IBM DirectTalk for Windows 3.0.6 ServicePak IP22274 README File =============================================================== Welcome to the DirectTalk for Windows ServicePak 6 Please pay careful attention to the information in this README to ensure that the installation runs correctly. This README is made up of the following parts: 1. General information and installation instructions 2. Description of the new DirectTalk function 3. Known Problems 4. Additional DirectTalk information PART I: GENERAL INFORMATION AND INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS --------------------------------------------------------- This ServicePak re-brands earlier versions of the product to "IBM DirectTalk for Windows". When applied to "DirectTalk for Windows NT" or "Corepoint Voice Response for Windows" the name of the installed product is changed to "IBM DirectTalk for Windows" automatically. The new name for the product is used throughout this document unless it is needed to clarify a point. This ServicePak provides service to DirectTalk for Windows NT, Corepoint Voice Response for Windows and DirectTalk for Windows base code. It also ships updated software for the following third party products: o Dialogic card support o Aculab Primary Rate card support o VCS Voice Recognition support for Antares cards The applicable software updates for your system MUST be installed before the DirectTalk for Windows ServicePak is installed. See the relevant sections below for details on installing these updates. The following is a summary of the ServicePak information provided: * Warnings and notes to consider before installation * Procedure for determining the current version and service level * Upgrading to Dialogic DNA 3.3 plus service * Upgrading to Aculab version 5.9.1 software plus service * Upgrading the VCS support for Antares Speech Recognition * Procedure for installing the ViaVoice Technologies Feature * Procedure for installing Thai Voice Language support * Procedure for installing this ServicePak * Procedure for removing this ServicePak * Problems fixed Warnings and Notes ------------------ Warnings: This ServicePak is for installation on the following products and versions ONLY: o IBM DirectTalk for Windows NT version 3.0 o Corepoint Voice Response for Windows version 3.0 service levels 1 and 2 o IBM DirectTalk for Windows version 3.0 service level 3 and later Do not install it on any other version, and do not install this ServicePak if a later one has already been installed. IF ANY FEATURES ARE INSTALLED AFTER THIS SERVICEPAK HAS BEEN INSTALLED, THEN THIS SERVICEPAK MUST BE INSTALLED AGAIN. If you have modified the file VSSTART.CMD then read the section "Startup command file Information" in Part 4 of this document for more information. If you have installed the IBM ViaVoice Speech Recognition for Windows NT PRPQ, then installation of this ServicePak will require all ViaVoice servers to be upgraded to the product version (IBM DirectTalk Speech Recognition for Windows using ViaVoice Technology, 5639-L85). Procedure to Determine an Installed DirectTalk Version and Service Level ------------------------------------------------------------------------ For a currently installed version of DirectTalk, the version and service level can be obtained by running the DirectTalk Configuration program and selecting Help -> Product Information from the menu bar. The service level is determined by the version of the product currently installed by using the number after the last period in the number. For example 3.0.1 is service level 1 for version 3.0. Upgrading to Dialogic DNA 3.3 plus service ------------------------------------------ If applying this ServicePak to DirectTalk for Windows NT (V3.0) or Corepoint Voice Response for Windows (V3.0.1 or 3.0.2) then the Dialogic upgrade, included on this ServicePak CD-ROM, MUST be applied before installing the ServicePak. If applying the ServicePak to DirectTalk for Windows (V3.0.3 or later) then the Dialogic software should already be at DNA 3.3 level and need not be re-applied. Additional service, on top of DNA 3.3 MUST, however, be applied in all cases, follow the instructions in step (i) below to install this service. To determine what version, of Dialogic software, is currently installed, select the Programs->Dialogic System Software ->Dialogic Online Documentation ->Online Bookshelf option from the Start menu. When the Online Bookshelf appears, look at the title of the window. If the title bar contains the text: "Help Topics:Online Bookshelf for DNA 3.3 Intel" your DirectTalk/Voice Response system already has DNA 3.3 installed. If, however, the title bar contains the text: "Help Topics:Online Bookshelf for Windows NT" or "Help Topics:Online Bookshelf for DNA 3.1 Intel" DNA 3.0 or 3.1 is currently installed and you must install DNA 3.3. To upgrade your Dialogic software to DNA 3.3, the following steps need to be carried out: a) Ensure the Voice System has been stopped. b) Start the