********************************************************************************************** Enterprise Information Portal V6.1 CSD1 ( for AIX February 18th, 2000 This is a formal Corrective Service Delivery that will bring all systems at the syslevels described in the Installation Requirements to (syslevel Table of Contents 1. Installation Requirements 2. Installation Instructions 3. APAR Descriptions ********************************************************************************************** ********************************************* 1. Installation Requirements ********************************************* This CSD is for AIX. In order to install this CSD, you must have one of these following product base level releases installed: a) Enterprise Information Portal for AIX V6.1.0.0 (syslevel ********************************************* 2. Installation Instructions ********************************************* 1. Download the eip611.tar.gz file in binary mode to a temporary subdirectory on your workstation. You will need at least 55MB of free space in your temporary directory. 2. To unpack the GZIP compression, enter: gzip -d eip611.tar.gz If you don't have GZIP, you can obtain this freeware tool from: http://aixpdslib.seas.ucla.edu/aixpdslib.html 3. Unpack the eip611.tar file into your temporary subdirectory using the AIX tar utility. For example: tar -xvf eip611.tar 4. Log in as root. 5. Start the Installation wizard by entering ./frnxupdate.sh -------------------------------------------------------------------- APAR Fixes with Descriptions -------------------------------------------------------------------- APAR NUMBER: IR40907 COMPONENT : Digital Library PMR NUMBER: N/A APAR DESCRIPTION: When CONTENT=NO parametric query option is used we are using the wrong Folder Manager option for SimLibSearch as well as using SimLibGetItemSnapshot which return attributes. These are not needed when CONTENT=NO is specified. FIX DESCRIPTION: Use the correct option for SimLibSearch and use SimLibGetItemInfo when CONTENT=NO is specified. APAR NUMBER: IR41814 COMPONENT: EIP OOAPI PMR NUMBER: 99999,999,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Fix to listDataSources function in datastore Fed. This function abends on AIX. This also fixes a memory leak problem. FIX DESCRIPTION: Change calls that access the file that contains the fed databases. APAR NUMBER: IR41831 COMPONENT: EIP OOAPI PMR NUMBER: 99999,999,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Error in C++ dkDataObject::setPidObject() when the same pid object that is in the dkDataObject is used again in the setPidObject method. FIX DESCRIPTION: Check to see if the same pid object that is in the dkDataObject is passed in on input. If it is the same pid object just return to the user. The user can pass in the same pid object that is already in the dkDataObject. APAR NUMBER: IR41832 COMPONENT: EIP OOAPI PMR NUMBER: 99999,999,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Fix for memory leaks in the result set cursors for DL & TextSearch. FIX DESCRIPTION: Perform memory cleanup. APAR NUMBER: IR41833 COMPONENT: EIP OOAPI PMR NUMBER: 99999,999,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Fix in result set cursor setToNext() method for Fed. This fixes a problem when some backend return empty results. FIX DESCRIPTION: Update the setToNext method for the Fed resultset cursors to handle empty results. APAR NUMBER: IR41838 COMPONENT: EIP OOAPI PMR NUMBER: 99999,999,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Fix to so that we don't use system layer when performing the task of dynamic loading. FIX DESCRIPTION: Use system load and unload functions instead of system layer version of these functions. APAR NUMBER: IR41856 COMPONENT: EIP OOAPI PMR NUMBER: 99999,999,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: For OnDemand, the text needs to be converted for viewer. FIX DESCRIPTION: Add set/getOption to dkXDO to support text conversion for OnDemand. APAR NUMBER: IR41889 COMPONENT: EIP OOAPI PMR NUMBER: 99999,999,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: There are three users in this scenario. frnadmin is an admin user on CM that has rights to see insurance and financial data. In this example, it is Auto insurance and mortgage information. The user 'insure' only has rights to see the insurance data and 'finance' only has rights to see the financial data. frnadmin, insure, and finance are all users defined on EIP and have been given access to a search template called Security Violation that maps across both the insurance and financial data. In the following print, I have logged on as frnadmin and searched and have gotten the expected hits. Some from Auto Insurance, some from Mortgage information. When logon as 'insure', the search is expected, only insurance information is searchable and displayed. However, when logon as 'finance', the user