********************************************************************************************** Enterprise Information Portal V6.1 CSD2 ( for Windows October 11th, 2000 This is a formal Corrective Service Delivery that will bring all systems at the syslevels described in the Installation Requirements to (syslevel 06010200.green.CSD2). Table of Contents 1. Installation Requirements 2. Installation Instructions 3. APAR Descriptions ********************************************************************************************** ********************************************* 1. Installation Requirements ********************************************* This CSD is for Windows 95/98/NT. In order to install this CSD, you must be at any of these minimum product base levels: a) Enterprise Information Portal for Windows V6.1.0.0 (syslevel 060100.green.0000) b) Enterprise Information Portal for Windows V6.1.0.x (syslevel 0601000x.green.fixpackx) c) Enterprise Information Portal for Windows V6.1.1.0 (syslevel 06010100.green.CSD1) d) Enterprise Information Portal for Windows V6.1.1.x (syslevel 0601010x.green.fixpackx) To determine your current syslevel on a Windows machine: - Click on the START button and select RUN. - Enter "REGEDIT" - Double click on "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" - Double click on "SOFTWARE" - Double click on "IBM" - Double click the product (example: DL, VI, EIP, CM, ...) - Double click on version - On the right side of the screen, the following information is displayed: Version/Release, Modification and Fixpack applied. ********************************************* 2. Installation Instructions ********************************************* 1. Shut down and reboot your workstation to ensure that all file locks are released. 2. On the CSD FTP site, CD into the desired language subdirectory (for example: CD ENU to find the English CSD). Be aware that each National language has its own CSD package. Because all the language CSDs have the same name, be sure you go to the correct language subdirectory. 3. Download the EIP6120.WIN.EXE file in binary mode to a temporary subdirectory on your workstation. 4. EIP6120.WIN.EXE is a self-extracting WINZIP file that can be extracted by simply entering EIP6120.WIN. You will be prompted for a temporary directory to unzip to. You should have at least 106MB of free space. 5. After extracting the ZIP file, CD into the language directory and run setup.exe which will take you through GUI install panels. -------------------------------------------------------------------- APAR Fixes with Descriptions -------------------------------------------------------------------- ***** APAR NUMBER: IR42909 COMPONENT: 5648D03H1 / JAVA CLIENT WIN PMR NUMBER: 25999,001,862 APAR DESCRIPTION: Client would not run when eip6 cmbclientapp.bat was invoked in a Turkish locale. The client was unable to parse the command line parameters when client was invoked in Turkish locale. FIX DESCRIPTION: Code change. Changed CMBUtil.java to parse parameters in ENU locale. ***** APAR NUMBER: IR43104 COMPONENT: 5648D0352 / OO API WIN PMR NUMBER: 99999,999,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Fix to allow user to specify a different port number for OnDemand. FIX DESCRIPTION: Allow the user to specify a different port number for OnDemand. ***** ************* From Fixpack 2 (May 10th, 2000) ************* ***** APAR NUMBER: IR42063 COMPONENT: Client for Windows PMR NUMBER: 46924,180 APAR DESCRIPTION: Occasionally, all pages/parts of a large document could not be opened. FIX DESCRIPTION: The document could now be opened completely. ***** APAR NUMBER: IR42269 COMPONENT: 5648D03T2 / THIN CLIENT WIN PMR NUMBER: 99999,999,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Thin client needs user mapping function. Currently, if logging on to a back-end server fails, there is no way to specify a valid id and password. This function is in the EIP client. FIX DESCRIPTION: Search.java- added code to call userMapping.jsp when CMBConnectFailedException is thrown. userMapping.jsp is the new logon panel to allow the user to enter a valid id and password to a back-end. UserMapping.java is a new servlet that connects to the back-end server and gets search results. New constants were added to CMBServletConstants.java. ***** APAR NUMBER: IR42301 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 (Client Application) PMR NUMBER: 99999,999,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Text