This directory includes the following files: 1) CONTROL DSK13BIN 2) TARGET DSK13BIN 3) DCAF13DM DSKBIN Please download them to your workstation, using binary option, calling them: 1) CONTROL.DSK 2) TARGET.DSK 3) DCAF13DM.DSK After that, using the tool EMT4PM, unpack them in 1.4 MB Diskettes. As result you will get following files: 1) Control Diskette READ ME CONTROL EXE 2) Target Diskette READ ME TARGET EXE 3) Presentation Diskette DCAFPRES PRS Freelance for OS/2 presentation DCAFNOTE DOC Speakers note for the presentation DCAF13FS DOC Fact Sheet describing DCAF 1.3 offering DCAF13QA DOC Q&As for the announcement of DCAF V 1.3 When you have created the diskettes, continue with the DCAF installation following the instructions given on READ.ME files present on the diskettes 1 and 2. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- IBM INTERNAL USE ONLY Rome Networking Systems Laboratory Networking Systems Rome, Italy ANNOUNCING: IBM Distributed Console Access Facility (DCAF) Version 1.3 Demo Version Program Description ------------------- The purpose of the DCAF 1.3 Demo Version is to give you an opportunity to install a simplified version of DCAF including a DCAF Controller and a DCAF Target for demo purpose. In order to make the DCAF installation/configuration as easy as possible, the package includes the instructions needed to establish a direct NetBIOS session between controller and target components. You can use this code in IBM or customer premises. However its use is only to show how the DCAF works and it is not allowed any use in a real environment. Supported Platforms ------------------- The DCAF 1.3 demo code will support the following platforms: Operating Software System Level Packages Restrictions -------------- --------- ------------- ----------------------- OS/2 2.1 on GA level CM/2 or VGA - XGA - S3 only Network Transport Services/2 or Multi Protocol Transport Services Product Description ------------------- DCAF allows users to monitor or control any workstation (running OS/2, or DOS) from any other workstation (running OS/2) in a network of workstations connected via the following communications protocols: o APPC o APPN o ACDI o NETBIOS o TCP/IP o IPX/SPX Version 1.3 includes the following major features: o remote monitoring of OS/2 Presentations Manager (PM) displays o remote monitoring of OS/2 and DOS full-screen text mode displays o remote control of OS/2 and DOS keyboards o remote monitoring of DOS-Windows displays o remote control of the mouse for OS/2 PM displays o remote control of the mouse for DOS-Windows displays o file transfer between workstations o simultaneous monitoring, or controlling of multiple workstations from one workstation o access security featuring central administration, data encryption, and "third party" authentication which can limit access by user, day, and time to certain workstations and functions o performance enhancements for all data transfer utilizing specialized PM data gathering and compression algorithms o CID enablement o access to DCAF functions via an application programming interface See the product announcement on the Product Announcement Lettering System (PALS) for more details.