|----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Package content for : FlowMark V2R3 for AIX - ServicePack 4 Refresh | | February 9, 1999 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| This text file accompanies Hotfixes (fm23a4up.tar.gz). Instructions to uncompress this package --------------------------------------- fm23a4up.tar.gz is a tar-ed, gzip-ed package. To uncompress the package you need to have the gzip utility available. Note: If gzip is not available on your AIX machine: You could transfer the file in binary mode to your PC if you happen to have gzip available there, uncompress it there and transfer it back (again in binary mode). Then un-tar with tar -vxf fm23a3up.tar gzip for AIX is available on AIXPDSLIB: See http://aixpdslib.seas.ucla.edu/filetools/filetools.html or http://aixpdslib.seas.ucla.edu/filetools/gzip.html (AIX 3) http://aixpdslib.seas.ucla.edu/filetools/gzip4.html (AIX 4) You will probably want to create a directory where the hotfix files can be held for later installation. Move the fm23a4up.tar.gz file into this directory. If you have gzip for AIX available, then the command to unpack this distribution is gzip -dc fm23a4up.tar.gz | tar -vxf - If you want to check the package contents prior to actually extracting any files the command is gzip -dc fm23a4up.tar.gz | tar -vtf - Hint for experienced system administrators: The hotfix files and the GA distribution can be merged together to form a single installation directly to the latest level. The filesets are direct replacements to those with the same name. These hotfixes are not installed using SMIT. To apply these fixes after uncompressing and extracting the files as described above: - Shutdown FlowMark servers using the exmpshtd command. - Execute exmclean to cleanup FlowMark resources. - Execute slibclean to clean resources in use by the system. - Execute 'ps -ef|grep exm' and check that all FlowMark processes are stopped. - Save a copy of the original files as a backup. - Change to the /usr/lpp/exm/lib directory. cd /usr/lpp/exm/lib - The next command will move all the lib files into the /usr/lpp/exm/lib directory from the directory where you extracted them earlier. mv /your_hotfixes_file_directory/lib* . - The next command will move the exmpitci.sho into the /usr/lpp/exm/lib directory from the directory where you extracted it earlier. mv /your_hotfixes_file_directory/*sho . - Check the files in the /usr/lpp/exm/lib path have the correct ownership and permissions are correct for your system. - Change to the /usr/lpp/exm/bin directory. cd /usr/lpp/exm/bin - The next command will move the executable files into the /usr/lpp/exm/bin directory from the directory where you extracted them earlier. mv /your_hotfixes_file_directory/exm* . - Check the files in the /usr/lpp/exm/bin path have the correct ownership and permissions are correct for your system.