****************************************************************************** ** IBM Digital Library Migration Utilities ** ****************************************************************************** Last updated: January 16th, 1998 FTP Site: ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/ps/products/digital_library/tools/ The following steps help you migrate your DL V2.0 NT Beta DB2 Library Server database to the DL V2.0 NT GA DB2 Library Server database: ********************************************** * The complete list of files needed are: * ********************************************** frnnmile.bnd frnnmile.db2.exe frnnmili.bnd frnnmili.db2.exe frnnmilt.bnd frnnmilt.db2.exe Export process: 1. Create a subdirectory named "exp" on the NT machine where your DL V2 Beta Library server database exists. If you have run the migration program before, remove all output files from the previous run before trying the migration again. 2. Download, via ftp (using the bin option), the following 2 files to the newly created export subdirectory: - frnnmile.db2.exe - frnnmile.bnd 3. Run frnnmile.db2.exe [dbname] [export directory] For example, " frnnmile.db2.exe libsrvrn \exp " 4. All migration files will be in the exp directory. Import process: 1. On the target WindowsNT machine, make sure the new Digital Library Version 2 database is not running and no users are connected. Also, ensure the Digital Library Version 2 database has been started and stopped at least once before running the migration. - Access the DL web site xxx.xxx.com - If you are using different machines for exporting and importing, you will need to copy the files exported to the "exp" directory to a newly created "exp" directory on the import machine. 2. Download, via ftp (using the bin option), the following 4 files to the newly created export subdirectory: - frnnmili.db2.exe - frnnmilt.db2.exe - frnnmili.bnd - frnnmilt.bnd 3. Run frnnmili.db2.exe [dbname] [import directory] [existing message directory] BETA. For example, "frnnmile.db2.exe libsrvrn \exp \exp\message BETA". Note that the message directory must exist before running or you will receive a -35 sqlcode during bind time. - Respond to the message "Deleting index class files d:\frnroot. . . *.* Are you sure?" With a Yes - After the import has completed, check the message files in the message directory for errors. Ensure that the successful completion message is displayed. If the import failed for any reason, view the accompanying error message for additional details and address the problem. If the import fails, you must recreate the Digital Library Version 2 database and start the import process from the beginning. Post database migration: 1. Start the library server to ensure the server migrated successfully. ********************************** end ***************************************