*** *** (C) Copyright International Business Machines Corp. 2002,2014. *** All Rights Reserved *** Licensed Materials - Property Of IBM *** *** Welcome to WebSphere Data Interchange Version 3.3.0 *** *** Readme.txt for Server Fix Pack (SFP) 10 - July 2014 *** *** file extract date: 7/11/14 *** last update 7/10/14 ************************************************************** *** General SFP Installation Information ************************************************************** SFPs are cumulative. Previous modules/functions are not deleted as part of the build process. This way you can install the latest SFPs without having to install each SFP to get to the latest SFP. For example, you can install SFP5 without having to install SFP1, SFP2, to SFP5. But once you install SFP5, you cannot install a previous SFP. Also, you cannot install the same SFP twice. For uninstall, once you uninstall, you will need to reinstall the base, then the latest SPF. Install will check for the base install before installing any SFPs. How can you tell which SFP you have installed? For Windows : Look at the registry, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IBM\WebSphere Data Interchange Server, look for key 3.3.0, then property "Service Level". The value is the latest SFP number installed. For AIX: Issue this command, lslpp -L IBMWDI33SERVER You should see output with this info: FileSet Level State Type Description (Uninstaller) ------------------------------------------------------------------- IBMWDIServer33 C P ISMP installed entry where 6 is the SFP number ************************************************************** *** WDI Client requirements: ************************************************************** To take full advantage of the enhancements and fixes we recommend that you also have the latest Client Fixpack installed. This SFP will also work with earlier versions of the WDI 3.3.0 Client, but at a reduced level of function. WDI v3.3 Client Fix Pack 13 is referenced by APAR PM48907, included in Server Fix Pack 7 and associated with PTF UK73341. If PTF UK73341 is applied, then Client Fix Pack 13 should be applied to complete the restoration of the Log EDI function. General note to all users -- Be sure your WebSphere Data Interchange configuration is set to generate appropriate century values for 2011 dates and beyond. Century date may be unexpectedly output as 19 when translating or transforming data, i.e. the century and year may be output as 1911, instead of 2011. Check your configuration now using this link: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21418940 ************************************************************** *** Summary of enhancements to date: ************************************************************** - Support for all AIX 5.x Platforms (CSD3) - P8011574 - PK43285 - Add SMF 89 registration and deregistration support to allow subcapacity pricing in batch Z/OS and CICS. The registration and deregistration is automatic and will occur whether SMF89 is implemented or not. - P8011867 - PK57839 - Add date and time for each event to the XML print file. - P8012312 - PM68788 - Keyword NUMUPDTS is now allowed on PERFORM PURGE, the default value is NUMUPDTS(100) **************************************************************** *** Special instructions for installing SFPs **************************************************************** Some SFPs have introduced database changes. These instructions tell you how to update your database to work with this SFP. If this is a new install (fresh database load) the following installation process can be used: (a) Install the WDI Base Code (b) Install the latest Server Fix Pack (c) Perform the Installation Configuration steps as indicated for the Base Code install (DB2 configuration steps). This is described in the section "Install instructions for WebSphere Data Interchange V3.3" in the readme for the base install. Complete server installation and setup instructions can also be found in the WebSphere Data Interchange Administration and Security Guide. If you are applying this SFP to an existing installation, you need to do the following steps after you install this SFP: 1) Apply database updates, if necessary. 1a) Perform the following steps as a user with DB2 administrator authority. 1b) If you are installing on Windows, using your DB2 administrator user ID, select Start -> Programs -> IBM DB2 -> Command Window to open the DB2 Command window. If you are installing on AIX, log in as a user with administrator authority. Note: You should use the same userid that was initially used to create the EDIEC33E database. 1c) Using the command window or login session, apply the database updates from any previous SFPs that have not already been installed Note: SFP4 is the first v3.3 SFP with a database change 1d) Although the CSD files are cumulative, the database updates are not. If there are special database updates that needed to be done as part of this or previous SFPs, you need to apply those changes. If you have already applied the updates for some of the previous SFPs, but not all of them, you can skip the steps for the SFPs you have already installed on your system. If you have already applied ALL previous CSDs, you can skip directly to instructon "2)" If there are steps that you do not want to do in any of the scripts, you can comment out the line by placing a "--" at the beginning of the line. Comments within the scripts describe what each of the steps will do. 1e) SFP4: Run the script to update the database tables 1e1) Change to the ddl directory under the installation directory. 1e2) Issue the following command: db2 -tf sfp4.ddl -l sfp4.log This creates 2 DB2 Table Indexes in the database. 1f) SFP5: Run the script to update the database tables 1f1) Change to the ddl directory under the installation directory. 1f2) If sfp5.ddl is not already available in this directory, then download from SFP5 download page and store in the ddl directory. 1f3) Issue the following command: db2 -tf sfp5.ddl -l sfp5.log This changes 4 DB2 Views and 1 Synonym in the database. Note: If running sfp5.ddl for the first time, you will encounter warning: SQL0204N "EDIENU33.DSEXTR" is an undefined name. 1f4) Issue the following command: db2 -tf grntec33.ddl -l grntec33_sfp5.log This will restore the GRANT authority dropped when the VIEWs were dropped. 1g) SFP6: Run the script to update the database tables 1g1) Change to the ddl directory under the installation directory. 1g2) Issue the following command: db2 -tf sfp6.ddl -l sfp6.log This adds a new INDEX to EDITPRT and also one to EDITPST . 2) Load the updated default data 2a) Change to the ddl directory under the installation directory. 