gets exception instead, expected result should be seeing only finance data. FIX DESCRIPTION: There is a problem in the order of the code in PQueryThreadFed.java that put itself on the monitor queue before setting up the error object. APAR NUMBER: IR41892 COMPONENT: EIP OOAPI PMR NUMBER: 99999,999,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: When CONTENT=NO is specified at Fed level the DDO is no setup properly. FIX DESCRIPTION: Setup DDO properly for Fed. APAR NUMBER: IR41909 COMPONENT: EIP OOAPI PMR NUMBER: 99999,999,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: When CONTENT=NO is specified at Fed level the DDO is not set up properly. FIX DESCRIPTION: Setup DDO properly for Fed. APAR NUMBER: IR41911 COMPONENT: EIP OOAPI PMR NUMBER: 99999,999,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: When CONTENT=NO is specified at Fed level the DDO is not setup properly. FIX DESCRIPTION: Setup DDO properly for Fed. APAR NUMBER: IR41918 COMPONENT : Java Beans PMR NUMBER: 99999,999,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Thin Client has no way of picking up the current working directory due to the limitation in WebSphere. By enabling these functions, thin client can specify the location of the cmbcc2mime.ini file for back-end datastore to use. FIX DESCRIPTION: Our conclusion is to add these methods in the non-visual beans where the thin-client servlet interface. APAR NUMBER: IR41923 COMPONENT: EIP OOAPI PMR NUMBER: 99999,999,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Error in DKDatastoreDES::execute() in cs package. since _server.execute()/_client.execute() may return DKResultSetCursorDES or DKResultSetCursorEmptyDES, it should be cast to dkResultSetCursor to cover both cases. The original code only casts it to DKResultSetCursorDES, which may cause run-time cast error. FIX DESCRIPTION: The return value is cast to dkResultSetCursor. APAR NUMBER: IR41939 COMPONENT: Java Beans PMR NUMBER: 99999,999,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Add connection object as beans properties for visual builder developer which is currently missing FIX DESCRIPTION: Add connection object as beans properties for visual builder developer which is currently missing APAR NUMBER: IR41948 COMPONENT: Digital Library PMR NUMBER: 99999,999,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: When using the DKDatastore DL::checkOut() C++ API to check out an item that is already checked out to a different user we get the following error: Ip2CheckOutItem[FRN=0,ExtRc=0] file DKDatastoreCRUDLL.cpp, line:2635 The error is expect, but the FRN and ExtRc code should not be zero. The api should return FRN2650 return code. FRN2650A: The specified item is currently checked out to another user. FIX DESCRIPTION: Set and return the FRN error code in the exception. APAR NUMBER: IR41957 COMPONENT: Federated Search PMR NUMBER: 99999,999,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Currently the user is using JDBC client/server and federation at the client, therefore there is a lot of network traffic in sending each SQL request back and forth across the network. This translates to a performance problem because it slows down functions. FIX DESCRIPTION: Performance improvement - Moving all client/server calls to DKDatastoreFed client/server instead of JDBC client/server. Will impact all federated APIs that access federated database including sysadmin functions. Configuration for Fed changes (cmbcs.ini & cmbclient.ini) -Using DKDatastoreFed class in the server package. Whenever the user uses the DKDatastoreFed class in the server package the user can specify the cmbcs.ini to configure the backend datastores it creates. This is because the DKDatastoreFed class in the server package creates the cs package version of the backend datastores which are part of the federation. If the user specifies some of the servers in the cmbcs.ini as remote then the cmbclient.ini is also required. If the cmbcs.ini is not found all of the servers default to local so, no RMI is used. The RMI server that supports Fed uses the DKDatastoreFed class in the server package. In this senerio the RMI server can be configured using the information described in the previous paragraph. The backend datastore runtime files involved in the federation should be installed on the machine using this class. DB2 is located on the same machine the DKDatastoreFed class in the server package is on. -Using DKDatastoreFed class in the client package. This uses cmbclient.ini as usual. The cmbclient.ini will point to a RMI server that supports Fed. Refer to the steps specified in the Using DKDatastoreFed class in the server package above to see how to configure the RMI server that supports Fed. The backend datastore runtime files involved in the federation should be installed on the machine using this class. -Using DKDatastoreFed class in the cs package. This uses cmbcs.ini