Dialogic Configuration Manager (DCM) by selecting the Programs->Dialogic System Software ->Dialogic Configuration Manager - DCM option from the Start menu. Use the STOP button to stop the Dialogic System Service. Make a note of all the parameter values for the installed devices. Close the DCM. c) Uninstall the existing Dialogic System Software using the Add/Remove Programs wizard in the Windows NT Control Panel. During this process you may be prompted to remove a number of shared system files. You should say "no" to all of these prompts leaving the existing files on the system. d) Reboot your machine. e) When the system has restarted, run the SETUP.EXE program from the DIALOGIC33 directory on the ServicePak CD-ROM. f) The installation procedure consists of a series of menus and screens in which you are asked to make choices, or enter information. Press to display help. You are asked to provide the following information: - Where you want to install the software. The default is: C:\Program Files\dialogic - Which type of install. Choose Custom install. It is recommended that you install the following components: Drivers, Firmware and Configuration files, Sample Programs, Online Documentation, Antares Software (if you are installing Antares cards). g) At the beginning of the installation process, and when configuration is complete, you are given the chance to view or display the Release notes. These notes tell you about changes from previous releases and any previously undocumented restrictions, or enhancements, in the use of the hardware and software. h) At the end of the installation you may have the option to start the Dialogic Configuration Manager (DCM). You must run the DCM to ensure that the Dialogic System Service is configured correctly. See step (b) above for instructions on how to start DCM. BLT boards are detected automatically but Antares boards need to be configured manually. Configure the installed devices so that the parameter values match those set for your Dialogic DNA 3.0 or 3.1 system. You should also set the Dialogic System Service to start automatically. i) Dialogic service MUST now be installed on top of DNA 3.3 as follows: Copy all the files from the \dialogic33\service directory on the ServicePak CD-ROM to the \winnt\system32\drivers directory on your windows system. For reference, you should also copy the files to the Dialogic driver directory (usually \Program Files\dialogic\drvr). j) The Dialogic upgrade is now complete. It is necessary to re-boot the system for the upgrade to take effect but this can be postponed until Aculab and DirectTalk updates are performed. Upgrading to Aculab version 5.9.1 Software plus service ------------------------------------------------------- This ServicePak includes Aculab software at version 5.9.1. If you are using an Aculab E1/T1 PRI card, you need to upgrade your Aculab software to this level before installing the ServicePak. These drivers are now shipped as two separate install packages, one for Windows 2000 and the other for Windows NT. Both install packages can be found in sub- directories of the "\Aculab\Aculab Configuration Tool" directory of the ServicePak CD. Prior to installation of the Aculab 5.9.1 drivers, ensure that any existing Aculab drivers are un-installed from the system. Due to the differences in the installing and configuring of Aculab software between versions 5.4.0 and 5.9.1, an additional supplement has been supplied to describe the revised Aculab installation process. This document can be located in the ServicePak directory: \docs\pdf\Aculab_supp.pdf Upgrading the VCS support for Antares Speech Recognition -------------------------------------------------------- This ServicePak ships new and updated VCS Voice Recognition for Antares software over and above that shipped with DirectTalk for Windows NT (V3.0). You must apply this update if you are currently using the VCS Voice Recognition for Antares support, installed the original DirectTalk for Windows NT (V3.0) product and have not updated this software with a previous ServicePak. If you installed DirectTalk from a later manufacturing release, either Corepoint Voice Response for Windows (V3.0.1) or IBM DirectTalk for Windows (V3.0.3), or have installed the VCS upgrade with a previous ServicePak then the VCS software will already be at this level and need not be installed again. If in doubt, re-apply this update. To update the VCS software, open the VCS directory on the ServicePak CD-ROM and double click on the Setup launcher SETUP.EXE. Procedure for installing the ViaVoice Technologies Feature ---------------------------------------------------------- Only install the ViaVoice Technologies Feature client if you have purchased a ViaVoice Technologies server option (either IBM DirectTalk Speech Recognition for Windows using ViaVoice Technology or IBM DirectTalk Text to Speech using ViaVoice Technologies). If the ViaVoice Technologies Feature client has already been installed from an