TITLE Title Page =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Commonly Asked FaxRouter/2 Questions and How To Get Support September 23, 1996 IBM FaxRouter Service and Support Team NOTICES Notices =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Trademarks and Service Marks The following terms, denoted by an asterisk (*), used in this publication are trademarks or service marks of the IBM Corporation in the United States and/or other countries: FaxRouter/2 BookManager IBM OS/2 The following terms, denoted by a double asterisk (**), used in this publication are trademarks of other companies as follows: Requester *** wtp *** HP Laser Jet Hewlett-Packard Company Microsoft Word Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Windows Microsoft Corporation NEC NEC Corporation Novell Novell, Inc. WordPerfect WordPerfect Corporation PREFACE About this Book =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This book contains commonly asked questions and answers for the FaxRouter/2(*) Workstation. It is broken up into five product specific sections and one on how to get Service and Support. Section FaxRouter/2 Traces is about FaxRouter/2 trace facility. Section FaxRouter/2 OS/2 Server is about FaxRouter/2 OS/2 Server. Section FaxRouter/2 OS/2 Client is about FaxRouter/2 OS/2 Client. Section FaxRouter/2 Windows Client is about FaxRouter/2 Windows Client. Section ImagePlus Integration is about ImagePlus Integration. Section VI Integration is about VI Integration. Section Gamma Fax Setup is about Gamma Fax Cards. Section Support Processes contains detailed steps for how to get telephone service for FaxR These questions and answers have been gathered over the past several years by Service and Support technicians. If you do not find the answer to your particular question, and/or want to order the latest FaxRouter/2 fixes, follow section Support Processes to talk with a technical support representative and/or ftp fixes. CONTENTS Table of Contents =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Title Page TITLE Notices NOTICES About this Book PREFACE Table of Contents CONTENTS FaxRouter/2 Traces 1.0 Client Traces 1.1 Server Trace 1.2 Other debug information. 1.3 FaxRouter/2 OS/2 Server 2.0 Files to save for a Reinstall 2.1 General Information 2.2 FaxRouter/2 OS/2 Client 3.0 FaxRouter/2 Windows Client 4.0 ImagePlus Integration 5.0 VI Integration 6.0 Gamma Fax Setup 7.0 Support Processes 8.0 Self-help service via Internet 8.1 Telephone support for FaxRouter workstation products 8.2 1.0 FaxRouter/2 Traces =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1.1 Client Traces =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- To generate a Client Trace, you must start the client with a "/y"' parameter. If you start the client by double clicking on an OS/2 icon, you can start the client in the following manner instead. 1. Go to an OS/2 window. 2. Type "fax /y" at the prompt. 3. This will start the client with the trace active. 4. Now duplicate the problem, and exit out of FR/2. A file named FAXTRACE.TRC is created in the FXS work directory (defined by the ADDUSER install, default is C:\FXSRTR2). 1.2 Server Trace =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- To generate a Server Trace, you must first start the server programs. Once all the programs have been started, select the Options pulldown off the Action bar. Then select Setup. A window will be displayed. In this window is a check box next to "trace." Select this check box, and click on OK at the bottom of the Window. Now stop the server programs, by selecting "Stop Server Programs" underneath the "File" pulldown. Start the Server Programs again, by selecting "Start Server Programs" underneath the "File" pulldown. Execute the test case that recreates the error then turn off the trace. This can be done by selecting the "Options" pulldown off the Action bar. Then select "Setup" A window will be displayed. In this window is a check box next to "trace." Deselect this check box, and click on OK at the bottom of the Window. A file named FAXTRACE.TRC is created in the server directory :\PRODUCTS\FXSRTR2. This is the trace file that we need. 1.3 Other debug information. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ° Add SUPPRESSPOPUPS=C statement in the CONFIG.SYS to store trap information in the POPUPLOG.OS2 file. ° Create the directory CONVERT.ERR in the FaxRouter/2 server directory. This will cause the original GammaFax TIF files to be saved when Image Services returns a conversion error. ° Create the directory CONVERT.ALL in the FaxRouter/2 server directory. This will cause the original GammaFax TIF files to be saved. Note: This could require a lot of disk space depending on the fax volumes. ° Create the file DEBUG.TXT in the FaxRouter/2 server directory. This will run debug for the VI component. ° Set the FAXTRACE environment varable before starting the server to trace user exits such as the ICPF routing exit. SET FAXTRACE=Y ° Create the file OPENSAVE.TXT in the FaxRouter/2 server directory. ... ° Create the file TIFFALSO.TXT in the FaxRouter/2 server directory. Keep the TIFF files after conversion. 2.0 FaxRouter/2 OS/2 Server =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 2.1 Files to save for a Reinstall =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The following files should be saved for a reinstall. FXSUSR01.LIS FaxRouter/2 Authorized User List. FXSRCV01.LIS FaxRouter/2 Receive List. FXSNUMR.LIS FaxRouter/2 inbound counter file. This file contains the last number used with generating unique file names. FXSITFT.LIS FaxRouter/2 outbound counter file. This file is the same as FXSNUMR.LIS, but for outbound. \FAXR\*.* The Receive List directory. If additional drives have been assigned, it is important to copy them also. \FAXT\*.