as usual. If Fed is set to local in the cmbcs.ini then the user should follow the configuration steps specified in the Using DKDatastoreFed class in the server package section above. If Fed is set to remote in the cmbcs.ini then the user should follow the configuration steps specified in the Using DKDatastoreFed class in the client package section above. If the cmbcs.ini is not found the default is local for all servers. All other backends can be either local or remote in the cmbcs.ini. The backend datastore runtime files involved in the federation should be installed on the machine using this class. RMI SERVER CONFIGURATION ASSUMPTION: If 1 or more RMI servers support a given datastore type then that RMI server must allow the user to get to any defined server of that datastore type. For example in the DL case, such an RMI server must have a network table configured that allows users to get to all defined DL servers. APAR NUMBER: IR41958 COMPONENT: EIP OOAPI PMR NUMBER: 99999,999,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Currently, all of EIP resource files are in the form of xx_YY where xx is the language code and YY is the country code. This is the problem for NLV machines countries like England where its system locale setting is en_UK not en_US. Customers experienced error message that resource not found. FIX DESCRIPTION: Renaming resources files to have only the language suffix instead of both language and country suffixes. For example, DKMessageDL_en_US.properties needs to be renamed to DKMessageDL_en.properties. This way we can support more locales of the same language. APAR NUMBER: IR41961 COMPONENT: Java Beans PMR NUMBER: 99999,999,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: End users were not able to set the limitation for the hit list in EIP clients. The results is that when the users searched on text search at return alot (more than 10,000) hits, it brought down library server. FIX DESCRIPTION: Adding getMaxResults() and setMaxResults() methods to CMBSearchTemplate bean to allow visual beans, thin client to allow customers to set the limit on the display results hit list APAR NUMBER: IR41980 COMPONENT: Digital Library PMR NUMBER: 18003 APAR DESCRIPTION: A memory leak was detected in TS. Exception when quering 2 indexes. FIX DESCRIPTION: Fixed memory leak. No exception when quering 2 indexes. APAR NUMBER: IR42031 COMPONENT: EIP OOAPI PMR NUMBER: 99999,999,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: C++ dkAttrDef::getEntityName/setEntityName not picking up name from dkEntityDef when it is there. FIX DESCRIPTION: Have dkAttrDef:getEntityName/setEntityName methods pick up the name from the dkEntityDef when it is there. APAR NUMBER: IR42040 COMPONENT: Java Beans PMR NUMBER: 99999,999,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: When application developers use setRMIHostname() and setPortNumber() methods in CMBConnection bean, these values incorrectly ignored and always looks for cmbclient.ini file. FIX DESCRIPTION: CMBConnection bean needs to remember these values and set them appropriately. APAR NUMBER: IR42056 COMPONENT: Digital Library PMR NUMBER: 04961, 04693 APAR DESCRIPTION: When the user calls SimLibOpenObject of media object during DDO call getSize() that trigger the FM API call. FIX DESCRIPTION: Comment out the call for the getSize() of media object. The returned size info. is the size of media control file, not the real size of the media object. APAR NUMBER: IR42061 COMPONENT: Digital Library PMR NUMBER: 99999,999,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Add search indexed object with extension object some times didn't get into the TSE queue. FIX DESCRIPTION: Always set the callExtSrch flag from ds to avoid the garbage data. The default true flag will trigger the userexit and put object into the TSE queue. APAR NUMBER: IR42067 COMPONENT: EIP OOAPI PMR NUMBER: 99999,999,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: CM connector DKDatastoreDL::listEntities function doesn't return views. FIX DESCRIPTION: The DKDatastoreDL::listEntities function now returns views. APAR NUMBER: IR42146 COMPONENT: EIP OOAPI PMR NUMBER: 99999,999,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Java RMI - Only 1 RMI Slave gets request & datastore cleanup not correct when RMI Hierachy is formed FIX DESCRIPTION: The RMI request are better destributed among the RMI Slave servers. Cleanup is done when the RMI Hierachy is formed. _________________________________________________________________________ TRADEMARKS __________________________________________________________________________ IBM, ImagePlus, VisualInfo, and OS/2 are trademarks of the International Business Machines Corporation in the United States or other countries. Microsoft, Windows, and the Windows 95 logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other marks are the properties of their respective owners.