2b) Issue the following command: loadmsgs.bat This process will load the updated messages into the DB2 table Note: When running the loadmsgs (AIX) or loadmsgs.bat (Windows) ensure you have the proper permissions to write the msgs.log to the current ddl directory. 3) Bind the new WDI executables to the database 3a) Change to the bind directory under the installation directory. 3b) Issue the following command: db2 -tf bindgrnt.fil **************************************************************** ******** End of special instructions *************************** **************************************************************** **************************************************************** *** START OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.3 SFP10 README.TXT ** **************************************************************** July 2014 - SFP10 The following problems have been resolved with this SFP: P8011867 PK57839 INCLUDE TIMESTAMP FOR EACH EVENT IN COMMON EVENT HANDLER P8012251 PM80274 SERVER - IMPORT INTERCHANGE INTCTLNO ALLOWS MASK VALUES. P8012343 PM83544/IC89947 SERVER - INCORRECTLY STORING GROUP HEADER AND TRAILER IMAGES WHEN EDIFACT WITHOUT UNG/UNE FOLLOWS X12 UNDER SAME TRANSLATOR. P8012346 PM83537/IC90137 SIGNAL11 IS ISSUED WHEN PROCESSING TRANSACTION FROM DOCUMENT STORE AFTER NORMAL TRANSLATIONS USING STACKED PERFORM COMMANDS P8012348 PM83393 PROBLEM WHEN GENERATING MQMD V1 HEADERS AND USING ONEMSG(Y) KEYWORD WITH FILE CONTAINING MULTIPLE INTERCHANGES P8012349 PM85034/IC90632 WDI INCONSISTENTLY USING VALIDATION CACHING P8012350 PM84456 SERVER - VARIATIONS OF EDI CONTROL NUMBER EDIT MASKS ARE NOT WORKING FOR DT. P8012353 PM88164/IC91621 WDI IGNORES ANY DATA MAPPED TO A PARTIAL STRUCTURE DUE TO SHORT INPUT P8012354 PM88180 SERVER - SET ADF AND XML USAGE INDICATOR RULE PRECEDENT P8012360 PM94865 SERVER - INFINITE LOOP DURING SEND TO MQ WHEN SPECIFIC DCB LRECL IS USED FOR DATASET BEING SENT TO QUEUE P8012361 PI13897 DBCS DATA HANDLED WITH SOURCEENCODE BUT NOT FROM ADF DEF P8012363 PI04799/IC96763 TR0055 NOT ISSUED FOR SEGMENT REPEATING MORE THAN ALLOWED MAXIMUM LIMIT SET IN THE EDI STANDARD P8012366 PI06701/IC97717 NULL OR ZERO-BYTE CHARACTERS AFTER TR0405 MESSAGE CODE OCCUR IN PRTFILE P8012367 PI07504/IC97908 PERFORM REMOVE TRANSACTIONS MAY CAUSE WDI DATABASE LOCK ESCALATION ON TRANSACTION STORE TABLE EDITSTO. P8012368 PI07970 SUBMITTING VIA SERVER COMMANDS TAB. PRTFILE TRUNCATED ON SUBMISSIONS PRTFILE TAB P8012377 PI10635/P8012376 EXPORTING MAP RULE IN FIXED FORMAT DOES NOT MATCH DOCUMENTATION P8012378 PI10419 PERFORM UNLOAD LOG ENTRIES TRUNCATES PART OF EDI IMAGES THAT EXCEED 3744. TRUNCATION SEEN IN BOTH ARCHIVEFILE AND HOLDFILE. P8012381 PI11268 WDI 3.3 FAILS TO FREE STORAGE USED TO PROCESS OPTRECS DURING PERFORM TRANSFORM. P8012382 PI11453 CICS TRANSACTION THROUGHPUT FOR TRANSFORM IS HINDERED BY DB2 SERIALIZATION ON THE EDIPROF AND EDITSLT TABLES. P8012386 PI13317 MGT REPORTING TP CAPABILITY AND ACTIVITY DATA EXTRACT REPORT P8012389 PI15533 RGT TEST FOR P8012361 AND C&D UTF-16 INPUT NOT WORKING P8012391 PI15182 DATA TRANSFORMATION WITH OPTRECS(I) FOR OPTIONAL "I" RECORD P8012392 IT00813 WDI 3.3 FOR AIX DOES NOT INITIALIZE SEMAPHORE ARRAYS, WHICH MAY LEAD TO UNPREDICTABLE BEHAVIOR P8012393 PI16070 DATA FORMAT TO EDI TRANSLATION TR0052 CODES OCCURS WITH A MANDATORY SEGMENT THAT IS WITHIN A UNMAPPED OPTIONAL LOOP. P8012395 IT01719/PI18343 IF MULTIPLE COMMANDS ARE USED DIERRFILTER KEY WORD IS IGNORED IF NOT ON FIRST PERFORM COMMAND P8012398 IT02796 DATA TRANSFORMATION INCORRECTLY PARSING P8012399 IT02745 PROBLEM WITH WDI FILE LOCKING WITH SEMAPHORES HELD ON AIX ---- Special Considerations -------------------- --------------------- Functional Change ---------------------- Applying this SFP will result in many more rows being inserted during Data Transformation into the Management Reporting pending and statistics data base tables, but ONLY if the WDI Management Reporting feature is active. The amount of space may triple the space currently required. Before this SFP is applied, Data Transformation currently inserts 1 row for each XML and ADF de-envelope process. After this SFP is applied, Data Transformation will insert 1 row for each EDI, XML, and ADF de-envelope process with an additional 2 rows for each document being transformed. These will be inserted into the EDIMRPR and EDIMRPS pending tables. The statistics tables EDIMRRT and EDIMRST will be updated based on the entries in the EDIMRPR an EDIMRPS pending tables. Note that customer using only Send/Receive maps are not affected. These tables may need more table space. Tables affected: EDIMRPR, EDIMRPS, EDIMRRT, and EDIMRST. Appendix C in the WDI 3.3 Programmers Reference Guide contains sample space calculations for all DB2 table spaces. The size of the records has not changed, the number of rows inserted with each Data Transformation de-envelope process has changed. To determine if the Management Reporting feature is currently active, customers must view the Application Defaults Profiles under the Environment section using WDI Client. WDI Client->Environment->Application Defaults Select the Application Defaults profile being used for Translation/Transformation. The default profile name is "EDIFFS". If Management Reporting is active, the box to the left of Management Reporting will contain a check mark. Although the "EDIFFS" Application Defaults is most commonly used, customers may customize the profiles that are used for processing options. Other profile members may exist and should be identified for active Management Reporting. This SFP will address several customer reported issues found with the current Management Reporting processing involving Data Transformation and minor enhancements for Send/Receive Translation for the KNOWN trading partner. The reports affected are: PERFORM TRADING PARTNER CAPABILITY DATA EXTRACT PERFORM TRANSACTION ACTIVITY DATA EXTRACT. Our analysis finds that corrections in processing for the two specific issues listed with APAR PI13317 will cause a change in behavior for ANY customers using these two Management Reporting features. Backward compatibility has been preserved for customers who may be using these reports. See further usage instruction as available in in the "WebSphere Data Interchange 3.3 Management Reporting Feature" Technical Document from the WDI support portal at http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27042123 ------------------- End Functional Change -------------------- ************************************************************** *** END OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.3 SFP10 README.TXT*** ************************************************************** **************************************************************** *** START OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.3 SFP9 README.TXT *** **************************************************************** February 2013 - SPF9 The following problems have been resolved with this SFP: P8011848 - PM76681 SERVER - TR0207 ERROR IF PAGE(Y) FOR RCV MAP ON WINDOWS P8012092 - PM75995 3.3 MESSAGES AND CODES GUIDE - MQ0003 SEVERITY SHOULD BE 12. P8012277 - PM76530 SERVER - FA 999 MISSING A1 SEGMENT DATA - EDI2EDI TRANSFORM P8012314 - PM80275 BATCH EXPORT - 1B1 RECLN VALUE 0. IMPORT VALUE 000064. P8012317 - PM75989 SERVER EDIDTTRC UNDOCUMENTED TRACELEVEL(A4) PRODUCES UNIQUE RESULTS This is a request to validate TRACELEVEL keyword values. TRACELEVEL values will be validated based on the documentation in the WDI Utility Commands and File Formats Reference. That is, values must conform to a series of Cn values, where C is a component code of A,D,E,M,P,R,T,V and n is -1,0,1,2,3. No delimiters are valid except spaces. If validation fails, then TRACELEVEL(A2) will be assumed and severity zero message FF0006 will be written to the print file. FF0006 will contain the following text: "A TRACELEVEL value is invalid. TRACELEVEL(A2) assumed.". This validation will only occur on PERFORM TRANSFORM. If TRACELEVEL entered on any other PERFORM command, the keyword and its value will be ignored. P8012326 - PM75992 SERVER ZOS - STORE EBCDIC-XML-US IF XMLEBCDIC(Y) P8012328 - PM80273 SERVER - TRANSFORM NO FA EXPECTED VALUE IN DOCUMENT STORE When a Transform from X12 EDI to raw data Data Format is run, the test case executes successfully. However, when looking at the entries created in Document Store, the Functional Acknowledgement ( FA ) Expected field on the Group has blank / empty values for each of the entries generated by this test case. FA Status shows as Pending. As a result, the purge / remove fails to remove the TSGP entries along with the TSEV entries during a cleanup job afterward. The database can only be cleared via reset. The FA received flag value is sometimes blank. The value for the field will be forced to be "no" when the FA expected flag value is "yes" and the FA received flag is blank. Treat the Manual Accepted code value M the same as A in TSGT. P8012330 - PM75985 AUDIT LOG SHOWING EXTRA BLANK LINE AFTER THE FIRST HEADER P8012332 - PM75984, IC87528 MESSAGE LOST WHEN WDI MQ ADAPTER ENCOUNTERS MQ0003 ERROR ATTEMPTING TO OPEN MQSERIES QUEUE. Errors encountered while processing the OUTTYPE(MQ) after a TRANSFORM are not returned to the higher level utility code or to the user level API. This makes a translation that fails to send output seem OK. Additional code saves and returns the highest RC from the SEND logic. P8012333 - IC87769, PM76409 MEMORY LEAK DETECTED WHEN USING ADVANCED ADAPTER TO WRITE TRANSACTIONS TO THE DOCUMENT STORE P8012337 - IC88879 WDISERVER ASSIGNMENT LAGS PROCESSING SLOW TRANSACTION WDIServer did not correctly assign the requested number of WDIService translators for a changing workload when one or more translators are stopping due to high processing time. Other instances complete and terminate with no work, leaving an empty queue. This is identified as completed work even while a translator remains active. Subsequent increased workload is not recognized until the active translator terminates leading to retriggering and a new monitor request. WDI now recognizes the situation where there are no messages showing on the queue but there are slow active translators as work in progress rather than work complete. P8012341 - PM80790 FCLOSE() NOT SHOWING ERROR WHEN FILE SYSTEM FULL When writing to a full file system, ediqss on open systems does not escalate the error condition from the fclose(). This causes the network program to consider that the file was received correctly and allows processing to continue without the data. WDI was changed to now return the error condition and handle it in the EDIRFH2 network program. P8012342 - IC89548 STALLED WDISERVICE TERMINATION MAY RESULT IN WDISERVER TERMINATING ON AIX WDIServer incorrectly sent a signal 15, SIGTERM, to process ID 0 on AIX when the WDIService has closed its Command Queue without transitioning to an inactive (stopped, idle, crashed) state and has been requested to terminate (action is shutdown) due to excessive processing time. WDI is changed to protect against situations where the failing state might exist and prevent sending signal to process 0 under any condition. This will prevent this symptom though the cause may persist. P8012344 - IC90075, PM82265 ADF SERIALIZER LOOPS WITH STRING FIELD > 2048 CHARS Using customer test map CSA_TO_PLAIN, a value in "GOODSDESCRIPTION" may be up to 2560 characters. The ADF serializer reallocated the 4KB buffer to allow DBCS of this length, but does not account for the terminating NULL. ---- Special Considerations -------------------- 1) NONE ************************************************************** *** END OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.3 SFP9 README.TXT *** ************************************************************** **************************************************************** *** START OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.3 SFP8 README.TXT *** **************************************************************** October 2012 - SPF8 The following problems have been resolved with this SFP: P8012253 - Internal DIAPILIB MAY GET AN EXCEPTION COMBINING SEND AND EXTRACT P8012278 - PM72661 CICS - FIX BAD REDEFINITION OF CCB FIELD P8012282 - PM63194 PTF UK63143 IN ERROR - ADF (CSV) TO ADF P8012287 - IC83658 ADAPTER LOGGING AND WINDOWS ARCHIVING FOR PD P8012288 - PM64063 AM0005*08*AN ERROR OCCURRED WHILE PARSING THE XML DOCUMENT. JAVA.LANG.ARRAYINDEXOUTOFBOUNDSEXCEPTION P8012306 - IC84915 WDISERVER TERMINATES UNPREDICTABLY WHILE REVIEWING COMMANDS P8012309 - PM67466 STORAGE CREEP IN CICS WHEN EXECUTING EDIB FOR DATA TRANSFORM P8012310 - Internal REPLACE DUMPXT WITH EXTDUMPXT TRACE CALLS P8012311 - IC85095 MULTIPLICATION VALUE RETURNED INCORRECT VALUE P8012312 - PM68788 PERFORM PURGE IS NOT HONORING STSTAT SETTING FOR NON-EDI DOCS P8012315 - PM70564 PTF UK77648 IN ERROR - TR0200 ERROR OCCURS WHEN THE NEXT EDI INTERCHANGE HEADER WRAPS TO A NEW RECORD WITH LEADING SPACES. P8012318 - PM72332 MQJE086 END OF FILE EXCEPTION AGAINST WDIEVENTBROKER P8012325 - IC86751 WDI WMQ ADAPTER APPLID() OVERRIDE NOT BEING TAKEN FROM QUEUE DEFINITION TRIGGER DATA NOR FROM WDI.PROPERTIES FILE. P8012327 - IC86868 WDI WMQ ADAPTER - TIMING ISSUE CAUSES TRANSLATOR RESOURCE POOL CONSTRAINT. ---- Special Considerations -------------------- 1) NONE ************************************************************** *** END OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.3 SFP8 README.TXT *** ************************************************************** **************************************************************** *** START OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.3 SFP7 README.TXT *** **************************************************************** March 2012 - SPF7 The following problems have been resolved with this SFP: P8011909 - PM50924 SERVER XML PRINT FILE INVALID IF INCLUDE HEADER CHECKED If "Include Header Record" is checked in an XML Event Destination profile, the resulting routed XML print file contains two top level elements. This is an invalid XML document. P8012010 - PM45947 WEBSITE AARV3R6 AARV4R3 AARV5R4 & OTHER STANDARDS ERRORS P8012020 - PM45947 PRINT FILE DESTINATION ERRORS P8012165 - PM48899 SERVER - IMPORT INTERCHANGE CONTROL NUMBER NONNUMERIC VALUE. P8012223 - PM45946 DT EDI PARSER OVERRUNNING INTERNAL ARRAY BOUNDS P8012231 - PM45945 SERVER - UCS TO UCS TRANSFORM - STRANGE DATE TIME IN GS P8012232 - IC81514 WMQ ADAPTER TERMINATES WITH REPEATED SEVERE ERROR CONDITION - See item (3) in Special Considerations P8012233 - PM52384 EI0012 DBERROR EDIVTSTI, KEY = Ã   , FUNCTION=23 RC 08 04. P8012234 - IC78078 PROBLEM WITH WDI FILE LOCKING WITH SEMAPHORES CAUSES EDISERVR TO APPEAR TO HANG P8012235 - PM46462 RC 8,12 ON IMPORT OF EDIRULE P8012236 - PM48629 CICS - TRANSLATE AND ENVELOPE - ABEND 4088 P8012238 - PM48443 SERVER - UCS TO UCS TRANSFORM - STRANGE DATE TIME IN BG. P8012240 - PM48419 EXCESSIVE INPUT UNTDI SEGMENT LENGTH CAUSES DT ERROR P8012241 - PM48424 XML IN LEGACY MAPS SHOWS FILE ERRORS ON XMLWORK, XMLERR P8012243 - PM49165 ST03 NOT PRESENT IN SEND MAP OUTPUT P8012244 - PM48907 LOG EDI STANDARD DATA TO EVENT LOG FEATURE IS NOT AVAILABLE IN WDI 3.3. THIS FUNCTIONALITY FROM PRIOR WDI RELEASES IS MISSING. P8012247 - PM49840 PERFORM ENVELOPE DATA EXTRACT NOT WORKING PROPERLY WHEN USING KEYWORDS FUNACKP(N) STDTRID(Y) P8012248 - PM49949 SERVER - IMPORT ERROR ON DATABASE TABLE EDIVRULE P8012254 - PM51719 SERVER - MSG "EI0049 MAPPING RULES FOR MAP P9783 HAS BEEN REPLACED" HAS GRAMMAR ERROR P8012255 - PM51817 EDIMUNL UNLOAD PGM IS TRUNCATING THE "ENVELOPE PROFILE" FIELD IN THE MIGTSTH RECORD - 8TH BYTE BEING REPLACED BY LOW-VALUE. P8012256 - PM52796, IC79784 GLOBAL ACCUMULATORS ON A RECEIVE MAP ARE NOT RESET AFTER EACH INTERCHANGE. P8012257 - PM56179 ACCUMULATOR SEND MAP ACTION CAUSES SERVER ERROR TR0008 WHEN DATA IS FRACTIONAL. P8012266 - IC81302, PM58416 DB2 DEADLOCKS MAY OCCUR DURING PARALLEL PROCESSING VIA THE ADVANCED ADAPTER. PRTFILE SHOWS RS0000 - SQL0911N DEADLOCK P8012272 - PM59914 SERVER - IF INCLUDE HEADER ON, ROUTED ADF PRINT FILE ABENDS Additional resolutions in April, 2012 re-release P8012259 - PM57300 XMLSPLIT FUNCTIONALITY NOT WORKING PROPERLY ON z/OS P8012267 - IC81618 TR0200 ERROR DURING DEENVELOPE OF LARGE, WRAPPED EDI DOCS P8012275 - PM61797 SERVER - PERFORM LOAD LOG ENTRIES INSERTS BAD EVENT LOG DATA P8012276 - PM61801 SERVER - DT MESSAGE FF0207 MISSING RETURN CODES P8012280 - IC82588 WDISERVER ON AIX FAILS REUSING SHARED MEMORY ---- Special Considerations -------------------- 1) WDI v3.3 Client Fix Pack 13 is referenced by APAR PM48907, included in Server Fix Pack 7 and associated with PTF UK73341. If PTF UK73341 is applied, then Client Fix Pack 13 should be applied to complete the restoration of the Log EDI function. 2) Revision - April 20, 2012 SFP7 was released March 30, and a WDIServer (WDI Advanced Adapter) error was found in the release. It is resolved with APAR IC82588. If SFP7 was downloaded before April 16, it is recommended that the revised SFP7 package be downloaded again and re-installed. The build date of the original SFP7 is March 27, 2012, The build date of the revised SFP7 is April 16, 2012. 3) P8012232 - IC81513 One of the changes in APAR IC71573 (P8012161) in SFP5 changed behavior about which transactions are sent to the WMQ failure queue. This APAR reverses that behavior. Clients upgrading to SFP7 who make use of the WebSphere MQ "Advanced Adapter" should verify that SFP7 exception processing continues to support their message flow. The wdi.properties parameters "rollback", "genprtfile", and "userexitname" customize much of the processing. The "rollback" property defaults to "no" so an individual WMQ message will not be replaced on the queue for subsequent backout processing. Whereas rollback=yes can be used to reprocess failed messages as many times as defined for the queue definition setting "Backout threshold." The "genprtfile" continues to default to "onerror" and may be changed to "always" or "never." For "always" and "onerror" values, WDI writes a message to the "WDI.PRTFILE.Q" containing the Audit Log and an additional message reporting the routing to the failure queue (WDI.FAILURE.Q) or the BOQNAME from the triggering WMQ Queue. The reporting messages start with text like "Message 414d51207764695f6d616e616765722072338b4f2002b205 failed translation" followed by a few words of description. WDIService routes to the failure queue based on translation return codes that may be customized through the "userexitname" dynamic library as distributed in samples. Absent such an exit, WDIService stops processing for system errors, return code 12 or higher, and some translation errors - return code 8 where the extended return code is greater than 31. Other extended return code values will rollback, if allowed, or route directly to the failure queue. The values "1" and "2" may indicate successful translation or failure based on "Acceptable error level" settings as defined in the Map rule or Usage. See a TechNote explanation about wdi.properties parameters in http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21498562. ************************************************************** *** END OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.3 SFP7 README.TXT *** ************************************************************** **************************************************************** *** START OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.3 SFP6 README.TXT *** **************************************************************** June 2011 - SPF6 The following problems have been resolved with this SFP: P8011255 - PM37096 - CHANGE TO WDI PRODUCT FOR INTERNAL TEST P8012021 - PM29790 - SET FILE NOT CREATING TEMP FILES WHERE EXPECTED P8012026 - PM40572 - CLIENT INCOMPATIBLE WITH SERVER ON DATA REFERENCE EXPORT P8012167 - PM28692 - USE FETCH LOGIC TO RETRIEVE CONTROL STRING P8012172 - PM27132 - BATCH IMPORT FAILS WHEN IMPORTING DATA FORMAT DICTIONARY P8012173 - PM27196 - TEXT QUALIFIER NOT ESCAPING COMMAS DURING TRANSFORMATION OF ADF CSV SOURCE INPUT LEADING TO UP0021 ERROR OR INCORRECT OUTPUT P8012174 - PM28175 - PERFORMANCE PROBLEM DURING MIGRATION. JOB EDIJEXPD STEP006 TAKES TOO LONG. P8012175 - PM28179 - DURING EDI