Frequently Asked Questions

  • What platforms are supported by FaxRouter?
  • What about other versions of NT, other versions of OS/2 or Windows 98?
  • Is there a host integration Feature?
  • Is FaxRouter Y2K Ready?
  • What hardware is required for the FaxRouter server?
  • Does FaxRouter work with a Fax Modem or with the microchannel FaxConcentrator card?
  • Can I try FaxRouter without getting the specialized hardware?
  • Can I make FaxRouter save the image files used in SEND transactions?
  • Can I make FaxRouter save the image files used in RECEIVE transactions?
  • Does FaxRouter exploit any Windows NT features?
  • Can I still use ADDUSER like version 2?
  • Can I still use Communications Manager and SNA communications?
  • How is a user notified that a Fax is sent?
  • Can I send a Fax using email, like Domino Fax?
  • Does FaxRouter work in a "standalone" mode (client and server on the same machine)?
  • Is there another release planned and can I submit requirements?
  • Is there a native OS/2 client? A Native WIN32 client? A JAVA client? A WEB client?
  • Why does Windows 95 and Windows 98 use the 16-bit printer driver?
  • Can I fax from an application?
  • How do I start the server from Startup.cmd?
  • Does FXSRUN.EXE have command line parameters?
  • The FaxRouter Administrator Guide talks about the GFAX.$DC file but I can't find it.
  • Faxes are never sent. They just stay in SENDING status forever.
  • GammaFax gets return code 3101 on Windows NT.  What can I do?
  • My users do not like the logon panel. Can I automate this?
  • Where are passwords kept on the FaxRouter Server?
  • Can I decide what the default password will be?
  • Printer tags do not work on Windows 95. What can I do?
  • Can I use programs that were coded using the FaxRouter Version 2 API set on Version 3.
  • Can I compile the sample applications with Microsoft Visual C++?
  • Can I use a NOVELL network on Windows 95?
  • When I try to install I get a TRAP?  What can I do?
  • Why can't I seem  to start FaxRouter when the VisualInfo Background Processor is installed?
  • Is there hardcopy documentation on the client?
  • Is there a command line utility to display status?
  • I get a large FXSACCNT.LIS file. What is it for?
  • Why do I get a conversion error on some image files?
  • I get an 11001 return code trying to route a file to someone. Why?
  • When I use the help on Windows NT, the client just disappears. Why?
  • Printing Faxes is slow. Why?
  • Can  I edit an incoming fax?
  • How do I change the server I log onto?
  • Communications is slow after I entered a TCP/IP IP address. Why?
  • In my 'C' program, I set usCoverSheet to FR2_COVER_CUSTOM+2 because I have two bitmaps on my cover sheet. FaxRouter still sends the default cover.
  • Can I change the fonts that FaxRouter uses?
  • I installed another server. How can I get all my existing clients to recognize the new machine?
  • On Windows NT, the task manager shows FXSWINNT.EXE is running. What is this?
  • How do I configure VIM routing and notification?
  • What is the FAXUTIL utility and what does it do?
  • Can I stop  the server from starting File Redirection since I don't use that function?
  • I get an error loading WIAEXT32.DLL on Windows NT.
    Q. What platforms are supported by FaxRouter?
  • A.
  • OS/2 Warp 4
  • Windows 3.1
  • Windows 95
  • Windows NT 4.0 
  • Q. What about other versions of NT, other versions of OS/2 or Windows 98?
    These platforms have not been tested. 
    Q. Is there a host integration Feature?
    IBM does not sell an ImagePlus Host Integration Feature for Version 3, and the feature for Version 2 does not work with FaxRouter version 3. The customer should contact Syscom for information. IBM does have an integration feature for ImagePlus/400. 
    Q. Is FaxRouter Y2K Ready?
    FaxRouter Version 3, and ONLY VERSION 3, is Y2K ready. 
    Q. What hardware is required for the FaxRouter server?
    FaxRouter supports GammaLink cards that start with a CP  prefix (i.e. CPI200 etc.). GammaLink introduces new cards all the time, so this may not continue to be true. Some customers have used the GammaLink PCI versions of this card successfully, but they have not been tested by IBM. 
    Q. Does FaxRouter work with a Fax Modem or with the microchannel FaxConcentrator card?
    No. FaxRouter is targeted to customers with heavy-duty fax requirements. A fax modem requires too much attention from the processor. The IBM FaxConcentrator was discontinued years ago, and there is no hardware support, or Windows drivers for it. 
    Q. Can I TRY FaxRouter without getting the specialized hardware?
    With FixPak 2 or higher, a "Simulated" fax card setting has been added. FaxRouter does not require any cards using this setting.  This is useful for testing or giving demonstrations.  The server and client start and appear to operate in the same manner as when cards are installed.  The differences are as follows:

    Q. Can I make FaxRouter save the image files used in SEND transactions?
    Yes. With FixPak 2 or higher you can configure the FaxRouter server to save send transactions.
    Using either of the above options can use lots of space. Please monitor your drive space carefully if you enable either of these options.

    Q. Can I make FaxRouter save the image files used in RECEIVE transactions?
    Yes. You can configure the FaxRouter server to save receive image files.
  • To save Receive transactions that fail, create a directory called CONVERT.ERR in the main FaxRouter directory. All image files for each receive transaction will be copied here if there is an error.
  • To save ALL Receive transactions, create a directory called CONVERT.ALL in the main FaxRouter directory. All image files for the transaction will be copied here.
  • Using either of the above options can use lots of space. Please monitor your drive space carefully if you enable either of these options.

    Q. Does FaxRouter exploit any Windows NT features?
    FaxRouter for Windows NT has several new features:

    Q. Can I still use ADDUSER like version 2?
    Yes. For performance and security reasons, the version 3 installation defaults to install the code on the client. This is also required for mobile use on a laptop. But ADDUSER works just like in version 2, and in fact is called by the standard installation under the covers to complete the install. 
    Q. Can I still use Communications Manager and SNA communications?
    No. Version 3 does not support SNA communications. 
    Q. How is a user notified that a Fax is sent?
    FaxRouter ships enabled to communicate via:
    Other methods can be added (see the FaxRouter Programming Reference). FaxRouter will also route incoming faxes using:
    Q. Can I send a Fax using email, like Domino Fax?
    No. Print your email using the FaxRouter Virtual Printer and send it that way. 
    Q. Does FaxRouter work in a "standalone" mode (client and server on the same machine)?
    Yes, but this configuration is not recommended. 
    Q. Is there another release planned and can I submit requirements?
    There is no future version of FaxRouter planned and no requirements are being accepted. There is no replacement product planned. 
    Q. Is there a native OS/2 client? A Native WIN32 client? A JAVA client? A WEB client?
    No. The client is a Windows 16-bit program. There are native versions of the FaxRouter Printer for Windows NT, OS/2 and Windows 16-bit (Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 3.1, WinOS/2). 
    Q. Why does Windows 95 and Windows 98 use the 16-bit printer driver?
    You thought maybe these were 32-bit operating systems? HA! 
    Q. Can I fax from an application?
    Print a document to the FaxRouter Virtual Printer, and the document can be faxed. Note however that VisualInfo has a Fax menu item that offers an easier way to fax VisualInfo documents. 
    Q. How do I start the server from Startup.cmd?
    When you start the FaxRouter version 3 server from a .CMD file, change to the directory with the platform executable files first (CD \FAXSERV\OS2BIN) and then start FXSRUN.EXE /A. Perhaps a better way would be to copy the program object for the server to the startup folder. This method also works on OS/2 and Windows NT. 
    Q. Does FXSRUN.EXE have command line parameters?
    Yes, but it is better to use the Options->Setup menu item. The parameters are:
  • /Y - turns on trace
  • /T - turns on trace
  • /N - turns off trace
  • /A - Autostarts processes
  • /M - Turns autostart off
  • /B - Turns autostart off 
  • Q. The FaxRouter Administrator Guide talks about the GFAX.$DC file but I can't find it.  What can I do?
    Q. Faxes are queued OK, but they are never sent. They stay in SENDING status forever.
    The GammaFax GDK for Windows NT 3.0 and higher no longer use the $DC file. Instead there is a GUI application that is run from the Windows control panel. Please refer to the GammaFax documentation for details. The first page of this GUI application has the option to "Use Queue File". This option MUST be on for all ports for FaxRouter to operate correctly.
    Q. GammaFax gets return code 3101 on Windows NT.  What can I do?
    The GammaFax drivers on Windows NT are a system service. One of the side effects of this is that the service cannot access any files located on a network drive. If the FaxRouter server is installed on a network drive, repeated 3101 errors occur. To enable this configuration, open the services applet of the control panel, select GammaFax and click Startup. In the "logon as" group, select "this account" and enter an account id and password that will enable network access. 
    Q. My users do not like the logon panel. Can I automate this?
    Yes. The FXSLOGON command will work on OS/2, and Windows 95 and NT. The command options are: FXSLOGON [userid] [/p:password] [/s:servername]. If the userid and password is supplied it will not present a user interface unless the logon fails. When logon completes, a hidden process is started that saves the user information. Use FXSLOGOF to stop this process and release the user. Please note that the FaxRouter WinOS2 client or WinOS2 printer driver logon cannot be automated, and Windows 3.1 has the same restriction. 
    Q. Where are passwords kept on the FaxRouter Server?
    Most of the user information is kept in a file: FXSUSR03.LIS. The passwords, however are encrypted and stored in OS2.INI and the NT registry. On OS/2, the application is FXSRTR2 and the key is key1:user where user is the userid that owns the password. On Windows NT, the key is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/IBM/FaxRouter/3.0.0/Users and the value is key1:user just like OS/2. If you delete this key, the password is reset to the system default. To simplify deleting passwords, try the CLEARPW utility which can be obtained from IBM service. Usage is CLEARPW [-a][userid][useridn ...] where  -a deletes all passwords and userid is one or more userids to delete the password for.

