======================================================================== IBM FlowMark Version 2 Release 3 03/31/98 u updated and marked with "u" 04/29/98 ======================================================================== | Hello and welcome to IBM FlowMark Version 2 Release 3. | 4 This Service Pack 4 contains an updated version of FlowMark Version 2 4 Release 3. | | In addition to what was announced in IBM Software Announcement | 296-452 "IBM FlowMark 2.3 Adds Support for Additional Platforms", 4 dated November 12, 1996, FlowMark's platform has been extended 4 to Windows 95 for its Runtime client components including the 4 C++ API, and FlowMark's Runtime client support for Lotus Notes has 4 been extended to the platforms Windows 3.1, Windows NT, and Windows 95. | FlowMark for NT now also runs under NT 4.0, FlowMark for AIX is | now also supported on AIX Version 4.2, and FlowMark Mark for HP-UX | is now also supported on HP-UX 10.20. | | With this FlowMark further completes the list of supported platforms | now running on most of the predominant platforms in the industry. | FlowMark now runs on OS/2, AIX, HP-UX, Windows 3.1, Windows NT, | and Windows 95. In addition it provides Runtime components for | Lotus Notes on OS/2, Windows 3.1, Windows 95, and Windows NT | as well as Runtime components for the World Wide Web. This README contains the latest information and some last-minute hints and tips. 4======================================================================= 4 ATTENTION: If you are installing this service pack at an existing 4 FlowMark installation, make sure to check section 2.8 4 (Special considerations when installation service pack 4) 4 prior to the installation. 4======================================================================= 4 Sections that have been changed or added to the README since the 4 last shipped service pack are marked with a revision bar "4" at 4 the beginning of a line. 4 Prior changes or additions to the README of the US English version 4 shipped on December 27, 1996 are marked with a revision bar "|" at 4 the beginning of a line. The README is only one source of information. For further information, see the Installation and Maintenance manual. FlowMark is supplied on a single CD-ROM, containing the FlowMark server, Runtime, and Buildtime components for all supported platforms. In addition to supplying FlowMark in one package, the pricing and licensing conditions have also been simplified. For the price of a single program package, the license for FlowMark Version entitles you to use the server programs in your enterprise on as many servers as you wish. The charges for FlowMark are based on the numbers of registered users. FlowMark users can be any of the following: - Buildtime user - Runtime user - Customized program that is using the FlowMark Worklist Handler APIs. CONTENTS ======== 1. Problems fixed in Version 2 Release 3 and other helpful information. 4 1.1 APARs 1.2 Changes in behavior to previous FlowMark versions 1. New environment variables 2. UNIX command-line parameters 3. Handling of multiple views changed 4. Runtime server 5. Ternary logic for condition evaluation 6. New FDL keyword: DO_NOT_DELETE_FINISHED_ITEMS | 7. Program invocation on program execution client | 8. Considerations for DLLs as activity implementations | 9. OS/2 Message Monitor removed from FlowMark folder 4 10. Cobol Container API support 1.3 Enhancements 1. New messages 2. Notification 3. Service Broker Manager 4. Lotus Notes Broker 5. VisualAge Smalltalk Broker 6. VisualInfo Broker 7. Internet Connection server for FlowMark 4 8. New ObjectStore version | 9. MQSeries Support - Building Block | 10. New switch for exmpshtd | 11. Increased duration 4 12. Windows NT 4.0, AIX 4.2, HP-UX 10.20 and OS/2 Version 4 support | 13. Lotus Notes on Windows support | 14. Service Broker Manager and Visual Broker on Windows NT/95 u 15. Improved communications support of multihomed AIX machines 4 16. Improved server restart functionality 4 17. Extended audit trail: pipe consumer 4 18. Additional audit trail formats 4 19. Trace file extensions 4 20. Trace file monitor 4 21. DHCP Support 4 22. MQ Building Block to AS/400 available on Windows NT 1.4 Currently known problems 1. Runtime Import or Export 2. Coexistence of ObjectStore and VisualAge C++ Version 3 3. Closing the Runtime client for Lotus Notes 4. APIs 5. MQSeries Support - Building Block 6. Titlebar text problem in some windows | 7. Code pages between Buildtime client and ObjectStore Server | 8. Buildtime export utility exmpfexp 1.5 Recommendations 1. Hints & Tips information on the Internet 2. EXM_TP_KEEP 3. EXM_TIMEOUT 4. Trace 5. Shutdown of server 6. File-system considerations 7. Migration Considerations | 8. Bundle Planning Considerations | 9. Creating a database on the target platform | 10. Lotus Notes Service Broker | 11. Using of different FlowMark profiles | 12. Process Monitor Refresh | 13. National Characters in Userid and Password | 14. Cultural Sort | 15. Process windows on low resolution screens in the Buildtime 4 16. New environment variable EXM_MMAP_SIZE | 17. User Settings in the Lotus Notes Client | 18. Defining Windows 95 applications in the program settings | 19. Considerations for Double Byte Character Installations | 20. Considerations for Hebrew Installations | 21. "Parent Server" field 4 22. Invocation of support tools from API programs on AIX and HP-UX 4 23. SMP (Symmetric Multiprocessors/Multiprocessing) support on AIX 4 24. SP (Scalable PowerParallel Systems) support 4 25. HACMP support 4 26. AIX runtime clients and AIX runtime environment 4 27. Documentation for the Configuration Checker 4 4 1.6 Documentation updates 4 1. Programming Guide 2. Installation instructions 2.1 Available CDs 2.2 OS/2 installation | 2.3 Windows 3.1 installation | 2.4 Windows NT and Windows 95 installation 4 2.5 AIX installation 4 2.6 HP-UX installation 2.7 Installation of IBM Library Reader (ILR) 4 2.8 Special considerations when installing service pack 4 4 3. FlowMark service strategy 4. Problem Reporting template 5. Copyright Notice 1. Problems fixed in Version 2 Release 3 and other helpful information ********************************************************************** 1.1 APAR's ========== Fixes for the following problems are included in this release: PN # - Short description of the problem PN82922 - EXMPFRIM requires two switches to override and suppress messages PN84259 - WLC0022A error when using apostrophe PN84288 - OS Commands for HPFS not available as documented PN84291 - No refresh action available from the process menu PN84418 - WIN Broker autostart not working as documented PN84456 - Person notebook title bar only updated after closing PN84734 - Import utility on Warp displays completion message after cancel PN84874 - SB SBCRT.DLL does not free memory between calls PN84887 - Displays error msg NOT0001R if servers in Buildtime missing PN85060 - Worklist filter problem on suspended work items & description PN85302 - Buildtime help suggesting "People -Find" for remote starter PN85512 - Install on Warp with error EPFIE234 PN85679 - Activity name truncates at left margin of process monitor window PN88092 - Support tool interface with REXX API - exmgetallcontainer PN88204 - New worklist setup in RT changes setting on OS/2 client PN89131 - Service Broker Manager on OS/2 abends with VI Service Broker IX58593 - Properties from view menu on XGA Win client do not display IX58772 - Database problem on AIX Server, note circumvention in APAR | PN88099 - RT edit-new worklist doesn't work by logon to second | database | IX58188 - Monitor option appears greyed, when actually valid | PN89588 - Import/export maps when process has multiple connects | IX66752 - Lotus Notes Broker has a string handling problem 4 PQ04881 - Unattended installation of Flowmark 2.3 does not work 4 PQ06889 - 'Basic' auth. Win RTC cannot force (restart!finish) activities. 4 PQ10264 - NT application error via EXMBSSRT.exe - NT Client killt. 4 PQ10467 - SBM and Smalltalk Parts on NT 4 PQ12814 - "Inherited" staff doesn't work as expected 4 PQ11725 - Flowmark 2.3 service pack 3 client can not transfer activity 4 PQ10470 - Doesn't display correct substitute-for user list. 4 PQ10071 - Import of FDL, results in all authorizations are taken out 4 IX73673 - Get container truncuates float under AIX 4 PQ12369 - Flowmark 2.3 _activity_info.persontonotify in API 4 PQ11153 - FM 2.3 nt installation does not update path to include API comp 4 PQ12024 - Incorrect process properties displayed. 4 IX76793 - C program causes bad memory write in server 1.2 Changes in behavior to previous FlowMark versions ===================================================== 1. New environment variables ---------------------------- 1. EXM_DURATION_UNIT=HOURS|MINUTES Duration of a process or an activity can be specified via input containers: - Process duration can be specified by setting "_PROCESS_INFO.Duration" - Activity duration can be specified by setting "_ACTIVITY_INFO.Duration" or "_ACTIVITY_INFO.Duration2". The duration unit changed as follows: If EXM_DURATION_UNIT is set to HOURS in the FlowMark profile of the Runtime server or Notification server, the time you specify is taken as hours. The default is now MINUTES. Note: If you want to keep your existing setting, you must set the environment variable to HOURS. 2. UNIX command-line parameters ------------------------------- Command-line parameters can start with a minus (-) symbol only. For details, see the Installation & Maintenance manual. For other operating systems both symbols (minus (-) and slash (/)) are still valid. 3. Handling of multiple views changed ------------------------------------- In FlowMark OS/2 and AIX you can specify "Folder open behavior" on page 3 of a folder's View settings. If the "Display existing window" radio button is selected, only one view on the folder is opened. If the "Create new window" radio button is selected, multiple views on the folder can be opened. FlowMark Version 2.2 and previous --------------------------------- The name of a view was changed dynamically. If only one type of view was open, the name of the view was made up of the FlowMark objects contained in the folder, for example, "Runtime Processes" and the view type, that is, "Icons" or "Details". If multiple views of one type were open, a colon and number were added. Each view type of one object was separately numbered from 1 to n. For example, it was possible to have the following views open "Runtime Processes - Icons : 1" "Runtime Processes - Icons : 2" "Runtime Processes - Details : 1" "Runtime Processes - Details : 2" "Runtime Processes - Details : 3" If one view was closed, the remaining views were then renumbered, for example if "Runtime Processes - Details : 1" was closed, the view "Runtime Processes - Details : 2" was renamed to "Runtime Processes - Details : 1" and "Runtime Processes - Details : 3" was renamed to "Runtime Processes - Details : 2". The disadvantage of this solution was that the name of a view was not unique. FlowMark Version 2.3 -------------------- The changes are as follows: - If the "Display existing window" radio button is selected, only one view is opened. The name is made up of the FlowMark objects contained in the folder, for example "Runtime Processes" and the type of the view, that is, "Icons" or "Details". The name of the view does not contain a number. - If the "Create new window" radio button is selected, multiple views on the folder can be opened. Each view has a name followed by a number. Even if only one view is opened, a number is added. The number uniquely identifies the view. View numbering is done independently of view types, that is, if you change from icon view to details view, the number does not change. The view numbers stay the same as long as a view is open, that is, if the views with numbers 1,2,3,4 and 5 are open and view number 1 is closed, numbers 2,3,4 and 5 do not change. View settings are saved, that is, if view number n is opened for the second time, it has the same size, position, include, and sort settings as it had when it was first opened. 