Data Interpretation System (DIS) 2.1.1 OS/2 Server and Workstation fixes Problems fixed in the "do77m" fix level: 37549- Conversion from a Spreadsheet to a WK1 file on 2.0.2 is very slow. 37761- Having the font size larger than 10pt causes some transformer controls windows to not display correctly. In some cases the last line is partially displayed and there are no scroll buttons present. 37942- Scroll bar arrows uncontrollable.The scroll bar is not predictible as to how far it scrolls. Somtimes Spreadsheets and Text lines scroll line by line and sometimes they scroll off the page. 37976- Incorrect region name defined in arrow to Spreadsheet does not stop the application. 38041- Selected cells in a Spreadsheet are not deselecting properly. 38071- DIS/IDS can auto detect UK keyboard but not French. 38077- Using the Query tool to load data in 1.3.X would post the number of rows inserted and updated to the database. In the 2.X version this information is not being posted to the capsule run log. 40172- A secured icon does not stay locked after it is executed in a capsule. A user can close the capsule then reopen it, the icons are then secured again. 41222- Text to Spreadsheet Transformer resets DIS. 41263- Keyboard bitmap files are name incorrectly. 41269- Elevator scroll in transformer does not work if Save Output =NO. 41276- Changing headings to Exclude option from Some to None is ignored by Reporter. 41279- Reporter, unable to use a constant as the 1st value in a calculation. 41284- No SQL is generated when you select the NULL or NOT NULL constraint operators in the Reporter. 41327- Desktop keyid 30 does not work, it resets to value 29. 41347- Desktop, Keyid field does not allow more then 30 values. 41364- Spreadsheet with no data rows fails to load query in Capsule run. 41404- Changing numeric display preferences while a Spreadsheet is open, resets DIS. 41419- Spreadsheet region will not expand beyond blank rows. For example, data coming into the SS has 5 rows, row 3 is blank. When this data is transferred, all rows after the blank row are not copied to the SS. 41441- Symbol1 keypad displays incorrectly. For example, keypad displays the number 8 where the number 5 should be. 41450- Concat of dates are inconsistent in Spreadsheet. When optioning a cell and changine the date format where the cell is defined as a concat formula, pressing the recalc button does not reflect the changes. The data format changes only when executed in a capsule. 41452- Spreadsheet, optioning a cell, and changing it from formula to text resets DIS. 41455- Spreadsheet, external references that use a range of values in table formulas (indes, hlookup, vlookup, etc.) does not work. 41460- @variable displays a numeric date value when used in the set @variable =colval(1) function. 41484- Reporter -> Layout combination is not flagged as an error. The Reporter and Layout tools should not allow a connection in a capsule. 41498- A Spreadsheet connected to a PC Application tool using the DDE function resets DIS. 41621- A constrained column in the Browser tool does not reset correctly. 41628- Missing files for French 189 keyboard. Problems fixed in the "do73k" fix level: 37968- Uprev transformers fails on SQL entry tool, error message received: Can't fine source document. 38065- Cannot duplicate formula's across column in Spreadsheet. 38067- Spreadsheet option number precision does not change column totals between FULL & DISPLAYED. In a Spreadsheet select all and option. When at option screen, change "NUMBER PRECISION" from DISPLAYED to FULL. Column totals do not reflect the new precision selected. 38076- In the PC directory, directories with special characters (eg ALT-128) cannot be processed. When opening the directory receive meesage: Unable to access directory - directory is incorrectly specified or offline. 40147- Sum formula in Spreadsheet is not calculating a sum correctly when two conditions occur - 1) there are N/A's in the summation range and 2) there is a set @ variable operator in the formula. 40152- Rename 1.3.6 compatibility mode button in Spreadsheet. 40155- The Data Entry tool receives an incorrect error message when datatypes are incompatible. After receiving this error message, when closing the Data Entry tool, the session to the Gateway remains open. Need to use the SA tool to close down the session. 40158- A Data Entry with a multi-line choice field is displayed incorrectly when a line is blank. Results seen are black boxes within the choice field. 41005- When copying a text document to the PC Directory the date changes to the next day. 41285- PC Directory translates ascii 128 and above (e.g., c cedilla, o umlaut,...) to boxes in Text. Conversion in the opposite direction fails as well. Exotic characters are translated into the same character no matter what they are. You create them by using the alt-key and numeric pad. 41290- Data Entry does not preserve @variable Date data type. Entering Date values using the Data Entry to the Capsule controls changes the type from Date to Text. 41339- 'Now' function and @variable corruption. In a Spreadsheet, option a cell & enter a formula as: now(day) -@A month. (@A=3) Close the option window for the cell & desired results are displayed. Close the Spreadsheet, try to reopen the Spreadsheet and error message received: 'unable to open that Spreadsheet'. 