    Q. Can I decide what the default password will be?
    Yes. After FixPak 2, FaxRouter enabled several changes regarding the default password that are not in the Administrator Guide.

    Q. Printer tags do not work on Windows 95. What can I do?
    Edit AUTOEXEC.BAT and move FAXSERV\W32SBIN and FAXSERV\W32BIN to the end of the path. Note that this will disable VisualInfo or other FaxRouter API connectivity. 
    Q. Can I use programs that were coded using the FaxRouter Version 2 API set on Version 3.
    No. In some cases the code must merely be recompiled, and other cases substantial changes are required. 
    Q. Can I compile the sample applications with Microsoft Visual C++?
    The samples were coded for the IBM VisualAge C++ compiler. The FaxRouter toolkit (FXSAPI.H and LIB) is compatible, but the samples  must be modified before they will compile. MSVC support was added in FixPak 2, so if you want to compile using this compiler please get the latest FixPak. 
    Q. Can I use a NOVELL network on Windows 95?
    Sure, but there are some known problems. Novell does not allow network drives in the path using AUTOEXEC.BAT. To avoid this, install the FaxRouter client on a local drive. 
    Q. When I try to install I get a TRAP?  What can I do?
    The FaxRouter install program uses LIBIPF32.DLL. An older version installed by other programs has a defect. Rename the old file on your system before trying to install. 
    Q. Why can't I seem  to start FaxRouter when the VisualInfo Background Processor is installed?
    The VisualInfo Background Processor must be started and running before starting the FaxRouter Server. 
    Q. Is there hardcopy documentation on the client?
    No. Just on-line help. 
    Q. Is there a command line utility to display status?
    FXSPEEK is a utility to display status. Please note that some of the statistics mentioned by this utility are not implemented. 
    Q. I get a large FXSACCNT.LIS file. What is it for?
    FaxRouter installs an accounting DLL: FXSACCNT.DLL that creates this output. If you do not need this output, stop the server, rename FXSACCNT.DLL to FXSACCNT.BAK and restart. 
    Q. Why do I get a conversion error on some image files?
    FaxRouter supports color image files with 16 colors or less. If you have an image file with more colors, either print the file to the FaxRouter Virtual printer, or use an image program to reduce the number of colors. 
    Q. I get an 11001 return code trying to route a file to someone. Why?
    The 11001 error is a DLL load failure. Most likely, the user is configured for a routing method that is not available. For example, if you did not have VisualInfo installed correctly on the server, you would get this error trying to route to a VisualInfo workbasket. 
    Q. When I use the help on Windows NT, the client just disappears. Why?
    This is a Windows NT defect. It is apparently fixed in Windows NT Service Pak 4. 
    Q. Printing Faxes is slow. Why?
    Faxes are very large image files. Printers (or actually printer drivers) do not handle this type of data very well. In particular, postscript or PCL printers are very slow on these files. FaxRouter makes it possible for you to eliminate paper altogether, and this is the best way to use the product. 
    Q. Can  I edit an incoming fax?
    No. Other products like VisualInfo handle this quite well. 
    Q. How do I change the server I log onto?
    The Server information is kept in FAXSERV\DATA\SERVERS.LIS. This is a text file with extensive comments. Use an editor to change the server or servers in this file. 
    Q. Communications is slow after I entered a TCP/IP IP address. Why?
    TCPIP on windows seems to be real slow if you use an IP address in SERVERS.LIS. Use a hostname instead. So, instead of, put
    Q. In my 'C' program, I set usCoverSheet to FR2_COVER_CUSTOM+2 because I have two bitmaps on my cover sheet. FaxRouter still sends the default cover. Why?
    This is documented incorrectly in the FaxRouter Programming Reference, and in FXSAPI.H. The value should always be set to FR2_COVER_CUSTOM in version 3. 
    Q. Can I change the fonts that FaxRouter uses?
    The FaxRouter server for OS/2 supports drag and drop fonts. Just open the font palette and drop the selected font anywhere on the server window. These will be saved and restored next time the server is started.
    The FaxRouter client uses the font settings in its FXSRTRW.INI file, which is stored in the directory you specified as a work directory when you installed. The following values can be set:
    listfont=Arial    // Sets the font name for the Received Facsimiles window
    listfontsize=7    // Received Facsimiles font point size
    statusfont=Arial  // Sets the font name for the Status Bar
    statusfontsize=8  // Status Bar font point size
    mesgfont=Arial    // Sets the font name for the Server Messages window
    mesgfontsize=7    // Server Messages font size
    Any font installed on your system will work. You may need to experiment with the point size to get good results. Do not edit the .INI file while the FaxRouter client is running, as this file is overwritten when the program exits.