TO DATA FORMAT TRANSLATION CUSTOMER ENCOUNTERS TR1210 RC=12 MESSAGE AND PROCESSING STOPS P8012177 - PM29796 - SUPPORT PF_QSAMHDR XML PRINT FILE MESSAGES P8012190 - PM31169 - TPNICKNM VALUE NOT OUTPUTTED WHEN DOING A PERFORM TRANSACTION ACTIVITY EXTRACT WHERE DIR(S) P8012191 - IC74265 - DATA FORMAT TO EDI TRANSLATION TMP02 VALUE DOES NOT ALWAYS HAVE CORRECT MIN/MAX LENGTH P8012192 - PM32949 - 0C4 ABEND WHEN TRANSLATING AN EDIFACT MESSAGE ALLOCATED TO FB 600 P8012197 - PM33639 - MAXIMUM REPEATS, IN SUPPORT OF REPEATING COMPOSIT OR SIMPLE ELEMENTS, ARE NOT MIGRATED(IMPORTED) INTO WDI V3.3 FOR Z/OS P8012198 - PM33870 - PERFORM TRANSACTION ACTIVITY DATA EXTRACT RETURNS INCORRECT COUNT FOR TRANSACTIONS WHEN MULTIPLE INTPID'S FOR TP P8012205 - Internal - EIDATAMP.EIF - SN6 SECURITY RECORDS NOT PRESENT FOR OBJECTID(0) P8012209 - Internal - INCLUDE SAMPLE USER EXIT IN WIN/AIX SAMPLES P8012208 - PM35521 - ADF TO XML MAP ENCOUNTERS RU0001 NO ACTIVE RULE FOUND WHEN FIELD CONTAINING EDI TRADING PARTNER PROFILE NAME IS WITHIN A STRUCTURE P8012211 - PM36081 - DT MAP WITH SETPROPERTY ON MQMD NOT WORKING FOR CICS P8012212 - PM36695 - PACKED DECIMAL IS OUTPUTTED WITH 'C' NIBBLE P8012214 - IC76244 - WDI ADVANCED ADAPTER ABENDS WHEN USING DATA REFERENCES FOR WDIEVENT DESTINATION PROFILE P8012215 - IC76315 - WHEN USING DATA REFERENCES, WDI WRITES DUPLICATE FF0006 MSGS P8012216 - IC76398 - ADVANCED MQ ADAPTER SPORADICALLY STOPS PICKING UP INPUT MESSAGES ADAPTER NOT HONORING TIMEOUT WHILE WAITING FOR INPUT MESSAGES P8012218 - PM39786 - EDITSTO HAS CORRUPT DATA P8012220 - PM41215 - ENCODE TARGET CREATES MALFORMED RFH2 HEADER P8012227 - IC77318 - ADVANCED ADAPTER RESTARTING IF THERE IS NO DATA AFTER APPLYING SFP6 P8012228 - PM43273 - WMQ OUTPUT MESSAGE MATCHING MAX SIZE MAY HANG ---- Special Considerations -------------------- 1) The DDL provided in sfp6.ddl is a change that will speed up processing during migration from v3.2 to v3.3 (P8012174). 2) Revision - July 15, 2011 SFP6 was released June 30, and two errors where found in the release. They are resolved with APARs IC77318 and PM43273. If SFP6 was downloaded before July 7, it is recommended that the revised SFP6 package be downloaded again and re-installed. The build date of the original SFP6 is June 24, 2011, The build date of the revised SFP6 is July 8, 2011. ************************************************************** *** END OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.3 SFP6 README.TXT *** ************************************************************** **************************************************************** *** START OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.3 SFP5 README.TXT *** **************************************************************** November 2010 - SPF5 The following problems have been resolved with this SFP: P8012077 - PM13739 - HOST - CICS ASRA DURING PERFORM IMPORT P8012098 - IC67182 - RECEIVE FILE OVERWRITTEN WHEN USED FROM DATA REFERENCE P8012101 - PM10440 - TR0832 SEVERITY 12 MESSAGE RECEIVED WHEN PERFORM TRANSLATE P8012104 - IC67604 - SOME SAC08 VALUES HAVE LEADING ZEROS P8012108 - PM12684 - SERVER - EXPORT EI0048 STANDARD X P8012110 - PM12670 - SERVER - ABEND U4083 DURING ENVELOPE DATA EXTRACT P8012112 - PM12146 - CSV002I - REQUEST FOR MODULE FXXZCBLH EXCEEDS MAXIMUM USE COUNT P8012113 - IC67862 - REPETITION SEPARATOR PARAMETER DOES NOT WORK PROPERLY P8012114 - PM12384 - UCS ENVELOPE OUTPUT IS INCORRECT - GS07 POPULATED W/LOW-VALUES AND GS08 CONTAINS COMBINED VALUE FROM GS07/GS08 U ENV PROFILE. P8012115 - PM15239 - SQLERR -811 DURING RGT ON EDITSGP TABLE P8012116 - PM13715 - CICS - MEMORY LEAKS DURING PERFORM TRANSFORM P8012118 - IC68153 - TRAILING DECIMAL POINT ADDED TO SOME ACCUMULATED SAC05 VALUES P8012122 - IC68443 - EDISERVR STDERR SHOWS: WDI SERVICE DIRECTOR EXCEPTION, HOWEVER, IDOC SEND MAP APPEARS TO COMPLETE SUCCESSFULLY AS PER STDOUT P8012123 - IC68484 - DT(ADF-EDI) PERFORMANCE ISSUE WHEN TRANSACTION STORE IS ENABLED FOR AN ADF INPUT MESSAGE FILE WITH MANY TRANSACTIONS P8012124 - IC68843 - WDI 3.3 DT MAP (ADF-EDI) TRUNCATES TRAILING MINUS SIGNS '-' P8012125 - PM15349 - RECEIVE MAP GENERATES 997 AK304 WITH LEADING SPACES BEFORE VALUE P8012126 - PM16514 - IEW2648E LINK-EDIT ERRORS OCCUR WHEN RUNNING SAMPLE JCL EDIJRSML OR FXXJRSML. P8012127 - PM16706 - AFTER DOING INBOUND PROCESSING TRANSACTIONS DO NOT SHOW UP UNDER ENVELOPED TRANSACTIONS IN DOCUMENT STORE P8012128 - PM16863 - ADDITIONAL TRANSACTION TYPES INCLUDED IN OUTBOUND ENVELOPES WHEN "CONTROL NUMBERS BY TRANSACTION ID" IS DEFINED IN USAGE. P8012145 - PM18617 - SERVER - UNABLE TO READ THE CICS EVENT LOG HOLDFILE P8012148 - PM18749 - WDICLIENT SLOW PERFORMANCE WHEN OPENING A TRANSACTION FROM THE LIST ON DOCUMENT STORE TRANSACTIONS TAB P8012149 - IC70093 - WDISERVER ADV ADAPTER FAILS WITH MQ ERROR REASON 2110 WHEN THE MQMD.FORMAT NAME IN MESSAGE IS MQFMT_NONE AND CP SET IS TO 1208. P8012150 - IC70171 - NULL POINTER EXCEPTION IN SAMPLE JAVA EVENT HANDLER FOR E-MAIL WHEN TWO OR MORE EVENT MESSAGES ARE AVAILABLE. P8012154 - PM21619 - ASRA ABEND OCCURS WHEN USING HOTDI ON THIRD TRANSACTION P8012156 - IC71734 - GLOBAL VARIABLE ON A RECEIVE MAP IS BEING RESET BETWEEN 1ST AND 2ND TRANSACTION WHEN USING ADVANCED WMQ ADAPTER. P8012157 - PM23221 - EDIJMLOD PERFORMANCE ISSUE WITH LARGE NUMBER OF TS RECS P8012158 - IC71338 - WDI ADVANCED ADAPTER ABENDS WITH SIGNAL 11 WHEN MULTIPLE MESSAGES ARE PLACED ON INPUT QUEUE FOR A DT TRANSFORMATION. P8012160 - PM23488 - TS0300 SEVERITY 12 ERROR DURING TRANSFORMATION OF ZERO LENGTH EDI TRANSACTION AND DOCUMENT STORE IS ON. P8012161 - IC71573 - WDI ADVANCED ADAPTER HANG WHEN TRANSLATOR RECEIVES A SIGNAL 11'S AND DOES NOT RECOVER GRACEFULLY. P8012162 - PM23732 - CSV TO EDI DATA TRANSFORMATION IS NOT HONORING THE BEGINNING RECORD AS THE START OF A NEW TRANSACTION. P8012163 - PM24630 - UP0026 TRANSFORMATION WARNING WHEN MAPPING GETPROPERTY ("ISA16") DUE TO WDI 3.3 INCORRECTLY RETURNING 4 BYTE HEX REPRESENTATION. ---- Special Considerations -------------------- P8012148 / APAR PM18749, fixed by WDI 3.3 PTF Server Fix Pack 5 or WDI z/OS PTF UK60104, is dependent upon Client Fix Pack 11. That is, when applying Server Fix Pack 5, or PTF UK60104, multiple DB2 views will be changed, for which Client Fix Pack 11 is required for proper functionality. If the DB2 views are changed accordingly, and CFP11 is not yet deployed on user's WDI Client, the following error will result when entering a partial Transaction Handle value on the Selection Criteria window for the "Transactions" or "Enveloped Transactions" tab: 11041: A database error ocurred while attemption to open table "EDIENU33.EDIVTSTH". ODBC return code is -1. Description: SQL0181N The string representation of datetime value is out of range. SQLSTATE=22007. On the other hand, Client Fix Pack may be installed without first applying Server Fix Pack 5 or without z/OS PTF UK60104, however, the user will not gain improved performance without the new DB2 view therein. See the following link for apar PM18749 details: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg1PM18749 P8012125, APAR number PM15349, changes the definition for X12 Functional Acknowledgment maps distributed with the WDI 3.3 base product. Only clients migrating to WDI v3.3 from versions prior to SFP5 need take any special action. These corrections are included with SFP5, but they are not automatically installed into the database. Clients who experience issues with the AK3 segment as described in this APAR should follow the following process to update their definitions. 