4. Runtime server ----------------- Audit trail ----------- The timestamp layout of an audit trail record is "yyyy-mm-dd-hh.mm.ss.nnnn" contrary to what is documented in the Modeling Workflow manual. 5. Ternary logic for condition evaluation ----------------------------------------- The ternary logic introduced for condition evaluation could result in a condition being evaluated to true, which before was evaluated to false. Before, the condition was forced to FALSE if a container item was missing, now FlowMark continues to evaluate all terms in an expression. This could result in evaluating the condition to TRUE if, for example, the term with the missing container value is connected with a Boolean OR operation with a term that evaluates to TRUE. 6. New FDL keyword: DO_NOT_DELETE_FINISHED_ITEMS ------------------------------------------------ There is a new FDL (FlowMark Definition Language) keyword: DO_NOT_DELETE_FINISHED_ITEMS The keyword is used to define that finished items are not automatically deleted in the FlowMark database. Finished items are activities on worklists that have the status finished, disabled, or force-finished. They are also process instances in the Runtime process folder that have a status of finished or terminated. This keyword corresponds to the check box "Delete finished items" on the general page of the "Personal data notebook - Settings" notebook. When a new person object is created in Buildtime or if this keyword is not used in the FDL, the default is now: "Delete finished items". From experience, this setting is recommended. The FDL keyword DO_NOT_DELETE_FINISHED_ITEMS substitutes the FDL keyword DELETE_FIN_WORKITEMS as described in the documentation. | This keyword is now also implemented for AIX. | 7. Program invocation on program execution client | ------------------------------------------------- | | Some inconsistencies in program invocation have been corrected. | | Program invocation occurs | | - if a work item is started explicitly using Runtime client or | FlowMark Worklist Handler API. | - if an automatic activity gets ready because a preceding | activity finished. | - if a support tool is started using Runtime client or | FlowMark Worklist Handler API. | | The program execution client to run the program is selected | based on the following criteria | (some of these rules were not consistently applied in previous | releases) | | a) Buildtime information in program registration | | - If you specify a target address on the network page a | program execution client on the specified node is used, | otherwise a program execution client on the assigned user's | node is used. Both, TCP/IP and APPC addresses can be | specified. The configured protocols (EXM_PROTOCOL) are tried | in the following sequence: TCI, APPC. | | - If you check the 'Run program unattended' flag an automatic | activity can also run without the assigned user being logged | on. | | - For UNIX platforms you can specify a user account (userid) | on the platform page. Several users on the same AIX node | each have their own program execution client started with | exmpxcli -u=. | - If a Userid is specified on the platform page the program | execution client of that specific user is selected. | - If no Userid is specified and no target address on the | network page the program execution client of the assigned | user is selected. | - If no Userid is specified but a target address on the | network page the program execution client that is not | associated with a user is selected | | b) Buildtime information in activity settings | | - If the start option is manual an assigned user must | explicitly start the work item using Runtime client or | FlowMark Worklist Handler API. | | - If the start option is automatic | - if the program registration specifies unattended (which | means that also a target address must be specified) the | activity is started automatically for one arbitrary | eligible person on the specified target node. The selected | person needn't be logged-on on but make sure that the | program execution client is started on the specified | target node. | - if the program registration does not specify unattended | the activity is started automatically for one arbitrary | eligible person, which must be logged-on and have an | active program execution client. If no eligible person is | logged-on, the activity is not started automatically, | i.e. appears as ready work item on the worklist. | | c) Runtime status | | - For attended automatic activities only logged on users | qualify. The Runtime server must have the correct logon | status of a user, in case of a bad network some users may | have been forced logged off. | | - for attended automatic activities the logged on user must | have an active program execution client. The Runtime server | tries to keep track of a program execution client's status | as best as possible. If a program execution client was set | to inactive because of temporary network or resource | problems the Runtime server status can be corrected by | - starting a manual work item | - stopping and restarting the program execution client | - reconnecting the Runtime client | - logging off and on again on the Runtime client of the | assigned user | | Runtime clients that do not have an active program execution | client get an appropriate popup message. Also the message | monitor on the Runtime server will show the problem. | | To make sure that a program execution client exists the Runtime | server polls the program execution client in some scenarios | which blocks the Runtime server for some time. | | The polling can be disabled for program execution clients on | platforms other than UNIX by setting environment variable | EXM_UNSAVE_INVOKE=YES at the Runtime server. | 8. Considerations for DLLs as activity implementations | ------------------------------------------------------ | | OS/2: | ----- | | Before the program execution client starts an executable (EXE) | on OS/2, it switches to the working directory specified so that | this directory is considered. Before the program execution | client calls a DLL on OS2, it does not switch into that working | directory but ignores it so that multiple DLLs running in | parallel do conflict with each other. | | If you want to have the working directory considered you need | to run the DLL fenced, that is you have to call the DLL via an | executable. | | DLLs called unfenced by the program execution client must use | the FlowMark provided runtime libraries as their C/C++ runtime | libraries. If your DLL references VisualAge runtime libraries, | then rename the DLL names in that DLL by the following command: | | DLLRNAME your.dll cppom30=o4oscrt cppoob3=exmoob3 cppood3=exmood3 cppoou3=exmoou3 | | DLLRNAME.EXE is part of the VisualAge directory BIN. | | | Windows (3.x,95,NT): | -------------------- | | For calling DLL function from FlowMark activities the following | has to be considered: | | - The called function must have C calling convention. | Here is a sample function declaration: | | LPSTR _CDECL Function (int Param1, int Param2); | | - The function must be exported in the module definition file | as follows: | | EXPORTS | Function=_Function | 9. OS/2 Message Monitor removed from FlowMark folder | ----------------------------------------------------- | | The Message Monitor was removed from the FlowMark folder | as installed on the desktop by the FlowMark installation | utility. | | The Message Monitor is still available in the exm\bin | directory (exmpkmon.exe). 4 10. Cobol Container API support 4 ------------------------------- 4 4 FLowMark does no longer support a separate Cobol container API. 4 It is possible to call the FlowMark C APIs from Cobol programs 4 directly. 1.3 Enhancements ================ 1. New messages --------------- Additional or changed messages for Runtime Client ------------------------------------------------- - WLC0015R Subprocess 'processname' not found Explanation: This message is also displayed at the start of a process activity (local subprocess), in case the container types of the process activity and subprocess do not match. This can occur, if the subprocess model is changed as follows: If its input data structure type or output data structure type is changed and retranslated while still using the old parent process template. Response: Adapt parent process model and translate parent process. Additional or changed messages for TelePath ------------------------------------------- - EXMPI_STR_CONN_TIMEOUT "TPT007R: Connection to %s closed because of a timeout." Explanation: TelePath has tried to send a message for the time specified by environment variable EXM_TP_SEND_TIMEOUT (default is 20000 (20 s)). After that time, TelePath closes the connection to the system specified by its address "%s". Response: Check your network connections, or if your system performance is slow, increase the value of EXM_TP_SEND_TIMEOUT. - EXMPI_STR_CONN_ABENDED "TPT008R: Connection to %s closed because of error %d." Explanation: Sending a message failed. The connection is closed for the system specified by its address "%s". "%d" specifies the error code (number). Response: Check your network connections. Additional or changed messages for the Runtime Server ----------------------------------------------------- - EXMPE_STR_REMOVED_CLIENT "RTS0026W: Logged off user '%1'" Explanation: TelePath tried to send a message and failed because of the EXM_TP_SEND_TIMEOUT value or because another error occurred. To save resources trying to send a message to a client that is not available, the user "%1" is forced to log off. Response: Check your network connections and log on again with the client. Additional or changed messages for FlowMark 'Process instance navigation' ---------------------------------------- - RTS0006I: No program execution client found