*** *** Licensed Materials - Property of IBM and/or HCL *** (c) Copyright IBM Corporation 2001, 2016. All Rights Reserved. *** (c) Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2016. All Rights Reserved. * *** Note to U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights: *** Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule *** Contract with IBM Corp. *** *** *** Welcome to WebSphere Data Interchange for Multiplatforms V3.3 Client *** *** For the latest updates and information, visit the IBM Support portal at *** http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=799&uid=swg27009631 *** *** June, 2017 ************************************************************************* *WebSphere Data Interchange Client v3.3 FIX PACK 15 README.TXT ************************************************************************* Included in this section are: 1. List of problems fixes added in Fix Pack 15 2. Server Dependencies --------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Problems fixed in Fix Pack 15 include: P8012422 SUPPORT WDI WITH CURRENT C/C++ P8012430 WDI CLIENT IMPORT ERROR 11052 DURING "EXPORT TO SYSTEM" OR P8012431 - IT15901 WDI CLIENT IMPORT ERROR 14346 DURING CSV STYLE IMPORT FILE P8012428 - PI69418 RECEIVE MAPS PROCESSING DON'T CONVEY &ST03 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Server Dependencies See prior DIClient Fix Pack readme files for actions if this DIClient Fix Pack is not installed on a system with the immediately previous Server Fix Pack. WDI v3.3 Client Fix Pack 15 (CFP15) is referenced by APAR PI69418, which is included with Server Fix Pack 12 (SFP12). This adds new X12 Functional Acknowledgment maps for use with Receive map processing. New X12 definitions are included in the base install data and as a downloadable Export/Import file. See the readme for SFP12, under "Special Considerations" section for detailed information regarding this change. http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=799&uid=swg27010382 Regarding CFP15 in general, the changes herein do not require that SFP12 be applied, However, to take full advantage of the enhancements and fixes we recommend that you also have the latest Server Fix pack installed. In other words, CFP15 will also work with earlier versions of the WDI 3.3.0 Server, but at a reduced level of function. ************************************************************************* *End of WebSphere Data Interchange Client v3.3 FIX PACK 15 README.TXT ** ************************************************************************* WebSphere Data Interchange Client v3.3 README.TXT Included in this file are: 1. Installation instructions for WebSphere Data Interchange Client 3.3 2. Installing and Using WDI Client from a Server 3. Creating and Using a Shared CONFIG Database 4. EDI Standards Installation 5. Known problem areas 6. ODBC considerations 7. Document Store considerations 8. Multi-user database considerations 9. Middleware, Upload/Download considerations 10. Creating Multiple PC database configurations 11. Problems resolved in prior Client Fix Packs ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Installation instructions for installing WebSphere Data Interchange Client Start the installation by placing the install CD in the CD-ROM drive. The install should start automatically, in the event that it does not then Use Windows Explorer to view the WDI Client directory. Execute WDIClient33.exe to begin the install. Follow the install wizard instructions to complete the installation. If you are converting from a previous version of the Client to WebSphere Data Interchange Client 3.3, make sure you install to a different directory. Otherwise, WDI Client 3.3 will overlay the existing WDI Client version(s). Before installing WDI Client, perform a release migration to extract data from local databases and/or customization time data from Server databases. To perform a release migration, perform the following actions: 1. In WDI Client 3.2 from the View menu on the Menu bar, select the option “Release Migration”. This option will only appear if all list windows are closed. When “Release Migration” is selected, a wizard will appear which will guide you through the release migration process. Include configuration data if you have Queries, Systems or Customizations that you want to retain. You may select multiple Systems to export if desired. Do not export data from a Server database. Data on a Server database will be migrated by WebSphere Data Interchange 3.2 to 3.3 migration process. Exporting is tracked using an Status Window, with messages indicating progress being written to the Execution Status Window as the exporting progresses. For WDI 3.2 Windows and AIX customers that created their server database after CSD16 was installed, see section 6, "Known problems areas", item c) for a workaround to possible release migration export errors. 2. Install WDI Client 3.3. 3. Open WDI Client 3.3. 4. Using WDI Client 3.3, if you exported configuration data in WDIClient 3.2, perform a release migration in WDI Client 3.3 to import the configuration data you exported from your previous version. 5. Using WDI Client 3.3, open the Systems List window. Update any existing Systems to utilize the correct ODBC Data Source Name (DSN). Add any new Systems that need to be added. You may wish to set the System background frame color at this time. 6. Using WDI Client 3.3, use release migration to import each System that was exported from previous versions. Migration is complete after this last step. Note that the WebSphere Data Interchange server migration must be performed before everything is in place and ready to use. Also note that release migration export from a shared database, such as a WebSphere Data Interchange Host DB2 database needs to be performed only once. The release migration import also needs to be performed only once. Only Systems not shared with other users will need to be migrated by individual users. See the WebSphere Data Interchange Users Guide for complete installation instructions. Run the application by clicking on the WDI V3.3 Client icon in the IBM WebSphere Data Interchange V3.3 Client program group. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Installing and Using WDI Client from a Server: WDI Client can be installed and run to a shared disk on a LAN. Doing this eases maintenance considerations by allowing a single user to handle maintenance for all users. For complete instructions please go to this link on the website: http://www-1.