in Notelogs and Sticky notes is not converted into the server's code page, but is left in the Windows code page(12xx). FIX DESCRIPTION: Proper code page conversion is now performed. ***** APAR NUMBER: IR42452 COMPONENT: 6548D0352 / C++ OOAPI PMR NUMBER: 35150,519 APAR DESCRIPTION: Memory leak detected when trying to retrieve a multi-stream part into a file. FIX DESCRIPTION: After the node in the collection is deleted, the data stored in the node needs to be deleted also. ***** APAR NUMBER: IR42492 COMPONENT: TK / 5648D0452 PMR NUMBER: 48615,122,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: The retrieval of the TOC data for a large workbasket (6000) with a larger installation (12,000,000 Items) was taking longer to retrieve the data then the client time-out. FIX DESCRIPTION: 1. Change the SimLibGetTOC API to allow users to specify maximum number of entries returned and sort order. 2. Call LibDynQuery with the user specified maximum # of entries returned and sort order and send the query to Library Server. For example, if a workbasket has 12000 items, but if the user only want to see the first 200 items, then DB2 will only send 200 entries back instead of the default maximum of 10000. The sort order can be optimized by the user specifying SIM_SORT_PRIORITY_ENTEREDWB to SimLibGetTOC() API instead of using the default sorting by itemID's. Thus the response time will be dramatically reduced for this API. ***** APAR NUMBER: IR42572 COMPONENT: 5648D03C2 / ADMIN WIN PMR NUMBER: 99999,999,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: After accessing the Federated Entity Mapping dialog, server inventory viewer does not work. 1. Start EIP System Administration. 2.. Right click on a defined Federated Entity to access Properties 3. Click on Map Federated Entity button. 4. Go to EIP System Administration Tools menu, 5. Select Server Inventory Viewer option. Here, server Inventory Viewer dialog pops up,showing only the first row. In addition, an error window containing "null" pops up. FIX DESCRIPTION: Added checking for null arguments in FeFedEntityMappingDialog.java class. ***** APAR NUMBER: IR42573 COMPONENT: 5648D0352 / OOAPI WIN PMR NUMBER: 99999,999,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Fix Domino Extended Search (DES) viewing problem for documents retrieved from Web. FIX DESCRIPTION: DES viewing problem has been corrected for Web documents. ***** APAR NUMBER: IR42584 COMPONENT: 5648D0462 PMR NUMBER: 99999,999,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Runnning WmDemo.cmd in %CMBROOT%\samples\java\wm\gui, gives the following error: java.lang. UnsatisfiedLinkError: no DLWIHDL in shared library path at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary(Compiled Code); I.e., DLWIHDL.dll is not found in %PATH%. FIX DESCRIPTION: Added the directory of the DLL into %PATH%. ***** APAR NUMBER: IR42610 COMPONENT: 5648D0352 / OO API WIN PMR NUMBER: 23246,519 APAR DESCRIPTION: Fix memory leaks in the code for dynamic loading. FIX DESCRIPTION: Fixed the memory leaks by correcting the destructor operation. ***** APAR NUMBER: IR42630 COMPONENT: 5648D0352 / OO API WIN PMR NUMBER: 35416,519 APAR DESCRIPTION: Memory leaks when using DL datastore extension (C++ only). FIX DESCRIPTION: Fixed the leaks. ***** APAR NUMBER: IR42646 COMPONENT: 5648D03T2 / THIN CLIENT WIN PMR NUMBER: 44056,519 APAR DESCRIPTION: HTMLViewer.java uses a deprecated API (callPage() ) to execute a jsp page. This is an unimplemented API in the latest JSDK. FIX DESCRIPTION: Replaced callPage with requestDispatcher.forward ***** APAR NUMBER: IR42649 COMPONENT: 5648D0352 / OOAPI WIN PMR NUMBER: 20838 APAR DESCRIPTION: Errors during compile of DL V2.4 application written in C++ API on EIP V6.1 Environment. The class and methods that caused errors include: - DKPid.pidString() - DKBlobDL.setSearchEngine() In comparison of DL V2.4 and EIP V6.1 API manual, I have found 2 differences. - DKPid method V2.4 : virtual DKString pidString() const V6.1 : virtual DKString pidString() - DKBlobDL method V2.4 : void setSearchEngine(const char*) V6.1 : void setSearchEngine(const DKString&) FIX DESCRIPTION: ----- DKBlobDL.setSearchEngine() ----- Change the .mak file to point to the right version of .lib. Check the line in .mak file: DKDLLIB= $(DKCMBLIBPATH)\cmbcm306.lib $(DKCMBLIBPATH)\cmbdl306.lib ----- DKPid.pidString() ----- Add the line below to take care of the compiler