1) A modified Data Format is being distributed in the file named "eidatamp.eif" provided in the ../eif folder located in the WDI install directory path, e.g. Program Files/IBM/WDIServer/V3.3. This file contains many installation default objects. DO NOT apply all objects in this file. Doing so may overlay installation modified parameters. The modified Data format definition is named FUNCACKX12APP. This is the only object that is affected by P8012125. 2) Use the WDI Client to import the modified Data Format in the import file named "eidatamp.eif". FUNCACKX12APP is the only object to be imported. 3) Again using WDI Client, compile the Control Strings for the following FAMaps located in the SEND Maps folder of WDI Client: $FUNACK997 $FUNACK997G $FUNACK997V35 $FUNACK997V35G $FUNACK997V37 $FUNACK997V37G. Without these new definitions, clients will see alignment problems with the AK304 element as described in the APAR. ************************************************************** *** END OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.3 SFP5 README.TXT *** ************************************************************** **************************************************************** *** START OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.3 SFP4 README.TXT *** **************************************************************** April 2010 - SPF4 The following problems have been resolved with this SFP: P8010661 - PK74102 - HOST - ABEND - TRANSACTION STORE AFTER NETWORK STSATUS UPDATE P8012054 - PM00818 - WDI 3.3 "PERFORM TRADING PARTNER CAPABILITY DATA EXTRACT" COMMAND P8012060 - PM10787 - UNIQUE SQL SELECT USAGES STATEMENT FINDS MULTIPLE ROWS (-811) P8012064 - IC65086 - ADVANCED ADAPTER ABENDS WHEN WMQ QUEUE LENGTH EXCEEDS 39 CHARS P8012065 - PM03354 - DATE AND ICN NOT OUTPUTTED IN PERFORM PRINT P8012067 - PM05403 - CICS - DT UTILITY CONTROL BLOCK FABUILT P8012068 - PM05397 - CICS - DT INTERCHANGES MISSING FROM QDATA P8012069 - IC65355 - TRANSFORMATION OF ADF TO EDI NOT HANDLING P8012070 - IC65436 - WHEN DOING A ADF TO EDI TRANSLATION USING REGULAR ADAPTER WDI ISSUES A SQL1024 DATABASE CONNECTION DOES NOT EXIST P8012071 - PM05185 - ASRA ABEND IN EDIDTUTL DURING XML TO ADF P8012072 - IC65790 - VN1007 ERROR WHEN ATTEMPTING TO WRITE ADF OUTPUT TO WMQ QUE P8012073 - IC65840 - WDI ADVANCED ADAPTER ATTEMPTS TO PROCESS P8012075 - IC65969 - MAP RULE UNABLE TO RESOLVE SENDER ID TO TRADING PARTNER NICKNM P8012078 - PM06549 - SQLCODE991 WHEN USING PGM IKJEFTXX AND EDITSIN ALSO ALLOCATED P8012079 - IC66038 - UT0002 SEVERITY: 04 - CODEPAGE CONVERTER FAILED TO INITIALIZE P8012081 - PM07292 - RGT SERVER FAILURE RE:8011948 PARSING MULTIPLE UNTDI - LOOP P8012082 - IC66106 - SAP STATUS UPDATE FAILS WITH ERROR FF0566 EDISST DBERROR -1421 P8012083 - PM06927 - DELETE EDI STANDARD PERFORMANCE IS SLOW AND CAN BE IMPROVED P8012084 - IC66761 - SUPPORT ZONED-DECIMAL WITH SEND / RECEIVE TRANSLATION P8012085 - PM07503 - SCH SEGMENT BEING ADDED TO BEGINNING OF TRADACOM ERRONEOUSLY P8012086 - IC66458 - ADVANCED ADAPTER DOES NOT PROPAGATE CORREL ID IN PRTFILE OR EVENT QUEUE P8012087 - IC66480 - SETPROPERTY ON MQMD PROPERTIES CAUSES ABEND IN EDISERVR WITH PAGE(Y) P8012089 - PM08403 - WDI CICS RECEIVE TRANSLATION PERFORMANCE DEGRADED FOR XML P8012095 - PM10327 - NO TEXT FOUND FOR MESSAGE EI0034 IN MESSAGE TABLE P8012097 - IC67181 - EVENT DESTINATIONS IN WMQ QUEUE DOES NOT CONTAIN RFH2 HDR P8012100 - PM10090 - ABENDS0C1 OCCURS WHEN CALLING FXXZCBL FROM COBOL TRANSLATION ---- Special Considerations -------------------- With the correction required to resolve P8012069, WDI now requires that Application Data match the appropriate Data Format Record definition, especially when 'no delimiters' is specified on the Data Format General Tab. The UP0021 message will identify data that is not the proper length and will issue a return code of 8. With the correction implemented with P8012084, Zoned-decimal format should be fully functional. In addition, the packed-decimal format will now support a paradigm which expects data in ASCII format and will produce PD output in ASCII format. With the support of Zoned-decimal fields and packed-decimal fields in the conversion routines for open systems, it was necessary to convert input data from ASCII to EBCDIC and output data from EBCDIC to ASCII. There are certain assumptions which are taken and specific requirements that must be met for the conversions to be correct. 1) it is assumed that when PD data is desired on an open system that it will be transfered to a z/OS platform for consumption, thus the contents of the PD output field will be converted to ASCII for the expected FTP to a z/OS Host. 2) there are a number of techniques for performing the FTP a) the IBM Personal Communications, PCOMM, software product, b) Windows FTP Server, or, c) 3rd party FTP software. These SW packages use translation tables for conversion. They must match the tables used by the conversion routines. The conversion routines used by Send and Receive translation differ from those used in Data Transform mapping, but the values in ASCII / EBCDIC conversions are the same as the IBM Default Translation Tables used by IBM Personal Communications emulator (PCOMM). FTP from and to a z/OS host was tested with that Software. If other products are usedm they must use a custom table with the same values in the PCOMM IBM Default Translation tables for upload (ASCII to EBCDIC) and download (EBCDIC to ASCII), else PD conversions may not work correctly. 