earlier ServicePak then ignore this section. The ViaVoice Technologies Feature files will automatically be updated, if needed, when the DirectTalk ServicePak is installed. To install the ViaVoice Technologies feature client do the following: (i) Open the file T_SYSTEM.SPL, which is in the DirectTalk installation directory, with an ASCII text editor such as Notepad. (ii) Locate the line beginning with feature6 and copy the line, changing it so that it now says feature7. To enable the ViaVoice client install, change the value of feature7 to "YES". The line should look as follows: feature7 "YES" (iii) Save the file to the DirectTalk installation directory. (iv) The ViaVoice Technologies client files will be installed on your system when the DirectTalk ServicePak install is run. NOTE: IF YOU ADD NEW LANGUAGES OR FEATURES TO THE PRODUCT (REQUIRING THE USE OF THE MANUFACTURING RELEASE CD) AFTER INSTALLING THIS SERVICEPAK, YOU MUST RE-ENABLE FEATURE7, AS DESCRIBED ABOVE, BEFORE RE-APPLYING THE SERVICEPAK. Procedure for installing Thai Voice Language support ---------------------------------------------------- To install Thai voice language support it is necessary to perform the following procedure before installing the ServicePak. If you have already installed Thai Voice Language support from an earlier ServicePak then ignore this section. Thai Voice Language files will automatically be updated, if needed, when the DirectTalk ServicePak is installed. (i) Open the file T_SYSTEM.SPL, which is in the DirectTalk installation directory, with an ASCII text editor such as Notepad. (ii) Locate the line beginning with vsi_lang and change the value of the associated parameter by adding the characters " TH" (space delimited) to the language already installed. For example change the line: vsi_lang "US" to: vsi_lang "US TH" (iii) Save the file to the DirectTalk installation directory. (iv) The Thai voice language files will be installed on your system when the DirectTalk ServicePak install is run. NOTE: IF YOU ADD NEW LANGUAGES OR FEATURES TO THE PRODUCT (REQUIRING THE USE OF THE MANUFACTURING RELEASE CD), AFTER INSTALLING THIS SERVICEPAK, YOU MUST RE-ENABLE THAI LANGUAGE SUPPORT, AS DESCRIBED ABOVE, BEFORE RE-APPLYING THE SERVICEPAK. Installing the DirectTalk ServicePak ------------------------------------ Before you can install this ServicePak you must have previously installed one of the following: o IBM DirectTalk for Windows NT 3.0 o Corepoint Voice Response for Windows 3.0 o IBM DirectTalk for Windows 3.0 To install the ServicePak: 1. Close all the DirectTalk sessions and stop the node. 2. Insert the ServicePak CD into the CD-ROM drive on your personal computer. 3. Open the CD-ROM drive object on your personal computer. 5. If you plan to use either the ViaVoice Speech Recognition and/or the ViaVoice Text to Speech support and have not already installed the ViaVoice Technologies feature, you must enable it before installing the DirectTalk ServicePak. 6. Install the DirectTalk ServicePak by opening the root directory of the CD-ROM and double clicking on the Setup Launcher SETUP.EXE. If DirectTalk for Windows was originally installed by an administrator, then you must have administrator rights to install the ServicePak. You will be asked whether you want to back up any files that are updated. Click the Yes button to back up the files, or the No button if you do not want a backup. Notes: (1) If you do not back up the files, you will not be able to uninstall the ServicePak. (2) Only one level of backup is available, so after applying this ServicePak you can restore the previous version, if you back it up on installation. It is then not possible to restore earlier ServicePaks without removing and re-installing the product and then re-applying the required ServicePak. 7. After the ServicePak has been installed, DirectTalk configuration MUST be run. Normally this will run automatically after all of the files have been transferred to the workstation and just before the installation program completes. If you are in a special situation and manually edit the GSI configuration file, you must first run the DirectTalk configuration before the manual editing. Do not use an old copy from a previous configuration. 8. If you have the ViaVoice Technologies feature installed then this ServicePak will replace the VTTDefaults.Client file. If you are using Bargein (Cut-Through) you need to incorporate changes to this file into your working VTTDefaults file to improve the function of silence detection. See the section titled "ViaVoice VR Bargein (Cut-Through) Problems" in Part 3 of this document for details. 9. DirectTalk for Windows with the ServicePak is now ready for use. Procedure for Removing the ServicePak ------------------------------------- If you decide you wish to remove the ServicePak after it has been installed, you can do so provided the backup option was used when the ServicePak was installed. To remove the ServicePak: 1. Close all the DirectTalk sessions and stop the node. 2. Open the CD-ROM drive object on your personal computer and double click on the Setup Launcher SETUP.EXE. 3. Follow the screen prompts to complete the uninstallation, specifying that you want to undo the update. 