=============================================================================== FaxRouter V3.0 Maintenance Requires Base Level Product Software FaxRouter Service README file Product ID 5639-D802 Feature 1896 P/N 4301352 FixPak 08 (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1993-2000. All Rights Reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. =============================================================================== INSTALLATION ------------ 1) Download the FaxRouter FixPak file. For Windows, download the WINnnxxx.EXE file. For OS/2, download the OS2nnxxx.EXE file. (nn corresponds to the FixPak number) (xxx corresponds to the language version: ENU = English CHS = Chinese Simplified CHT = Chinese Traditional DAN = Danish DEU = German ESP = Spanish FIN = Finnish FRA = French ITA = Italian KOR = Korean NOR = Norwegian PTB = Brazilian Portuguese SVE = Swedish) For example, FixPak 04, Danish, OS/2 is OS204DAN.EXE If downloading using FTP or a host transfer program, make sure the binary option is selected. 2) To install the FixPak, run this pogram For Windows: WINnnxxx (press ENTER and follow the screens) For OS/2: OS2nnxxx (press ENTER and follow the screens) NOTES: * This FixPak requires the FaxRouter V3.0 Base Level Product software. * This FixPak is cumulative, and contains the contents of all prior FixPaks. * This FixPak does not modify the user-created files such as the receive list, the log files or the user list. * Before starting FixPak installation, shutdown and restart to ensure that no FaxRouter components are running. Windows NT users should also close any FXS* components using the Windows NT Task Manager, but this is not always successful. Logoff followed by logon is also not adequate to reset the running programs. =============================================================================== FaxRouter V3.0 Maintenance List =============================================================================== FixPak 08 May 2000 APAR# / DEFECT# PROBLEM DESCRIPTION =============================================================================== 2537 When recovering .100 files multiple entries added to RCV List 2538 Help System Errors from VisualInfo Menu 2539 Provide an NT error log entry for malloc error. 2540 Parse Dialog Defaults to ALL pages selected 2541 Userid is blanked out in Admin Panel on OK 2543 Socket Communications Fails on Windows 2000 2544 Receive Recovery Problems IC24403 Server Terminates Unexpectedly on Corrupt Image File IC24754 Out of Space Message Return Code 11075 New Features and Other Notes ---------------------------- - None =============================================================================== FaxRouter V3.0 Maintenance List =============================================================================== FixPak 07 September 1999 APAR# / DEFECT# PROBLEM DESCRIPTION =============================================================================== 2531 File Communication Terminates with no messages. 2532 Objects added for connecting to WWW and FAQ 2533 Tivoli Integration 2534 Queue File Busy on OS2 2535 Printer Profile not always displayed 2536 Remove BoundsChecker Warnings IC23847 OS/2 Virtual Printer Overlays Pages IC24275 Adduser copies the PATh to the HELP environment variable IC24377 Windows NT Blue Screen after Print to Virtual Printer New Features and Other Notes ---------------------------- - This FixPak adds support for the Tivoli process monitor. See TR_read.me in the TIVREADY directory for details. =============================================================================== FaxRouter V3.0 Maintenance List =============================================================================== FixPak 06 March 1999 APAR# / DEFECT# PROBLEM DESCRIPTION =============================================================================== 2510 Files are Queued to Server with NO SEND CARDS. 2511 ADDUSER does not display correct message 2512 Image Services files are not installed correctly 2514 Enable exception handling. 2515 Error in CLNTSEND.C. Recipients loop on OBJECT_COUNT 2518 Realloc fails returning large files 2519 FXSPEEK does not display new fields 2520 NT Printer Driver Creates Large Files 2521 No List Refresh After File Delete 2522 FXSAPI usCoverSheet comment is incorrect 2523 Win16 Printer Driver Creates Large Files 2524 On Admin User List, Blank userid is added 2527 On Admin User List, client traps trying to delete first user. 2528 Return code HELP is incorrect after 11064 and higher. 