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=799&context=SSFKTZ&q1 =client+lan+install&uid=swg27007052&loc=en_US&cs=utf-8&lang=en ------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Creating and Using a Shared CONFIG Database WDI Client can be run with a shared CONFIG database. This allows multiple users of WDI Client to share queries and can ease maintenance considerations. Please go to this link on the website for the document with complete instructions: http://www-1.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=799&context=SSFKTZ&q1 =shared+config&uid=swg27007051&loc=en_US&cs=utf-8&lang=en ------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. EDI Standards Installation Reference the WebSphere Data Interchange Users Guide, Version 3, Release 3 for instructions on importing the EDI Standards. All files can be found for downloading on the WebSphere Data Interchange web site: (www.ibm.com/websphere/datainterchange) The files are intended to be imported into WDI Client 3.3. The name of the export/import file (.eif) is the version and release of the EDI standard. The envelope standards are also available for downloading from the web site. Once the envelope standards are imported into a WebSphere Data Interchange System, they must be compiled before they can be used by Websphere Data Interchange Host. Web Site address: www.ibm.com/websphere/datainterchange - Support ------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Known problem areas a) If an installation is running in client/server mode using DB/2 as the Host database, some functions are not supported. Some functions on WDI Client require database support of CASCADE UPDATE, DB2 does not support this function. Therefore, the RENAME function is not supported for most complex objects, including Trading Partner profiles, maps, data formats and EDI standards. RENAME is not supported for any database that does not support CASCADE UPDATE, including DB2. Some simple objects will support rename because there are no referential integrity rules associated with them. b) Collation tables in the PC Database Some databases provide a table that dictates a collation sequence for update and sorting purposes. These tables may not only be used to determine the order characters will sort in, but also to determine what character values are equal to one another. For instance, the default collation table used by Sybase SQL Anywhere specifies that a character hex 'D5' is equivalent to a character hex '31'. This causes problems when both of these characters are used as a 'key' value. A 'duplicate record' message will occur, even though there appears to be no duplicate keys. This problem is not likely to occur when using standard characters. If collation becomes a problem, refer to the documentation for the database product you are using. Either avoid using characters that cause these problems, or try to determine how to update the collation table used by the database product. c) Customers Migrating from WDI 3.2 MP to 3.3: The following error may occur during WDI Client Release Migration export processing for a system where the WDI 3.2 server database was created after CSD16 was installed. 11041 - A database error occurred while attempting to open table "EDIENU32.EDIPSCR". ODBC return code is: -1. Description: SQL0206N "TRACKNM" is not valid in the context where it is used. SQLSTATE=42703. Internal Codes: State:S0022,Native:-206, Origin:[IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/NT] The error is due to the EDIPSCR table missing several new columns, e.g. "TRACKNM". The fix is to run the CSD16.ddl from the WDI 3.2 ddl directory and re-run the export. Note: "TRACKNM" is only the first of several columns that are missing. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. ODBC Considerations 6.1 What is ODBC? Open DataBase Connectivity (ODBC) is an industry standard for the application-to-relational database interface. It allows the customer to use the database of their choice with an off-the-shelf application like WDI Client 3.3. For example, if you would rather that WDI Client 3.3 store its data on your LAN database server, you can do that. It does not matter which database is running on your server (DB2 Version 2, SQL Server, etc.) as long as that database is ODBC compliant, and they provide you with an ODBC driver that you can load onto the computers that are running WDI Client 3.3. Most relational databases that you can purchase today provide this capability. 6.2 What does it mean to be ODBC Compliant? The topic of ODBC compliance is a complex one. There is more than one version of the ODBC standard and there are various levels of compliance (core, minimum and extended). Finally, there are some small ambiguities in the standard. As a result, it is not possible to guarantee that any database that claims ODBC compliance will work with WDI Client 3.3. For information on databases that we know won't work with WDI Client 3.3, call technical support. 6.3 How is ODBC used in configuring your WDI Client implementation? ODBC is also fundamental to the Client/Server configuration of WDI Client. ODBC is used to access the z/OS DB2 database of WebSphere Data Interchange Host 3.3. Therefore your Client/Server environment must include an ODBC Client driver for z/OS DB2. This may be implemented as two separate programs: an ODBC RPC (Remote Procedure Call) client driver on the PC with WDI Client 3.3 and an ODBC driver on either a LAN database server, or on the z/OS system with DB2. As a result of using ODBC for access to DB2, any Client/Server environment that supports ODBC clients and z/OS DB2 servers can be used with WDI Client and Host 3.3. As discussed previously, the topic of ODBC compliance is complex, so contact technical support for information on any Client/Server environments that we know won't work with WebSphere Data Interchange 3.3. For information on your database servers and/or Client/Server environments we suggest you contact your I/S professionals. The people that can help you are most likely associated with your LAN or Database Administration departments. 6.4 Where do the ODBC drivers need to be? For DB2 Connect Personal Edition all drivers/software is on the PC. For Enterprise Edition, DB2 Client, also known as Client Application Enabler (CAE), is installed on each PC to provide the needed drivers. 