4. If you installed the VCS VR Antares update, it should not be necessary to uninstall this software. However, if you wish to do so, then select the VCS VR Speechwave item in the Add/Remove Programs applet in the Control Panel and click on the Add/Remove button to uninstall the package. You will then need to install the original VCS package supplied on the original product CD-ROM. 5. DirectTalk for Windows without the ServicePak is now ready for use. Problems Fixed -------------- Problems that have been fixed in this ServicePak include the following APARs: APAR No. Description Notes ........ ............................................................... ..... IC31142 ADSI compiler fails if more than 128 functions in SDC file IC32084 Host Comms actions can fail with RC=3 using PCOMM on Windows 2000 IC32295 Calling VV_TTS_Assign after Connect_Screen causes trap IC32438 Canadian_French currency incorrectly formatted on ADSI display IC32450 Intermittent failure sending ADSI data to a Vista 350 handset IC30636 VPE to T-REXX converter does not produce literal for Add_Stat_Item IC30961 DWA timeout when expanding applications with large voice databases IC34224 DTBeans Single line (hookflash) blind call transfer can fail from DTBeans. IC34277 DTBeans EntryField failures Switching between Key and Voice input on Antares/PSP system. IC29777 T1 system stops responding to new calls and events (EXH3800) Dialogic PTR17043. IC33130 Connect_Screen does not return for 45 mins if communications server connection lost. Problems that have been fixed in previous ServicePaks and are in this ServicePak include the following APARS: APAR No. Description Notes ........ ............................................................... ..... IC22915 Problem with migrating DT/2 voice programs to DirectTalk IC23093 Problems with Put_Tone_String with hookflash IC23103 DB load fails if ASCII file ends with CRLF or partial record IC23122 DWA does not display voice segment waveforms correctly IC23162 DirectTalk will not work with ENBRW23A.VB5 vocabulary IC23329 TSTLINES.C sample source code not shipped IC23520 Two play statements added to a VLM instead of one IC23521 Voice logic module editor corrupts on copy / paste IC23522 Diagnostic recording fails to initialize IC24037 Time is 1 hr out between 1:00 & 2:00 am in Japan for DST IC24502 Telephony Server traps when terminating IC24822 TSCONFIG traps when attempting to save VR parameters IC24945 Voice application unable to find VLM IC24961 Audio playback fails after one play in the DWA IC25029 Incorrect unit on Telephony Server Wait_for_Call timeout IC25359 Low recording volumes despite AGC enabled IC25431 Send_ADSI action fails with RC=4 to Vista 350 phone IC25575 Excessive delay in Hangup after E1 Call_Referral IC25846 Old voice segment played back after recording a new one IC25894 Application will hang in Record_Voice if DTMF heard at beep IC25936 YR2000: year incorrect in generic alert for years > 1999 IC26026 Export from VSE does not correctly replace VOX file IC26027 Application list in DWA is incorrect if underscore in appl name IC26028 Some US English system segments truncated IC26029 Alpha chars are reversed in Port field IC26033 Copy data to appl hangs if appl has no voice objects already IC26068 Trap in Telephony Server if line stopped with app running IC26133 Intermittent trap in VSIC3RT in Play_Module IC26163 Recording does not stop if no beep and DTMF tone in buffer IC26164 pr_no_space segment & VLM not described in NLI book (2) IC26210 HUP tone definition on E1 produces GSI Errors IC26679 Unable to preload t-rexx binary translated programs IC26731 Call xfer, route optimisation not happening on some switches IC26817 Problems configuring a VFX/PCI as a shared fax resource IC27167 VSE: number of segs shown in segment list is limited to 1022 IC27168 VSE: cannot delete all the voice data using kybd IC27169 Get_Voice_Cont fails unless prior Play_Module or Set_Timeout IC27172 DWA displays duplicate applications which cannot be expanded IC27174 TMSBNMGR QUERY_APPLS traps on a non-runtime node IC27179 '&' in phone number on Call_Extend_Init kills application IC27906 User actions dropped when converting VPE programs to T-Rexx IC27907 Search_String not converted correctly from VPE to T-Rexx IC27908 VPE/TREXX converter omits blank optional parms from actions IC27977 Timing parms ignored on ViaVoice VR with EC and cut-thru IC28061 Link_To_Appl not converted correctly from VPE to T-Rexx IC28070 Control panel applet incorrectly configures Aculab PCI cards IC28332 DTMF entry after VV_Reco_Begin/Play_Module gives EXH0644 error IC28333 Appl hang when entering DTMF after VV_Reco_Begin/Play_Module IC28397 Trap in TSNIFUT.DLL when no hang up tone defined IC28803 Analog