on node . Explanation: An attempt to start a program on the program execution client of the specified node failed. Response: Check if the execution client is running on the specified target node (on UNIX platforms there is a specific execution client for each user). If it is running but the problem stays, try to reconnect the Runtime client. - RTS0026I: Program cannot be started on node , platform . Explanation: The program registration of program for platform does not match the installed configuration on node . Response: Check if the program registration matches the installation on the specified node. If the problem stays, try to manually invoke the specified program on the specified node from the environment where the execution client was started. - RTS0027I: Working directory not found for program on node , platform . Explanation: The program registration for program specifies a working directory on the page that cannot be found or does not have the correct access rights on node . Response: Check if the program registration matches the installation on the specified node. If the problem stays, try to manually change to the specified directory on the specified node from the environment where the execution client was started. - RTS0028I: Program not defined for platform . Explanation: The Runtime server tried to invoke program on a client with platform , but the program registration information for this platform was not sufficient. Additional or changed messages for Lotus Notes Broker -------------------------------------------------- - SBM209: Service Broker could not be started Explanation: The following messages are displayed: - Configuration error: Broker EXMP3LBR must be synchronized - Service Broker could not be started Code: 31 This message only occurs if you start the Lotus Notes Broker for the first time after a new installation. Response: Click on Manager -> Settings. The number of THREADS is automatically changed from 2 to 1 and you receive the following message: Resources have been changed according to the default values required by the Service Broker. - Item 'item_name' has a wrong type: Explanation: The item type specified in FlowMark does not match with the item type specified in the Lotus Notes Form. Response: If the item types match and the item is specified in Lotus Notes with type number, make sure that the value in Lotus Notes is a numerical value and not blank. 2. Notification --------------- The following levels of notification are supported: Buildtime --------- The duration of processes or activities can be set as follows: - Process Settings notebook, page "Staff", "Duration of process" group box. - Program Activity Settings notebook, page "Notify", groupboxes "Duration of Activity" and "Duration for making decision". Within these settings, a duration can now be set by specifying three values using 3 spinbuttons. A value for DAYS in the range of 0-1024, a value for HOURS in the range of 0-23 and a value for MINUTES in the range of 0-59. FDL --- FDL now accepts an additional keyword MINUTES when specifying duration. Values for the keywords DAYS, HOURS and MINUTES are checked if they are within the following range: days 0-1024 , hours 0-23, and minutes 0-59 API --- Duration of a process or an activity can be specified via input containers: - Process duration can be specified by setting "_PROCESS_INFO.Duration" - Activity duration can be specified by setting "_ACTIVITY_INFO.Duration" or "_ACTIVITY_INFO.Duration2". In FlowMark Version 2.2 the value was specified in hours, for example, if "_PROCESS_INFO.Duration" contained the value n, the server sent a process notification after n hours. In FlowMark Version 2.3 the default value is specified in MINUTES. However, if you set the environment variable EXM_DURATION_UNIT=HOURS in the FlowMark profile, the value specified is taken as hours. 3. Service Broker Manager (SBM) ------------------------------- About the INI file ------------------ - When you start the SBM for the first time, a message is displayed to inform you that the EXMP3UUP.INI file which contains the SBM initialization information, cannot be opened. This is for your information only. - Note that if you start SBM from a directory other than the default working directory, SBM cannot find the relevant INI file. Specify a fully qualified path when you start the SBM to indicate where the INI file resides. For example: EXMP3UUP g:\ini\exmp3uup.ini However, in this case all other profile specifications for registered service brokers must be fully qualified as well. Otherwise, they are loaded from the current working directory. Start Broker with information messages -------------------------------------- If you want to suppress a base-application logon, you can use the function SbrStartBrokerWithInfo() that passes logon information to the SBM. This is useful if you work with multiple base applications. 4. Lotus Notes Broker --------------------- Running sample process ---------------------- | - The startup of Lotus Notes Broker might stop, if your broker | wants to access a remote notes data file and the protocol | between Notes client and server is TCP/IP and you are using | Notes 4.1 and higher. - Ensure that your Lotus Notes Data directory is in the path statement of the Config.Sys. - Copy EXMP3SLN.NSF into your Lotus Notes Data file, for example x:\NOTES\DATA. Lotus Notes searches for this file in the path specified during the Lotus Notes installation. If the EXMP3SLN.NSF file is installed somewhere else, specify the fully qualified path in SBLN_Path_Name that is used at the startup of the sample process. - Import EXMP3SLN.FDL into FlowMark. Note: If you have a Lotus Notes Client installed in a language other than English, change the EXMP3SLN.FDL, that is, the initial values for D__OrderDate from TODAY/TOMORROW to the language installed. 5. VisualAge Smalltalk Broker ----------------------------- To support the Exmc..2 functions, issue a call ExmcEnd2 before leaving your application program. This is supported by the "Current Activity" part in the composition editor and the action is called "closeOutputContainer". For example, connect the "aboutToCloseWidget" event of the Window part to the "closeOutputContainer" action of the "Current Activity" part. 6. VisualInfo Broker -------------------- The VisualInfo Broker (VHLPI) as shipped with VisualInfo for OS/2 Version 2.1 or 2.2 requires the latest fix level as found on the IBM FTP site - FTP.SOFTWARE.IBM.COM to run with FlowMark Version 2.3. The subdirectory is: ps/products/imageplus/fixes/vi220/os2. 7. Internet Connection server for FlowMark ------------------------------------------ The Internet Connection is NOT to be found on this CD. It is provided free of charge as an evaluation copy to be downloaded from the IBM and Lotus software download library at: http://service.software.ibm.com/dl/flowmark or http://www.software.ibm.com/ad/flowmark | 8. New ObjectStore version | -------------------------- | 4 FlowMark now uses ObjectStore 5.0 SP3 or higher. | 9. MQSeries Support - Building Block | ------------------------------------ | | The invocation syntax of EXMP2ARM has been changed: | | EXMP2ARM -- q_mgr---input_q ------------- userid--- password-- ... | I I I I I I I I | -- * --- -- :n --- -- * ---- -- * ------ | | ... -database-server-xxx | | The new, optional numeric parameter 'n' specifies a recheck | interval to be used in milliseconds. If the parameter is used, | it must be added to the input queue name separated by a colon | (with no extra space in between), for example | | "EXMP2ARM FMTC67 FMMQI_RECEIVE:10000 admin password exmdb exmsrv" | | So in the example above it would be set to 10 seconds. | | If 'n' is not specified, EXMP2ARM works unchanged. If 'n' is | specified, EXMP2ARM starts browsing through its input queue, but | after n milliseconds have been elapsed (since starting at the | beginning of the queue), it restarts browsing (and processing) | at the beginning of the queue. | | Intention of this algorithm: | EXMP2ARM normally browses a message, resumes the according | process instance and the process instance normally reads and | removes the message from the queue. So these messages should | no longer be found during the recheck cycle. However, if the | process instance is suspended after the reply message has been | processed by EXMP2ARM, the process instance would be suspended | forever (as long as EXMP2ARM is not restarted). Now it is | possible to allow EXMP2ARM to loop through all this kind of | process instances again and resume them once again. If there | are no messages to process in the queue, EXMP2ARM will do an | unlimited wait to avoid looping. | | 10. New switch for exmpshtd | --------------------------- | | The exmpshtd command provides a new switch /x that allows to | separately shutdown an execution client. Example: | | exmpshtd /x | 11. Increased Duration | ---------------------- | | The maximum duration that an activity is allowed to take is | increased from 1024 to 4096. 4 12. Windows NT 4.0, AIX 4.2, HP-UX 10.20 and OS/2 Version 4 support | ------------------------------------------------------------------- | | - FlowMark for NT also supports Windows NT Version 4.0. | - FlowMark for AIX also supports AIX Versions 4.1.5 and 4.2 | - FlowMark for HP-UX also supports HP-UX Version 10.20 (but | not 10.10) 4 - FlowMArk for OS/2 also support OS/2 Warp Version 4 and 4 OS/2 Warp Server Version 4. | 13. Lotus Notes on Windows support | ---------------------------------- | | The FlowMark Runtime client for Lotus Notes runs also on Lotus | Notes for Windows 3.1, Windows 95, and Windows NT. The required | release of Lotus Notes is 4.5 | 14. Service Broker Manager and VisualAge Broker on Windows NT/95 | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | | The Service Broker Manager (SBM) and the VisualAge Service | Broker (VA SB) is now also available on Windows NT and | Windows 95. | | Limitation: | The SBM for WIN NT does not support logical broker names (as | the SBM for OS/2 does), the VisualAge image name must be | set always to EXMP3VSM.IMG. | | Hints: | Minimize the Service Broker Manager logging window and/or set | log level to "No Logging", before starting activities in | FlowMark dealing with the VA SB. | | Installation: | During installation of FlowMark Windows NT you will be | prompted to select the SBM and the VA SB. If the VA SB | is selected the installation routine searches the Windows | registry to retrieve the directory where VisualAge for | Smalltalk (either Professional or Standard), is installed | and copies the FlowMark VA SB files to the corresponding | VA directories. | | If VisualAge for Smalltalk is not installed, a directory | called VISAGE is created in the x:\exmwinnt directory and | all files, for the Professional and for the Standard | version, are copied to the corresponding directories within | VISAGE. For more information about in which directories | which files are copied, refer to the "VisualAge for | Smalltalk Programmer's Guide to Building Parts for Fun and | Profit", chapter: "Distributing your Parts". | | Helps: | The Service Broker Manager requires for the help file access | an environment variable called 'BOOKSHELF'. If you have | installed a software product which uses the same variable | name, then you have to set the variable to the correct | path-concatenation again. This can either be done in the | system variable settings or in the Userid dependent settings. | NOTE: The User dependent variables override the system | variables and have to be set for every Userid. | | System Properties - Environment | User Variables for xxx: | Variable: BOOKSHELF | Value: x:\yyy\zzz:x:\exmwinnt\sbm\help | | or | | User Variables for xxx: | Variable: BOOKSHELF | Value: x:\yyy\zzz:%BOOKSHELF% | | | National Language Support (NLS): | The FlowMark VisualAge Smalltalk Parts are NLS enabled. If you | develop your application by using the provided parts, and | package your application afterwards, you will get the translated | messages in your language. u 15. Improved communications support of multihomed AIX machines u --------------------------------------------------------------- u A multihomed machine is a machine that has more than one network interface u different IP-addresses of a partner machine at the same time, the "protocol" u used by Telepath had to be generalized: EXM_TP_MULTIHOME_PROTOCOL=YES tells u Telepath to use unidirectional Ports (either inbound or outbound), whereas u omitting this environment variable means that Telepath continues to use u bidirectional Ports. u Note that a "Telepath port" essentially corresponds to a "TCP/IP socket". u u All machines communicating with each other need to run the same protocol, u i.e. need the same setting of EXM_TP_MULTIHOME_PROTOCOL. u u Note that full support for multihomed machines requires that Telepath u recognizes all IP-addresses of the machine it is running on. This is u currently the case only for AIX and for OS/2. u u Example u ------- u EXM_TP_MULTIHOME_PROTOCOL=YES u u 4 16. Improved server restart functionality 4 ----------------------------------------- 4 4 When the Runtime Server was not properly shut down (but was killed 4 or trapped), it tries to reconnect (after restart) to all clients 4 that were logged on at the time of failure. 4 4 This client reconnect can take a long time, if the protocol used is 4 TCP/IP and the client machines have been turned off meanwhile. This 4 is caused by a default TCP/IP timeout of 75s. 4 Client machines that have not been powered off do not cause such a 4 delay regardless of the Runtime Client still being active or not. 4 4 The new environment variable EXM_RECOVER_CLIENTS allows you to 4 control FlowMark's reconnect behaviour: 4 EXM_RECOVER_CLIENTS=YES default, behaviour as described above 4 EXM_RECOVER_CLIENTS=NO Runtime Server does not reconnect 4 4 Recommendation 4 -------------- 4 If you need to restart a server and some clients might have been 4 turned off, set EXM_RECOVER_CLIENTS=NO before starting the 4 Runtime Server. 4 Otherwise you will have to wait 75s for each client machine that 4 has been turned of (which is about an hour if you have 50 clients). 4 4 17. Extended audit trail: pipe consumer 4 --------------------------------------- 4 4 The extended audit trail starts a child process where the stdin is 4 redirected. The runtime server (RTS) writes the audit messages into 4 a pipe which ends in the stdin of the child process. The child process 4 reads the audit trail data from stdin. 4 4 To activate the audit trail pipe set EXM_AUDIT_LOG_FILTER in your 4 environment. The variable must contain the name of the executable which 4 is the child process of RTS. It can be a full qualified pathname. 4 The child process starter (RTS) looks also in the PATH environment 4 variable. The command line of the child process can have up to 4 8 parameters. 4 4 Note: The owner of consumer and the starter of the server must be 4 the same. /u/pgm/consumer should have -rwx------ (AIX/HP-UX) 4 for the USER who starts the server. 4 4 If anything is wrong with the consumer, the Audit will be written 4 to file, like the default. 4 4 Possible usage 4 -------------- 4 - redirection to an "audit disk" 4 - online tracing 4 - online statistic - simple connection to evaluation tools 4 - (online) distribution to serveral interested analysts 4 4 Examples for a Pipe Consumer Program 4 ------------------------------------ 4 4 Consumer Program: 4 EXM_AUDIT_LOG_FITLER=/u/pgm/consumer DBNAME USERID PASSWD 4 or 4 EXM_AUDIT_LOG_FITLER=/usr/bin/tee /tmp/myaudit.log 4 4 /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ 4 /* Sample Consumer pgm to read from pipe and write to a */ 4 /* specific file. */ 4 /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ 4 #include 4 #include 4 #include 4 #include 4 #include 4 4 #define MAXLINE 4048 4 4 #define MAXARGS 9 4 #define MAXARGLEN 256 4 4 int 4 main(int argc, char *argv[] ) 4 { 4 char line[MAXLINE]; 4 4 char myargv[MAXARGS][MAXARGLENG]; 4 4 FILE * write_file; 4 4 int i; 4 4 //------------------------------------- 4 // Copy Parms to own storage and clean up parm values 4 // Disables the display of the parms via 'ps -ef ! grep pgm' 4 //------------------------------------- 4 4 for(i=0; i 4 the trace switches between two files. The stands for 4 the number of runtime server transactions after which files are 4 switched. Initial recommendation is 1000. 4 This feature allows to run the trace continously without the 4 danger of runing into a "full disk" error. 4 4 Example: EXM_TRACE_THRESHOLD=1000. 4 4 Notes: - This feature does only work on machines where the runtime 4 server is running. 4 - EXM_SPLIT_TRACE must not be used 4 - the second file name is constructed from the trace file name 4 as defined via EXM_TRACE_FILE and appended with ".bak" 4 4 20. Trace file monitor 4 ---------------------- 4 4 The trace file monitor allows you to specifiy a number of 4 trace file generations and to define a minimum free disk space. 4 This resolves problems with trace file overflows. 4 4 New environment variables 4 ------------------------- 4 EXM_TRACE_FILE_COUNT=xx 4 xx: number of trace files (<=99) 4 EXM_MINFREE_SPACE=path,size 4 path: path which should be checked by the monitor 4 size: size in KB < 4 GB (4 000 000 kbytes) 4 4 Example 4 ------- 4 Disk space: 1 GB 4 EXM_MINFREE_SPACE=E:\ 100000 (100 MB) 4 EXM_TRACE_FILE_COUNT=10 4 EXM_TRACE_FILE=/tmp/exm/exmpktrc.log 4 4 -> /tmp/exm/exmpktrc.log.01 4 ... 4 /tmp/exm/exmpktrc.log.10 4 The remaining 900 MB are divided into 10 parts. The monitor 4 switches the trace file after reaching the 90 MB size. 4 4 If EXM_TRACE_FILE_COUNT is not set, the trace behaviour is 4 unchanged (one file, name defined via EXM_TRACE_FILE). 4 4 If the file system does not allow for 2 dots within the trace 4 file name, the extension (defined within EXM_TRACE_FILE) is omitted 4 and replaced by the counter (e.g. 01). 4 4 If EXM_SPLIT_TRACE and EXM_TRACE_FILE_COUNT are set, each component 4 writes it's own set of files, 4 e.g. exmpktrc.log.exmpesrv.01 ... exmpktrc.log.exmpesrv.05 4 4 EXM_TRACE_FILE_COUNT has to be set for all components or for no 4 component. You must not mix these settings between different 4 components. This may lead to undefined behavior. 4 4 The trace file monitor checks within customizable intervals 4 (default: 30s), whether the reserved disk space (EXM_MINFREE_SPACE) 4 is still available. If this is no longer the case, the trace file 4 is switched, the maximum trace file size is recalculated (i.e. 4 a smaller size is used) and an eventual existing former (larger) 4 trace file is overwritten. 4 4 Trace file monitor: Command line Interface 4 ------------------------------------------ 4 4 exmpktfm [/options] 4 4 options: 4 i interval check interval in seconds 4 h halt stops an already running monitor 4 4 Note 4 ---- 4 The monitor should be started as the first FlowMark Executable. 4 4 21. DHCP Support 4 ---------------- 4 4 FlowMark supports DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), if 4 the following requirements are met: 4 - the FLowMArk servers must have fixed IP addresses 4 - DDNS is used 4 - only one DDNS domain is used for all FlowMark clients 4 4 22. MQ Building Block to AS/400 available on Windows NT 4 ------------------------------------------------------- 4 4 The MQ Building Block to the AS/400 is now available on NT, too. 1.4 Currently known problems ============================ 1. Runtime Import or Export --------------------------- - Runtime import of a process instance into a target database is not possible if this process instance already exists in the target database. | - Persistent handles | | Object identifiers and their persistent handle representations | are valid and unique within the scope of the associated | database. | | In other words, persistent handles are no longer valid if the | associated database is deleted. When a new database is | created with the same name as the deleted one, old handles | might point to new but different objects. This may happen | because new object identifiers start from scratch. | | If you use the Runtime import/export to backup your database, | the persistent handles are also no longer valid. This happens | also, if you must migrate your database to a newer level. | | It is recommended to always delete your persistent handles | when you delete the database from which you received them ! | | As the Runtime Client for Lotus Notes uses persistent handles | to refer to FlowMark objects, this means that the users must | checkin all work items before deleting the database. After | re-creating the database, the users must refresh their | worklists, process instance lists, and process template lists. 2. Coexistence of ObjectStore and VisualAge C++ Version 3 --------------------------------------------------------- If IBM VisualAge C++ for OS/2 V3 is installed, the osserver executable (FlowMark Database Server) occasionally reports a general protection fault. | As part of the FlowMark installation procedures, the database | must be initialized by invoking osserver -i before starting | FlowMark. It will report a general protection fault. To solve the problem, remove the VisualAge entry \IBMCPP\DLL from the Config.Sys LIBPATH statement or rename the DDE4MTH.DLL. 3. Closing the Runtime client for Lotus Notes --------------------------------------------- The Runtime Client for Lotus Notes ends abnormally and consequently the Notes databases are not closed properly if: - The Notes database is on a server (that is, not Local) - Communication to the Notes server is done via active Port = LAN0 or IBM_LAN0 The problem does not occur when the server is connected via for example TCP/IP. The resources that can be locked on the machine running the Lotus Notes Server are freed as soon as the client machine is rebooted. Security advice --------------- In the Lotus Notes database templates, which are part of the Runtime Client for Lotus Notes (EXMP4Rxx.NTF and EXMP4Sxx.NTF), the FlowMark password of the user is not encrypted within the relevant settings document. With the access control list of the Notes database you can prevent other users from looking at the password. However, the Lotus Notes server administrator might be able to see these passwords. If you want to prevent users from storing their passwords inside the Notes database, change the ExmUserSettingsLogon agent to prompt the user for the password during logon. 