IBM(R) Content Management e-client ReadMe

revised February 24, 2003


   Installing the e-client
   Updating the e-client with this fixpack
   Siebel Integration for IBM Content Manager
   BEA WebLogic Server 6.1 Support
   Updates, known problems and workarounds
   Corrections to documentation
   Other sources of information


Welcome to IBM Content Management e-client Readme file. This file contains the latest information about installing the e-client and updates and known problems with workarounds for using the e-client.

How to get more information

For the latest information on the CM e-client and on installing the e-client, see the product Web pages:

Installing the e-client

Installation information is available in the e-client Installation Information online from the first pages of the install program. To start the install, open setup.html on your install CD in your browser.

This section contains updates to the installation information found in the online e-client Installation Information and in the Installing section of the online documentation for the e-client, IBM Content Management e-client Information.

Please note the following concerning installation:

Installing this Fixpack

This fixpack contains updates to e-client 7.1.3. This fixpack also includes the fixes needed to support the IBM Content Connector for Panagon Image Services using the EIP administration database. The specific APARs addressed in this fixpack are listed below.

The installation (setup.html) installs over an existing copy of eClient or in a new directory (new installation).

Before installling the fixpack:
If you are installing over an existing copy of the e-client, you must consider the following:

  1. If you have altered any JSP files of the e-client, the files must be backed up in another directory before installing the fixpack; if not, they will be overwritten during the install process.
  2. After you install this fixpack, do not uninstall the previously installed e-client from the Add/Remove Programs Control Panel. This will uninstall the fixpack you just finished applying.
  3. After you install this fixpack, you must delete the previously installed e-client registry entry, "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\IBM Content Management e-client xxxx" from your system's registry using the "regedit" command. "xxxx" is the previously installed e-client release/fixpack number.
  4. You must modify and after the installation. Your current copies of these files were copied to and respectively.

  5. To restore your current settings, copy to and to after installing the fixpack.

After installling the fixpack:
Once you have finished installing eClient, from the websphere admin console window choose the server holding the eClient app server and add the following name/value pair to it FRNADDRON=YES and restart eclient. This is required for listing and connecting to DL (CM7) backend servers from the logon page.

APARs contained in this fixpack:

Siebel Integration for IBM Content Manager

This installation enables the Siebel Integration for IBM Content Manager. For more information, refer to the Siebel Integration for IBM Content Manager guide, which is available from within the main page of the online e-client documentation.


Siebel Integration for IBM Content Manager requires a minimum level of IBM Content Manager of and a minimum level of IBM Enterprise Information Portal of

Siebel Integration for IBM Content Manager guide update

In addition to supporting Siebel 7.0.3 as stated in the guide, the Siebel Integration for IBM Content Manager also supports Siebel 7.0.4. Other than the additional support for Siebel 7.0.4, this implementation of the Siebel Integration for IBM Content Manager is only supported for use as documented in the guide.

In Step 10 of the section titled "Customizing and configuring Siebel Version 7.0.3," the first field name listed in sub-step 6 should be "View." It is incorrectly shown as "Name."

Changing the Integration Properties file

Changes to the Integration Properties file are not automatically detected and read. For changes to take effect, a system administrator must restart the e-client application server. This can be accomplished using the WebSphere Administrative Console:

  1. Navigate to the e-client application server entry for your application server machine within the WebSphere Administrative Domain.
  2. Right-click and select Stop.
  3. After the Stop command completes successfully, right-click and select Start.
When the Start command completes, the new properties will be in effect.

Entering long expressions in the calculated value property of a field

The maximum length of the calculated value property of a field within a business component is 255 bytes. To specify an expression that is longer than 255 bytes, a Siebel administrator must define the calculated value property as a concatenation of other calculated value properties each having a length that is less than or equal to 255.

For example, consider the following calculated value property for the Archived Content field of the Service Request Business Component, which references the SR Number field of the Service Request business component:

"<iframe height=300 width=960 frameborder=0 src='http://ec71fvt:8080/e-client/IDMIntegrator?eClientToken=token&IPFile=Siebel&Entity=SRST&RN="+[SR Number]+"&ReleaseLevel=SIEBELV703'>Sorry your browser does not support IFRAMES.</IFRAME>"

This calculated value property can be respecified as [AC1]+[SR Number]+[AC3], where AC1 and AC3 are specified as calculated fields within the Service Request business component:

Enabling changes to the business objects and user interface layers

To make changes to the business objects and user interface layers visible to users of the Siebel Web Client, the Siebel repository file (.srf) must be copied to the ..\siebsrvr\object\ directory of the Siebel Server machine after compiling from within Siebel Tools. The Siebel Server service must be stopped before the copy operation and started again after the copy is complete.

Adding a New Record to a Siebel Entity Having a View Based on a Calculated Field

When using Siebel Integration for IBM CM, a Siebel Administrator associates unstructured data with a Siebel entity by adding a calculated field to a business component for that entity. After displaying the search results for some instance of the entity, the search results are automatically displayed whenever a user accesses other instances of the entity or creates a new instance of the entity. When the user creates a new instance of an entity (for example, a service request), values are automatically generated for certain fields within the record that represents that instance. If the calculated field of the business component references one or more fields within that record that do not have automatically generated values, then the search that is automatically performed will result in the display of an error page stating the following:

An Error has Occurred

No search String specified.