and T1 ANI/DNIS information not returned to application IC28804 Batch Node Manager may inadvertently start all applications IC28807 TS errors when DTMF tones occur at the end of async play IC28808 Short/quick response not recognized, using ViaVoice VR IC28819 Deleting last database locks DWA window & gives java exception IC28820 Call_Extend_Cfg returns wrong values for some E1 CAS protocols (3) IC28822 Context Profile Editor can find file with wrong file extension IC28910 ViaVoice Context Profile Minimum Speech parameter is ignored (4) IC28992 System Degredation after application stops when using T1 E&M IC23928 Timing problem with ASYNC play IC28538 Numbers are spoken with the wrong gender for alt currencies (1) IC29077 VPE/TRX converter incorrectly converts Stop_Clock action IC29484 ADUG shows incorrect RC for VV_Reco_End, No Reco Active (2) IC29485 ADUG does not document RC=5 for VV_Assign (2) IC29608 Audible click at start/end of voice seg using Aculab PCI card IC29609 EXH3997 errors when using Aculab PCI card on SMP systems IC29634 Windows blue screens if a voice card is used in PCI bus nos > 7 NOTES: 1) This fix changes the processing of the major currencies for the following languages; German, Swiss German, Italian, Swiss Italian and Castilian Spanish. For all languages, except Swiss German, the gender for the default major currencies is unchanged and the gender for the alternate major currencies is reversed. The Module Control Variable, number gender character (character 5) may now also be used to explicitly specify the gender for the major currencies, both default and alternate, in these languages. Changes to the default currency pronunciation for each language are as follows: German, Italian and Castilian Spanish ------------------------------------- The default gender for the singular default major currency segment, $$majorcur, will be feminine. The default gender for the singular alternative major currency segments, $$majorcur, will be masculine. These defaults can by overridden by using the Module Control Variable (see below). Swiss German and Swiss Italian ------------------------------ The default gender for the singular default major currency segment, $$majorcur, will be masculine. The default gender for the singular alternative major currency segments, $$majorcur, will also be masculine. These defaults can by overridden by using the Module Control Variable (see below). Module Control Variable number gender character (character 5) ------------------------------------------------------------- This character now also applies to the pronunciation of major currencies, in the above languages, as follows: o If character 5 is set to M or m then the gender of the major currency is masculine. o If character 5 is set to F or f then the gender of the major currency is feminine. o If character 5 is set to N or n then the gender of the major currency is neuter. o For all other cases the gender of the major currency is the language default as described previously. 2) New versions of the DirectTalk books are shipped with this ServicePak and the on-line versions are automatically updated, on the DirectTalk for Windows system, by the ServicePak install. These may be viewed prior to installing the ServicePak, from the \docs\html directory (HTML files) or the \docs\pdf directory (Acrobat files) on the ServicePak CD-ROM. Adobe Acrobat versions of the books are not automatically installed on the DirectTalk for Windows system. If you have previously copied the pdf directory to a local hard disk you should update it with the new books by copying all the files in the pdf directory, including all the subdirectories, from the CD-ROM to ensure the multiple-book index is consistent. 3) With this fix, Call_Extend_Cfg (and the underlying api, VAcallXconfig) now return different values than previously, for all CAS protocols. See the section titled "Changes to Call_Extend_Cfg and VAcallXconfig return values" in Part III for details. 4) As a result of this fix, the units for specifying the ViaVoice context minimum speech value have changed from 100ms to 10ms and the default setting has changed from 100ms to 30ms. This change is reflected in the updated Application Development User's Guide shipped with this ServicePak. PART II: NEW DIRECTTALK FOR WINDOWS FUNCTION -------------------------------------------- New DirectTalk for Windows function is introduced by this ServicePak, over and above that function provided with version 3.0. In addition, previous DirectTalk ServicePaks also shipped new function which is included in this ServicePak. This section lists each new function and the ServicePak in which it was added. -> New function introduced in this ServicePak: * Provide support for the Microsoft Windows 2000 operating system DirectTalk now supports the Professional and Server editions of the Microsoft Windows 2000 operating system. * Provide support for Java version 1.3 DirectTalk now supports Java version 1.3 for those users having