4. APIs ------- Information about the FlowMark APIs can be found in the README.API in the same directory as this README. 5. MQSeries Support - Building Block (BB) ----------------------------------------- The MQSeries - BB does not exploit priorities of MQ messages. However the MQseries - BB can be used within an MQ environment, where messages are sent with different priorities as long as the queue is browsed by EXMP2ARM.EXE (the default is FMMQI_RECEIVE) and does not contain messages of different priorities. To make sure that the messages have the same priorities, alter the attributes of this queue from MSGDLVSQ(PRIORITY) to MSGDLVSQ(FIFO). This is already done within the sample MQ definitions (EXMP2ABB.MQI). 6. Titlebar text problem in some windows ---------------------------------------- | Only applicable for Windows NT and Windows 95. If you install a tool that uses a CTL3D32.DLL file and places this .DLL into \WINNT35\SYSTEM32 (or \WINNT\SYSTEM32 for NT 4.0), it is very likely that you get layout problems with title-bar text in some of the windows. To avoid the problem, make sure to use the CTL3D32.DLL that is supplied with FlowMark. 7. Code pages between Buildtime client and ObjectStore Server ------------------------------------------------------------- There are two ways of modeling processes: 1. Processes can be modeled and translated on an OS/2 Buildtime client using a connection, for example, to a Windows NT ObjectStore server. In this case, the code pages for client and server MUST be | identical otherwise language specific special characters | can be lost. If you cannot use the same code page for all FlowMark components that are database clients, see the 'Modeling Workflow' manual for details on what to consider. 2. You can model your processes on an OS/2 Buildtime Client, using a connection to any ObjectStore Server. The processes can be exported to an FDL file and then be imported again, using the command: exmpfimp fdl-name /t where fdl-name is the name of the exported FDL-file and /t causes translation of the processes imported. In this case, the OS/2 Buildtime client and the ObjectStore server can have different code pages. | The data are converted to the code page of the system where | the ObjectStore server is running provided that a valid | conversion is possible. If your operating system is running | in a code page that is not compatible with the OS/2 Buildtime | client's code page you must change the current code page | before importing the FDL file. | | Take the following scenario as an example: | | - You have modelled your processes on a Hebrew OS/2 system | with code page 862 using Hebrew special characters. | - You are running the ObjectStore server on a U.S. Windows NT | system as there is no Hebrew Windows NT with code page | 1252. | - You are running a FlowMark Runtime client either on a | Hebrew OS/2 with code page 862 or a Hebrew Windows 95 | system with code page 1255. | | In order to have your Hebrew special characters preserved you | must change the current code page on the Windows NT system to | 1255 before you import the FDL file and run the FlowMark | Runtime server. You can do that by setting the | HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE | -> SYSTEM | -> CurrentControlSet | -> Control | -> Nls | -> CodePage | -> ACP key to 1255 in the registry. | 8. Buildtime export utility exmpfexp | | There is a conflict of the switches when specifying the | database name and the export deep option. | | The following possibilities exist to specify the database name: | | exmpfexp fileName /d=dbName | exmpfexp fileName /d:dbName | exmpfexp fileName /ddbName | exmpfexp fileName db=dbName | | Note: for AIX and HP-UX use - instead of / | | If you want to use the export deep option, only the "db=" | switch is possible: | | exmpfexp fileName db=dbName /d"processName" 1.5 Recommendations =================== 1. Hints & Tips information on the Internet ------------------------------------------- The FlowMark service organization puts Hints & Tips files on the ftp server to help you getting answers to commonly asked questions, without having to call the service organization. You can access these hints via FTP. FTP to: ps.software.ibm.com User: anonymous Password: your email address CD to /ps/products/flowmark/info 2. EXM_TP_KEEP -------------- Do not set this profile option to NO. The setting should be EXM_TP_KEEP=YES. 3. EXM_TIMEOUT -------------- Under AIX, the value used for EXM_TIMEOUT must be greater than the TCP/IP connection value (tcp_keepinit) in your server's profile, otherwise a correct reconnection is not possible in case you must restart the server. To query the current value for tcp_keepinit, specify the following command (as root user): # no -a | grep tcp_keepinit tcp_keepinit = 150 This value is specified in half seconds. For example, a value of 150 results in 75 seconds. If EXM_TIMEOUT is set to less than 75 seconds, and users power of their machines during server stop and start period, reconnecting the clients might not work correctly. EXM_TIMEOUT is set to 80 seconds in exmpzcfg.prf during the installation of FlowMark on AIX. Note that the connection value of 75 seconds applies only to very slow networks. If you are using fast networks, the AIX system administrator should reduce this value. 10 seconds are known as a good value for tcp_keepinit. To change this value to 10 seconds, issue the following command: # no -o tcp_keepinit=20 (=> 10 seconds) Note that this change is valid for the current kernel, so you should add this command to a startup script of AIX, for example /etc/rc.tcpip. 4. Trace -------- Trace cannot be used when logging on to FlowMark with an ExmLogon FlowMark API call under AIX. 5. Shutdown of server --------------------- Stopping a Runtime server with EXMPSHTD does not work properly if the Runtime server has many active connections to Runtime clients. In this case, no failure message is displayed and the Runtime server is not stopped. 6. File-system considerations ----------------------------- | Make sure that you have enough space in the /tmp, /var and home | file systems on your UNIX system. /tmp: 4 You need space in the /tmp file system for 4 each ObjectStore client (Runtime server, Notification server, 4 Delivery server, Server startup window) to allocate 4 the cache and commseg files in the size specified in 4 OS_CACHE_SIZE and OS_COMMSEG_SIZE. For default installations 4 that's about 14 MB for each client. If you do not have enough space, the ObjectStore clients cannot access the database and do not start. If this happens, look for a file 'exmpssbt.txn' to see the log of all failed database transactions. /var: You need space in the /var file system for the databases that are stored in /var/exm/db. Some space is used for the ObjectStore log file. 4 IBM recommends to place the log file on its own physical 4 disk. Also some space is allocated for each connection between the TelePath server and TelePath clients (including clients on other platforms). If you get storage dumps from the servers (buserror), check the /var file system whether there is enough space available. Note: HP-UX needs approximately 8 MB of space for every local TelePath server and 16 MB for the TelePath client. For example, if the Runtime server, Program execution client and TelePath server are running on the same system, then /var needs 40 MB (8 MB for the TelePath server and 16 MB for every TelePath client, that is Runtime server and Program execution client). | home file-system: | You need space in the home file system for the AIX Runtime | Client profile (.EXMPDDAT.INI). If there is not enough space | there, the AIX Runtime Client will not start properly. 7. Migration Considerations ---------------------------- The default is that finished items are deleted. When a person object is created in FlowMark Buildtime or via FDL, the "Delete finished items" check box on the general page of the "Personal data notebook Settings" notebook is checked. a) If you want to use the default setting, no action is required when migrating. After having migrated to FlowMark Version 2 Release 3, the default setting is valid. b) If you do not want to accept the default setting, change each of the user objects manually. This applies if you migrate from FlowMark Version 2 Release 1 or FlowMark Version 2, Release 2 (up to Fixpack 2) to FlowMark Version 2 Release 3. c) If you do not want to accept the default setting and want to automatically migrate the setting that finished items are not deleted, install Fixpack 3 of FlowMark Version 2.2 first and then migrate to FlowMark Version 2.3. | 8. Bundle Planning Considerations | --------------------------------- | | If the planning activity encounters an error and if the model | does not provide an appropriate action based on the return code | of the planning activity, then the corresponding pattern | activity is still instantiated. An error could be an empty | instantiating array for data-driven bundling or no assigned | persons for person-driven bundling or any other problem with the | data structures. | | If the pattern activity should not be instantiated, then you | need to handle the return codes of the bundle planning tool in | your model. | 9. Create a database on the target platform | ------------------------------------------- | | It is recommended to create the database from the platform the | Runtime server is running. This can provide a significant | performance advantage. | | Example: | | If you want to have the database on AIX for larger capacity and | the Runtime server is running on OS/2, you should create the | database using the utility exmpfimp from OS/2. The utility | exmpfimp is provided on the platforms AIX, OS/2, Windows NT and | HP-UX. | 10. Lotus Notes Service Broker | ------------------------------ | | It is recommended to run the Notes Service Broker with Lotus | Notes 4.12 for OS/2. | | You may encounter problems starting the Notes Service Broker if | you define the location on "File-Mobile-Locations" on the | "Current Location" page in "Servers: Home/mail server". You | should leave this entry blank. | 11. Using different FlowMark profiles | ------------------------------------- | | Be careful when using the '-f' command line option to specify | alternative FlowMark profiles. There are executables like, for | example, Runtime Server which in turn start other executables | (for example TelePath Server) if they are not already running. | In this case, the alternative FlowMark profile