41392- Tiff files import incorrectly. When importing a graphic as a tiff file the graphic is displayed backwards. For example, a black and white picture of a shoe. The background is white with the shoe outlined in black, when the tiff file is imported the display is a black background with the shoe outlined in white. 41527- Query tool not displaying complete value in DB2timestamp field. In the Query tool the user will see the 1st 9 characters of the DB2timestamp field, even though in the logical database the field is defined as character with a size of 26. 41564- Empty rows in Spreadsheet creates extra tabs in Text tool. For example, a Spreadsheet with a region with 10 columns and 650 rows. There are only 9 columns and 350 rows of data. When the data is transferred from the SS to the Text tool, the rows with data displays correctly with 9 tabs and a carriage return. However the "empty" rows have 10 tabs and a carriage return. Problems fixed in the "6cd" fix level: 37850- The # key fails to work on the UK (United Kingdom) keyboard. 37984- Headers and Footers in Spreadsheet not picking up @variable values. 37986- No error message displays when tabs are exceeded in text tool. There is a limitation of 32 tabs, this limitation will also be documented in the manual. 37987- A partially blank row within the data causes duplicate values to be transferred by the Function Transformer. 38004- Blank cells create 'Error' in Function transformer. NOTE: For mathematical operations where a blank cell is in the denominator of a division operation will always result in an 'Error'. All other operations will display the desired results. 38005- Concat transformer resets DIS when Add Row #s are specified. 38063- A 1.3.X Spreadsheet has Left Justified specified for it's cell format. When the SS is mailed to 2.x, the cell format changes to General. 38074- Subtotal not picking up a column. For example, SS has columns A thru BO defined with data. In Subtotal for Output columns, A thru BO are defined, and in Data columns, D thru BO are defined. When the Subtotal is executed, user receives an error message: Data columns "BM(sum,No)" must be listed in the Output column field. 40079- Page Break transformer not transferring display attributes. 40134- Thousand separator (comma), not working correctly in Reporter. When desktop preferences for Thousand separator are set to '1,000', the Reporter tool cannot handle a constraint with a number in it. 40153- Replace transformer displays incorrect results (n/a) when blank/text fields are present. 41081- In a SS when you move a range of cells from one position to another, the formula or cell coordinates do not follow the move. Cells calculating results based on values in the cells, which are moved, are incorrect. 41098- Function transformer, using the expression in the form A$3 does not work. 41164- SS downloading into a PCDir with a long filename, resets the WS when converting to a WK1 file. 41186- Reporter fails to take numbers with thousand separators. 41231- When a Capsule contains @variables over 4096 characters in length, a reset occurs in DIS when closing the Capsule. 41243- Text tool does not handle choices with a height of two correctly from a Forms Design tool. Example: In a Capsule, you have a Forms Design->Text->Forms Design. In the 2nd Forms Design, the 1st line of the choice field does not display when the choice is selected, yet option of the choice field does display both lines. 41256- SQL Entry tool using &Constraint with lower case Data Type resets a WS. For example: when CHAR is char, user will see an error message at the bottom of the screen, then DIS resets. 41266- Data Entry not using Desktop Preferences on predefined fields for decimal precision. 41288- SQL Entry tool does not resolve date correctly in <= predicate. Example: Capsule controls: @A set to October, 1993, @B set to December, 1993. Select date from table where date >=@A and date <=@B has the following resolution: @A displays as 10.01.96 and @B displays as 12.01.96. @B should be resolved to 12.31.96. 41294- A reset occurs during a capsule execution when the source icon for data transfer is an embedded capsule which does not execute. (an embedded capsule will not execute if the 'CLEAR' keyword is arrowed into it's control region from a SS.) The destination icon in this case is a SS and it determines that it is unable to communicate with the source icon (embedded capsule). 41299- Merge transformer Template, with indentations present, will display report incorrectly. Instead of displaying valid values, report will display Template instructions instead. (i.e. @COL(ah)). 41300- A migrated application from 1.3.X receives an error message when the Merge transformer is executed: 'Too much text to substitute. --Simplify template: @COL (e), @COL (n), etc. 41310- Data Entry 'In Browser Validation' fails. A value selected from the browse list, applied, then entered from the Data Entry tool, receives a message that it is not a valid value. Problems fixed in the "6c6" fix level: 37700- A black box prints on a Plot if @variables are used & the title frame text is larger than the frame. 37884- Cannot download a Spreadsheet (WK1) to the 4th level of a directory using PCDir. 37903- The WriteSQL transformer is not transferring character values, instead a user would see ' ' . 37910- Two problems were found: 1) Opening a Reporter icon from customer results in a reset. 