    Q. I installed another server. How can I get all my existing clients to recognize the new machine?
    On both server machines, edit the file DATA\SERVERS.LIS. Edit the file to add the other server. For example, if the existing machine is RTIFXSS3 and the new machine is RTIFXSS9, the existing SERVERS.LIS file will look like (at the  end, commented lines are omitted here)
    TCPIP RTIFXSS3 rtifxss3@1969
    Update the file with a new entry for the new server:
    TCPIP RTIFXSS3 rtifxss3@1969
    TCPIP RTIFXSS9 rtifxss9@1969
    Copy this file to the DATA directory of BOTH servers. When the clients log on, they get a copy of this file. When the administrator adds authorized users, the user list will be merged on the two machines and the merged version copied to both. Passwords are not propagated, so it is best to reserve one machine for users to log on. 
    Q. On Windows NT, the task manager shows FXSWINNT.EXE is running. What is this?
    FXSWINNT is a program that communicates with the FaxRouter NT printer driver. It is installed into the WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 directory. It normally runs hidden. If you need to diagnose a problem with the printer driver, you can kill the program from the task manager (you may need to reboot to accomplish this) and then start the program in VISIBLE mode by entering (lower case /v):
    After FixPak 06, you can also enter (lower case /c)
    If a copy of the program is running, this command will signal the running copy to close. If it is NOT running, it will start hidden unless /v was also specified.
    In the visible mode, diagnostic messages are displayed as the program operates.