6.5 How is an ODBC Data Source Name setup in Windows? After you have installed the appropriate ODBC drivers on the PCs that are running WDI Client 3.3, you must configure them using ODBC Data Source Administrator, which is invoked by selecting "Data Sources (ODBC)" found under the Administrative Tools. "Administrative Tools" is found on the Control Panel. ODBC Data Source Administrator maps Data Source Names (DSNs) to ODBC drivers. WDI Client has one DSN for configuration information called "WDIClient33CFG". It also has one DSN for each System that you define. You decide what these DSNs are. WDI Client is shipped with one System called "Development". The DSN associated with it is "WDIClient33Dev". See the documentation or help for the Systems topic for information on how to define Systems to WDI Client. To enable Client/Server mode, you must associate your DSNs with your Client/Server ODBC driver within ODBC Data Source Administrator. Go into the ODBC Data Source Administrator and press the "Add" button to create your Client/Server mode DSN. Select your Client/Server driver from the "Installed ODBC Drivers" list. Next, name your new Client/Server DSN and provide any required parameters specific to your driver. 6.6 Can you use DB2 Connect since its a DB2 database instead of using ODBC? You can use DB2 Connect because it supports ODBC. Only ODBC is used by WDI Client to access DB2 databases. Tested and recommended version of DB2 Connect is V8.2 through V9.5. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Document Store Considerations The Document Store is maintained by the WebSphere Data Interchange Server and the data in the Document Store is not available to WDI Client unless the user is in Client/Server mode. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Multi-user Database Considerations - All components, including the default databases will be installed when you first install WDI Client. WDI Client is installed with a single user database. If you take steps to reconfigure your database setup for multi-user, then you should exercise caution whenever you re-install WDI Client. If you re-install again, you will overwrite your databases and drivers with the defaults. - When creating the multi-user environment, make sure that the drivers go in the proper System directories. The UNINSTALL may not remove drivers. - Make sure that the server drivers are from the same version of the database product from which the database(s) were created. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Middleware, Upload/Download Considerations Data in Windows and AIX files is typically stored in ASCII format while data in z/OS host datasets is typically stored in EBCDIC format. When files are moved from a Windows system to a z/OS host (or vice versa) the data is normally converted from ASCII to EBCDIC (or EBCDIC to ASCII). This type of conversion occurs whenever you upload or download data using a file transfer program like IND$FILE or FTP. Conversion problems can occur whenever you move data between a PC and a host computer. These problems usually occur when the file transfer software converts a character to a value you don't expect. It is particularly important that the file transfer software does not change the value of the hex '01' character since this character is used as a delimiter in the DataInterchange profiles. In standalone mode, files are uploaded and downloaded using file transfer software. During a download to the PC from the host or an upload from the PC to the host, an EBCDIC/ASCII conversion occurs. We have seen instances where a character does not convert to the expected EBCDIC character or the expected ASCII character. For instance, a character vertical bar (|) on the host converted to a character double-quote (") on the PC. You must refer to the product that is used in the download/upload procedure to determine how to alter the EBCDIC/ASCII conversion. Also, verify that the hex '01' character is not altered during data transfer. When using client-server mode, the WDI 3.3 Client processes the data as Unicode and stores the Unicode values directly into the WDI 3.3 server database. This helps to avoid the ASCII to EBCDIC conversion issues that may occur with the file transfers and standalone mode. Note: The tested and recommended version of DB2 Connect is V8.2. Versions earlier than this may have problems reading and updating the Unicode DB2 tables in the server database. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Creating Multiple PC database configurations WDI Client is distributed with a single set of databases. The databases are WDIClient33CFG.MDB, and WDIClient33Dev.MDB. They appear in the installation directory after a typical installation. They contain only default data when installed. If you would like to create a second database, i.e. have a DEVELOPMENT System and a TEST System, then follow these instructions: a) copy the file WDIClient33Dev.MDB to WDIClient33Dev2.MDB. (note WDIClient33CFG.MDB need not be copied since it contains tables common to all 'Systems'). b) create the ODBC data definitions for the new database; to do this: - invoke the ODBC Data Source Administrator by selecting Data Sources (ODBC) from Administrative Tools. Administrative Tools is found on the Control Panel - click on ADD, select Microsoft Access (*.mdb) drivers, then FINISH -The ODBC Microsoft Access Setup diaglog is displayed. Fill in this dialog and press the OK button. For example, to create a new database entry do the following: - type in a Data Source Name, e.g. TestSys - type in a Description, e.g. test System - click on the Select button (a Select database window appears) - select a database file - this is the file name of the copied database, e.g. c:\program files\ibm\WDI Client v3.3\wdiclient33dev2.mdb - click on OK to save the entry c) setup the System definition in WDI Client; - select VIEW from the WDI Client toolbar - select Administration - select Systems - when the list appears, select the New icon on the toolbar - create a System entry as follow: - type a System Name - e.g. TEST - select the Server Platform corresponding to the WebSphere Data Interchange Server - select the Data Source Name (this is the same name as created in (b) above) e.g. TestSys - If you are accessing a shared database, such as DB2, enter the Database Qualifer - select a background frame color to associate with the System - click on SAVE to save the entry ************************************************************************* *End of WebSphere Data Interchange Client v3.3 FIX PACK 15 README.TXT ** ************************************************************************* March 24,2011 WebSphere Data Interchange Client v3.3 FIX PACK 12 README.TXT Included in this section are: 1. List of problems fixed added in Fix Pack 12 2. Server Dependencies 3. General Notes --------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Problems fixed in Fix Pack 12 include: P8012132 - Internal ADD EDI STANDARD TRANSACTION DETAIL HELP TEXT CORRECTION. The documentation for the OK and Insert buttons does not reflect the actual behavior of the Client. They are enabled when user starts entering data in EDI Standard Data Element Detail, EDI Standard Segment Detail, and EDI Standard Transaction Detail dialogs of the Client. Otherwise, disabled to view the existing records displayed to the user. The documentation of the EDI Standard Data Element Detail, EDI Standard Segment Detail, and EDI Standard Transaction Detail creation topics have been corrected to reflect that the OK and Insert buttons are enabled when user starts entering data. P8012166 - PM25129 WDICLIENT ABEND DURING COMPILE OF A PARTICULAR SEND MAP. . WDI Client crashes when compiling a specific customer Send map is imported from an eif file. The Map compiler abends while working with a segment that has no loop level specification (LPLEV) and has either a loop repeat count (LPREP) or unlimited loop repeat count (UNLPREP) definitions for the same in a Standard. The eif file has a missing loop level specification for the segment in the Standard. The missing loop level evaluates to Level zero and manipulating it later in the process causes a unexpected negative value.. Manipulation occurs when either a loop repeat count or unlimited loop repeat count has been specified for the segment. P8012171 - PM26683 WDI CLIENT ISSUES 16213 MESSAGE ERRONEOUSLY WHEN MAKING CHANGE TO DESCRIPTION FIELD OF ADF AND ATTEMPTING TO SAVE CHANGES When user changes the Description of a Data Format and upon saving the update, DI Client presents a 16313 warning message about the same Record Identifier being used for multiple records in the given Data Format The warning message does not reflect the correct Record Identifier that has been used multiple Records in the Data Format. WDI Client will now show the 16313 warning message with the correct Record Identifier that has been used for multiple Records within the Data Format. Also, it will now present multiple 16313 warning messages to the user if multiple Record Identifiers have been used for multiple records in a Data Format. Each warning message corresponds to one Record Identiifer that has been duplicated for multiple records in the ADF. The 16313 warning message string resource has been corrected to have the Record Identifier surrounded with double quotes instead of one double quote at the beginning. P8012179 - Internal QUERY EDITOR - QUERY NAME - BACK BUTTON ACTIVE, SHOULD BE DISABLED ALWAYS. In the WDI Client, Query Editor's Query Name property sheet page does not disable 'Back' button always. If user checks back by revisiting the Query Name page, 'Back' button is enabled when it always should be disabled as it is the first page. WDI Client will now always disable 'Back' button in the Query Editor's Query Name property page as it is the first page of the set of pages presented to the user. P8012180 - Internal HELP MISSING - OVERRIDE THE FOLDER AND ACCESS GROUP Having specified on the the Windows Systems (Configuration) dialog panel that the system being used has the "System Options - Default Folder" option supplied and the "Prompt for override the Folder specified when importing" box checked. an attempt to import an EDI Standard will return the "Override the Folder and Access Group on Import" popup window. Then when Help is requested (PF1), the system shows the message File: dlg_obj_prop_imp.htm (Help to be added....) The missing help topic for 'Override the Folder and Access Group on Import' dialog has been added to the documentation. P8012181 - Internal PHYSICAL FILE FIELD - FILE NAME FIELD HELP SENTENCE. In WDI Client Documentation, Physical File field topic has a link that extends beyond the File Name reference in the help text. The entire sentence beyond reference to File Name has been underlined for a link name. The help text in the WDI Client Documentation has been corrected to have underline for File Name indicating a link to File Name field and not extend the underlining to the text that follows all the way to the end of the topic. The invalid link name has been corrected. P8012182 - Internal FIELD NAME FIELD HELP DICTIONARY NAME HYPERLINK. In WDI Client documentation, there are broken links at multiple identified in this case that needs to be corrected. The broken links are as following: 1) Data Format Field Editor - Field Name field help topic has broken link for Dictionary Name. 2) Document Store radio buttons help topic has a broken link for Document Store. 3) Continuous Receive Editor, Deenvelope and Translate tab page help topic has a broken link for Fields at the bottom of the page. 4) Reverse Translation Editor fields help topic has a broken link for Name field at the top of the page. The WDI Client documentation has been corrected with respect to broken links identified in this case. They are as following: 1) Data Format Field Editor - Field Name field help topic has broken link for Dictionary Name. 2) Document Store radio buttons help topic has a broken link for Document Store. 