will only be used | for the Runtime Server, not for the TelePath Server. That is, | alternative profile specifications are not 'inherited', rather | the TelePath Server will use the default FlowMark profile. The | workaround for this is to start every executable separately and | specify the alternative FlowMark profile for each. For example, | | start /min exmpisrv -f myprofile.prf | start exmpesrv -f myprofile.prf | start exmposrv -f myprofile.prf | 12. Process Monitor Refresh | --------------------------- | | The process monitor window is not automatically refreshed. The | manual "Managing your Workflow" erroneously states that that the | process monitor window is refreshed when using the Windows | versions of the FlowMark Runtime client. | | 13. National Characters in Userid and Password | ---------------------------------------------- | | The characters A-Z of the US American alphabet are not case | sensitive and are always converted to uppercase characters by | FlowMark, all other alphabetic characters are case sensitive and | not converted to uppercase. | | Example: | If a user is defined by the administrator with the Userid | "Miller", FlowMark stores the Userid as "MILLER" in its database | and the user can logon with "miller" , "MILLER", or any other | combination of upper and lower case characters. | | In the following example "x" and "X" stand for any national | special character in lower and upper case. | | If a user is defined by the administrator with the Userid | "Mxller", FlowMark stores the userID as "MxLLER" in its | database. Now the user can logon with "Mxller" or "mxller", | or "MxLLER", but not with "MXLLER". | | As a recommendation Userid and Password should always defined | and used in uppercase. If you want to logon from an AIX Runtime | client and want to use national characters in your Userid, this | is a must. In addition it is recommended to use only a-z (both | lower and uppercase) and 0-9 for passwords. | 14. Cultural Sort | ----------------- | | FlowMark sorts strings are according to their hex values as | defined in a given code page. It does not consider NLS | collating sequences. Example: a,b,...y,z,a umlaut,... | | 15. Process windows on low resolution screens in the Buildtime | -------------------------------------------------------------- | | If the machine on, which processes are displayed, works with | VGA resolution, while process was last processed on a machine | with a higher resolution, the process windows will not fit | on the screen. This must be corrected by manually adjusting | the windows size. | Note: This also applies to Import/Export | 16. New environment variable EXM_MMAP_SIZE | ------------------------------------------ | | Windows NT and Windows 95 | ------------------------- | On Windows NT and Windows 95 the communication buffer | between TelePath server and all local TelePath clients (Runtime | client, Process monitor, etc.) is implemented via memory mapped | files. The buffer size influences the amount of data than can be | transferred from and to this system. A value of 4MB allows you | to transfer a worklist with about 5,000 items. On the other hand | you need more swap space when you increase the buffer size. | | If you do not specify this variable, the default value is 4MB, | which means that every running TelePath client allocates 8MB | memory mapped files (4MB Send, 4MB Receive). You should adjust | the buffer size according to the maximum data size you want to | transfer and ensure that your system has enough disk space | available for the swap file. If your system is running out of | virtual memory, you cannot start additional TelePath clients. | This will sometimes result in improper error messages. For | instance an additional logon will be rejected with error | message: "LON0023I unknown database or server not reachable". 4 4 HP-UX 4 ----- 4 The EXM_MMAP_SIZE setting on HP-UX controls the size of the 4 memory mapped files on the HP-UX System (located in 4 /var/exm/sockets). Valid values are 1..32 (MegaBytes). 4 The default value is 8. 4 You can change the size of these files - however it can 4 happen that messages from the server to the clients get lost 4 if the value is set too small (depending on the size of the 4 messages to be processed). The default value of 8 MB is 4 reasonably big. 4 If you decide to change the EXM_MMAP_SIZE setting you can 4 check for errors in the trace file of the server by 4 searching for a line that says: 4 ExmSharedMem::PutBuffer: out of memory | | | 17. User Settings in the Lotus Notes Client | ------------------------------------------- | | The user settings entries are case sensitive; they have to be | entered in the same way as defined in the FlowMark server. | 18. Defining Windows 95 applications in the program settings | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | Windows 95 programs are defined on the NT page of the program | settings notebook in Buildtime and with the WINNT keyword in | the FDL | 19. Considerations for Double Byte Character Installations | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | If dialog boxes appear is too small, or text and fields are | truncated try another font size for display. | 20. Considerations for Hebrew Installations | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | The font 'Miryam Hebrew' can cause problems in the FlowMark | Buildtime. This can be solved by changing the font appearance | to 'normal' or by using a different font. | 21. "Parent Server" field | ------------------------- | | The field "Parent Server" on the settings page of a process | is not supported on OS/2. 4 22. Invocation of support tools from API programs on AIX and HP-UX 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 4 If a support tool has to be invoked via an API call to 4 "Workitem::StartTool(...)" be shure to have an UNNAMED running 4 execution client on that AIX / HP-UX box. 4 4 An UNNAMED execution client can be started by: exmpxcli & . 4 4 23. SMP (Symmetric Multiprocessors/Multiprocessing) support on AIX 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 4 Introduction 4 ------------ 4 Symmetric multiprocessor machines have one or more CPU boards, 4 each of which can accomodate two processors. Four example a four 4 processor machine has two CPU boards, each having two processors. 4 On a uniprocessor system, threads execute one after another in a 4 time-sliced manner. In a multiprocessior environment, several 4 threads execute at the same time, one on each available processor. 4 However a program cannot take advantage of multiprocessing unless 4 it has multiple threads. 4 Unless a programmer takes special actions (which normally applies 4 only AIX operating system and system routine programmers), 4 multiprocessing is invisible to a program, being completly handled 4 by AIX. Taking advantage of multiprocessing simply amounts to using 4 multiple threads. 4 4 RS/6000 machines like the J40 are SMP capable machines 4 which can run with a single processor as well as multiple processors. 4 4 4 FlowMark 2.3 and SMP 4 -------------------- 4 The server components for FlowMark for AIX do not exploit SMP 4 capabilities since they are written single-threaded. However the 4 Telepath, which is the communication component of FlowMark 2.3 is 4 a multi-threaded application. FlowMark 2.3 is SMP safe. 4 4 Evaluation 4 ---------- 4 All server components of FlowMark on an SMP with multiple processors 4 would run on a single processor. Therefore an SMP would not provide 4 any improvements in server performance and throughput. 4 Telepath opens a write and a read thread for each communication. 4 While in the past the Telepath routed requests to and from servers 4 sequentially , it can do so in a time-sliced manner. With this 4 feature users are not blocked anymore even if someone issued a time 4 consuming request to FlowMark. 4 4 24. SP (Scalable PowerParallel Systems) support 4 ----------------------------------------------- 4 4 Introduction 4 ------------ 4 The IBM SP2 is a general-purpose scalable parallel system based on 4 a distributed memory message-passing architecture. Generally 4 available SP2 systems range from 2 to 128 nodes (or processing 4 elements), although much larger systems of up to 512 nodes have 4 been delivered and are successfully being used today. The latest 4 POWER2* technology RISC System/6000* processors are used for SP2 4 nodes, interconnected by a high-performance, multistage, 4 packet-switched network for interprocessor communication. Each node 4 contains its own copy of the standard AIX operating system and other 4 standard RISC System/6000 system software. A set of new software 4 products designed specifically for the SP2 allows the parallel 4 capabilities of the SP2 to be effectively exploited. 4 4 Note: Nodes in an SP can also be SMPs. 4 4 SP systems are binary compatible with all uniprocessor systems so 4 that all existing applications can continue to run serially on an 4 SP2 node without requiring any modifications. However, in difference 4 to SMP, applications must be explicitly developped to execute in 4 parallel. 4 4 FlowMark and SP2 4 ---------------- 4 FlowMark Version 2.3 is not written to run in parallel on SP2 4 machines. 4 FlowMark 2.3 is SP2 safe. 4 4 Evaluation 4 ---------- 4 Running FlowMark on an SP would not provide any benefits in 4 throughput and performance. However an SP can be the solution 4 of choice from a systems management point of view (LAN in a box). 4 4 25. HACMP support 4 ----------------- 4 4 Introduction 4 ------------ 4 4 "High-availability" describes a computing configuration that 4 recovers from a single point-of-failure, providing a better 4 level of protection against system down time than standard hardware 4 and software alone. IBM's HACMP is a software product that executes 4 on each processor (or node) in a loosely coupled cluster. It provides 4 application availability by detecting failures of disks, disk 4 adapters, networks, network adapters, and processors and by either 4 making use of redundant hardware or, in the event of a processor 4 failure, restarting the application on a backup processor. 4 4 When either a failure occurs or components are restored to operation, 4 HACMP executes scripts that specify the actions to be taken. These 4 scripts can be tailored by the system administrator. HACMP relies 4 on the application, however, to provide any failure recovery 4 transparency or fallover transparency to external users and client 4 machines. If a node fails, nominal recovery time is approximately 4 30 to 300 seconds. Actual recovery time is a function of the system 4 configuration, the application configuration, the size of the 4 user's databases, and the user's recovery script (if any). 4 4 FlowMark and HACMP 4 ------------------ 4 FlowMark 2.3 + HACMP Service Option is HACMP safe. 4 4 The FlowMark 2.3 HACMP Service Option 4 ------------------------------------- 4 HACMP support for FlowMark 2.3 plus sample scripts and 4 installation support is available. 