password is your email address change directory to /ps/products/flowmark/info and look for the file OSCOMPAC.TXT. 4) We sent an email to the IBM Internal world-wide FlowMark distribution list to directly notify IBMers we knew were working with FlowMark. Q: Why doesn't FlowMark support contact Customers directly? A: PC and middle-ware software Customers are not registered and therefore we have no way of knowing who the FlowMark Customers are. IBMers in the Countries dealing with FlowMark, know these Customers better than the Lab. And most IBMers supporting FlowMark Customers find it more convenient to use the Forum than to contact FlowMark Level 2 Service. We utilized all vehicles available to make this information available to the FlowMark community. Q: What can we use in place of OSCOMPACT ? A: The Lab is working on an improved export/import utility. Re-org is a side effect of export/import. This enhancement is being designed very carefully to provide the best functionality and ease of use for our Customers. We will stress test the the new utility using original databases from Customers. Our target is to include this improved utility with fixpack 4, planned for January 1997. Q: We have been told that ObjectStore 3.1.K will not be supported after January 1997. What will happen, if maintenance is required on ObjectStore 3.1.K (FlowMark 2.2)? A: GSDL is negotiating with ODI to extend the service date for ObjectStore 3.1.K. They are very optimistic at this time that they will be successful in their negotiations.