WebSphere Data Interchange Client v3.2.1 README.TXT -------------------------------------------------------------- December 3, 2004 WebSphere Data Interchange Client v3.2.1 FIX PACK 12 README.TXT With this fixpack, WebSphere Data Interchange v3.2 becomes v3.2.1. This is in conjunction with the zOS product service rollup to v3.2.1. There are no fixes or additional function contained in this Fix Pack. The corresponding MP CSD is CSD15. --------------------------------------------------------------- Additional Platform Support: - DB2 8.1 - Windows XP --------------------------------------------------------------- DB2 8.1 Support WebSphere Data Interchange 3.2 will work on a DB2 7.2 or DB2 8.1 database. Note1: When migrating from DB2 7.2 to DB2 8.1 databases, there appears to be some DB2 migration restrictions associated with DB2 8.1 Clients accessing a DB2 7.x database. Consult the following DB2 8.1 Release Notes documentation for more information on this restriction: ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/ps/products/db2/fixes/english-us/ db2winIA32v8/fixpak/FP1_WR21316/Release.Notes/release.txt If you are in a migration state, and are using WDI 3.2 Client (with DB2 8.1 Client software) to access a WDI 3.2 MP Server database (on a DB2 7.1 database), you may experience the following error messages: "11041 - A database error occurred while attempting to open table "EDIENU32.EDIPSDI". ODBC return code is: -1. Description: SQL0805N Package "NULLID.SYSYSH200" was not found. SQLSTATE=51002" After pressing Cancel button, this is followed by: "11231 - Unable to determine the version of the database. If the table EDIPSDI was not found, you may need to upgrade your database to the current WebSphere Data Interchange release.". No upgrade of WebSphere Data interchange is required. The situation is a part of DB2 migration. Note2: There is no known problem with accessing DB2 8.1 databases with a DB2 7.2 Client. To avoid problems during this migration state: 1) It is recommended that a copy of the WDI 3.2 Client that uses DB2 7.2 Client software exist during migration from DB2 7.2 to DB2 8.1, as this Client software will be able to access both DB2 7.1 and DB2 8.1 (Server) databases. 2) It is further recommended to use the WDI 3.2 Client release migration facility during the migration from the DB2 7.2 database to the DB2 8.1 database. If you are installing WDI 3.2 MP on DB2 8.1 without migration, then you should not encounter the above errors." -------------------------------------------------------------------- Windows XP Platform Support WDI 3.2 Multi-Platform (MP) runs on the Windows XP platform with the following notes/concerns: 1) Windows XP requires MQSeries 5.3. WDI does not that require this, but this is required for using MQSeries on Windows XP. 2) WDI 3.2 MP runs on Windows XP with either DB2 7.2 or DB2 8.1. 3) However, there is a known problem with running the WDI 3.2 Client with Microsoft Access (the "Development" database). Whenever the user opens any list window, they will receive an error (actually two error messages) and then may get the list window displayed. For example: Attempt to open a list window (example: SETUP, DATA FORMATS, STANDARDS, MAPPING) and the user may get a pop-up window with the folllowing information: "11268 - An error occurred trying to open data source name "WDICLient32DEV". Path to the database is "C:\Program Files\IBM\WDI Client V3.2\wdiclient32dev.mdb". Database extended error code is "2000". You may need to re-install Microsoft DAO. Contact support if you need assistance." followed by another pop-up window with the following information: "12013 - An error occurred while updating the Transaction Store database table definitions in the "Development" system. Working with the Transaction Store may be problematic. An attempt will be made to correct the problem the next time the system is opened. " then the list window is displayed. Therefore, it is recommended that users of WDI 3.2 Client on Windows XP either: A) use DB2 for their development database. B) upgrade the original version of the wdiclient32dev.mdb file to a newer version of Access. 1) Do a release migration to export all of your system and configuration data. 2) Then put on a new version of the MDB's. 3) Then do a release migration to import the previously exported data. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Server Dependencies - For distributed platform users: To take full advantage of the enhancements made in the server code, we recommend that you also have the latest Server CSD installed. - For z/OS users: Please see associated PTF list below. ************************************************************** *** Summary of new enhancements to date: ************************************************************** - Panel update to 3.2.1 - FP12 + CSD15 or PTF UQ92717 - XML Split user interface - FP11 + CSD14 or PTF PQ92067 - Export usages as an assoc object of TP - CSD12 or PTF UQ87581 - Optional Records - CSD11 or PTF UQ85350 - Database changes made in CSD10 needed with Fix Pack 8 - XML Schema Support - FP8 - CSD9 or PTF UQ83083 - TA1 Support for DT mapping - CSD8 or PTF UQ82191 - C&D records support - FP6 - CSD7 or PTF UQ79410 & UQ80034 - RFH2 parser - CSD6 or PTF UQ78539 - SAP Status support - CSD5 or PTF UQ77622 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- WebSphere Data Interchange Client v3.2.1 FIX PACK 12 README.TXT With this fixpack, WebSphere Data Interchange v3.2 becomes v3.2.1. This is in conjunction with the zOS product service rollup to v3.2.1. There are no fixes or additional function contained in this Fix Pack. The corresponding MP CSD is CSD15. The client application continues to allow you to manage the servers on the differing platforms simultaneously, using a single Client application. Installation testing revealed that for new users who have the base code installed and then go directly to Fix Pack 12 will encounter an initial database error message. This is caused by a database timing issue because of the way dbupdate is written. These types of errors will self-correct when the Retry button is clicked. This has been logged as a development problem and will be resolved in a future fix pack. ************************************************************************* *End of WebSphere Data Interchange Client v3.2.1 FIX PACK 12 README.TXT** ************************************************************************* WebSphere Data Interchange Client v3.2 FIX PACK 11 README.TXT Included in this section are: 1. List of problems fixed added in Fix Pack 11 2. Enhancements 3. Server Dependencies ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Problems fixed in Fix Pack 11 include: P8010148 KEYWORD, &TCN PRODUCING INCORRECT RESULT P8010155 - PQ89936 ERRONEOUS TR0052 MANDATORY SEGMENTS MISSING P8010161 - PQ90220 TREE VIEW OF CLIENT MAP, WHEN COPYING OR DELETING IT, CAUSES A DICLIENT.EXE APPLICATION ERROR AND TERMINATES THE CLIENT P8010191 DB ERROR WHEN COPYING DTD OR SCHEMA P8010124 - PQ88464 USFLAG IN EDIPSAP IS NOT UPDATED CORRECTLY WHEN A COPY IS P8010215 - PQ92551 WDI CLIENT DOES NOT SHOW APPLICATION SENDER OR RECEIVER ID WHEN DISPLAYING RECEIVE USAGES. FLAG COLUMN SHOWS S OR R AS EXPECTED P8010211 - PQ92495 SQL -301 ERROR USING DATADIRECT ODBCSEQUELINK DRIVER P8010213 - PQ92539 CLIENT - 11041 POPUP MESSAGE NUMBER OF BOUND COLUMNS