2529 No Messages When Send is retried. 2530 GAMMA intermediate File Delete Fails causing corruption. New Features and Other Notes ---------------------------- - This FixPak adds operating system exception handling to the server. This will prevent most program errors from causing the FaxRouter server from stopping. A new .CMD file is shipped with FaxRouter called FXSEXCPT.CMD. There is a copy in both the W32BIN and OS2BIN directories. When a system failure occurs, a failure log entry is written to file POPUPLOG.TRC. The .CMD file will use the system editor to edit this file. You may edit this file for your purposes (add notifications for example). =============================================================================== FaxRouter V3.0 Maintenance List =============================================================================== FixPak 05 November 1998 APAR# / DEFECT# PROBLEM DESCRIPTION =============================================================================== 2489 IC21304 Needs Additions to Languages 2501 WordPro with OS\2 Printer Driver Prints Halfway Down Page 2502 FixPak 05 New and Changed Files 2503 Error Locating FXSUSR.LIS on Windows NT. 2504 No Help On Gamma Options Panel on NT 2505 $DC file not used on NDGDK 3.x 2506 FXSLOGD does not always start IC22341 Win95 Requires Logon after each print New Features and Other Notes ---------------------------- - Previous installations may have added the W32SBIN directory to the PATH on Windows 95/98. Before installing this version, edit AUTOEXEC.BAT and please remove ALL FaxRouter directories from the PATH, DPATH and HELP environment variables. The reinstall of service will add the W32BIN directory to the PATH on Windows 95/98, which is part of the fix for APAR IC22341. If you find the PATH is not updated after the FixPak is installed, run the following from the command line W16BIN\ADDUSER /Q /S =============================================================================== FaxRouter V3.0 Maintenance List =============================================================================== FixPak 04 October 1998 APAR# / DEFECT# PROBLEM DESCRIPTION =============================================================================== 2468 Socket Communication Window hangs Personal Communications 2470 FAX.EXE Trap When ESC pressed on Admin UserID panel 2471 OS\2 Does not have a Messaging group on the server profile. 2472 Server does not delete IFT file when image files missing. 2477 Help for Send Options panel (SETTING.DLG) 2480 Files Not Cleaned Up. When there is an error queueing 2486 Message FXW0607E is missing from the Windows 32-bit 2487 OS\2 Server Reports Blocksize too Small on Dial-UP connection. 2490 Trap in FileType() on 256 color Windows DIB. 2491 Server Return Code 11048 - Malloc failure 2492 New fields in admin structure missing from trace. 2493 FXSWINNT does not delete TAG .BMP files 2494 Cannot Start FaxRouter as a Service 2495 Server Trap or Termination Due to Exception in FIWSS.DLL. 2496 FAX.EXE Trap in Route Function when User list is large 2497 Changes for ImagePlus/400 Feature 2498 Second Start of FXSRUN Causes Termination 2499 No Help on Send Panel After First Time IC21179 FAX SEND FROM VISUALINFO USING FAXROUTER FAILS IC21463 Trap from VisualInfo FAX Menuitem under Windows 95 IC21499 OS\2 SERVER DOES NOT SUPPORT UNIFIED LOGON. IC21590 SERVER ON WINDOWS NT FAILS DUE TO TCP\IP MEMORY LEAK IC21733 Fr2ListFirst API always returns .MDA as file extension. IC21819 NT PRINTER DRIVER DOES NOT DISPLAY SEND PANEL IC21820 PRINTER DRIVER ERROR FILES NOT FOUND IC21821 REFRESH OF THE FAXROUTER RECEIVE LIST FAILS IC21822 GPF IN FAX.EXE ON A DISPLAY OPERATION IC21863 OS\2 Printer Driver Blank Pages on WordPro IC21900 CONVERSION FAILURE RETURN CODE 7011 IC21964 FXSW0085E Message Starting AFP Viewer New Features and Other Notes ---------------------------- - IC21499 adds unified logon capability to the OS/2 FaxRouter Server This is operatational with the following conditions and limitations: + The Server has "Windows NT Unified Logon" enabled. + The Workstation is running Windows NT. Other platforms are not supported. + The OS/2 server verifies that the user is a valid userid, but password verification is not performed. + This environment is not nearly as secure as using Windows NT on the FaxRouter Server. To ensure full security when using OS/2 