    Q. How do I configure VIM routing and notification?
  • The Lotus NOTES client MUST be correctly installed on the FaxRouter server, and if VIM support was a NOTES install option, it also must have been selected during NOTES installation. If the NOTES installation does not add the notes directory to the PATH or LIBPATH(OS2), then you should manually edit your configuration to add this directory. For performance reasons, use mail replication. Also, NOTES should be running and you should be logged on to your mail id.
  • The server should be configured to store the images as TIFF files. Notes or Windows can read this image format directly. MODCA is an unsupport file type for Notes.
  • Using a FaxRouter client, logged on using a FaxRouter administrator userid, select List->UserList.
  • Select the userid from the list that you want to update. Under "Routing Method" select "FaxRouter VIM Routing". You are prompted for the "User's VIM userid". On our server here we use our full mail address, as in:
  •  Tom Link/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS
  • Repeat this for the "Notification method". Use the same data for the "User's VIM userid" for notification.
  • Click on the "Change" button.
  • When a new file is routed to this person, they will get two messages. One is the notification that a new fax has been received. The other will be the actual image file. If you select NONE for the "Notification method" the user will not get two messages, but they also will not be informed when a fax has been sent.
  • FaxRouter does not provide mail capabilities. Instead it uses whatever is installed on the machine. For VIM, it could be Notes or CC:mail. For MAPI there are these and many other choices, but, at least in my opinion, it is harder to set up. If NOTES is correctly set up, the password requirements depend on how your Notes ID is set up. The ID does not need to be specified (actually it is ignored using NOTES) but if the ID requires a password, you'll need to enter it on the Server Identification panel.

  • Q. What is the FAXUTIL utility and what does it do?
    FAXUTIL is a program that runs from the command line to perform testing or other administrative tasks. You can obtain this utility from IBM service. Here is a basic detail of its function.

            -RESET userid

     clears the password for ths selected user (run on server only)
            -TELL  userid msgid [notify.dll]
     sends a message to a user (server)
            -TLOG  userid
     not supported
            -REGISTER faxid ... [-RECIPIENT userid]
     routes a faxid to a userid
            -UNREGISTER faxid ...
     clears the ownership for a faxid
            -DELETE faxid ...
     deletes one or more faxids
            -SEND faxid ... [options]
     same as the FAXSEND command
     locks the admin file and downloads it
            -UNREGADM [changed_file]
     unlocks the admin file and sends it back
     locks the user list and downloads it
            -UNREGUSR [changed_file]
     unlocks the user list and sends it back
            -UPDATEUSER [userid]
     updates a userid (interactive)
     clears user info
     not supported
     logged on server status
     displays groups for logged on user
            -PARSE faxid pages
     submits a parse request
            -EXTRACT filename
     downloads the specified file. filename is server-relative, as in data\fxsadm03.lis
            -EXIST filename
     just checks if a file exists
            -LISTADD filename
     Adds an entry to the receive list
            -RESTART servername
     shuts down/ and restart selected server
     downloads the response file for the logged-on user if there is one
            -TOOEM FileName
     sends file though codepage conversion WIn->OS2
            -TOWIN FileName
     ditto but OS2->win
     displays all faxids in the FAXR director(ies) (server)

    Q. Can I stop  the server from starting File Redirection since I don't use that function?

    FaxRouter loads all the DLLs for the process windows as the server starts. If you want to disable some functions, you can rename the DLL to .BAK (or something else) and the process window associated with that DLL will not be started.
    FXSRGL.DLL - GammaLink Receive
    FXSRTS3.DLL - Socket communication
    FXSRTS1.DLL - File Redirection Communication
    FXSCVTR.DLL - Convert for Receive
    FXSXGL.DLL - GammaLink Transmit
    Other DLLs cannot be renamed as they are required for other functions. FXSPRINT.DLL for example is required by several other modules. FXSLOG1.DLL is required by ALL components. FXSRGL and FXSCVTR work together. If either is renamed both modules will fail to load.

    Q. I get an error loading WIAEXT32.DLL on Windows NT.

    There are two possibilities:
  • You have FaxRouter Server AND VisualInfo installed. The message in this case is usually that a specific entry point cannot be found. Both VisualInfo and FaxRouter Server install WIAEXT32.DLL. make sure that the newer version (probably FaxRouter's copy) is in the path first. VI puts their copy in the windows\SYSTEM32 directory, which may make it load first. Either copy FaxRouter's copy there, or rename to .BAK and let the PATH find the FaxRouter copy.
  • You are trying to start the FaxRouter Server as a process but it is already running as a service. The message in this case is that the DLL failed to initialize. Don't do that! Run it EITHER as a service OR as a process.

  • Last Updated May 10, 1999