EXCEEDS THE NUMBER OF RESULT COLUMNS WHEN USING SEQUELINK ODBC DRIVERS P8010220 - PQ92639 CLIENT UNABLE TO USE THE SPECIAL CHARACTER NOT SYMBOL WHEN CREATING NEW TRADING PARTNER P8010172 - IC41356 EXISTING QUERY IN WDI CLIENT, RECEIVES ODBC ERROR 11060, AFTER INSTALLING FP9 OR FP10, WHEN QUERY HAS NULL VALUE FOR FIXEDVALUE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enhancements P8010183 ENHANCEMENT - ADD ACTIVATE ACTION FOR RULES/USAGES P8010162 ENHANCEMENT TO ALLOW EXPORT OF RULES/USAGES P8010181 ENHANCEMENT - XML SPLIT USER INTERFACE Fix pack 11 includes a reworking of the code related to the grid control used in the editors for data formats and standards. In the past, there were a number of problems raised about the grid controls. Some of the changes and problems that have been fixed include: * Cells now only allow you to enter valid characters into the cell. Before you could enter anything you wanted. The cells now work like the corresponding controls from the editors. * You no longer must click on another cell or row to have your change accepted by the cell. Previously, having invalid data in a cell when save is pressed would result in the value being replaced and the save completing successfully without an error message or warning being issued. With fix pack 11 an invalid value in a cell when save is pressed will result in an error message, the invalid value will remain in the cell, and save will not complete. * Previously, entering characters in a dropdown list would result in a matching value from the dropdown list prefilling the cell. Entering additional characters in the cell resulted in the new characters being inserted into the value that was prefilled instead of replacing the prefilled value. This has been corrected in fix pack 11. * The cells dealing with "unlimited use" and "maximum repeat" now work together. Before setting the checkbox in unlimited use set a number value in maximum repeat, such as 9999. Setting the number like 9999 in maximum use set the checkbox in unlimited use. Changing the number in maximum repeat could change the unlimited use checkbox. Now if the user sets the unlimited use checkbox then the maximum use field becomes blanked and disabled. * The grid will now preserve column width and row heights. * The user must now enter data into a new row that is required before they can access the optional cells in that row. A new row is not appended to a grid until the minimum amount of data is entered into a previous row. This was an issue because it was entirely possible for a user to create 10 new rows all with insufficient data in them. This led to many different error handling issues in the client. * Formatting of data in cells is better - some columns will be centered. * Unselecting rows now works in list windows * The grids are now closer to IBM "accessibility" compliant requirements. The last item, "accessibility", seems to be causing a major issue. In the past, it was common to use the tab key or the arrow keys to move around the grid. However, if you could not use a mouse then you could never leave the grid. You could not get to other controls on the tab page or move to another tab page. Fix pack 11 corrects this issue by continuing the common standard of using the tab key to move from one control to the next. If you are in the grid and press the tab key, focus moves from the grid to the next control, usually the tab itself. Pressing the tab key again moves focus to the next control, and so on until focus returns to grid. When focus is on a tab, the arrow keys can be used to move from one tab page to another. While in the grid, you can still navigate the grid using the arrow keys. This is a bit of change for those that are use to using the tab key to navigate the grid control, but it is a change that is necessary to conform to "accessibility" requirements. * There have been other grid issues that have been fixed that are not as noticeable and far more severe than the issues with fix pack 11. The recent grid work fixed many problems and provided a number of usability enhancements. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Server Dependencies - CSD14 XML Split User Interface - CSD14 or PTF PQ92067 EXISTING QUERY IN WDI CLIENT, RECEIVES ODBC ERROR 11060, AFTER INSTALLING FP9 OR FP10, WHEN QUERY HAS NULL VALUE FOR FIXEDVALUE - CSD14 ************************************************************************* ***End of WebSphere Data Interchange Client v3.2 FIX PACK 11 README.TXT*** ************************************************************************* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- WebSphere Data Interchange Client v3.2 FIX PACK 10 README.TXT Included in this section are: 1. List of problems fixed added in Fix Pack 10 2. Enhancements 3. Server Dependencies 4. Help updates ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Problems fixed in Fix Pack 10 include: P8010127 - PQ88658 EDI2DICT TRANSLATION TABLE IS HIDDEN FROM VIEW ON WDI 3.2 Z/OS. PROBLEM DOES NOT AFFECT MULTIPLATFORM (AIX AND W2K) P8010130 - PQ88817 ABENDS0C4 DURING RECEIVE TRANSLATION OF PAYMUL TRANSACTION. ABEND DOES NOT OCCUR ON DI 3.1, NOR ON 3.2 WITH 3.1 C.S. P8010048 - IC39807 ODBC CONNECTION SQL0203N ERROR WHEN ATTEMPTING TO USE PRINT PREVIEW IN TRANSACTION STORE P8010153 - IC41098 CLIENT WDI SHUTS DOWN WHEN ATTEMPTING TO MODIFY AN EDI STANDARD ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enhancements 1) Continuous Receive editor has been enhanced. It now has 4 tabs instead of the previous 2. It also groups the controls better to assist the user to work with the profile. 2) The term “Forward Translation” has been standardized to “Forward Translation Table”. 3) The term “Reverse Translation” has been standardized to “Reverse Translation Table”. 4) The Global Variables editor will now only allow you to enter valid characters into the initial values field. 5) The local variables properties dialog will now only allow you to enter valid characters into the initial values field. 6) Editors containing grids will now allow you to resize the width of columns and height of rows. These values will be restored each time you open the editor. 7) Labels in grid editors are inserted dynamically now. They are no longer hardcoded into the grid resource. 8) Default sizing of columns has been changed so it is based on the current system font and not a hardcoded value. This will allow column widths to default correctly regardless of the font selected by the user. 9) List windows will now restore the height of rows. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Server Dependencies - There are none with this fix pack. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Help Updates 1) Help has been rewritten for the Forward Translation Tables, Reverse Translation Tables, and Code Lists. ************************************************************************* ***End of WebSphere Data Interchange Client v3.2 FIX PACK 10 README.TXT*** ************************************************************************* Included in this section are: 1. List of problems fixed and enhancements added in Fix Pack 9 2. Server dependencies 3. Enhancements ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Problems fixed in Fix Pack 9 include: P8009852 - OA04862 CLIENT - UNABLE TO INSERT AN ELEMENT WITHIN A SEGMENT P8009947 - IC38658 SERVICE PROFILE PRE-EXECUTION AND POST-EXECUTION COMMAND FIELDS ARE NOT FUNCTIONING P8009967 CLIENT - XML SCHEMA AND OTHER HELPTEXT TYPOS P8009975 CLIENT REPORT LIST WINDOW - NO XML FUNCTIONAL AREA P8009976 CLIENT - COPY NAMESPACE/SCHEMA OBJECT GETS WRONG HELP P8009985 CLIENT - NO DF OR STD CONTROL STRINGS IN RELEASE MIGRATION P8010001 - IC39270 DATA FORMAT CIRCULAR REFERENCE ERROR 16304 OCCURS WHEN SAVING AN ADF AFTER INCREASING THE MAX USE OF A RECORD P8010004 - IC39290 SETPROPERTY FOR ACFIELD NOT DOCUMENTED IN HELP TEXT, USER GUIDE, OR TRANS STORE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE P8010024 CLIENT- NETWORK PROFILE EDITOR HELP - MESSAGEG HANDLER FIELD P8010026 CLIENT - MQSERIES HIGHLIGHTED WORD IN PRTFILE HELPTEXT P8010039 - IC39752 DATECNV() FUNCTION HELP UPDATE P8010058 CLIENT - SHOW DT RULES IN ENVELOPE PROFILES VIEW RULES & USA P8010073 - IC40070 ERROR POPUP 11060 WHEN IMPORTING TO AN AIX DB2 DATABASE P8010075 - OA07085 DICLIENT "EXPORT TO OTHER SYSTEM" FAILS FOR CONTROLS STRING P8010077 CLIENT - ENHANCEMENT TO MANUALLY FA GROUPS IN TRANS STORE P8010085 - PQ87295 WDICLIENT MAILBOX PROFILE ON WDI 3.2 DOES NOT CONTAIN ALL FIELDS AS WERE AVAILABLE IN THE REQUESTOR PROFILE ON DI 3.1 P8010088 CLIENT - 11268 ERROR OPENING WDICLIENT32DEV. RE-INSTALL DAO With FIXPAK9, the user may initially experience the following error message (ONLY ONCE): "11041 - A database error occurred while attempting to open table "EDIDTDHDR". ODBC return code is:-1. Description: Too few parameters. Expected 2." possibly followed by the following: "12018 - An error occurred while updating the EDIDTDHDR database table deinition in the "Development" system. Working with XML may be problematic. An attempt will be made to correct the problem the next time the system is opened." It appears to be a timing issue between adding the new grammar type column and trying to initialize the value of that column for existing rows in the database. P8010090 CLIENT - ABEND IN MAP EDITOR AFTER FAILED COMPILE P8010091 CLIENT - ICHGSNDRQL, ICHGRCVRQL PROPERTIES MISSING P8010092 - IC40374 CLIENT CANNOT ADD HL LOOPS TO A DT MAP DOING EDI TO XML P8010095 CLIENT - UNABLE TO MAP DTD/SCHEMA WITH PERIODS INCLUDED P8009981 FATAL ERROR XML PARSER SCHEMA / DTD - SPACE COL 255 Note: You will only need to re-import the specific schemas where this problem occurs. You do not need to re-import all of your schemas. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Server Dependencies - there are none for this Fix Pack. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enhancements 1) The database error that you may have gotten when WDI Client is started is now fixed. 2) There is now a "Rules and Usages" functional area. There is a new button on the navigator bar. You can create your own Queries to select Rules and Usages. Also, windows list of Rules and Usages will now "remember" your column settings. 3) The Query editor has been updated. This feature will improve performance in listing objects. 4) Tree scrolling in Data Transformation Maps, Validation Maps, and Functional Acknowledgement Maps when a branch is expanded has been implemented. This was requested by users at the customer conference last year. 5) A System added is now immediately available to the user. Previously, the user had to close WDI Client and then open it again before the System would be available. ************************************************************************* ***End of WebSphere Data Interchange Client v3.2 FIX PACK 9 README.TXT*** ************************************************************************* Included in this section are: 1. List of problems fixed and enhancements added in Fix Pack 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ IMPORTANT NOTE - Server Dependencies: There were database changes that are included in CSD9/CSD10 which will effect a client/server installation on the open platforms. Please be sure that when upgrading to / installing this fix pack that you also upgrade/install CSD9/CSD10 so that your database is updated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Problems fixed in Fix Pack 8 include: P8009865 ENHANCEMENT - SHARED DATABASE COLOR The system color will now be taken from the system definition in the configuration database. Any preference set by the user will override the configuration database setting. Setting the database color from the Systems editor will reset the preference specified color. The System specified color always displays in the Systems editor. The preference specified color displays in the preferences window. If a preference specified color does not exist, then the system specified color will be present in the preferences window. P8009866 ENHANCEMENT - RESIZEABLE DT MAPPING COMMAND EDITORS The command editors, comment editors, and group editors have been modified so they can be resized. The editors can be made larger, but they can not be made smaller than the default size. Size and positional information is serialized so the editors are restored as the user left them. P8009882 - IC37824 ORDER OF CONSTRUCTS IN MAPPING WINDOW DON'T CHANGE AFTER IMPORTING NEW DTD OR ADF AND NO ERRORS ARE ISSUED. P8009901 CAN ONLY CREATE 2 FOREACH() CMDS USING DRAG In target based maps, only two ForEach() commands can be created by dropping on an element. Afterwards a message is issued stating that the mapping command window can not determine which existing ForEach() command should be followed to insert this command. The message should never be displayed when creating ForEach() commands by dropping on an element. A new ForEach() command should be created within the element dropped on. P8009909 ENHANCEMENT - TA1/SERVICE SEGMENT VALIDATION Add comments to help file for TA1 and service segment support. Add ServSegVal property to popup menus and to help. **NOTE: The TA1 support is provided on the server in CSD8. P8009930 - IC38228 PLUS SIGN (+) ON DT MAP DEFAULT QUALIFY MESSAGE SEGMENT DISAPPEARS UPON DELETE AND RECREATE OF QUALIFY COMMAND P8009895 - IC37967 CANNOT USE SPACES IN TRADING PARTNER'S ACCOUNT AND USER ID NAMES P8009898 - IC38007 CANNOT CREATE MULTIPLE RULES IN THE SAME DT MAP USING TP ISA05/06 VALUE, WITH AN UNIQUE APPLICATION SENDER ID GS02 P8009828 ENHANCEMENT - ADD XML SCHEMA SUPPORT **NOTE: Schema support for the server is included in CSD9. P8009951 - IC38683 ERROR RUNNING REPORTS: ODBC ERROR: SQL0206N "EDIENU32.EDIVTSTH. STDTRNID" IS NOT VALID IN THE CONTEXT WHERE IT IS USED P8009896 - IC37972 ONLY 1 TRADING PARTNER RULE/USAGE CAN BE ACTIVE AT A TIME, THAT HAS THE SAME SENDER ISA05/06 NAME AND UNIQUE APP SENDER ID GS02 P8009964 COMPILE OF DT MAPS - NO TARGET DOC - ILLEGAL INSTRUCTION Client abends when trying to compile a DT map that has the source document, but is missing the target document. P8009965 TR0053 ISSUED WITH HIPAA 270/TRN SEGMENT P8009990 When opening a map that has any command in the nodes, the commands appear at the top of their embedding structure. If the map is then changed and saved, the mapping commands are saved in the wrong position. **Note: Maps are NOT backward compatible. For example: if you create or change a map with Fix Pack 8 then it may or may not display at earlier Fix Pack levels. ************************************************************************* ***End of WebSphere Data Interchange Client v3.2 FIX PACK 8 