=============================================================================== FaxRouter/2 Windows Client Maintenance Requires Base Level at CSD FR00203 or greater FaxRouter/2 README-W file Product ID 5622-342 Feature 0402 P/N 87G7550 CSD FR00214 (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1993-1998. All Rights Reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. =============================================================================== INSTALLATION ------------ First download the FR214W0x.EXE file(s) as binary. (x corresponds to the number in the file name) You can either create diskette(s) or install from your hard disk. TO CREATE/INSTALL FROM DISKETTE(s) 1) Extract the disk files for the Program Product onto the diskette by entering: FR214W0x A: (where x corresponds to the number in the file name) 2) From an OS/2 command line, ENTER: A:\INSTALL (press ENTER and follow the screens) TO INSTALL FROM HARDDISK 1) Create a temporary subdirectory on your hard disk MD TEMP 2) Extract the fixed files into that temporary directory: FR214W0x C:\TEMP -o (where x corresponds to the number in file name) 3) From an OS/2 command line, ENTER: C:\TEMP\INSTALL (press ENTER and follow the screens) NOTES: This corrective service diskette requires base level FaxRouter at CSD FR00203 or greater. Please issue the SYSLEVEL command on your SERVER to verify that the installed level of FaxRouter is at the required level before you begin installation of this service. This service is for the FaxRouter/2 Windows Client. The Server service must be installed first. This service does not modify the user-created files such as the receive list, the log files or the user list. =============================================================================== FaxRouter/2 Maintenance List APAR # PROBLEM DESCRIPTION =============================================================================== CSD 214: IC18686 - Protection Fault in Windows FAX.EXE when processing a response file that is larger than 64K CSD 213: IC16892 - DISK NOT AVAILABLE ERROR WHEN CDROM NOT AVAILABLE. IC17367 - FAX.EXE FOR WINDOWS TRAPS VIEWING LARGE SEND LOG IC17393 - SAVED SEND LOG FILTER IS NOTUSED WHEN INITIALLY VIEWING THE IC17215 - CHILD WINDOW CREATION ERROR WHEN STARTING THE AFP VIEW IC17494 - THE RETURN CODE FOR THE SEND LOG IS DISPLAYED IN HEX CSD 212: IC16663 - GPF WHEN PROCESSING A LARGE PHONE BOOK. CSD 210: IC15059 - UPGRADE THE WINDOWS CLIENT TO THE SAME LEVEL AS THE WORKGROUP CLIENT CSD 209: IC12084 - FAX.EXE FOR WINDOWS AFTER APPLYING APAR IC11561 DOES NOT ALLOW ACCESS TO THE PHONE LIST. IC13721 - WINDOWS PRINTER DRIVER NOT PERFORMING AS EXPECTED CSD 208, CSD 207, CSD 206, and CSD 205: NOTE01 - A new Windows FaxRouter/2 Virtual Print Driver has been | included. Two files are copied to the \PRODUCTS\FXSRTR2 | directory, FXSPRTW.DRV and OEMSETUP.INF (a new file). The | ADDUSER program can now be used to install the driver on | client machines. | | FaxRouter/2 Windows Virtual Print Driver | ================================================================== | The following tags, if placed in a document queued for | printing, will allow the user to bypass the FaxRouter/2 | Send Panel. All tags are case-sensitive and are delimited | by a carriage-return, a comma, a semicolon, or end-of-data. | There is no method provided to place a comma or semicolon | in the data. | | >>FROM=,,, | Coversheet information. | name - the sender's name | company - sender's company | voicephone - reserved for future use, ignored | faxphone - reserved for future use, ignored | | >>TO=,, | Recipient information. There can be up to 99 | of these specified. | name - the recipient's name | company - recipient's company | faxphone - destination phone number (5 chars minimum) | | >>INFO=, | Transaction info. | comment - the Fax Coversheet comment | coversheet supression flag: | 0 - default coversheet | 1 - no coversheet | (0 is the default value) | | >>USERID=, | Sender's Userid. This will be used INSTEAD of the | logged-on USERID, if provided here. If omitted, | the same method is used as the FaxRouter/2 client. | userid - eight character userid | trace - 'Y' to turn trace ON | | >>USERDATA= | userdata - up to 256 bytes of data regarding the | transaction. This will be stored in the LOG if provided. | | An example: | ============================================ | >>TO=Mr. Fax,Company Name2,9=111-1111 | >>TO=Tom Fax,Company Name1,9=222-2222===222# | >>FROM=My Name,My Company,333-3333,333-4444 | >>INFO=This is a comment, 1 | >>USERID=USER01 | ============================================ | | NOTE: Applications will clip the data being sent to the | driver if a large font is selected for the tags. This | may cause some of the tags to also be clipped before | they are sent to the driver. You can bypass this if | you PREVIEW the print output and then select a font | style with the smallest point size available for the | tag fields. | ================================================================== IC11249 - FR/2 WINDOWS CLIENT REQUIRE READ/WRITE ACCESS INSTEAD OF THE DOCUMENTED EXECUTE AND READ ACCESS TO PRODUCTS DIRECTORY IC11561 - FR/2 FXSRTRW FAX.EXE GETS GENERAL PROTECTION FAULT AT 28C8 WHEN SELECTING A FAX FROM LIST OF RECEIVED FAXES. =============================================================================