a need to run with this version of Java. We recommend, however, that wherever possible you continue to use the version of the Java runtime supplied with the product CD (version 1.1.6). * Provide support for ViaVoice Text to Speech ViaVoice Text to Speech support is shipped with this ServicePak. This support includes all the necessary code and changes to enable a ViaVoice Text to Speech client system. The ViaVoice Text to Speech server is a separately purchasable item, DirectTalk Text to Speech for Windows using ViaVoice Technology (program number 5639-M70). The ViaVoice Technologies Feature must be enabled before installing the DirectTalk ServicePak if you intend to use ViaVoice Text to Speech support. See the Procedure for Installing the ViaVoice Technologies Feature in Part I of this document for details on installing the ViaVoice Technologies Feature. -> New function introduced in ServicePak 3 (IP21926) and also shipped in this ServicePak: * Provide support for new PCI telephony cards New PCI Dialogic cards supported: o D/120JCT-LS - 12 channel analog voice processing + network card o D/80SC-PCI - 8 channel voice processing resource card o D/320SC-PCI - 32 channel voice processing resource card New PCI Aculab cards supported: o Single port primary rate T1/E1 network card o Dual port primary rate T1/E1 network card * Provide support for ViaVoice Speech Recognition ViaVoice Speech Recognition support is shipped with this ServicePak. This support includes all the necessary code and changes to enable a ViaVoice Speech Recognition client system. The ViaVoice recognition server is a separately purchasable item, DirectTalk Speech Recognition for Windows using ViaVoice Technologies (program number 5639-L85). The ViaVoice Technologies Feature must be enabled before installing this DirectTalk ServicePak if you intend to use ViaVoice Speech Recognition support. See the Procedure for Installing the ViaVoice Technologies Feature in Part I of this document for details on installing the ViaVoice Technologies Feature. -> New function introduced in ServicePak 2 (IP21876) and also shipped in this ServicePak: * Provide support for the Thai voice language. Thai Voice Language support is shipped with this ServicePak. This support includes Thai system voice segments, a Thai language DLL and versions of the MENU and CALC sample applications with UK_English voice segments. An updated National Language Information book, documents the Thai language, The HTML version of this manual is automatically installed on your system with this ServicePak and an Adobe Acrobat version is supplied on the CD-ROM in the \docs\pdf directory. Thai voice language support must be enabled before installing this DirectTalk ServicePak. See the Procedure for Installing Thai Voice Language support in Part I of this document for details on installing this support. * Provide a hook-flash transfer capability for E1 CAS protocols. Support for a hook-flash transfer is provided for the following E1 CAS protocols: o Ericsson E&M Type A CAS (RAM load M1EEMA.RAM) o MFC R2 CAS (RAM load M1R2T1.RAM) o E1 Lineside CAS (RAM load M1E1LS.RAM) It is achieved (via the use of meter pulses) by using '&' in a Put_Tone_String or Place_A_Call action (see the Application Development User's Guide for a description of the use of '&' with these actions). A hook-flash is possible only if the initial connection is established by an inbound call. '&' in a Put_Tone_String or Place_A_Call after an outbound call has no effect. To enable hook-flash capability on the above protocols it is necessary to set the following Aculab firmware switches on the RESTART command (for a description of the RESTART command, see the Installation Guide, Chapter 4, Installing the Aculab adapter card software): -s19,x for the MFC R2 CAS protocol, see the Aculab documentation on the product CD-ROM in directory: \aculab\firmware\cas\r2t1\r2t1rel.txt -s25 for the Ericsson E&M Type A or E1 Lineside CAS protocols, see the Aculab documentation on the product CD-ROM in directories: \aculab\firmware\cas\eema\eemarel.txt (for Ericsson E&M CAS) \aculab\firmware\cas\e1ls\e1lsrel.txt (for E1 Lineside CAS) It may be necessary to adjust the meter pulse length to match the requirement for a hook-flash depending on the switch being used. This is done using the -s25,nn form of the switch as described in the Aculab documentation. -> New function introduced in ServicePak 1 (IP21558) and shipped in this ServicePak: * Included the ability to add and remove multiple items when importing .WAV and .VOX files into the Voice Segment Editor in the Development Work Area. * Included the ability to convert Voice Programs (VPE Programs) created in DirectTalk/2 into T-REXX applications. PART III: KNOWN PROBLEMS ------------------------ This section lists problems/restrictions that have been discovered for which there are no fixes at present and which are not documented in the DirectTalk publications. Errors when upgrading to version 3.1 ------------------------------------ When this ServicePak has been installed, an upgrade to version 3.1 will not complete correctly (Configuration program may trap, or Voice Response does not operate correctly). This can be rectified by running the tool BACKDATE which can be found in the main DTALK directory. This tool resets the dates and times of key files to allow version 3.1 to install correctly. The tool can be run either before upgrading to version 3.1 or after the failed installation such that a re-install of 3.1 will then complete correctly. Adobe Acrobat Re-Install ------------------------ Dialogic un-install, for DNA 3.0 or 3.1, may remove the Adobe Acrobat filetype from the registry. It may also change the default 'OpenFile' association to be 'OpenPrint' instead. Re-install Adobe Acrobat if the problem has occurred. Using Communications Server together with Personal Communications ----------------------------------------------------------------- When a voice system has both IBM Communications Server for Windows NT version 6.0 and IBM Personal Communications for Windows NT version 4.2 installed, then there may be a problem when DirectTalk attempts to load a DLL for EHLLAPI support. The symptom is 'Ordinal 15 not found...'. If using both IBM Communications Server for Windows NT version 6.0.2 and IBM Personal Communications for Windows NT version 4.3 then the GSI can cause an access violation when an application issues a Wait_Scr_Update action. To circumvent either of these problems, install the above products as directed by the Installation Guide (Communications Server first, then Personal Communications), then ensure that the Personal Communications directory is specified before the Communications Server directory in the path environment variable used on the GSI process. This is best done by setting the path statement in the rungsi.cmd file, found in the DirectTalk directory, as follows: Edit rungsi.cmd and insert the following line before the line with the :LOOP statement: set path=;%path% where: is the full path to the directory where you installed IBM Personal Communications and will be: c:\Program Files\Personal Communications if installed to the default directory. Save the file and start the GSI. Note: Do NOT change the order of the path statements system wide (System Properties, Environment Settings) as this may result in IBM Communications Server failing to start. Dialogic Antares Cards ---------------------- When using Antares cards in an E1 system (with Aculab) cards, it is important to ensure that any Dialogic voice processing cards and any Antares cards are set to the same encoding as the Aculab card (A-law). Failure to do this will result in poor recognition accuracy or corrupted speech output. ADSI with Dialogic D/120JCT-LS ------------------------------ ADSI currently does not work when using the D/120JCT-LS card. E1 CAS Protocol Restriction --------------------------- For most E1 CAS protocols (but not E1 ISDN protocols) there is a protocol restriction which prevents a 'backward clearing' state being presented to a switch when an application is not ready to receive a call. This restriction means that busy is not presented to the caller in the following situations: 1. No application is running and the NIF channel parameter 'Initial Hookstate' is set to 'offhook'. 2. An application uses the Hang_up_Phone system action with parameter Offhook = 'yes'. 3. A user action uses the telephony server API call VAhook with parameter state = 'DL_OFFHOOK'. E1 CAS Dual Line (Call_Extend) Transfer Restriction --------------------------------------------------- On CAS protocols that do not provide digital disconnect signals, the transfer will not detect hangup and the action will not return. Use a single line transfer (hookflash) if possible. Remote DWA Restriction ---------------------- If the voice system is configured as a node in a voice system network then the Development Work Area (DWA) can not be used to work with ADSI Script Lists (Databases) stored on another (remote) voice system. Starting DWA Problems --------------------- If you are unable to start the Development Work Area (DWA) then, as well as ensuring that the voice system is configured correctly and is started, you may need to make manual changes to the DWA shortcut properties: - Open the DirectTalk for Windows folder - Open the DWA shortcut Properties window - On the Shortcut page ensure that the Target field includes either "jrew.exe" (if running Java 1.1.x) or "java.exe" (if running java 1.3) before "-cp c:\dtalk\workarea.jar" - If adding "jrew.exe" results in the display of a "Problem with Shortcut" error message then you have not correctly installed the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). Installation of the JRE is described in the 'Installation Guide'. Installing DirectTalk Beans Problems ------------------------------------ If you intend to use the DirectTalk Java Beans version 1.1, then installation of this ServicePak may require