3) WDI uses "text" opens for files except when ONEMSG(Y) is specified. In this case the a "binary" open is performed. It is thought that packed-decimal fields may cause unexpected results if not opened in binary, because some bytes in a PD field may represent a control character, such as NL or EOD, or CR. 4) The local code page of the machines will have an effect on the FTP and the conversions. We have tested going from code page 1047 (host standard) to 1252 (Windows standard) using a local code page of 819 - Latin-1. ************************************************************** *** END OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.3 SFP4 README.TXT *** ************************************************************** **************************************************************** *** START OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.3 SFP3 README.TXT *** **************************************************************** December 2009 - SPF3 The following problems have been resolved on this SFP: P8010319 - PK89526 - FF0111 issued with RC 8,400 to WDIOUT NETPROF P8011894 - PK93078 - Transform ISA control numbers mismatch in PRTFILE P8012016 - PK85776 - Forward translation table data missing from build control file P8012018 - PK87079 - Incorrect segment count (SE01) P8012019 - PK87213 - Signal 11 and FF0205 with stacked DT Perform Statements P8012029 - PK88600 - UK25207 in error - missing JCLIN entry for FXXTSRSS P8012033 - PK92009 - unable to read WMQ RFH2 P8012035 - PK92279 - DF To EDI DT processing not writing input to EXCEPTION file P8012036 - PK99695 - SETPROPERTY May cause MB0001 and MB0002 Processing Large EDI Input P8012039 - PK94031 - Not generating MQMD V1headers when using EDIMQSR P8012041 - PK94219 - Unable to Reconstruct Transaction P8012042 - PK94651 - SEGMENTED(Y) keyword not working on Perform Print Transaction P8012043 - PK96002 - PTF in error - Send Mapping fails under CICS P8011946 - PK97866 - Unable to read MQ Profile P8012048 - PK97809 - Abend during DF to DF translation with comma delimited input file P8012049 - PM01005 - CICS DT Not Handling NL Characters Correctly P8012052 - IC64243 - DT not reporting errors when an DF input processed under SYNTAX(E) P8012053 - PM00219 - DT to Comma separated data format writes extra decimal point P8012055 - PM01016 - CICS - Erroneous UT0028 Messages with XML DT Input P8012057 - PM01107 - Sample EDISDB2 missing documentation ************************************************************** *** END OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.3 SFP3 README.TXT *** ************************************************************** **************************************************************** *** START OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.3 SFP2 README.TXT *** **************************************************************** April 2008 - SPF2 The following problems have been resolved on this SPF: P8011887 - PK65876 - TR0204 Message text change P8011892 - PK63956 - Batch import of usages fails P8011893 - PK64347 - Reconstruct returns all transactions instead of selected ones P8011895 - PK64573 - Abend - Batch import of standard data P8011896 - PK64581 - Signal 11 on Data Format to XML Data Transformation P8011897 - PK68684 - Erroneous EL0015 message when Perform Remove Log Entries P8011898 - PK64710 - Failure in Batch export - no error message received P8011899 - PK65089 - EDIFFUT not processing data in CICS P8011902 - IC56434 - IC55289 not fixed in SPF1 P8011912 - PK66174 - Signal 11 - FF0205 on EDI to DF after TR0051 P8011923 - PK71486 - Export of specific DF results in huge Print and EIFILE P8011928 - PK67158 - PTF UK24652 in error - RU0001 - No Active Rule Found P8011932 - IC56986 - WDI not populating RFH2 properly in output P8011933 - PK67944 - SQL Code 991 when using EDIFFUT P8011935 - PK68322 - Duplicate Interchange Control Numbers P8011946 - PK70069 - ABEND when variable length exceeds 64 bytes P8011947 - PK70735 - HOT-DI Data Transformation holding exculsive lock on EDIPROF P8011951 - IC57743 - FF0608 issued when using &SET P8011955 - PK71888 - UNB Date sporatically populated P8011957 - PK72126 - Incorrect Last Update date after batch import P8011962 - PK72826 - Abend in EDIIOS when SEDILMD1 is in link-list P8011966 - PK73861 - SETPROPERTY not overriding MHD0201 element value P8011969 - PK74633 - PS0301 errors in Event Log P8011970 - PK74716 - Incorrect Close Cursor in RATR routine P8011971 - PK74714 - Transaction Store not updated in CICS P8011977 - IC58864 - FTX0401 Value not output P8011987 - PK75938 - EI0012 Database error during export of map usages P8011988 - PK76672 - ABEND - Data Transformation parser using sender/receiver id P8011989 - PK76368 - SQLCODE 100 during job EDIJMLOD P8011991 - IC59394 - Memory leak in advanced adapter P8011992 - PK79950 - ABEND in EDIEAS during insert of Event Log entries P8011994 - PK79756 - Function values incorrect in command export errors P8011995 - PK79950 - ABEND - UK43320 in Error - EDIIOS P8011998 - PK83461 - ABEND - in program EDIEDADF P8012000 - PK82435 - FF0205 Error performing DF TO EDI Translation P8012004 - PK83789 - SQL0530N error importing map file P8012008 - PK84103 - Program corruption with Functional Acknowledgements on Windows P8012009 - PK84146 - Getting EL0015 Erroneously P8012011 - PK85251 - Server import loses outbound validation P8012012 - PK85246 - Batch import sets incorrect import date P8012013 - PK85796 - Perform Reconstruct gives warning P8012015 - PK85516 - Control Numbers are set differently ************************************************************** *** END OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.3 SFP2 README.TXT *** ************************************************************** **************************************************************** *** START OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.3 SFP1 README.TXT *** **************************************************************** April 2008 - SPF1 The following problems have been resolved on this SPF: P8009366 - PK44344 - input file does not exist incorrectly reported P8009530 - PK49084 - FIXEDFILEID keyword not working with delayed enveloping P8009644 - PK50214 - Add TOTAL COUNT to PRINTFILE for REMOVE TRANSACTIONS P8009651 - PK52054 - PRINT EVENT LOG - Gets error P8010247 - PK45508 - Abend with UCS input and TA1 acknowledgment using default FA enveloping P8010567 - PK44419 - Invalid EncodeTarget keyword causes abend for data format output P8010695 - PK47880 - FF0515 Msg for failed import, but no other error messages P8010697 - PK43307 - Message EI0048 incorrectly shows Data Format category when exporting a non-existent standard P8010759 - PK50211 - EPURDATE with no To keyword doesn't find Purge date P8010773 - PK42001 - ABEND TP Profile Data Extract INTID P8010823 - IC50173 - WDI does not allow transaction to be enveloped when orphan transaction exists in table EDITSAU with same Batch ID number P8011252 - PK52089 - Fixed format import/export record mismatch between client and host P8011399 - PK44368 - CICS Receive and Process does not work from Continuous Receive profile P8011564 - IC51150 - Getting EV0019 -'NO TRADING PARTNER FOUND' using Business