=============================================================================== FaxRouter/2 ImagePlus MVS/ESA Integration Feature Maintenance Requires Base Level at CSD FR00203 or greater FaxRouter/2 README-H file Product ID 5622-342 Feature 0403 P/N 87G7551 CSD FR00213 (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1993-1995. All Rights Reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. =============================================================================== INSTALLATION ------------ First download the FR213H0x.EXE file(s) as binary. (x corresponds to the number in the file name) You can either create diskette(s) or install from your hard disk. TO CREATE/INSTALL FROM DISKETTE(s) 1) Extract the disk files for the Program Product onto the diskette by entering: FR213H0x A: (where x corresponds to the number in the file name) 2) Change the current drive to drive A. 3) Follow the HOST UPLOAD/INSTALLATION PROCEDURES below. TO INSTALL FROM HARDDISK 1) Create a temporary subdirectory on your hard disk MD TEMP 2) Extract the fixed files into that temporary directory: FR213H0x C:\TEMP -o (where x corresponds to the number in file name) 3) Change the current drive to C:\TEMP. 4) Follow the HOST UPLOAD/INSTALLATION PROCEDURES below. HOST UPLOAD/INSTALLATION PROCEDURES 1) Before starting the installation, ensure that Communications Manager is running and a 3270 Emulation session is logged onto TSO with access to the proper libraries. 2) Edit the FIF2HST.LST file. Modify the Host dataset names in the file to match the Host standards. 3) At the command prompt type: FIF2UPLD then press Enter. 4) Each file of the service diskette will be uploaded to the proper Host library as defined in the FIF2HST.LST file. 5) The service files will be uploaded to the proper libraries. 6) Run the Linkedit Job that was used when the FaxRouter/2 ImagePlus MVS/ESA Integration Feature was first installed. 7) Run the DB2 Bind Job that was used when the FaxRouter/2 ImagePlus MVS/ESA Integration Feature was first installed. 8) Load the new copies of the Host programs into Host memory. 9) Installation is complete. NOTES: This corrective service diskette requires base level FaxRouter at CSD FR00203 or greater. Please issue the SYSLEVEL command on your SERVER to verify that the installed level of FaxRouter is at the required level before you begin installation of this service. This service is for the FaxRouter/2 ImagePlus MVS/ESA Integration Feature MVS/ESA Host software. FOR INTERGRATION WITH IODM/2: Rename the FAAAEFIE.BTR into the CICS200\BIN\DATA directory. Copy FAAAEFIE.BTR into the CICS200\BIN\DATA directory. In CICS, run CAIM, and import group FAXIODM2. Include conversion tables. This will create all TCS, PPT, PCT, and CVT entries required. You may change the TCS entries as needed to match your installation. =============================================================================== FaxRouter/2 Maintenance List APAR # PROBLEM DESCRIPTION =============================================================================== CSD 211: IC16119 - FXSIPMST NOT DELETEING FILES CSD 209: IC12007 - VARIOUS PROBLEMS IN FIF2.EXE BEFORE AND AFTER APAR IC11192 THAT ARE CORRECTED IN EKCCOMEX CSD 208, CSD 207, CSD 206, and CSD 205: IC11390 - FOLDERID PARM IS NOT BEING PASSED WITH PARMS WHEN FXR001 IS CALLING FXROSEC EXIT =============================================================================