4 Please, refer to http://service.boulder.ibm.com/flowmark/fmshome.htm 4 page "Tools and tests". 4 4 26. AIX runtime clients and AIX runtime environment 4 --------------------------------------------------- 4 4 To run the FlowMark 2.3 AIX clients it is recommended to use the 4 service level of the AIX runtime environment xlC.rte ( 4 or any later release. 4 The recommended level is available from our server in Boulder, Co. 4 Please, refer to http://service.boulder.ibm.com/flowmark/fmshome.htm 4 page "Current available fixes and fixpacks". 4 4 27. Documentation for the Configuration Checker 4 ----------------------------------------------- 4 4 The file "exmpzchk.htm" includes helpful information about the command 4 line options and the messages of the configuration checker utility. 4 4 1.6 Documentation updates 4 ========================= 4 4 1. Programming Guide 4 -------------------- 4 4 The "Programming Guide" states in " Appendix A.Predefined data structure 4 members", chapter "Activity information members", that the data type of 4 "_ACTIVITY_INFO.PersonToNotify" is "long". 4 The data type however is "string". 2. Installation Instructions **************************** 2.1 Available CDs ================= CD Title Part Number *) ------------------------------------------------ -------------- IBM FlowMark 2.3 U.S. English Version 83H1992 IBM FlowMark 2.3 Single Byte Languages Version 83H2002 IBM FlowMark 2.3 All Languages Version 83H2084 *) This is the part number printed on the CD label 2.2 OS/2 Installation ===================== To install IBM FlowMark on OS/2 change to the CD drive and type: INSTALL lng where "lng" is the language abbreviation as described in the Installation and Maintenance manual. Note: After having installed the Database server, do not forget to invoke the "OSSERVER -I" command to initialize the database server. Installed version ----------------- The currently installed version of IBM FlowMark can be determined by entering SYSLEVEL at a command prompt. What to do with an existing FlowMark Installation ------------------------------------------------- If you have already installed IBM FlowMark Version 2.2, you must migrate your database: 1. Export Runtime and Buildtime data 2. Delete current installed system 3. Install IBM FlowMark version 2.3 4. Import Runtime and Buildtime data | 2.3 Windows 3.1 Installation ======================== To install IBM FlowMark on Windows 3.1, start Windows 3.1 and invoke the installation with: | x:\win\enu\install /A:I where "x:\" is the CD drive | Note that installation and operation of FlowMark for Windows | 3.1 on Windows 95 or Windows NT are not supported. Refer to | section 2.4 if you want to use FlowMark on Windows NT or | Windows 95. | 2.4 Windows NT and Windows 95 Installation ========================================== | To install the IBM FlowMark on Windows NT/Windows95, invoke the installation with: x:\winnt\setup where "x:\" is the CD drive | Note: | On Windows 95 the FlowMark Runtime Server components are not | available. | Both Windows NT Version 3.51 and Version 4.0 are supported | Windows NT levels. | | See the note at the end of this section for a specific CD install | problem under NT 4.0. Sample code for unattended installation --------------------------------------- This code is strictly provided on an 'AS IS' basis. There is no warranty granted and no defects are accepted. It has been tested and used by pilot customers. Do the following: 1. Install IBM FlowMark for Windows NT/Windows95 2. Change to \EXMWINNT\SMPINST if you installed FlowMark in the \EXMWINNT directory. 3. Compile EXMNZCKL.CPP, EXMNZWFP.CPP, and EXMNZRAT.CPP. Instructions can be found at the beginning of these files. 4. Adapt the EXMNZFMI.BAT and the SETUP.ISS to your needs. You should be familiar with InstallShield (tm) response files to tailor the SETUP.ISS. This is what the sample EXMNZFMI.BAT does: 1) With EXMNZRAT (Reset ATtributes) the target directory is established and all file attributes within this directory tree are reset so that no problems with read-only or other files can occur. 2) Then SETUP is started. 3) EXMNZWFP (Wait For Process) is started and waits until the SETUP process is active. If the SETUP process is not displayed within 20 seconds, the program ends with retcode 99. 4) EXMNZCKL (Check Log) analyzes the log file that was previously written by the SETUP program. If there is a general problem, the return code is 99, if the installation failed, the return code is 1, and if the installation completed successfully, the return code is 0. | Note: | Microsoft NT 4.0 has a problem reading certain compact discs. | A description of this fix and how to obtain it can be found at: | | ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/bussys/winnt/winnt-public/fixes/usa/nt40/ | hotfixes-postSP1/cdfs-fix/q142687.txt | | If you get the following error message: | | Cannot copy : Error performing inpage operation | | when trying to install FlowMark on NT 4.0 you should obtain | this fix from Microsoft. | | Servicepack 2 for Windows NT 4.0 (available via FTP from | Microsoft) contains also a fix for this problem. ObjectStore under Windows NT ---------------------------- FlowMark registers ObjectStore for Windows NT as a service that is automatically started by Windows NT. See 'Services' in the Windows NT 'Control Panel'. 2.5 AIX Installation ==================== FlowMark for AIX is installed using standard SMIT install procedures. | FlowMark for AIX is also supported on AIX 4.1.5 and AIX 4.2. After having installed FlowMark and ObjectStore, do not forget to logoff and logon again and then run the "osconfig server" command as described in the Installation and Maintenance manual. | After configuration of ObjectStore (with "osconfig server") a | command file /etc/rc.objectstoreserv is created which is called | from /etc/inittab to automatically start ObjectStore when the | system is being booted. | | If auto-start had not been chosen during the configuration step | this script (or the command within) can also be executed manually. | 4 Since SMIT entries are not created for ObjectStore V5 (as they | were for V3) here are the basic commands to control the database: | | executable path (usually in PATH): /usr/lpp/ostore/cset/bin | | Starting ObjectStore: /usr/lpp/ostore/cset/lib/osserver 4 or /etc/rc.objectstoreserv | Starting the Cache Manager: < not necessary - done by FlowMark > | Checkpointing ObjectStore: ossvrchkpt | Stopping the Cache Manager: oscmshtd | Stopping ObjectStore: ossvrshtd Installed version ----------------- To check the level of the currently installed FlowMark executables, use the "what" command, for example: what /usr/bin/exmpesrv results in a message similar to the following: 4 FlowMArk 2.3 Runtime Server, Driver v23_44, Mar 31 1998 which can be used to the track the status of single modules. AIX and C runtime environment level ----------------------------------- In case you encounter problems, for example when starting FlowMark executables, check your C runtime environment level (lslpp -L xlC.rte or lslpp -L 'xlC*'). For example, with AIX 4.1.4 you might have installed xlC.rte This runtime library can be used for the FlowMark Runtime Server. Upgrade the runtime environment (xlC.rte) to a later level if you encounter the following error while trying to start FlowMark: # exmpesrv 0509-037 System error - error data is: exmpesrv 0509-023 Symbol __CurrentException in /usr/lib/libexmpkrnl.a is not defined. 0509-022 Cannot load library libexmpkrnl.a[share.o]. 0509-026 System error: Cannot run a file that does not have a valid format. | This happens on AIX 4.1.5 or AIX 4.2 with xlC.rte 4 Upgrading to xlC.rte or later solves the problem. 4 The recommended level is available from our server in Boulder, Co. 4 Please, refer to http://service.boulder.ibm.com/flowmark/fmshome.htm 4 page "Current available fixes and fixpacks". | Memory Leaks | ----------- | | After installation of FlowMark/AIX be sure that LIBPATH is not | defined in your environment when you are starting the | executables. If you cannot avoid using LIBPATH at least do | NOT specify "/usr/lib" or "/lib", otherwise memory leaks will | occur in conjunction with the ObjectStore database. 2.6 HP-UX Installation ====================== Installed version ----------------- The level of the installed FlowMark executables can be checked, using the "what" command, for example: 4 what /opt/exm/bin/exmpesrv 4 4 results in a message similar to this: 4 4 FlowMark 2.3 Runtime Server, Driver v23_44, Apr 8 1998 This can be used to the track the status of single modules. Required Patches for HP-UX 10.01 -------------------------------- To be able to install FlowMark HP-UX from CD-ROM on an HP-UX 10.01 system, Patch PHKL_6077 or PHKL_6273 must be installed. If you do not already have this patch installed, get it from your HP Service Representative. This patch is needed to mount the FlowMark CD-ROM on an HP-UX 10.01 workstation. If you do not have this patch installed, all file names will be uppercase with a trailing ';1' and installation from CD-ROM is not possible. The following is taken from the description of the patch. HP-UX does not provide a mount option which will convert the SO-9660 file-name from "FILENAME;VERSION" format to lower case "filename" like most of the industry UNIX platforms do. PCs and non-HP clients cannot use the ISO-9660 CD-ROM exported from a HP-UX NFS server because symbolic link, the only workaround, is not available on these systems. The fix adds two global kernel variables to the cdfs operation to provide the file-name conversion functionality. These variables can be turned on and off using adb after the patch is installed. The kernel variables which need to be modified are: cdfs_convert_case - Set this to 1 to display file names in lower case. cdfs_zap_version - Set this to 1 to suppress version number in file names. If you want the variables to be set in the kernel file /stand/vmunix so the function remains after a system reboot, type the following: echo "cdfs_convert_case?W 1" | \ adb -w /stand/vmunix /dev/kmem echo "cdfs_zap_version?W 1" | \ adb -w /stand/vmunix /dev/kmem Or you can modify the memory only by typing: echo "cdfs_convert_case/W 1" | \ adb -w /stand/vmunix /dev/kmem echo "cdfs_zap_version/W 1" | \ adb -w /stand/vmunix /dev/kmem Kernel settings --------------- The following kernel settings are mandatory: Max Number Of User Processes: 150 Soft File Limit per Process: 120 Max Data Segment Size: 370MB EXM_TIMEOUT ----------- Set this value to 15000 (15 seconds) on the server. However, the default value can be used for clients. Installing ObjectStore in a different directory ----------------------------------------------- If ObjectStore is not installed in the default path 4 (/usr/lpp/ostore/) you MUST set the SHLIB_PATH variable before configuring this copy of ObjectStore. For example, if you choose to install ObjectStore to '/opt/ostore', you must set the SHLIB_PATH