README.TXT*** ************************************************************************* Included in this section are: 1. List of problems fixed in Fix Pack 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ As part of Client Fixpack 7 and Server CSD7, the FAError mapping command has been extended. Client Fixpack 7 should only be installed if the WDI Server is also upgraded to CSD7. Control strings that are compiled using Client Fixpack 7 will NOT work on a server that has not been upgraded to CSD7 or later. P8009787 - IC36711 HL ITERATION REFERRING TO NONEXISTENT PARENT IS NOT FLAGGED AS AN ERROR. THIS CONDITION VIOLATES X12 SYNTAX RULES. P8009788 - IC36714 HL ITERATION REFERRING TO INCORRECT PARENT AS PER HIPAA STANDARD IS NOT FLAGGED AS AN ERROR. THIS VIOLATES HIPAA SYNTAX, NOT X12. P8009511 DO NOT ALLOW GENERIC ENVELOPES IN MAP RULES P8009799 - OA04189 WDICLIENT LOOPS/HANGS DURING COMPILE OF A MAP WHEN ADF CONTAINS MORE THAN 999 FIELDS. P8009792 SUPPORT C&D RECORD SUPPORT IN DATA TRANSFORMATION MAP (this corresponds to the server enhancement provided on CSD7) P8009833 SUPPORT EXTENDED FAERROR() COMMAND (this corresponds to the server enhancement provided on CSD7) P8009834 ADD HLDEFAULT COMMAND TO SOURCE BASED MAPS. This command can be placed following HLLevel() commands. There can only be one within the same parent at the same level. P8009775 GET MESSAGE CONTROL STRING COMPILE SUCCESS, BUT NO CONTROL STRING ************************************************************************* ***End of WebSphere Data Interchange Client v3.2 FIX PACK 7 README.TXT*** ************************************************************************* Included in this section are: 1. List of problems fixed in Fix Pack 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Unable to update the envelope type on standards - Support MQMD and MQRFH2 properties (this corresponds to the server enhancement provided on CSD6) - WDIClient cannot print data formats - 13002 Crystal Reports encountered the following difficulty: Cannot open SQL server. Perform the following: - Go to Settings > Control Panel > Adminstrative tools - Open the Data Source(ODBC) panel. - Double click "ADFTemp32 MP". This will open "ODBC Text Setup - Click "Select Directory" button. - Drill down to folders C:\program files\ibm\wdiclient32\crw - Single click the file name ADFTEMP.txt and then click OK - Restart the WDI client and try to print the data format again - Command chaining not working on EDI to XML double translations (this corresponds to a server change provided on CSD6 or for zOS customers PTF UQ78935) ************************************************************************* ***End of WebSphere Data Interchange Client v3.2 FIX PACK 6 README.TXT*** ************************************************************************* Included in this section are: 1. List of problems fixed in Fix Pack 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Customer unable to compile map on DI 3.2, after migrating from 3.1 using fix to fix translation. - ADF Print encounters ODBC error when the "decimal symbol" on the users W2K Regional Options is set to comma. - Customer migrated from 3.1 to 3.2 and got the following error when they made some changes and tried to save it: 16011 - The "Record ID" field is required and must be at least 1 character(s) long. - 15313 - The "Sending Trading Partner Profile" value is not valid TPNICKN(xxxxx) import failed. - DBERROR - Receive usage - CLI0100E Wrong number parms. - Receive Usage - Version, Release, Agency in APPLID. - Receive Usage - Group level FA only value not saved. - French customer receives error message after updating map. Found this to be possibly caused by codepage translation, but more likely because they are using version 5 of DB2. Fix was to add space after commas in SQL INSERT and UPDATE commands. - Trading Partner Profile member does not recognize apostrophe. Code was changed to add this support. ************************************************************************* ***End of WebSphere Data Interchange Client v3.2 FIX PACK 5 README.TXT*** ************************************************************************* WebSphere Data Interchange Client v3.2 FIX PACK 4 README.TXT Included in this section are: 1. Enhancements in FIX PACK 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enhancements include: - Paste in an edit control does not support the UNDO function - Support right mouse button drag * When the user drops a mapping command after dragging using the right mouse button, a popup menu should be displayed allowing the user to put the mapping command before, after and within the target node (depending on what is valid for the node that was dropped on). This will make mapping easier for users. - Double click in mapping command editor * Change the double click action on the mapping command editor so it does not include the adjacent delimiters. - Enhance the mapping command editor to make it easier for the user to build mapping commands. * Right click on the mapping command to display a popup menu. The popup menu will assist the user to create the mapping command. - UNS Segment in SUSDEC messages is being matched against 2 different positions in validation map. - When looking at a specific ADF, on the general tab, click on where used, it does not show transformation maps. - When importing Maps that have many Receive usages an error 11041 can occur when importing the Receive Usages. The error indicates that no more table can be opened. In client/server mode, the error points to the EDITPRT table. - Added the THandle property to the values menu for the Getproperty function. Help text was also updated accordingly. ************************************************************************* *** End of WebSphere Data Interchange Client v3.2 FIX PACK 4 README.TXT**** ************************************************************************* WebSphere Data Interchange Client v3.2 FIX PACK 3 README.TXT Included in this section are: 1. Special Instructions 2. List of problems fixed in FIXPACK 3 3. Enhancements 4. On line help updates ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Special Instructions: When the WebSphere DataInterchange Client first accesses a local database, it attempts to insert a column and update two views in the local database. These changes are related to Transaction Store enhancements. We have found on some machines that an error occurs relating to Microsoft's Data Access Objects (DAO). If this problem occurs on your machine, you will receive a warning message each time you open the local database. The message indicates that the attempt to update the database relating to the Transaction Store has failed. Despite the message, you will have no problems using the WebSphere Data Interchange Client unless you attempt to access the Transaction Store in the affected local database. Data is never contained in the local database relating to the Transaction Store. Therefore, this should not be a significant issue. This problem does not affect access of the Transaction Store on Server databases. The local database contains a Transaction Store for compatibility with the Sever database only. At this time, we have not found a solution to the problem relating to Microsoft's DAO. The message can be ignored or a work around can be performed. To implement the work around solution, perform the following steps: 1. Download the "WDIClient32Dev.mdb" database from the web at URL www.ibm.com/websphere/datainterchange and click on Downloads. 