3) Reverse Translation Editor fields help topic has a broken link for Name field at the top of the page. 4) Continuous Receive Editor, Deenvelope and Translate tab page help topic has a broken link for Fields at the bottom of the page. P8012183 - Internal CREATING A NETWORK PROFILE HELPTEXT - BAD LINK In the WDI Client documentation, Creating a Network profile has a bad link for the network name or ID referenced in the topic. The link file name for the corresponding topic is displayed to the user instead of the name is underlined indicating a link to Network ID help topic. Creating a Network profile help text in the WDI Client documentation has been corrected to a proper link for the name reference in the topic. It now links to Network ID help topic if selected by the user that provides more information on the Network Name or ID. P8012184 - Internal CLIENT - MINOR HELPTEXT CLEANUPS In WDI Client documentation for Receive Map; Qualifying Data Elements topic,Qualification has been misspelled as qualifcation and there is no spacing between dialog and will in the same topic. And, in the Reverse Translation Table help topic, there is an extraneous \ at the beginning of the help topic which needs to be removed. WDI Client documentation for Receive Map; Qualifying Data Elements topic has the word qualification properly spelled and a spacing has been included between dialog and will in the same topic. Besides, an extraneous slash (\) at the beginning of the help topic has been removed. P8012193 - Internal DATA FORMAT EDITOR TYPOS IN HELP TEXT Miscellaneous typos in the help text in "Data Format Editor, Raw Data tab page" and "Data References Profile Editor, General tab page" topics. These typos have been corrected. P8012194 - Internal STANDARD TRANS DETAIL HELP TOPIC ISSUE Minor help text issue with "Creating a new EDI Standard Transaction Detail" topic. The help text issue with the help topic has been corrected. P8012195 - Internal MISSING HELP TOPIC FOR ACCESS GROUP Missing help for "Override Access Group on Import" in the documentation. The missing help text has been added to the documentation. P8012196 - Internal MISSING HELP TOPIC FOR OVERRIDE FOLDER Missing help for "Override Folder on Import" in the documentation. The missing help text has been added to the documentation. P8012199 - PM34106 SEND/RECEIVE MAP PRINT REPORT DOES NOT INCLUDE SPECIAL HANDLING INSTRUCTIONS Data Element special handling fields on send or receive map are not conveyed in map (print) report. The Special Handling information, accumulators. actions, and comments are now part of this report. P8012200 - IC75078 11598 MESSAGE IS ISSUED WHEN ROLE BASED ACCESS IS ENABLED FOR ADMINISTRATOR ON TRADING PARTNER OBJECTS When exporting a map and selecting all associated objects, WDI issues a 11598 Message pointing to Trading Partner Objects. This happens when Role Based Access is enabled and the user is using the Administrator role. Also, the user is able to view Trading Partner Objects but is not able to export Trading Partner objects. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Server Dependencies No Server dependencies exist with the implementation of this Server Fix Pack. See prior Server Fix Pack readme files for actions if this Server Fix Pack is not installed on a system with the immediately previous Server Fix Pack. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. General Notes General note to all users -- Be sure your WebSphere Data Interchange configuration is set to generate appropriate century values for 2011 dates and beyond. Century date may be unexpectedly output as 19 when translating or transforming data, i.e. the century and year may be output as 1911, instead of 2011. Check your configuration now using this link: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21418940 ************************************************************************* *End of WebSphere Data Interchange Client v3.3 FIX PACK 12 README.TXT ** ************************************************************************* October 22,2010 WebSphere Data Interchange Client v3.3 FIX PACK 11 README.TXT Included in this section are: 1. List of problems fixed added in Fix Pack 11 2. Server Dependencies 3. General Notes --------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Problems fixed in Fix Pack 11 include: P8012005 - internal MISCELLANEOUS HELPTEXT CLEANUP. The following modifications to the Client Help topics were made: 01) Start at "Data Format Editor, General tab page " helptext and select the "General tab page fields" link. This will result in a list of fields to select. One of them is "Record ID Intormation field". "Intormation" should be "Information". 02) On the "Data transformation reserved words" helptext; Case does not matter. For instance, "Create" and "CREATE" are the same therefor they are both reserved.? The word "therefor" should be "therefore" 03) On the "Century Control Year field" helptext, all of the text is in bold type. This is under Document Store 04) On the "Mailbox profile" helptext; the second paragraph, third sentence - "There you will find the Malboxes List window. " "Malboxes" should be "Mailboxes" 05) On the "Create a User Exit Profile Exit Name" helptext; all of the text is smaller and different than most of the other helptext on the Client. Also, selecting any link and then returning to the "Create a User Exit Profile Exit Name" helptext, the link color does not change, as it does throughout the rest of the Client helptext. 06) On the "Allow Duplicate Envelopes checkbox" helptext; the "Fields" hyperlink is not active. This can be found via the "Continuous Receive Editor" helptext. 07) On the "Continuous Receive Editor, Data Transformation - Input and Output tab page" helptext; the second "Fields" hyperlink is not active. This can be found via the "Continuous Receive Editor" helptext. 08) On the "Continuous Receive Editor, Deenvelope tab page" the second "Fields" hyperlink is not active. 09) On the "Continuous Receive Editor, Process Via a Service Profile tab page "helptext; there are two errors; 1. "Select the name of the Service profiile in the Service Profile field that will guide processing of the Continuous Receive session. " The word "profiile" should be "profile". 2. "fields" link should be "Fields"just above the "Continuous Receive Editor tab pages" link. 10) On the "Security" helptext page, the first sentence "Security on WebSphere Data Interchange Client is comprised on two components; roles base access control and Access Groups. " "base" should be "based". 11) On the "Audit Trail" helptext, 6th paragraph, the last sentence; "The Administration submenu is contained within the `View menu. " just before the word View is an extraneous single quote - ' . 12) On the "Send Map Usage, Exit Routines tab" helptext; Select a post-translation exit rotuine if you want an exit routine to be called when translation of the document is complete ". The word "rotuine" should be "routine" and the sentence should end with a period. 