problem. By the way the DKDDO.getPid has been deprecated and will be replaced by DKDDO.getPidObject Using pDDO->getPid() DKString Tmp = ((DKPid&)(pDDO->getPid())).pidString(); Using pDDO->getPidObject() DKString Tmp = ((DKPid*)(pDDO->getPidObject()))->pidString(); ***** APAR NUMBER: IR42705 COMPONENT: thin client PMR NUMBER: 44056 APAR DESCRIPTION: When EIP thin client attempts to display a MS Word doc, the document viewer frame contains garbage. FIX DESCRIPTION: url to cmbcc2mime.ini is now passed to the servlets from websphere3.0.2 so that it knows the mime type of a document. ***** APAR NUMBER: IR42841 COMPONENT: 5648D0352 / OO API WIN PMR NUMBER: 99999,999,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: If the hostname of Remote Method Invocation (RMI) is not registered in DNS, EIP client fails. FIX DESCRIPTION: Allows user to specify hostname for RMI server. User can do cmbregist . ***** APAR NUMBER: IR42843 COMPONENT: 5648D0352 PMR NUMBER: 99999,999,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Fix for Fed callback routine in CS package & DS Ext Fed. FIX DESCRIPTION: Fixed callback routine in CS package to do its processing in the CS package. Fixed DS Ext Fed creation. ***** APAR NUMBER: IR42848 COMPONENT: 5648D0351 PMR NUMBER: 55291 APAR DESCRIPTION: DL entity-id in DKIndexClassDefDL is not set, always return 0 (C++, Java) . FIX DESCRIPTION: The problem is fixed. ***** APAR NUMBER: IR42867 COMPONENT: 5648D0352 PMR NUMBER: 56814 APAR DESCRIPTION: listItemIDsWF(WorkflowB item id) causes an access violation. FIX DESCRIPTION: Added IF statement to ensure that the returning collection is valid. ***** APAR NUMBER: IR42913 COMPONENT: 5648D0352 PMR NUMBER: 35894 APAR DESCRIPTION: C++ : isNullable method returns wrong result. FIX DESCRIPTION: Corrected the returned result. ***** APAR NUMBER: IR42942 COMPONENT: CL / 569725040 PMR NUMBER: 78430,033,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: The client was ignoring the "Work order" specified for workbaskets. Items were returned in the same order, irrespective of whether "LIFO" or "FIFO" was defined. FIX DESCRIPTION: The client now respects the defined work order. ***** APAR NUMBER: IR42947 COMPONENT: 5648D0352 PMR NUMBER: 55291 APAR DESCRIPTION: DL entity-id in DKIndexClassDefDL is not set, always return 0 (C++, Java). FIX DESCRIPTION: The problem is fixed. ***** APAR NUMBER: IR43020 COMPONENT: 5648D03T2 PMR NUMBER: 99999,999,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: IE Bug was URL character length dependent. FIX DESCRIPTION: Fixed comparison of URL...Customer should be able to see plug-in documents. ***** APAR NUMBER: IR43022 COMPONENT: 5648D03T2 PMR NUMBER: 99999,999,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: IE will send multiple truncated URL requests after the first request when trying to open a plug-in document. FIX DESCRIPTION: We now compare truncated URL with the first URL to find matches and re-send doc. if match was found. ***** APAR NUMBER: IR43023 COMPONENT: 5648D03T2 PMR NUMBER: 99999,999,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Files were missing. FIX DESCRIPTION: The missing files are no longer missing. ***** APAR NUMBER: IR43024 COMPONENT: 5648D03T2 PMR NUMBER: 99999,999,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Files are linked incorrectly. FIX DESCRIPTION: Fixed file links. ***** APAR NUMBER: IR43049 COMPONENT: 5648D03T2 PMR NUMBER: 99999 APAR DESCRIPTION: Tabs and headings disappear when entity tab clicked. FIX DESCRIPTION: Corrected Logic which referred to incorrect object. ***** APAR NUMBER: IR43100 COMPONENT: 5648D0352 PMR NUMBER: 99999,999,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: When using the Fed datastore, multiple connections to a backend occur during query & retrieval. FIX DESCRIPTION: Fed datastore will use one connection to a backend during query & retrieval. ***** APAR NUMBER: IR43101 COMPONENT: 5648D0300 PMR NUMBER: 99999,999,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Request for user mapping function in Federated Datastore C++ version. FIX DESCRIPTION: Added the requested function in the Federated Datastore. Internal changes only. No changes to API/interface. ***** ******************* Fixpack 1 (March 30th, 2000) ****************** ***** APAR NUMBER: IR42153 COMPONENT: Data Store Classes PMR NUMBER: 99999 APAR DESCRIPTION: Documentation was missing the necessary information. FIX DESCRIPTION: The OO and Internet