2) This same Reporter when sent to a printer, the report looks fine but all the column headings are garbled. 37919- The Data Entry SQL is missing the table name so the Data Entry ends with an error. 37938- The error message "Unable to open Spreadsheet" displays when a SS with a lengthy formula that does not exceed the 400 character limitation, but when "tokenized", would cause the formula strings to exceed that limitation. 37943- Capsule Run Log not displaying the time of a Capsule run when desktop preference is set to display Date Only. A user would be required to change their desktop preference to display Date and Time, which is incorrect. 37950- Print services not able to start on Pentiums. 37959- In a Query the F9 key fails to cancel DB2 host query. The F9 function works in the APPC Gateway, but the cancel request never reaches the host. 37965- A Reference Capsule executed using this particular setup: SS->Out->Capsule->SS, causes a reset. Manually copying data from one SS to another SS also causes a reset. 37970- Using a Query to insert data into a DB, fails when the decimal precision is greater than 15. 37971- Create column function in the Query sends the internal name of a column to the DB server. It should use the sqlname as it is designed to do. 37978- A SS in a capsule transferring no data to another SS with a region name defined in the arrow options, results in a reset. Example: SS1->SS2->SS3->. There are no regions defined in any of the SSs. SS1 connected to SS2 has a region name defined in the connecting arrow. SS2 connected to SS3 has no region names defined (All Data) in the connecting arrow. 37979- Primary File Server (PFS), will not start service after first shutdown from initial installation of 3rd drive volume. The CATRANS.EXE file caused a memory leak prohibiting other service processes of the PFS to continue after initializ completes. The memory leak also slows down the PFS's performance and may eventually disconnect or stop dependent services. 37989- The 'All' default in the controls window of the Replace transformer does not work. 37990- A problem was found where the SQL entry tool fails when the source document name is longer than 30 characters. 37992- WriteSQL transformer missing and truncating column names. It was found that the WriteSQL transformer has a limitation in the Insert field in the transformers main window. Limitation is set to 255 chars. User's are instructed to use the Insert parameter in the Controls of the transformer-this has a 456 char limitation. 37994- SQL entry receives an error message with the &label function. Problem seems to occur when a previously parsed label is encountered again after a goto statement. 38008- The Computed date column within a Query has a Metaphor date resolution set to Month but displays results as MDY(12/1/96), when it should display the results as MY(12/96). 38009- Constraining in the header or column header areas of the reporter on a dimension key does not constrain the fact key as it did in DIS 1.3.X. 38015- A reset occurs when a SS, which contains a formula that results in an error, is transferred to the PC Directory. 38017- Date values not accepted by Data Entry, even though the date value displays as a choice in the browser list. Error message displayed: "DTEN:001-0116 Error'April 24, 1993' is not a valid value. 38023- When a capsule is executed using this particular setup: SS->Out->Capsule->SS, a reset occurs if the first SS has a call '=ERROR'. 38024- When an SQL entry tool receives no data, and the user selects on the scroll bar, a reset occurs. 38025- Calculations including a blank cell received incorrect results. i.e. if (A1="",A1+100,"") this gave a result of blank in a SS, which is incorrect. Correct result should be 100. 38034- Copying columns from one SS to another SS causes a reset in DIS. 38037- Script command fails when executed from the file server console. 38043- A formula within a SS that results in 'Error' does not copy over to a new cell. 38048- Replicating on copied blank cells in a SS causes a reset in DIS. 38053- Some migrated capsules cause a reset to occur when attempting to open. 38079- Text document imported to RTF then to Lotus Notes, looses tab formats. The document changes and the tabs are no longer in the right places. 40137- The Custom Browse feature in the Data Entry (DE) does not work. 40151- When using the &Date() with &Constraint function in the SQL Entry tool, in this order, corrupts the SQL and produces incorrect SQL. 40162- Desktop preferences set for 2 decimal places and the Fact table is constrained for a dollar amount of 99999.99, the sql returned is ############. 41007- An incomplete write to the Asset Manager increases time out and drops packet size. 41048- Updating and copying existing Forms Design tool results in all changes being lost. (Summary: Open, update, close, copy, open, update, close, open. All updates are gone.) 41097- A capsule with a Reporter connected to a Text icon results in a reset. The reset only occurs on Reporter's with added text fields included in it's report. 41177- When opening a Data Entry that accesses an empty PESQL document, results in a reset. 41214- Reporter SQL built does not include constraints on the inlist resulting in an SQLCODE156 error. 41224- An incomplete write to the Asset Management DB will hang the Asset Manager.