2. Use WebSphere DataInterchange Client to perform a "release migration" to export data from the local database. Refer to WebSphere Data Interchange Client help for detail information about the "release migration" function. 3. Rename your existing local database. This is usually called "WDIClient32Dev.mdb". It is normally located in your WebSphere Data Interchange Client install directory. Typically this is directory " C:\Program Files\IBM\WDI Client V3.2". 4. Put the downloaded database into the directory where the local database was located. 5. Use WebSphere Data Interchange Client to perform a "release migration" to import the data exported in step 2. If you have additional local databases, you may need to perform the above steps for each of your local databases. In this case, the name of the local database and the directory it is contained in may be different than the "typical" names. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Problem fixes include: - SYNC UP DELETIONS AND QUERY SELECTIONS TO PREVENT GPFs of LIST WINDOWS - HL QUALIFIED MAP SHOWS INCORRECT LOOPING SEGMENTS, THEN AFTER MAP SAVE/CLOSE/OPEN ERROR ICON APPEARS BY TABLE 2 - ERROR MOVING/COPYING HL MAPPING - CLIENT/SERVER 11041 CLI0112W CLIO112E ON ADF WHERE USED - COMPILE ERROR ON DT XML TO EDI MAP AFTER ADDING A FOREACH ON AN HL LOOP - DBERROR - TRANSACTION STORE VIEW - INPUT INHIBIT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enhancements: - New field added to transaction store ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Help updates: - Dialog updated to standardize "repeat" button terminology ************************************************************************* *** End of WebSphere Data Interchange Client v3.2 FIX PACK 3 README.TXT**** ************************************************************************* WebSphere Data Interchange Client v3.2 FIX PACK 2 README.TXT Included in this section are: 1. List of problems fixed in FIX PACK 2 2. On line help updates ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Problem fixes include: - REMOVE "L" FROM MAP RULE ENVELOPE TYPE FIELDS - MAP RULE - KNOWN GOES BLANK - DON'T ALLOW SEND OR RECEIVE TP FIELDS TO BE MODIFY - GPF WHEN DRAGGING TO AN INVALID ELEMENT - &TCN NOT WORKING WHEN A LITERAL IS USED TO SET IT. - STANDARDIZE "REPEAT" BUTTON TERMINOLOGY - CHANGE MOVE/COPY HL SO IT BRINGS COMMANDS WITH QUALIFICATION - COPY OF SEND USAGE/GENERIC USAGE - COPY RECEIVE USAGE - NO GENERIC ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Help Text Updates: - Overall update on product help text ************************************************************************* *** End of WebSphere Data Interchange Client v3.2 FIX PACK 2 README.TXT**** ************************************************************************* WebSphere Data Interchange Client v3.2 FIX PACK 1 README.TXT Included in this section are: 1. List of problems fixed in FIX PACK 1 2. Enhancements 3. Help Text Updates ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Problem fixes include: - MAPTO () WITH A REPEATING STRUCTURE OVERLAPS OUTPUT - RECEIVE TRADING PARTNER PROFILE ON DT RULE NOT EXPORTED - EXPORT TO OTHER SYSTEM - MSG 15561 MISSING MAPDESRD - TRANSACTION STORE DISPLAY ENTRY REPORT BLANK - MULTIPLE ACTIVE INFORMATIONAL USAGES/RULES - WRONG AMM SEQUENCE NUMBER CAUSES VALIDATION ERRORS - INCORRECT CONTROL STRING ON FOREACH (HL_LOOP) - ENVELOPE PROFILES DROPDOWN IN USAGES/RULES - MAP IMPORT REPLACES XML DICTIONARY - SUBELEMENT SYNTAX COMPILED INCORRECTLY -Users should recompile their maps if unexpected conditional errors (TR0010-TR0014) are encountered for a composite element. - GPF WHEN DRAF RESULTS IN RECURSION - ADD EXPAND ALL / COLLAPSE ALL FUNCTION - ADD "KNOWN" TO TP DROPDOWNS IN RULES - DON'T ALLOW "KNOWN" TP TO BE CREATED - RULE WITH FA MAP SPECIFIED DOESN'T EXPORT SUCCESSFULLY ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enhancements: - RELEASE MIGRATION ENHANCEMENTS -BROWSE BUTTON IS AVAILABLE ON EXPORT TO ASSIST IN SELECTING A PATH TO CONTAIN RELEASE MIGRATION DATA -CONFIRMATION DIALOG HAS BEEN UPDATED FOR CONSISTENCY ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Help Text Updates: - RELEASE MIGRATION ENHANCEMENTS - DTD CONVERT UTILITY HELPTEXT INCORRECT ************************************************************************* *** End of WebSphere Data Interchange Client v3.2 FIX PACK 1 README.TXT**** ************************************************************************* WebSphere Data Interchange Client v3.2 README.TXT Included in this file are: 1. Installation instructions for WebSphere Data Interchange Client 3.2 2. Installing WDI Client to a Server 3. Installing and Using WDI Client from a Server 4. Creating and Using a Shared CONFIG Database 5. EDI Standards Installation 6. Known problem areas 7. Crystal Reports and printer fonts 8. ODBC considerations 9. Transaction Store considerations 10. Multi-user database considerations 11. Middleware, Upload/Download considerations 12. Creating Multiple PC database configurations 13. Fixes included in this version ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Installation instructions for installing WebSphere Data Interchange Client Start the installation by placing the install CD in the CD-ROM drive. The install should start automatically, in the event that it does not then Use Windows Explorer to view the WDI Client directory. Execute Launch.exe to begin the install. Follow the install wizard instructions to complete the installation. If you are converting from a previous version of the Client to WebSphere Data Interchange Client 3.2, make sure you install to a different directory. Otherwise, WDI Client 3.2 will overlay the existing WDI Client version(s). Before installing WDI Client, perform a release migration to extract data from local databases and/or customization time data from Server databases. To perform a release migration, perform the following actions: 1. In WDI Client 3.1 or DataInterchange 4.1 from the View menu on the Menu bar, select the option “DI Client Release Migration”. This option will only appear if all list windows are closed. When “DI Client Release Migration” is selected, a wizard will appear which will guide you through the release migration process. Include configuration data if you have queries, reports or customizations that you want to retain. You may select multiple Systems to export if desired. Do not export runtime data if the data exists on a Server database. Runtime data on a Server database will be migrated by DataInterchange Host 4.1 or WebSphere Data Interchange 3.1 to 3.2 migration process. Exporting is tracked using an Execution Status Window, with messages indicating progress being written to the Execution Status Window as the exporting progresses. 2. Install WDI Client 3.2. 3. Open WDI Client 3.2. 4. Using WDI Client 3.2, if you exported configuration data in WDIClient 3.1 or DataInterchange 4.1, perform a release migration in WDI Client 3.2 to import the configuration data you exported from your previous version. 