Release Notes

IBM(R) DB2(R) XML Extender
Release Notes

Version 7, Fixpak 6

First Edition (March, 2002)

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents

About the Release Notes for IBM DB2(R) XML Extender Version 7.2, (Fixpak 6)

What's new in XML Extender with Fixpak 6?

Updates for the DB2 Universal Database XML Extender Administration and Programming, Version 7

  • Migrating to Fixpak 6 from prior releases
  • Message updates
  • Trademarks

    About the Release Notes for IBM DB2(R) XML Extender Version 7.2, (Fixpak 6)

    This document contains information about Fixpak 6 for DB2 XML Extender 7.2, supplementing information in DB2 Universal Database(R) XML Extender Administration and Programming, Version 7, Fixpak 2, released for DB2 Universal Database Version 7, Fixpak 2. The information in these Release Notes includes all topics except installation. For up-to-date information about installing DB2 XML Extender, see the Version 7.2 Installation Notes in readme.txt, in the root directory of the product CD-ROM.

    What's new in XML Extender with Fixpak 6?

    This fixpak is being delivered in English, only.

    The following fixes and updates are provided in Fixpak 6. Links are provided for changes that have more detailed information or documentation updates.

    Updates for the DB2 Universal Database XML Extender Administration and Programming, Version 7

    This section provides updates to information about topics in the DB2 Universal Database XML Extender Administration and Programming, Version 7, and follow on Release Notes for Fixpaks 3, 4, and 5 for UNIX and Windows.

    The following changes have been made in Fixpak 6.

    Migrating to Fixpak 6 from prior releases

    If you have been using XML Extender V7.2 Fixpak 4 or earlier (on UNIX or Windows operating systems), you must migrate each database enabled for XML Extender before using an existing XML-enabled database with XML Extender V7.2 Fixpak 6. The migration program migrates you to DB2 XML Extender V7.2 Fixpak 6 from prior releases.

    The following list describes the steps the migration program goes through, based on the level of the product you had installed:

    From Fixpak 5
    No changes.

    From Fixpak 4
    Drops the dxxGenXMLCLOB and dxxRetrieveXMLCLOB stored procedures and recreates them with updated parameter values for CLOBs.

    From Fixpak 3

    From Fixpak 2

    To migrate the database:

    When using UNIX or Windows, using the following steps.

    1. From the DB2 command line, enter:
      db2 connect to <database_name>
      db2 bind migv71.bnd
    2. From the DB2 command line, enter:
      migv71 <database_name>

    Failing to do the migration step can cause "dxxadm disable_db ..." to fail.

    Message updates

    The following messages have been updated or added to the XML Extender.

    DXXQ046W (message number changed from 'DXXQ004W')The DTD ID was not found in the DAD.

    Explanation: In the DAD, VALIDATION is set to YES, but the DTDID element is not specified. No validation check is performed.

    User Response: No action is required. If validation is needed, specify the DTDID element in the DAD file.

    DXXQ047EParser error on line linenumber column colnumber: msg

    Explanation: The parser could not parse the document because of the reported error.

    User Response: Correct the error in the document, consulting the XML specifications if necessary.

    DXXQ052EAn error occured while accessing the DB2XML.XML_USAGE table.

    Explanation: Either the database has not been enabled or the table DB2XML.XML_USAGE has been forcefully dropped.

    User Response: Ensure that the database has been enabled and the table DB2XML.XML_USAGE is accessible.

    DXXQ053EAn SQL statement failed : msg

    Explanation: An SQL statement generated during XML Extender processing failed to execute.

    User Response: Examine the trace for more details. If you cannot correct the error condition, contact your Software Service Provider. When reporting the error, be sure to include all the messages, the trace file and how to reproduce the error.

    DXXQ054EInvalid input parameter: param

    Explanation: The specified input parameter to a stored procedure or UDF is invalid.

    User Response: Check the signature of the relevant stored procedure or UDF, and ensure the actual input parameter is correct.


    The following terms are trademarks of the International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, or other countries, or both:
    DB2 Universal Database

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