an update to the Beans. If you have the DirectTalk Beans CD (LCD4-4348-00) then you need to download the latest version from the web site. CD version LCD4-4348-01 or higher does not have the problem. If you have previously downloaded the Beans from the web site and find that they do not install, then you should download the latest version. The DirectTalk Beans web site is at: Changes to Call_Extend_Cfg and VAcallXconfig return values ---------------------------------------------------------- As a result of providing single line, hookflash, transfer and apar IC28820, the values returned, when using E1 CAS protocols, by the system action Call_Extend_Cfg and the underlying telephony server api VAcallXconfig, are changed for the following variables. o Number of lines required to make a transfer, e_lines_for_tran (Call_Extend_Cfg) or num_tran_lines (VAcallXconfig), now returns a value of 1 indicating the minimum number of lines required for this type of protocol. o Where the switching/connection takes place, e_tran_switch_at (Call_Extend_Cfg) or where_switched (VAcallXconfig), now returns a value of 1 (at switch). If the CAS protocol being used does not support hook-flash transfer then use of an '&' to signify a hook-flash in the Put_Tone_String or Place_a_Call actions will fail. The CAS protocols supporting hook-flash transfer are: - EEMA (Ericsson E&M) - E1LS ('Lineside' or FXS Loop Start) - MFC R2 ViaVoice VR Bargein (Cut-Through) Problems ------------------------------------------ A new parameter, Echo.BargeinEnergyThresholdDelta has been added to the VTTDefaults file to improve silence detection when using Bargein. A new VTTDefaults.Client template file, containing this parameter, is installed in the DirectTalk directory with this ServicePak. This new template file contains a detailed description of the new parameter and its use. If you have installed ServicePak 4 (V3.0.4) and have already updated your VTTDefaults file, as detailed below, you do not need to do so again. If you are using Bargein you need to create a new VTTDefaults file from the new template and re-apply your changes. To do this, make a backup copy of your current VTTDefaults file, copy the VTTDefaults.Client file to the VTTDefaults file and re-apply any modified parameter values from your backup copy. Follow the instructions in the new file to set the Echo.BargeinEnergyThresholdDelta and UserEnergyThreshold parameter values. Occasional Dialogic error (FFFFFFFF) on shutdown of GSI on Windows 2000 systems ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- An unknown Dialogic error (FFFFFFFF) is occasionally reported as a Telephony Server Internal Error by the GSI during shutdown of the DirectTalk node, when running on the Windows 2000 operating system. This error may be ignored as the system continues to shutdown and will restart without error. PART IV: ADDITIONAL DIRECTTALK FOR WINDOWS INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------ Startup command file Information -------------------------------- The startup command file VSSTART.CMD supplied with the product is updated by this ServicePak. If you have made any changes to this file, then the changes will need to be applied again after installing the ServicePak. Choose the back up option during installation so that you can review the changes that were made to the original file which will be found in the BACKUP sub-directory in the main DirectTalk installation directory. Defining the third SIT tone --------------------------- If you rely on SIT tone detection you may need to define the third SIT tone. This is done as follows: Start the DirectTalk Telephony Server Configuration program, open the Network Interface Parameters settings and then open the required channels parameter set. The SIT definitions are to be found in the Chan Parms section. The following values should be set: Parm name Value Units ........................ ..... ..... Third Freq. Lower Bound 1725 Hz Third Tone Maximum Time 50 10ms Third Tome Minimum Time 5 10ms Third Freq. Upper Bound 1825 Hz Trademarks and Service Marks ============================ The following terms are trademarks or service marks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States and/or other countries: IBM, DirectTalk, CallPath, Corepoint, ViaVoice The following terms are trademarks or service marks of Microsoft Corporation: Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, Windows 2000 The following terms are trademarks or service marks of Sun Microsystems, Inc.: Java Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. The following paragraph does not apply to any country where such provisions are inconsistent with local law: IBM DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES OF FITNESS AND MERCHANTABILITY WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT, IBM GRANTS NO LICENSES TO ANY RELATED PATENTS OR COPYRIGHTS. (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 1998, 2002. All rights reserved. END OF FILE