5. Using WDI Client 3.2, open the Systems List window. Update any existing Systems to utilize the correct ODBC Data Source Name (DSN). Add any new Systems that need to be added. You may wish to set the System background frame color at this time. 6. Using WDI Client 3.2, use release migration to import each System that was exported from previous versions. Migration is complete after this last step. Note that the DataInterchange Host or WebSphere Data Interchange server migration must be performed before everything is in place and ready to use. Also note that release migration export from a shared database, such as a DataInterchange Host DB2 database needs to be performed only once. The release migration import also needs to be performed only once. Only Systems not shared with other users will need to be migrated by individual users. See the WebSphere Data Interchange Users Guide for complete installation instructions. Run the application by clicking on the WebSphere Data Interchange icon in the WDI Client program group. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Installing WDI Client to a Server: The following assumptions are made: 1. A server based install of WDI Client will use a shared CONFIG database. This is not a requirement, but the following install instructions assume a shared CONFIG database is being used. 2. The LAN drive used to access WDI Client will always be accessed the same way. 3. You have the ODBC drivers necessary to access any database used by WDI Client. 4. You are able to install these ODBC drivers. 5. You are able to setup the ODBC Data Source Names (DSN) needed to access any database used by WDI Client. 6. Future upgrades to the server installed WDI Client application should be done from this same machine or a machine that is not using WDI Client as a server based application. To install WDI Client to a server, perform the following: 1. If needed, install the ODBC drivers needed to access the shared CONFIG database and the any other database you intend to access. 2. Update the WDIClient32CFG ODBC entry. Delete the default WDIClient32CFG entry and create a new one using the appropriate ODBC driver. 3. Add ODBC entries for the other databases you will be using from inside of WDI Client. 4. Link to the server disk and install WDI Client as you normally would. 5. Start WDI Client. Edit the "Systems". Delete the default "Development" System and define the Systems that you will be using with WDI Client. 6. Test access to each of your defined Systems. 7. Place the DICLIENTREMOTEINSTALL.EXE file, into the install directory. This can be found at url http://www.ibm.com/websphere/datainterchange/ under Downloads - WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2 8. At this point, you may want to create client install instructions specific to your environment. Use the section from below called INSTALLING AND USING WDI CLIENT FROM A SERVER as a starter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Installing and Using WDI Client from a Server For each machine that will use WDI Client over the LAN, perform the following steps: 1. Install WDI Client normally. 2. If needed, install the ODBC drivers needed to access the shared CONFIG database and any other shared databases. 3. Update the WDIClient32CFG ODBC entry. Do this by deleting the default WDIClient32CFG entry and creating a new one using the appropriate ODBC driver. WDI Client is now installed on the LAN. This machine is now ready to use WDI Client. Nothing further needs to be done. If you are using DB2 as your database server, a sample DOS batch file called CREATEDSN.BAT. This can be found at url http://www.ibm.com/websphere/datainterchange/ under Downloads - WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2 This file can be used as a model to produce a file that can assist the people using WDI Client to setup their ODBC for DB2 based databases. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. Creating and Using a Shared CONFIG Database WDI Client can be run with a shared CONFIG database. This allows multiple users of WDI Client to share queries and can ease maintenance considerations. To setup a shared CONFIG database, perform the following steps: 1. Use WDI Client to perform a release migration of the data in the configuration database. 2. Install the CONFIG database to a database server, such as DB2, using the CONFIG.UDB DDL provided in the \DDL directory that was created inside your WDI Client install directory. 3. If needed, install the ODBC drivers needed to access the shared CONFIG database. 4. Update the WDIClient32CFG ODBC entry. Delete the default WDIClient32CFG entry and create a new one using the appropriate ODBC driver. 5. Start WDI Client. It should start without any problems. 6. Delete the default Systems defined to WDI Client. 7. Use release migration to import the configuration data that you previously exported. This machine should now be ready to run WDI Client normally. For each machine that will use WDI Client with the shared CONFIG database, perform the following steps: 1. Install WDI Client normally. 2. If needed, install the ODBC drivers needed to access the shared CONFIG database. 3. Update the WDIClient32CFG ODBC entry. Delete the default WDIClient32CFG entry and create a new one using the appropriate ODBC driver. Considerations: 1. Each user utilizing the shared CONFIG database will have the same Systems defined in WDI Client. It is important that each database in each System be properly defined in the user’s ODBC for each System to work properly. 2. Each user of the shared CONFIG database will be able to update certain items in the shared CONFIG database, such as queries and reports. Every user will be affected by any change made by a single user. 3. Each user will have access to all messages contained in the message log, regardless of the user that originated the message. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. EDI Standards Installation The STDS path on the CD-ROM contains EDI standards in WebSphere Data Interchange export/import tagged format. The files are intended to be imported into WDI Client 3.2. See WDI Client 3.2 help text or the WebSphere Data Interchange User's Guide, Version 3, Release 2 for instructions on importing the EDI standards. This path has five subdirectories - X12, EDIFACT, UCS, VICS, and RAIL. Within each subdirectory are the latest EDI standards for each EDI Standards Agency (e.g. ANSI X12). The name of the export/import file (.eif) is the version and release of the EDI standard. For earlier versions of these EDI standards and also updated versions, please visit the web site (www.ibm.com/webshere/datainterchange) for downloading. X12 directory: X12V4R1 X12V4R2 X12V4R3 X12V4R4 X12V4R5 EDIFACT directory: EDI98A EDI98B EDI99A EDI99B EDI00A EDI00B EDI01A UCS directory: UCSV4R1 UCSV4R2 UCSV4R3 RAIL directory: AARV4R1 AARV4R2 AARV4R3 AARV4R4 AARV4R5 VICS directory: VICSV4R1 VICSV4R2 VICSV4R3 The envelope standards are available for downloading from the web site. Once the envelope standards are imported into a WebSphere Data Interchange System, they must be compiled before they can be used by Websphere Data Interchange Host. Web Site address: www.ibm.com/websphere/datainterchange - Downloads ------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. Known problem areas a) Microsoft Access 97 is the PC database distributed with WDI Client. If an installation is running in client/server mode using DB/2 as the Host database, some functions are not supported. While Microsoft Access 97 