13) On the "Document Store Data Format Viewer" helptext; "Open the data formats Viewer by selecting the desired data formats you wish to view and then select Open or View from the File menu, " Selecting "File menu" results in the Page Not Found error. Bad/broken link. 14) On the "Document Store Data Format Viewer" helptext; The links at the bottom called "Data Format Viewer Application Control Fields tab page fields" "Data Format Viewer Image tag page fields" Neither of these describe fields, so remove the word fields at the end of each of the link descriptions. All the reported Help text issues identified above have been addressed. The Online Help (when user presses Help icon in the toolbar or main menu Help Conents from the WDI Client) would not show the defects noted. Another issue resolved is related to PTR 8011965 where the help does not appear at the right location. This PTR is actually reported against 3.2 DI Client. Text was added to address the issue in the beginning of the topic rather than after the introduction paragraph on Suppress. Yhis has been resolved. Finally, the word 'following' has been misspelled as 'folowing' in several places in Help content. This has been addressed along with these defects. All the issues reported in this PTR have been resolved. P8012007 - internal ADD HELP TEXT FOR ENVELOPE PROFILES UNDER OPERATIONAL PROFILES. ENVELOPE PROFILES -- ADD CONTENT HERE --- The Help Content for the E Profile, I Profile, T Profile, U Profile and X Profile is missing under Operational Profiles. DI Client just shows --ADD CONTENT HERE-- when it should show the relevant information about these envelope profiles. The Help content for the envelope profiles has been added. E Profile, I Profile, T Profile, U Profile and X Profile content have been added showing relevant information from the other areas of Help Content and showing the relevant information that a customer would need. The appropriate links for the corresponding Profile editors and information about the Segments in a table format are also available. P8012134 - internal CORRECT LABEL FOR MINIMUM / MAXIMUM REPEAT COUNT IN EDI TRANSACTION REPORT. REPORTS - CHANGE IDS_LABEL_MIN_MAX_REPEAT LABEL. WDI Client will now generate a correct report tag for Minimum / Maximum Repeat count field in the EDI Standard report instead of using the internal resource tag for the corresponding field. The report tag would be Minimum / Maximum Repeat:. P8012147 - IC69971 WDICLIENT ERROR OPENING XML SCHEMA - 15412 COULD NOT FIND THE VALIDATION INFORMATION FOR URI. WDI Client fails to import an XML Schema (XSD) if it does not contain a namespace specification. The WDI Client throws a "Could not find" error during import. The WDI 3.3 Client now checks for "no namespace" grammar for the element at the current scope before it checks for the same in top-level scope. It previously checked for "no namespace" grammar in the top-level scope only - resulting in the failure as noted. A second issue with WDI Client occurs during import. It results in a Database error during the import of the same set of XSD files presented by the customer test case. When importing a schema, and the client encounters more than two namespaces, it fails to generate a correct UNIQUEID for the third namespace. Since it fails to generate an "unique id" for the rows, a database error occurs - 11052 - A database error occurred while attempting to add a row in table "EDIENU33.EDIXMLNS". WDI Client now imports XSD files successfully even when the namespace specification is absent in them. The issue with UNIQUEID generation during import for schemas with more than two namespaces in the XMLNS table has also been resolved. Both of the issues are specific to WDI Client 3.3 and part of the behavioral change is due to XML4C 5.6.1 usage in 3.3 version. WDI Client 3.2 uses XML4C 5.4.5. Both problems have been resolved with this APAR. P8012148 - PM18749 WDICLIENT SLOW PERFORMANCE WHEN OPENING A TRANSACTION FROM THE LIST ON DOCUMENT STORE TRANSACTIONS TAB When customer opens the Document Store icon and then enters the parameters to query any specific types of transactions, the query responds quickly, but then customer selects a transaction from the list and it takes several minutes before the information for the transaction to appear. In this case, the customer has a base of 800k transactions in the store (rows in EDITSTH). Possible cause of this problem is how the view, EDIVTSTH, is defined on the EDITSTH table. There are no WHERE predicates or other tables in this view. It only selects certain columns from the EDITSTH table and it appears its main purpose is to convert the column THANDLE from a Timestamp datatype to a Character datatype. It uses the CHAR function which converts timestamp, numeric, and graphic data to character data. When you select a piece of data and what you are comparing does not match data types or lengths, DB2 will not use any indexes that exist in the comparison. The correction is to remove the CHAR option on the THANDLE from the DB2 Views. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Server Dependencies APAR PM18749 fixed by WDI 3.3 Server Fix Pack 5 or WDI z/OS PTF UK60104, is dependent upon this Client Fix Pack 11. That is, when applying Server Fix Pack 5, or PTF UK60104, multiple DB2 views will be changed, for which Client Fix Pack 11 is required for proper functionality. If the DB2 views are changed accordingly, and CFP11 is not yet deployed on user's WDI Client, the following error will result when entering a partial Transaction Handle value on the Selection Criteria window for the "Transactions" or "Enveloped Transactions" tab: 11041: A database error ocurred while attemption to open table "EDIENU33.EDIVTSTH". ODBC return code is -1. Description: SQL0181N The string representation of datetime value is out of range. SQLSTATE=22007. On the other hand, this Client Fix Pack may be installed without first applying Server Fix Pack 5 or without z/OS PTF UK60104, however, the user will not gain improved performance without the new DB2 view therein. See the following link for apar PM18749 details: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg1PM18749 3. General Notes General note to all users -- Be sure your WebSphere Data Interchange configuration is set to generate appropriate century values for 2011 dates and beyond. Century date may be unexpectedly output as 19 when translating or transforming data, i.e. the century and year may be output as 1911, instead of 2011. Check your configuration now using this link: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21418940 ************************************************************************* *End of WebSphere Data Interchange Client v3.3 FIX PACK 11 README.TXT ** ************************************************************************* June 