Application Programming Reference (aprooi) has been updated with the correct information outlined in APAR IR41943. ***** APAR NUMBER: IR42156 COMPONENT: 5648D0392 PMR NUMBER: 99999 APAR DESCRIPTION: The most recent OnDemand Client install has changes which the OnDemand group would like us to include in the EIP CSD install. Changes to the OnDemand Client Install were needed for Russian EIP. FIX DESCRIPTION: Added function to call the OnDemand Client install during EIP CSD install if OnDemand connector is already installed. ***** APAR NUMBER: IR42304 COMPONENT: 5648D0300 PMR NUMBER: 99999,999,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Incorrect result from listPrivilege method in Java code. FIX DESCRIPTION: The offset of the pointer was corrected in the JNI C code in the Java version. The listPrivilege method returns a correct privilege set name associated with the user ID. ***** APAR NUMBER: IR42344 COMPONENT: 5648D0352 PMR NUMBER: 99999,999,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: This is the mak file problem. It's missing one class in the cmbfedc.jar file. Running client will not work. FIX DESCRIPTION: Added PRemoteDSImpFed.class in the dkfedc.mak.nt file. ***** APAR NUMBER: IR42392 COMPONENT: 5648D0352 PMR NUMBER: 35147,519,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: A memory leak occurs when using the C++ API to load a multistream file. The method used is the 'add(filename)' of a DKBlobDL. FIX DESCRIPTION: Cleaned up all temporary storage. ***** APAR NUMBER: IR42395 COMPONENT: 5648D0372 PMR NUMBER: 99999 APAR DESCRIPTION: When parsing (the itemid string sent back by the OD/390 server running on the German codepage) the parser routine fails with an exception. The exception is DGL303A Usage Error: Invalid parameter. The file is pparsep.cpp, line 968. FIX DESCRIPTION: Used strtok() instead of the parsing routing to parse the itemid string. ***** APAR NUMBER: IR42404 COMPONENT: Toolkit PMR NUMBER: 99999 APAR DESCRIPTION: Fix memory leak for DKFederatedCollection. FIX DESCRIPTION: Cleaned up memory. ***** APAR NUMBER: IR42406 COMPONENT: 5648D0352 PMR NUMBER: 99999 APAR DESCRIPTION: Return 0 hits when the query "XXX LIKE %" is issued. FIX DESCRIPTION: Return correct results when the qurey "XXX LIKE %" is issued. ***** APAR NUMBER: IR42453 COMPONENT: C++ OOAPI PMR NUMBER: 35151 APAR DESCRIPTION: Memory leak detected when trying to do a DKParts.removeMember() in which the DKParts contains at least 1 multi-stream part. FIX DESCRIPTION: Needed to clean up the collection completely. ***** APAR NUMBER: IR42573 COMPONENT: Toolkit PMR NUMBER: 99999,999,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Domino Extended Search (DES) viewing problem for documents retrieved from Web. FIX DESCRIPTION: View is correct when a Web document is selected. ***** APAR NUMBER: IR43142 / Windows COMPONENT: 5648D03V2 / OD Viewer PMR NUMBER: 99999 APAR DESCRIPTION: It takes a very long time (over 15 minutes) to perform the first search or retrieval against an OnDemand/390 server with more than 4000 application groups loaded. FIX DESCRIPTION: At logon time, the OnDemand connector no longer asks for all the application groups from the OnDemand/390 server. Instead it only asks for the application groups needed to perform the search and document retrieval from the OnDemand/390 server once. ***** APAR NUMBER: IR43456 / Windows COMPONENT: 5648D0352 / OO API Win PMR NUMBER: 75492,519 and 72320,519 APAR DESCRIPTION: The update( ) of a TextSearch indexed part doesn't update the TextSearch index queue. Also, the deletion of a TextSearch indexed part sometimes shows a status of 255 but it should be a status of 770. FIX DESCRIPTION: The redesigned multiStream code in C++ did not check for TextSearch index during update( ) and it didn't set the WAKEUPSRV option from datastore. The fix is to check the search index during update( ) and assign the WAKEUPSRV option (passed from datastore) during initialization of a search extension object. ________________________________________________________________________ TRADEMARKS ________________________________________________________________________ IBM, ImagePlus, VisualInfo, and OS/2 are trademarks of the International Business Machines Corporation in the United States or other countries. Microsoft, Windows, and the Windows 95 logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other marks are the properties of their respective owners.