The above error messages typically display because the calculated field for the Siebel entity references a field within the entity that does not yet have a value. For example, these error messages appear for the following calculated field value when a service request is created:

"<IFRAME height=300 width=960 frameborder=0 src=’http://ec81fvt:80/eClient81/IDMIntegrator?eClientToken=token &IPFile=Siebel&Entity=SRST&L="+[Contact Last Name]+"&ReleaseLevel=SiebelV704’> Sorry your browser does not support IFRAMES.</IFRAME>"

To solve this problem, replace the existing calculated field value with the following:

IIF ([Contact Last Name] is not null,[AC1],[AC2])


AC1 is a calculated field with a calculated value property equal to the calculated value property of the existing calculated field and AC2 is another calculated field with the following calculated value property: "<IFRAME height=300 width=960 frameborder=0 src=’’>Sorry your browser does not support IFRAMES</IFRAME>"

Note: IIF in the above code sample is not a typo, and must be correctly entered in the calculated field to fix this problem.

Using Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 6 with the Siebel Web Client

If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 6 with the Siebel Web Client, you may receive the following unexpected error message "Your session has expired or you have not logged on." In this case, you should change the browser privacy setting to "Low" or "Accept All Cookies", or configure a special privacy setting for the e-client web site.

Modifying the DB2 application heap

While performing a search or other action, if the following error is observed: "SQL0954C Not enough storage is available in the application heap to process the statement. SQLSTATE=57011," you should increase the size of the DB2 application heap. This can be done using the applheapsz database configuration variable. See the DB2 UDB documentation for more information concerning this procedure.

BEA WebLogic Server 6.1 Support

IBM Content Manager e-client also can run on BEA WebLogic Server 6.1 for Windows. There is a separate installation package which is contained in a compressed file named eClient7136.WebLogic61.WIN.ZIP, in where 7136 is e-client release number. It can be downloaded and unzipped into a directory which you want it to be e-client working home (For example, C:\CMeClient). After unzipped, There is a instruction file INSTALL.WebLogic61 under the directory. Please read it carefully to learn installation and deployment of e-client on WebLogic 6.1 Servers, as well as limitations of the support.

Please note BEA WebLogic Server 6.1 must be installed before installing e-client.

Updates, known problems and workarounds

Major Installation Issue

There is a known problem in EIP dealing with long filenames that affects the e-client if it is installed using the default directory: ...\Program Files\. During image manipulation on the mid-tier server, EIP will use the directory set by the IDM.propertieskey word WorkingDir as a location to place a temporary file. The default value set during installation is the install directory\Working. If there is a space in the install directory name, for example, "Program Files", then EIP fails on some document transforms and the selected document are not be shown on the user's browser. There are 2 work arounds for this problem:
  1. Override the default installation directory name to use a simple name; for example, change the installation path from C:\Program Files\e-client  to  C:\eclient
  2. Change the path in the WorkingDir keyword in the IDMproperties file to a simple path; for example, change WorkingDir=C:\Program Files\Working  to  C:\Temp

Multiple users connecting to an On Demand backend server

When Multiple users are connecting to a OD backend server logging in and out in a rapid rate that does not give the system enough time to clean up the TIME_WAIT sockets open by OD. Eventually, the ports numbers between 1024 and 5000 for those TIME_WAIT socks runs out and the java virtual machine crashes. The workaround that is required is described below by changing the Registry Values on Windows for the following 2 variables:
  1. TcpTimedWaitDelay This parameter sets the wait time before the system can close out those TIME_WAIT sockets. The time can be as short as 30 seconds which cleans up the TIME_WAIT sockets efficiently.
  2. MaxUserPort This parameter sets to highest port number that be used for outbound connections. The default is 5000 and the maximum is 65534.
You can set these variables through Regedit (Go to Start->Run, Enter Regedit, Click on OK). If these values do not already exist on the machine, you can create them by expanding the appropriate directory, right clicking and selecting New->key.

Try setting the TcpTimedWaitDelay value to 30.
Value Type:
REG_DWORD -- name it TcpTimedWaitDelay
Valid Range:
30-300 (decimal) -- double click on TcpTimedWaitDelay and select decimal value and set value to 30
0xF0 (240 decimal)
This parameter determines the length of time that a connection stays in the TIME_WAIT state when being closed. While a connection is in the TIME_WAIT state, the socket pair cannot be reused. This is also known as the 2MSL state because the value should be twice the maximum segment lifetime on the network. See RFC 793 for further details.

Try setting the MaxUserPort value to 65534.
Value Type:
REG_DWORD -- name it MaxUserPort
Valid Range:
5000 - 65534 (decimal) -- double click on the MaxUserPort and select decimal and set value to 65534
0x1388 (5000 decimal)
This parameter controls the maximum port number used when an application requests any available user port from the system. Normally, short-lived ports are allocated in the range from 1024 through 5000. Setting this parameter to a value outside of the valid range causes the nearest valid value to be used (5000 or 65534).

Other issues with e-client

Corrections to documentation

Please note the following updates to the online e-client information: In the installation instruction of BEA Weblogic Server 6.1 support, the file INSTALL.WebLogic61, at the step of Prepare to Install, the line

should be read:

Other sources of information

For more information on IBM Content Management e-client, see:


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