29,2010 WebSphere Data Interchange Client v3.3 FIX PACK 10 README.TXT Included in this section are: 1. List of problems fixed added in Fix Pack 10 2. Server Dependencies --------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Problems fixed in Fix Pack 10 include: P8012063 - PM03143 WDI 3.3 CLIENT UNABLE TO INSERT HEADER, LOOP, RECORD INTO DATA FORMAT OR SEGMENT AND ELEMENT IN EDI STANDARD. This fix modifies functionality in WDI 3.3 Client to that which was previously in WDI 3.2 Client. Prior to this fix, the user is unable to insert a new row between two existing objects having sequential position numbers; e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. without manually changing the position numbers to make a gap. With this fix WDI Client 3.3 will accommodate the insert by re-sequencing subsequent rows in the list to make room for the new object's position number. This fix pertains to the Details Tab which lists objects for Data Formats, Loops, Records, and Structures. Note: Since users can intentionally enter gaps between position numbers within these lists, this fix will not perform any re-sequencing that would to remove any gaps. For example, if a delete is done on an object in the list, its position number will be removed from the list and the list will not be resequenced. The position numbers in Data Formats are for user reference and will not affect the map or translation. P8012090 - internal There is no insert capability with position number resequencing for EDI Standard Objects. Related to P8012063 above - which addressed Data Format Objects - this ptr was created to handle the EDI Standard objects separately. Note: Position numbers are important within EDI objects as they are used by mapping and control strings. However, EDI standard transactions are provided intentionally with gaps in position numbers between segments, so resequencing would typically not be needed. For EDI segments on the other hand, elements are normally assigned sequential position numbers, starting with 1, therefore any resequencing as done via inserting between existing elements would likely have an impact on existing maps that use the altered segment. Specifically, mappings will remain at the same positions regardless of the element id associated with the new positions. This is the same behavior as before with WDI Client 3.3 and WDI Client 3.2.1. Be aware that altering position numbers within EDI standards does have an impact on the map, and hence translation. P8012103 - internal CLIENT - DATA FORMAT RECORD LIST NOT DYNAMICALLY UPDATED In Data Formats, open the Records tab to reveal the list of Records. Open a Record that contains at least one field. On the Details tab of the Record, select a Field row, and select the Open Details button to reveal the Data Format Field editor, open to the General tab. Change the Field Length, and Save the change. Close the Field editor. Notice that the corresponding Data Format Record list row does not get refreshed to show the change to the length of the field.Same is true if updating a Structure. The same problem exists in the Data Format tab; if the details of a Loop or a Record in the Data Format is changed and saved, the Data Format details list is not dynamically updated. The same problem exists in the Loop tab; if the details of a Loop or a Record in the Loop is changed and saved, The Loop details list is not dynamically updated. The same problem exists in the Structures tab; if the details of a Field or a Structure in the Structure is changed and saved, The Structure list is not dynamically updated. The "DoUpdate()" routines for the Data Format Header, Loops, Records, and Structures will now catch the hints thrown by whatever objects are contained in the detail lists of those objects. When they are updated, the detail list will be updated dynamically. P8012121 - PM13239 In WDI 3.3, map reports didn't generate the Literals / Mapping commands that are assigned to the elements. It was general to all verbs (not specific to &FORCE). The Report action generates the elements that are seen in the map structure when the map is opened. Those that are assigned to the elements were not generated. Changes have been made to generate the literals. The new Report differs from the currently generated format. Underlines will now appear after each element in the tree structure. This is done to distinguish between the elements that do not have a literal and those that contain the Literals / Mapping commands assigned to the elements. P8012106 - PM11502 MANUAL ACK GROUP TRANSACTIONS ONLY ACKNOWLEDGES LAST TRANSACTION When manually acknowledging a transaction in the Document Store under the Group tab, WDI only acknowledges the last transaction in the group. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Server Dependencies There are no server dependencies with this fix pack. ************************************************************************* *End of WebSphere Data Interchange Client v3.3 FIX PACK 10 README.TXT** ************************************************************************* February,2010 WebSphere Data Interchange Client v3.3 FIX PACK 9 README.TXT Included in this section are: 1. List of problems fixed added in Fix Pack 9 2. Server Dependencies --------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Problems fixed in Fix Pack 9 include: P8012044 - PK96601 list window row count incorrect P8012047 - PK97302 Pending Functional Acknowledgement query always empty P8012051 - IC64210 clean up drop downs in Document Store P8012074 - PM06034 Error 15445 issued attempting to Open a map ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Server Dependencies There are no server dependencies with this fix pack. ************************************************************************* *End of WebSphere Data Interchange Client v3.3 FIX PACK 9 README.TXT** ************************************************************************* August 2009 WebSphere Data Interchange Client v3.3 FIX PACK 8 README.TXT Included in this section are: 1. List of problems fixed added in Fix Pack 8 2. Server Dependencies --------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Problems fixed in Fix Pack 8 include: P8012025 - IC61316 Abend hovering over map comments P8012032 Bubble text help not always appearing on large comment ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Server Dependencies There are no server dependencies