as the server, make sure that "Windows NT Unified Logon" is not enabled when using OS/2 as your FaxRouter Server platform. - IC21819 was partially corrected by a change in installation. To get this fix you must either re-install, or create a shortcut to FXSWINNT.EXE in your startup folder. - IC21863 does not correct a problem using legal size page dimensions on the OS/2 FaxRouter Virtual Printer. This will be corrected in a later FixPak. =============================================================================== FaxRouter V3.0 Maintenance List =============================================================================== FixPak 03 August 1998 APAR# / DEFECT# PROBLEM DESCRIPTION =============================================================================== 2473 Memory Leak at line 118 of FXSXGL.C 2475 Server opens and keeps open handle if RTU is zero length. 2479 Loop In TCPIP When Connection is broken. 2481 Storage Leak on FR2_SID_RSP structures. 2483 Cannot Remove Gamma Header from Transmissions IC20589 USING MISCROSOFT WORD 97, Printing Fails IC21119 FaxRouter Server traps when TIFF imbed used IC21304 PRINT QUALITY POOR FROM PRINTER DRIVER =============================================================================== FaxRouter V3.0 Maintenance List =============================================================================== FixPak 02 June 1998 APAR# / DEFECT# PROBLEM DESCRIPTION =============================================================================== 1930: Add MAPI Routing and Notification 2228: NLS: HOWDOI.IPF has many references to Options->List 2233: NLS: Adduser.IPF Mentions OK but there is no OK button 2237: NLS: FXSRUN.IPF refers to TCPIP delay in seconds 2240: NLS: FXSRTRW.IPF Indicates Normal User marked with 'O' 2260: NLS: OS2\SETTING.DLG has 1,2,3 as priority 2283: NLS: FXSRTRW.HLP Problems 2297: NLS: Registered and Owned Used Interchangeably 2302: NLS: HELP: VIM path, Default Printer field, Min Space, Capitals 2307: NLS: Command Windows Repeatedly Open and Close On Server 2308: NLS: Send Log DetailsHelp Mentions Multiple-File Indicator 2310: on NT install, append a %Help% to the user's help path 2381: 971109 F000026W31 US govt. restrict.not in product info panel 2428: NLS: Routing Methods Appear in List Twice 2431: NLS: CHS WIN32 IS/2 Print Panel Help is English 2443: NLS: DLG_POPLIST missing from FXSRES.RC 2446: Message: Message number 1252 not found 2448: Custom Coversheet Transmit Fails 2449: FXSAPI.C Structure Packing not supported for VisualC++ 2450: Add Simulated Card Option to FaxRouter Server 2452: Trap in FXSUTIL using SERVSEND Sample 2456: FAX.EXE Does not use Unified Logon on NT 2458: UNINSTAL does not remove data directories 2459: Long client delay before logon window appears 2460: Windows NT Shutdown not handled correctly 2461: Adduser uses LF in text files instead of CR/LF 2464: szUserData not correctly passed to Notify Exit 2465: Eliminate Redundant IS/2 Init Calls (7051 error) 2466: VisualInfo Integration Requires WIN32S in path 2467: Server Event Log Not Working Correctly IC20589: Trap in MS OFFICE 97 Printing under Windows 95 IC20717: GAMMA 1031 Return Code Hangs faxes in SENDING Status IC20931: Communication Fails Sending large files to Server IC20932: Client always indicates route succeeds even when it failed IC21026: Receive Process Conversion Error Reading 000 File New Features and Changes ------------------------ - New Routing methods have been added FaxRouter MAPI Routing - On the server, the properties panel for "Identification" has been updated to obtain MAPI profile information. You can configure the server to use MAPI or VIM but not both. MAPI is available for Windows NT only. When setting up a user for MAPI routing or notification, the user should be set up like VIM, with the required routing data being the user's MAPI mail address. FaxRouter CopyFile Routing - This routing method will copy the files to a specified directory. This directory is used by the FaxRouter Server. The image file and the receive list entry (a .LIS file) is copied into the specified directory and then the entry is removed from the FaxRouter receive list. FaxRouter CMD Routing - Any command can be issued. The additional routing data is the command to issue. It will be passed the userid and the image filename. - New Notification Methods have been added FaxRouter MAPI Notification - Works just like the MAPI routing above. FaxRouter CMD