* The Transmit directory. Check for additional drives. FAXHEAD.TXT This only applies to GammaFax servers. Note: See README file with server CSD. FAXRETRY.FCA This only applies to FaxConcentrator servers. Note: See README file with server CSD. FAXRETRY.TXT This only applies to GammaFax servers. Note: See README file with server CSD. *.GRP Inbound routing workgroups. *.CVR Custom cover sheet templates. These files are not required to have the extension .CVR. Check for other file names. If using the FaxRouter/2 ImagePlus MVS/ESA Integration Feature, the FIF2.EXE and FIF2CONF.EXE files must be copied from the \PRODUCTS\FXSRTR2 directory to the \EVN directory. 2.2 General Information =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. A SYS3175 system trap in FXSCRTLIB.DLL is indicative of having a downlevel version of FaxMgr installed. The correct version of FaxMgr is V1.21 2. If the GammaFax Initialization Routine is receiving error 1001, one of the GFAX queues is being corrupted. Look for a file called GFAX.$ON or GFAX.$OF. Rename it to GFAX.$MP. If you still have problems with 1001 errors, then the GFAX.$QU is corrupted. Delete it and it will be recreated correctly the next time GammaLink program GFDCP2P.EXE is started. 3. When starting FaxRouter/2 Server from the startup command, Do not change directory to where FaxRouter/2 is installed. Chances are that the GammaFax software in installed on another drive and when FR/2 starts the Gammafax software, a Message window will pop up with massage 'Drive not ready', where is the CDROM. Just start FaxRouter/2. The installation program has already put it in the PATH. 3.0 FaxRouter/2 OS/2 Client =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 4.0 FaxRouter/2 Windows Client =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. To increase the Environment variable space in DOS. On the SHELL=C:\DOS\COMMAND.COM /P /E:256 statement, change the /E:256 to be higher. The default is 160 and you can set it as high as 32,768. Increase the number on /E: to be higher. 2. To use a customized verification exit with the Windows client, FXSUSER.DLL must reside within the server's /PRODUCTS/FXSRTR2/FXSRTRW subdirectory. 3. When using DOS Lan Requester with the Windows client, NETAPI.DLL must reside somewhere within the client machine's execution path. NETAPI.DLL is provided with the DOS Lan Requester base installation. 4. When using Novell NetWare DOS requesters with the Windows client, NWCALLS.DLL must reside somewhere within the client machine's execution path. NWCALLS.DLL is NOT provided with the requester base installation, but is included with the NetWare Security Enhancement and the NetWare Client SDK. 5.0 ImagePlus Integration =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 6.0 VI Integration =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 7.0 Gamma Fax Setup =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The following is a sample GFAX.$DC for a 4 port card. chassis 1 buffers 8 numchan 4 controlt 60 queuet 45 updatet 300 channel 1 0 gfax1.01 channel 2 1 gfax1.02 channel 3 2 gfax1.03 channel 4 3 gfax1.04 country 1 1 country 2 1 country 3 1 country 4 1 init 1 init 2 init 3 init 4 boardtype 1 0x6c4 boardtype 2 0x6c4 boardtype 3 0x6c4 boardtype 4 0x6c4 load 1 C:\GAMMAFAX\GFXCX.BIN load 2 C:\GAMMAFAX\GFXCX.BIN load 3 C:\GAMMAFAX\GFXCX.BIN load 4 C:\GAMMAFAX\GFXCX.BIN csid 1 RB FAX Server csid 2 RB FAX Server csid 3 RB FAX Server csid 4 RB FAX Server gfxform 1 3 gfxform 2 3 gfxform 3 3 gfxform 4 3 gfxecm 1 1 1 gfxecm 2 1 1 gfxecm 3 1 1 gfxecm 4 1 1 ; gfxshutdown must be either 0, 1, 2, or 4 ; (see GammaFax Reference Manual page 6-19) ; ; 0 = both ; 1 = dial ; 2 = answer ; 4 = diabled gfxshutdown 1 1 gfxshutdown 2 0 gfxshutdown 3 2 gfxshutdown 4 2 gfxdigits 1 11 2048 gfxdigits 2 11 2048 gfxdigits 3 11 2048 gfxdigits 4 11 2048 modemctrl 1 2066 5000 modemctrl 2 2066 5000 modemctrl 3 2066 5000 modemctrl 4 2066 5000 gfxdtmftone 1 440 1000 gfxdtmftone 2 440 1000 gfxdtmftone 3 440 1000 gfxdtmftone 4 440 1000 gfxdtmftimeout 1 15 20 gfxdtmftimeout 2 15 20 gfxdtmftimeout 3 15 20 gfxdtmftimeout 4 15 20 8.0 Support Processes =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The following topics explain how External Customers and Internal IBM Customers can receive support for FaxRouter/2. There are two sections. Self-help service via Internet, and FaxRouter products telephone support. 8.1 Self-help service via Internet =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Many of the FaxRouter products have fixes and FAQs (faxhints) available via FTP and the Web. ° FTP to ps.software.ibm.com and login as anonymous with your internet address as the password ° Or visit us on the Web: http://booksrv2.raleigh.ibm.com and look for the service and support icon. We also have fixes for FaxRouter/2 products available from this ftp site. The files you need on the FTP server are in the following directory path: /ps/product/faxrouter. See the README for our file naming conventions and directory structure. 8.2 Telephone support for FaxRouter workstation products =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- To open a problem record for one of the FaxRouter/2 products. 1. Call 1-800-237-5511 2. They will ask for your Customer number. 3. They will ask if this is a new or an existing problem. NEW - answer NEW if this is the first time you have called on this problem. EXISTING - answer EXISTING if you have a PMR number already assigned to the problem. If you answer EXISTING, be sure to have your PMR number available. 4. They will ask what software application operating system you are using. Answer with the FaxRouter/2 product you are using... FaxRouter/2 OS/2 Server FaxRouter/2 OS/2 Client FaxRouter/2 Windows Client ImagePlus Integration VI Integration 5. They will ask for your NAME, ADDRESS, and PHONE NUMBER. 6. They will then generate your PMR (problem management record) and queue it to D1FAX at location 176. You will hang up and wait for a call back from Support, usually within the hour. 7. The FaxRouter/2 Support Team will call you back and assist with your FaxRouter/2 questions.