Data Interpretation System 2.1.1 Service README This document provides instructions for applying and removing fix levels for Data Interpretation System (DIS) 2.1.1 Server and Workstation components. Fix levels for Intelligent Decision Server (IDS) are located at "". Overview Fix levels for DIS 2.1 1 Server and Workstation components are contained in self-extracting ZIP files. All fix levels are cumulative; they contain every fix from previous levels as well as new ones. You will need 10 megabytes of free hard disk space for each ZIP file and an additional 10-20 megabytes of free space for the extracted files. You must apply these fixes while DIS is running. After you finish the application process, you will need to restart the DIS services for the fixes to take affect. Should you have any problems in applying a fix level please contact Technical Support, 1-800-959-4426. Applying Fix Levels Each fix level is downloaded in a ZIP file that extracts itself into a set of files and directories that are used to upgrade your current system. To apply an update: Download the desired ZIP files. Each one should be downloaded into a separate directory. Extract the files in the ZIP file by typing its filename. For example, type "do73kfix". A new directory named "fix" is created in your current directory. If DIS services are not already running, click on the DIS icon on the OS/2 desktop. Wait for the services to start completely. Type "cd fix" to change to the fix directory. In the OS/2 window, type "upgrade". You might be prompted for the directory where the DIS software is installed on your workstation. The fix application compares the timestamps of all files within its domain with files present on the Primary File Server. Messages are displayed for each file, stating that your version is either newer than, or older than, or matches, the upgrade file. Type the system password when you are prompted to do so. If you have not updated this password, type "original". Messages are displayed informing you that the files are being replaced. NOTE: If you enter the wrong password, the upgrade will not occur and you will need to restart at the previous step, type "upgrade". After the new code is transferred, you must reset all workstations and services for the updates to take affect. To do this: Log on to the DIS Desktop. Open the SA Tool. In the SA Tool, select "Network Command" from the "Service Type" menu. Click on the "Connect to Service" button. Type your password when prompted. You are now in the "Network Commands" menu. Click on the "Reset All Workstations and Services" button. The workstation you are using will reset and all services will recycle. Monitor all network services to ensure that they reset. Also, ensure all temporary fixes have been removed, this pertains to any dlls that were added to the 'nodeovly' directory or using the /s parameter. Please contact the Technical Support Engineer that supplied the temporary fix to verify that this needs to be done. DIS is now upgraded to the new fix level. Undoing Fix Levels For each fix level, there is a corresponding undo level available in a self-extracting ZIP file. For example, the undo level for "do73kfix.exe" is do73kund.exe. When you apply a fix level undo, your system will return to the DIS 2.1.1 base level. You can then apply any of the other available cumulative fix levels to move your system to the desired level. The steps for applying a level undo are the same as the steps for applying a fix level. You will need 30 megabytes of free hard disk space to download and extract a level undo. Available fix levels Each fix level and corresponding undo is located in a directory with the same name as the fix level. Within each directory, the README.TXT file lists the problems that are fixed in that level. For DIS 2.1.1 Server and Workstation: 6c6 6cd do73k do77m do857