ID's P8011574 - PK43285 - Add SMF 89 registration and deregistration support to allow subcapacity pricing in batch Z/OS and CICS P8011599 - PK40482 - UNT Control number is different than UNH with multiple messages in an interchange using Version 4 P8011629 - PK45170 - Allow the config database of WDI Client to be defined in a z/OS database P8011634 - PK41988 - The new envelope profile fields (ST03, new UNB/UNG/UNH fields) are not included on import/export P8011664 - PK42595 - ABEND Mixing DT and SEND/RECEIVE Performs in same job step P8011682 - PK40484 - CICS SOURCEENCODE keyword does not work for XML input P8011715 - PK40464 - SIGNAL 11 when TRADACOM EDI TO ADF P8011758 - PK44005 - unexpected errors during Perform Transform P8011760 - IC51706 - Message format not correct in output when using SETPROPERTY ROOT.MQMD.FORMAT P8011775 - PK40483 - ABEND in SAP STATUS EXTRACT P8011779 - PK40281 - WDI does not generate the RSGRSG message for UNTDI envelopes P8011782 - PK40488 - extra UT0033 message logged P8011785 - PK40498 - unexpected memory growth P8011786 - PK40493 - Using the mapping command for ErrorContext without a previous FAError command in a validation map may cause abends P8011789 - PK41541 - UP0025 with data format output and record name length 30 P8011792 - IC52032 - SETPROPERTY and E_PROFILE will not override values in UNH P8011793 - PK43225 - FF0205 and ABEND in EDIM P8011794 - PK42939 - WDI unable to parse EDI msgs when single ISA with multiple GS's that contain 997'S P8011795 - PK44004 - FF0209 error message when processing EDI TO ADF and ADF TO EDI jobs concurrently P8011796 - PK44006 - ADF TO EDI DT processing drops last segment terminator when wrapping to next record P8011798 - IC52163 - NULL Pointer exception using GETINSERTDATA method P8011799 - IC52165 - Added getDirection() and setDirection() methods for the XMLHandler class P8011808 - IC52346 - XML-EDI Translation ABEND in EDIUPXML when XMLSPLIT(Y) KEYWORD used in large XML input file P8011812 - PK43235 - Bind error with DB2 V8 in new function mode P8011821 - IC52473 - When transforming XML to EDI and doing XML split, white spaces are being removed from the data P8011822 - PK47162 - ONEMSG(Y) not supported on TRANSLATE TO APPLICATION type commands P8011826 - PK44438 - STEP004 of EDIJEXPD jobfails with EI0025 when importing X12 standards from SEDISTD1 P8011827 - PK44180 - EV0017 error occurs if envelope type is blank on Rule or says use default P8011828 - PK44363 - TR0840 error pointing to U envelope profile when send map uses UN/TDI and default envelope P8011829 - PK50191 - memory leak in DT processing P8011831 - PK44429 - JCL samples need SDSNEXIT for DB2 V8 P8011833 - Pk45168 - EDIDSATTR entries not deleted by Remove P8011835 - PK45045 - ERRORCONTEXT without FAERROR may cause ABEND P8011836 - PK45047 - UNTDI inbound data containing asteriskis incorrectly processed P8011838 - PK45048 - propogate MQ headers to multi output P8011839 - PK51936 - Infinite loop using MQSERIES with RECVFILE P8011841 - PK50194 - batch export of map fails to include comments P8011842 - PK50198 - CICS ABEND when SENDERID is spaces in ISA06 and ISA05 is ZZ P8011843 - PK49425 - CICS - ASRA ABEND during FA processing P8011844 - PK48535 - EDIHLI ABEND doing Transaction Store processing P8011845 - PK53403 - TR0001 not issued whn mandatory element is missing in output P8011849 - IC53415 - Validation node reports incorrect TR0051 errors P8011852 - PK51967 - EDI TO ADF DT map unable to write trailer records when using IF (STRCOMP (LAST_MESSAGE, 'Y')=0) P8011853 - IC53520 - Transaction control number lock can become deadlocked when multiple translators are in use P8011855 - PK51642 - problems with Send translation that does not specify the envelope type on the send usage P8011858 - PK54162 - EDI-ADF DT map gives incorrect TR0002 and TR0050 Validation errors P8011859 - IC53871 - SIGNAL 11 performing EDI TO XML Ttransaction P8011866 - PK56195 - Running migration job EDIJEXPD encounters an infinite loop when exporting data format P8011867 - PK57839 - Add date and time to the XML print file and destinations P8011869 - IC54450 - Signal 11 when enveloping a message from the transaction store P8011870 - PK57705 - STEP006 of EDIJEXPD job nags when migrating from 3.1 to 3.3 P8011871 - IC55267 - CREATEDB.DDL results in SQL5153N warning P8011872 - PK59488 - extraneous colons in XML output of transform P8011875 - IC55285 - error loading the "edimqs" shared object module P8011876 - IC55270 - UP0021 error occurs during translation p8011877 - PK64018 - for XML to X12, the DocInfo for the input XML document does not contain values for: Sndid, Sndqual, Rcvid and Rcvqual P8011878 - PK61640 - abend that is related to improper memory access p8011883 - PK61820 - errors TR0841 and TR0830 occur translating ADF to EDI after applying PTF UK19151 P8011884 - PK62388 - output missing for X12 mandatory B2A segment p8011889 - PK64516 - an import of Client generated EIFILE containing XML DTDs gets error, FM0100 p8011890 - PK64695 - SAP Acknowledgment Status gets corrupted during update P8011878 - PK61640 - abend that is related to improper memory access p8011883 - PK61820 - errors TR0841 and TR0830 occur translating ADF to EDI after applying PTF UK19151 P8011884 - PK62388 - output missing for X12 mandatory B2A segment p8011889 - PK64516 - an import of Client generated EIFILE containing XML DTDs gets error, FM0100 p8011890 - PK64695 - SAP Acknowledgment Status gets corrupted during update ************************************************************** *** END OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.3 SFP1 README.TXT *** ************************************************************** *** Uninstall instructions for WebSphere Data Interchange V3.3 To uninstall on AIX: 1) Change directory to the _uninst directory 2) Issue the command: uninstall.bin To uninstall on Windows: 1) Use the Windows "Add/Remove Programs" dialog on the control panel to uninstall the program. *** Acknowledgements *** This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/). Copyright (c) 1999-2000 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved. This software is distributed under Apache Software License, Version 1.1. A copy of this license (LICENSE.TXT) is included in the same directory as this file. This product also includes International Components for Unicode. Copyright (c) 1995-2001 International Business Machines Corporation and others All rights reserved. This is distributed under the X License (XLicense.html), which is included in the same directory as this file. ********************************************************* *** END OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.3 README.TXT *** *********************************************************