supports CASCADE UPDATE, DB/2 does not. The DIClient RENAME function uses CASCADE UPDATE to rename many objects. Therefore, the RENAME function is not supported for most complex objects, including Trading Partners profiles, Contact profiles, maps, data formats, and EDI standards for any database that does not support CASCADE UPDATE, including DB2. Some simple objects will support rename because there are no referential integrity rules associated with them. b) During DIClient installation, the object ODBC32.DLL is placed in the WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory in Windows. You may experience problems with DIClient initialization if you have an older version of ODBC32.DLL in another subdirectory that is accessed in your path before the SYSTEM subdirectory. If this is the case, you should remove the older version of ODBC32.DLL. Exercise caution when doing this, however, so you do not affect any other applications that may also use ODBC32.DLL. c) Collation tables in the PC Database Some databases provide a table that dictates a collation sequence for update and sorting purposes. These tables may not only be used to determine the order characters will sort in, but also to determine what character values are equal to one another. For instance, the default collation table used by Sybase SQL Anywhere specifies that a character hex 'D5' is equivalent to a character hex '31'. This causes problems when both of these characters are used as a 'key' value. A 'duplicate record' message will occur, even though there appears to be no duplicate keys. This problem is not likely to occur when using standard characters. If collation becomes a problem, refer to the documentation for the database product you are using. Either avoid using characters that cause these problems, or try to determine how to update the collation table used by the database product. d) If you have DIClient 3.1 and DIClient 4.1 installed, you will not be able to print data format reports from the DIClient 3.1 version. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Crystal Reports and printer fonts WDI Client uses the Crystal Reports product to produce reports. The fonts used by Crystal Report Layouts provided with this release are: Times New Roman Arial10 Arial12 If these fonts are not available to WDI Client when a report is printed or previewed, the image produced may have a "garbled" appearance. Note that after installation, the WDI CLIENT install directory will have a CRW subdirectory. The CRW subdirectory contains Crystal Report layouts (*.RPT files) used by WDI Client. In addition, there are drivers installed in the operating system directories that allow Crystal Report outputs to be directed to files, fax lines, other PC databases, etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. ODBC Considerations 8.1 What is ODBC? Open DataBase Connectivity (ODBC) is an industry standard for the application-to-relational database interface. It allows the customer to use the database of their choice with an off-the-shelf application like WDI Client 3.2. For example, if you would rather that WDI Client 3.2 store its data on your LAN database server, you can do that. It does not matter which database is running on your server (DB2 Version 2, SQL Server, etc.) as long as that database is ODBC compliant, and they provide you with an ODBC driver that you can load onto the computers that are running WDI Client 3.2. Most relational databases that you can purchase today provide this capability. 8.2 What does it mean to be ODBC Compliant? The topic of ODBC compliance is a complex one. There is more than one version of the ODBC standard and there are various levels of compliance (core, minimum and extended). Finally, there are some small ambiguities in the standard. As a result, it is not possible to guarantee that any database that claims ODBC compliance will work with WDI Client 3.2. For information on databases that we know won't work with WDI Client 3.2, call technical support. 8.3 How is ODBC used in configuring your WDI Client implementation? ODBC is also fundamental to the Client/Server configuration of WDI Client. ODBC is used to access the MVS DB2 database of WebSphere Data Interchange Host 3.2. Therefore your Client/Server environment must include an ODBC Client driver for MVS DB2. This may be implemented as two separate programs: an ODBC RPC (Remote Procedure Call) client driver on the PC with WDI Client 3.2 and an ODBC driver on either a LAN database server, or on the MVS system with DB2. As a result of using ODBC for access to DB2, any Client/Server environment that supports ODBC clients and MVS DB2 servers can be used with WDI Client and Host 3.2. As discussed previously, the topic of ODBC compliance is complex, so contact technical support for information on any Client/Server environments that we know won't work with WebSphere Data Interchange 3.2. For information on your database servers and/or Client/Server environments we suggest you contact your I/S professionals. The people that can help you are most likely associated with your LAN or Database Administration departments. 8.4 What type of system is the LAN database server -- OS, Database, version of both, etc. DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition supports OS/2, Windows NT, Windows 2000, AIX, HP-UX, Sun Solaris, NUMA-Q and Linux operating environments. We have WDI Client customers running Enterprise Edition on AIX and NT, and we have WDI Client working with DB2 Connect Personal Edition. 8.5 Where do the ODBC drivers need to be? For DB2 Connect Personal Edition all drivers/software is on the PC. For Enterprise Edition, DB2 Client, also known as Client Application Enabler (CAE), is installed on each PC to provide the needed drivers. 8.6 How is an ODBC Data Source Name setup in Windows? After you have installed the appropriate ODBC drivers on the PCs that are running WDI Client 3.2, you must configure them using ODBC Manager. ODBC Manager is found in Settings/Control Panel. WDI Client 3.2 is a 32 bit application, so it is recommended that you use 32 bit ODBC drivers. ODBC Manager maps Data Source Names (DSNs) to ODBC drivers. WDI Client has one DSN for configuration information called "WDIClient32CFG". It also has one DSN for each System that you define. You decide what these DSNs are. WDI Client is shipped with one System called "Development". The DSN associated with it is "WDIClient32Dev". Another DSN associated with the product is "ADFTemp32 MP". See the documentation or help for the Systems topic for information on how to define Systems to WDI Client. If you should experience any trouble printing data formats, do the following. Go into ODBC and select "ADFTemp32 MP". Set the location in the ODBC administrator to the location where the product was installed and click on OK. The report should now print without problem. The Data Format report is the only report that uses 'ADFTemp32 MP' as a data source To enable Client/Server mode, you must associate your DSNs with your Client/Server ODBC driver within ODBC manager. Go into the 32-bit ODBC manager and press the "Add" button to create your Client/Server mode DSN. Select your Client/Server driver from the "Installed ODBC Drivers" list. Next, name your new Client/Server DSN and provide any required parameters specific to your driver. To assist you in determining the correct parameters for your driver we have included parameters that we have tested below: DB2 Connect Personal Edition System Schema = SYSIBM Schema List = "EDIENU32" Filters = Table, View, Synonym, System tables, Alias SQLID = The Authorization ID that should be used to connect to the database Database Name = EDIEC32E Transactions: Remote Unit of Work = Yes Autocommit = Yes Cursor hold = Yes Connect Mode = Share Max number of connects = 0 Isolation Level = Cursor stability Type Handling: Graphic data types = 0 Treat binary datatypes as binary Treat LOB datatypes as Large Object Binary Maximum LOB data size = 8.7 Can you use DB2 Connect since its a DB2 database instead of using ODBC? You can use DB2 Connect because it supports ODBC. Only ODBC is used by WDI Client to access DB2 databases. Tested and recommended version of DB2 Connect is V7.2. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 9. Transaction Store Considerations The Transaction Store is maintained by the WebSphere Data Interchange Server and the data in the Transaction Store is not available to WDI Client unless the user is in Client/Server mode. On the Transactions List window in the Transaction Store Functional Area, not all fields available in the WebSphere Data Interchange Transaction Store are displayed in WDI Client. In the Interchanges List window,all fields are displayed, but only enveloped transactions are included. Transaction Images are not available on WDI Client. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 10. Multi-user Database Considerations - When you first install WDI Client, you use the TYPICAL option to install all components, including the default databases and ODBC drivers. WDI Client is installed as a single user database. If you take steps to reconfigure your database setup for multi-user, then you should exercise caution whenever you re-install WDI Client. If you re-install using the TYPICAL option again, you will overwrite your databases and drivers with the defaults. In this scenario, you should use the CUSTOM option during re-installation. This will allow you to choose the components that will be installed. - When creating the multi-user environment, make sure that the drivers go in the proper System directories. The UNINSTALL may not remove drivers. - Make sure that the server drivers are from the same version of the database product from which the database(s) were created. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 11. Middleware, Upload/Download Considerations Data on a PC is stored in ASCII format while data on an MVS host is stored in EBCDIC format. When data is moved from a PC to a host (or vice versa) the data must be converted from ASCII to EBCDIC (or EBCDIC to ASCII). This type of conversion occurs whenever you upload or download data using a file transfer program like IND$FILE or when you access data in client/server mode using a middleware package. Conversion problems can occur whenever you move data between a PC and a host computer. These problems usually occur when the file transfer software converts a character to a value you don't expect. It is particularly important that the file transfer or middleware software does not change the value of the hex '01' character since this character is used as a delimiter in the DataInterchange profiles. If you are using another software product to move data between the PC and Host, verify that it does not alter the hex '01' character. To determine if there is a problem with the hex '01' character, use WDI Client with a middleware connection to the host database. Create a receive usage - specifying the receiver, agency, version and release fields. Save the usage and close the Receive Map Usage editor. Then open the editor for the newly created receive usage. If the agency, version and release fields appear in the correct place, the conversion performed by the middleware is not a problem with regards to the hex '01' character. If these fields all appear in the 'receiver' field, then the hex '01' character is being changed in either (or both) the EBCDIC or ASCII conversion tables. In standalone mode, files are uploaded and downloaded using file transfer software. During a download to the PC from the host or an upload from the PC to the host, an EBCDIC/ASCII conversion occurs. We have seen instances where a character does not convert to the expected EBCDIC character or the expected ASCII character. For instance, a character vertical bar (|) on the host converted to a character double-quote (") on the PC. You must refer to the product that is used in the download/upload procedure to determine how to alter the EBCDIC/ASCII conversion. Again, verify that the hex '01' character is not altered during data transfer. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. Creating Multiple PC database configurations WDI Client is distributed with a single set of databases. The databases are WDIClient32CFG.MDB, and WDIClient32Dev.MDB. They appear in the installation directory after a typical installation. They contain only default data when installed. If you would like to create a second database, i.e. have a DEVELOPMENT System and a TEST System, then follow these instructions: ? a) copy the file WDIClient32Dev.MDB to WDIClient32Dev2.MDB. (note WDIClient32CFG.MDB need not be copied since it contains tables common to all 'Systems'). b) create the ODBC data definitions for the new database; to do this: - click on the Settings option of the Windows Start menu - in the Settings sub-menu, select the Control Panel option - from the CONTROL PANEL folder, select the 32bit ODBC icon or Administrative Tools ->Data Sources (ODBC) whichever is available on your system; the "ODBC Data Sources Administrator" window will appear - click on ADD, select Microsoft Access (*.mdb) drivers, then FINISH -The ODBC Microsoft Access Setup diaglog is displayed. Fill in this dialog and press the OK button. For example, to create a new database entry do the following: - type in a Data Source Name, e.g. TestSys - type in a Description, e.g. test System - click on the Select button (a Select database window appears) - select a database file - this is the file name of the copied database, e.g. c:\program files\ibm\WDI Client v3.2\wdiclient32dev2.mdb - click on OK to save the entry c) setup the System definition in WDI Client; - select VIEW from the WDI Client toolbar - select Systems - when the list appears, select the New icon on the toolbar - create a System entry as follow: - type a System Name - e.g. TEST - select the Server Platform corresponding to the WebSphere Data Interchange Server - type the Data Source Name (this is the same name as created in (b) above) e.g. TestSys - If you are accessing a shared database, such as DB2, enter the Database Qualifer - select a background frame color to associate with the System - click on SAVE to save the entry d) after all Systems have been created, exit WDI Client and reenter the product to make the System(s) active ------------------------------------------------------------------ 13. Fixes included in this version WebSphere Data Interchange Client v3.2 incorporates all fixes through: -FIX PACK 10 for DataInterchange client 3.1 and WebSphere Data Interchange for Multiplatforms v3.1 -FIX PACK 2 for DataInterchange Client v4.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------