environment variable to /opt/ostore/lib with the following command on the command line and in the .profile (assuming you use the Korn Shell): export SHLIB_PATH=$SHLIB_PATH:/opt/ostore/lib Before starting the FlowMark installation ----------------------------------------- Make sure that OS_ROOTDIR is set to the top level directory of 4 ObjectStore (usually /usr/lpp/ostore/cset). After the FlowMark installation ------------------------------- After having installed, make sure the following settings are set, assuming that BASEPATH is the top level FlowMark path, for example, /usr/lpp/exm: - Add $BASEPATH/bin to the PATH. - Add $BASEPATH/adm to the PATH for administration tasks. - If you do not create links to /usr/lib for the FlowMark shared libraries during the installation, add $BASEPATH/lib to the SHLIB_PATH. - Depending on the version of ObjectStore add $OS_ROOTDIR/lib to the SHLIB_PATH. This is needed only if you cannot start the FlowMark components. - For database administration, make sure that OS_ROOTDIR is set correctly and $OS_ROOTDIR/bin is added to your PATH. 2.7 Installation of IBM Library Reader (ILR) ============================================ | Several IBM Library Readers are also contained on this CD. They | are contained in the BOOKS subdirectory: | d:\BOOKS\EZ2INST contains the IBM OS/2 Library reader | d:\BOOKS\ILRWIN contains the IBM Library reader for Windows, | d:\BOOKS\ILRWINCS contains the IBM Library reader for Windows - | Simplified Chinese | d:\BOOKS\ILRWINCT contains the IBM Library reader for Windows - | Traditional Chinese | d:\BOOKS\ILRWINJP contains the IBM Library reader for Windows - | Japanes | d:\BOOKS\ILRWINKO contains the IBM Library reader for Windows - | Korean | | where d is the CD-ROM drive. | | To install under OS/2, enter INSTALL from the directory | d:\BOOKS\EZ2INST to start the INSTALL.CMD. | | To install under DOS, enter INSTALL from the directory | d:\BOOKS\EZ2INST to start the INSTALL.BAT. | | To install under Windows, enter in the run window: | d:\BOOKS\ILRWINlg\INSTALL.EXE , where d is the CD-ROM drive, | and lg denotes the language abbreviation. | CS - Simplified Chinese | CT - Traditional Chinese | JP - Japanese | KO - Korean | The ILR for Windows in the ILRWIN directory should be | used for the Single Byte Lnaguages only. | Note that the ILR for Windows installs with the Software | Installer. | Please also note the following: there are no Korean online | books available, however Korean users should use the Korean | Library Reader provided in ILRWINKO to display the US-English | books in order to avoid broken lines. | | The FlowMark books have the following naming convention: | | EXMb2asn | | where: b indicates the book type | a indicates the country | s indicates the system, 0 for OS/2 W for Windows | n indicates a current number, usually 0, 1 or 2. | | 'b' can be substituted by: | D ... IBM FlowMark: Diagnosis Guide | I ... IBM FlowMark: Installation and Maintenance | J ... IBM FlowMark: Application Integration Guide | P ... IBM FlowMark: Programming Guide | W ... IBM FlowMark: Modeling Workflow | Y ... IBM FlowMark: Managing Your Workflow | | 'a' can be substituted by: | A ... US English | B ... German | D ... Italian | E ... Spanish | F ... Portuguese | N ... Japanese | H ... Dutch | P ... Traditional Chinese | Q ... Simplified Chinese | R ... Korean | S ... Brazilian Portuguese 4 2.8 Special considerations when installating service pack 4 4 =========================================================== 4 4 API Programs on Windows 95 and Windows NT 4 ----------------------------------------- 4 4 The C language API and the C++ language API is now built with 4 Microsoft Visual C++ Version 5.0. 4 Note that in previous servicepacks the API was built with MSVC++ 4.x. 4 You should use now MSVC++ 5.0 to rebuild your applications. 4 Look at README.API for more information. 4 Note: You can avoid / delay this rebuild as long as you do not 4 install this service pack at the client machines. 4 You do not have to install Service Pack 4 at any client machines u as long as you do not use the new multihomed server 4 functionality. 4 4 ObjectStore Release 5 4 --------------------- 4 4 FlowMark 2.3 service pack 4 includes a new ObjectStore release 4 (Release 5). 4 4 After installing service pack 4 (containing Objectstore Release 5) an 4 existing FlowMark 2.3 database can be used without migration, however 4 IBM STRONGLY RECOMMENDS to upgrade the database to the ObjectStore 4 Release 5 PRM format. 4 In any case you must upgrade all FlowMark database clients (Buildtime, 4 Import/Export, runtime server, scheduling server, delivery server, 4 bundle service) to service pack 4 at once. 4 4 If you have missed a database client and the database has been migrated 4 you will get an error message. If the database has not been migrated, 4 you will not get any error message. 4 However a mix of old (release 4) and new (release 5) database clients 4 might lead to undefined behaviour. 4 To avoid this potential problem: UPGRADE YOUR DATABASE! 4 4 - backup your databases to enable a fall back to your 4 previous service level in case of any problems 4 4 - Copy the new exmdb.adb that comes with Servicepack 4 to your 4 EXM_DB_PATH. DO NO LONGER USE OLDER exmdb.adb FILES. 4 - After installing FlowMark servicepack 4 upgrade your databases 4 using "osupgprm databasename". 4 4 - Upgrade all FlowMark database clients (Buildtime, Import/Export, 4 runtime server, scheduling server, delivery server, bundle service) to service pack 4 at once. 4 4 New databases created with service pack 4 will have a slightly 4 different format which cannot be read by Objectstore Release 4 4 (Flowmark service pack 3 and below). The change in the database 4 format allows to conserve address space (OS_AS_SIZE) by changing the 4 layout of the persistent relocation map (PRM). 4 4 If you try to access an upgraded ObjectStore C++ Release 5.0 database 4 with a Release 4.0 client application, you see the following message: 4 4 The database has a newer version than the application. 4 You might need to rebuild the application with a new release of 4 ObjectStore. Database \"%s\" has a higher than expected value 4 of %d for its info segment header version number, which may be from 4 a later release of ObjectStore. 4 4 where the database name is substituted for %s, and a number 4 substituted for %d. 4 4 The exception is 4 err_database_wrong_version_app_needs_upgrade. 4 4 IBM recommends to upgrade an Objectstore Release 4 database to the 4 new format to take advantage of the address space conservation scheme 4 and to enforce that all database clients are updated to service pack 4 4 at the same time. 4 Use osupgprm utility to upgrade a Release 4 database to a Release 5 4 database. 4 4 If you do not follow this recommendation the FlowMark service pack 4 4 executables will print out the following warning when started: 4 4 FlowMark Message - Action: ODI0003R: A database exception was 4 raised (The FlowMark database still uses the ObjectStore Version 4 4 PRM format. Please use the osupgrprm utility to migrate the 4 database to the ObjectStore Version 5 PRM format.). 4 4 3. FlowMark Service Strategy **************************** 4 Program service for FlowMark 2.2 has ended on 12/31/97 4 For the latest Hints & Tips on FlowMark, refer to our Web-page 4 http://service.boulder.ibm.com/flowmark/fmshome.htm 4 FlowMark Service & Support uses this location to provide you 4 with the latest hints & tips from FlowMark development. 4 Look for "Known problems and solutions" first when you run into a 4 problem. 4 The page with "Current available fixes and fixpacks" describes, 4 which service packs and fix updates based on the latest available 4 service pack can be requested. 4 Code changes can be downloaded from our server in Boulder, Co. 4 The page "Sending and receiving fixes/files" will connect you 4 to the server with the code changes available for FlowMark. 4 Additional information can be found on our anonymous FTP server: ps.software.ibm.com (or ps.boulder.ibm.com, login as anonymous password your email address change directory to: /ps/products/flowmark/info FlowMark Service & Support uses this location to provide you with the latest hints & tips from FlowMark development. Look for hints & tips first when you run into a problem. 3.1 How do I contact the service organization ============================================= FlowMark problems should be reported to the IBM Level 2 Service and Support Team as follows. In the US, call: 1-800-237-5511 When the (VRU) voice response unit answers, you are presented with several options. For OS/2 or Windows, take option 1 from the main VRU menu, followed by option 1 from the next VRU menu to open a problem record. or For AIX, take option 3 from the main VRU menu, followed by option 2 from the next VRU menu to open a problem record. Note: The phone number stays the same, but the VRU options are subject to change. Listen to the VCR when you dial the 1-800 number to make sure you choose the correct option number. Outside the US, contact your nearest IBM Support Center. Fill out the PROBLEM.TMP template, before you call the service organization. The service representative will ask you to fax it when they call you to help with a problem. Where can I get a PROBLEM.TMP template -------------------------------------- If you do not have the PROBLEM.TMP you can get one from the anonymous FTP server: FTP to: ps.software.ibm.com User: anonymous Password: your email address CD to /ps/products/flowmark GET PROBLEM.TMP What if I need to send information to IBM ----------------------------------------- The Service team may need additional information from you such as trace and log files or your database. If needed, they will ask you to FTP the files as follows: FTP to: testcase.software.ibm.com ( User: anonymous Password: your email address CD to /ps/toibm/flowmark PUT your zipped file (file name should be your PMR number) containing the information IBM has requested. For Example: If your PMR number is 8X888, the zip file you send should be named: 8X888.ZIP Problem reporting template -------------------------- For details on what to consider in case you encounter problems, see the FlowMark Diagnosis Guide. 5. Copyright Notice ******************* COPYRIGHT NOTICE FlowMark Version 2.3 uses the ANSI/ISO C++ Reference Standard Template Library (STL) as downloadable from ftp://butler.hpl.hp.com. The following notice is required by Hewlett-Packard Company to be reprinted: ===> Copyright (c) 1994 Hewlett-Packard Company Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. <=== This notice is only applicable to the files that contain the above notice and copyright. These files which are part of this Standard Template Library and that are shipped with FlowMark Version 2.3 are the following: algo.h algobase.h bool.h bvector.h defalloc.h deque.h function.h heap.h iterator.h list.h map.h multimap.h multiset.h pair.h projectn.h set.h stack.h tempbuf.h tree.h vector.h