Each directory contains a DCAF general purpose Rexx tool and a read.me explaining how to use the tool and the related syntax. - DCFOS2INI Contains a general purpose REXX command file for: Add the Target entries to the OS2.INI file Add Autostart/Gateway to the OS2.INI file Delete Autostart/Gateway from the OS2.INI file Add Autostart/Lan Dir to the OS2.INI file Delete Autostart/Lan Dir from the OS2.INI file - KEEPLDUP Keeps the DCAF Lan Directory in "Started" state for a selected Communication protocol. - FOLDER Allows to delete the DCAF Folder and create a new one returning the object id for the folder and the object id for each of the entries in the folder - REPLPW Allows to change the DCAF password of a non-secure DCAF target/gateway, via command line. - STOPDCAF Allows to stop a DCAF component, specifically Target and LAN Directory, via command line. - NETBNICK The tool allows a user to register a DCAF Target (OS/2 or Windows) to a NetBIOS DCAF LAN Directory with a specified Nickname. It allows also to change the current Nickname but in this case it prereqs the knowledge of the old nickame.