Notification - Any command can be issued. The additional notification data is the command to issue. It will be passed as parameters * the FaxRouter Userid * the Message (in double quotes) - A "Simulated" fax card setting has been added. FaxRouter does not require any cards using this setting. This is useful for testing or giving demonstrations. The server and client start and appear to operate in the same manner as when cards are installed. The differences are as follows: * Send transactions will be routed as an incoming fax. * The target phone number will be listed in the receive list as the sender's station id. * Any phone number starting with an non-numeric character (one of the pause characters +-=,) will generate a send error. The transaction will be retried but it will always fail. * If the target phone number has a pause separating two or more numeric sections, the last numeric section will be interpreted as a routing code. For example, if the target phone number is 555-1212-555, '555' will be interpreted as the incoming routing code. The number may end with the '#' sign but it is not required. - You can configure the FaxRouter Server to save Send Transactions * To save Send transactions that fail, create a directory called SEND.ERR in the main FaxRouter directory. All files for the transaction will be copied here if there is an error. Please note that if the transaction sends successfully on a retry, these files will NOT be deleted. * To save Send transactions that completed, create a directory called SEND.OK in the main FaxRouter directory. All files for the transaction will be copied here. - The default password can be configured. If the file DEFAULT.PWD exists in the server DATA directory, the first line of the file will be used to determine the default password to be used for an installation. - If the file does not exist, or the first line is blank, the default password will be "password". This was the previous behaviour. - If the first line of DEFAULT.PWD starts with a '*', the userid will also be the password. Please note that because all FaxRouter userids are upper case, the password (which is case sensitive) must be entered in UPPER CASE with this option. - If the first line of DEFAULT.PWD starts with a '&', the userid in LOWER CASE will be the password. - If the first line does not start with either of these characters, but is not blank, then the default password will be the contents of the line. Please remember that passwords are case sensitive. - A command line utility to stop and restart the server is now provided. FXSREST.EXE will shut down the server from a command line and then restart it. Use FXSREST /h for the command-line options. - The settings for the server VIM database path, VIM/MAPI userid and password has been moved from HKEY_CURRENT_USER to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. The previous settings will be ignored. After installing this FixPak 02, please reconfigure these items. - The FaxRouter Workstation has several new features. * All panels now use the 3D controls library. The fixpak installation will copy the required DLL if it is not already installed. * The right mouse button will display a pop-up menu on the Receive list for the selected item. * There are more status messages when there is communications with the server. * The administrator panel for the user list will allow a password change for any and all users. This allows an administrator to reset a user password. After selecting the user from the list, press the "password" button to enter a new password. The existing password does not need to be entered to change the password. * A number of panels have been optimized and fields repositioned. =============================================================================== FixPak 01 December 1997 APAR # PROBLEM DESCRIPTION =============================================================================== IC19690 - 2319: Trap in Korean help Search Panel 2241: GammaFax written as GammFax 2290: Missing cover sheet imbeds cause a fatal error message 1806: Image window cannot be re-sized. 2439: Create and package README.KOR file 2429: Language file updates for FRA, FIN, DEU, & PTB 2431: CHS WIN32 IS/2 Print Panel Help is English 2434: Some languages get two OS/2 folders created on install 2442: Phone number removed when verifying input data =============================================================================