with this fix pack. ************************************************************************* *End of WebSphere Data Interchange Client v3.3 FIX PACK 8 README.TXT** ************************************************************************* May 2009 WebSphere Data Interchange Client v3.3 FIX PACK 7 README.TXT Included in this section are: 1. List of problems fixed added in Fix Pack 7 2. Server Dependencies --------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Problems fixed in Fix Pack 7 include: P8011979 - IC58909 Repeating elements not handled correctly P8012014 - IC60942 Client abends if no schema location in XSD import file P8011999 - PK82158 Certain XML Schemas receive error on Opening ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Server Dependencies There are no server dependencies with this fix pack. ************************************************************************* *End of WebSphere Data Interchange Client v3.3 FIX PACK 7 README.TXT** ************************************************************************* April 2009 WebSphere Data Interchange Client v3.3 FIX PACK 6 README.TXT Included in this section are: 1. List of problems fixed added in Fix Pack 6 2. Server Dependencies --------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Problems fixed in Fix Pack 6 include: P8011919 Minor Adjustment in X Envelope Report P8011965 SuppressEmptyElements help text enhanced P8011967 ABEND on Receive Map Report P8011968 various help missing links corrected P8011981 E Envelope Report labels incorrect P8011982 T Envelope Report labels incorrect P8011985 Send Usage Report missing column descriptions P8011986 errors in Receive Usage Report P8011990 Receive Map Report multiple element mappings missing ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Server Dependencies There are no server dependencies with this fix pack. ************************************************************************* *End of WebSphere Data Interchange Client v3.3 FIX PACK 6 README.TXT** ************************************************************************* November 2008 WebSphere Data Interchange Client v3.3 FIX PACK 5 README.TXT Included in this section are: 1. List of problems fixed added in Fix Pack 5 2. Server Dependencies --------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Problems fixed in Fix Pack 5 include: P8011939 10869 Error message when mapping a literal to an element before mapping the loop segment P8011944 When mapping a qualifying element, WDI drops the qualifying portion of the mapping P8011960 Inconsistancies when dealing with Associated Error Messages being written to prtfiles ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Server Dependencies There are no server dependencies with this fix pack. ************************************************************************* *End of WebSphere Data Interchange Client v3.3 FIX PACK 5 README.TXT** ************************************************************************* November 2007 WebSphere Data Interchange Client v3.3 FIX PACK 3 README.TXT Included in this section are: 1. List of problems fixed added in Fix Pack 3 2. Server Dependencies --------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Problems fixed in Fix Pack 3 include: P8011804 DTD CONVERT PROGRAM HELP TEXT EMPTY P8011851 - PK50701 DATABASE ERROR IMPORTING XSD FILE CONTAINING XML SCHEMA ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Server Dependencies There are no server dependencies with this fix pack. ************************************************************************* *End of WebSphere Data Interchange Client v3.3 FIX PACK 3 README.TXT** ************************************************************************* July 2007 WebSphere Data Interchange Client v3.3 FIX PACK 2 README.TXT Included in this section are: 1. List of problems fixed added in Fix Pack 2 2. Server Dependencies --------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Problems fixed in Fix Pack 2 include: P8011564 UPDATE CLIENT BUSINESS IDS HELP TEXT P8011615 - PK35573 SET COMPILE REQUIRED FLAG TO 'NO' WHEN IMPORTING MAP CONTROL STRING P8011778 - IC51859 ALLOW BLANK VALUE IN CODE LISTS TO BE IMPORTED P8011807 CLIENT - VARIOUS HELP PROBLEMS, INCLUDING DATA REFERENCES P8011813 UPDATE THE SERVICE PROFILE HELP P8011817 MULTIPLE HELP UPDATES P8011818 VARIOUS HELP UPDATES P8011819 ADD HELP FOR DATA TRANSFORM MAP DETAILS P8011832 COPYING RECEIVE USAGES WHEN CHANGING VERSION/RELEASE/AGENCY VALUES P8011840 - PK46590 ABEND WHEN OPENING VERY LARGE XML SCHEMA ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Server Dependencies There are no server dependencies with this fix pack. ************************************************************************* *End of WebSphere Data Interchange Client v3.3 FIX PACK 2 README.TXT** ************************************************************************* April 2007 WebSphere Data Interchange Client v3.3 FIX PACK 1 README.TXT Included in this section are: 1. List of problems fixed added in Fix Pack 1 2. Server Dependencies --------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Problems fixed in Fix Pack 1 include: P8011182 SEND/RECEIVE MAP REPORT NOT PRINTING REPEATED SEGMENTS P8011768 ABEND - COMPILE VALIDATION MAP - ERRMSG SUBSTITUTION P8011721 FA DATE/TIME FIELDS REVERSED IN DOCUMENT STORE - ENVELOPED TRANSACTIONS - TRANSACTION INFORMATION TAB P8011761 CLIENT - VARIOUS HELP PROBLEMS P8011766 CLIENT - VARIOUS HELP PROBLEMS P8011777 SQl0969N ERROR OPENING XML/DATA FORMAT DOCUMENTS IN DOCUMENT STORE P8011783 XML IMAGE IN DOCUMENT STORE MAY APPEAR OUT OF ORDER P8011788 ABEND - SAVING DATA FORMAT THAT CONTAINS A RECORD WITH DUPLICATE FIELDS P8011790 RECEIVE MAP QUALIFY BY VALUE ON LOOP NOT WORKING P8011791 ERROR 15458 WHEN DRAG/DROP FIELD TO QUALIFIED ELEMENT IN MAPS P8011797 997 FA PENDING REPORT BLANK P8011801 TA1 PENDING FA REPORT INCORRECT P8011803 HELP FOR TP COMPANY INFO TAB - FIELDS INCORRECT P8011805 HELP TEXT IN BOLD P8011810 HELPTEXT 'PAGE CANNOT BE DISPLAYED' - XML LIST IN DOCUMENT STORE P8011811 HELPTEXT 'PAGE CANNOT BE DISPLAYED' - DF LIST IN DOCUMENT STORE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Server Dependencies There are no server dependencies with this fix pack. ************************************************************************* *End of WebSphere Data Interchange Client v3.3 FIX PACK 1 README.TXT** *************************************************************************