
IBM DB2 OLAP Server 8.1

Security Migration Tool

August 2002 -- now supports AIX!



Supported products and migration scenarios
Before you begin
Running the Security Migration Tool
Output from migration
Migrating the supporting data files
Usage notes
If you have login problems
If the data does not migrate


When you upgrade to a new version of DB2 OLAP Server, you probably want to preserve your security data, which defines your users and groups and the access they have to OLAP applications.  Depending on your installation, you have three options: The Security Migration Tool can migrate OLAP security data about applications, databases, filters, users, and groups, either locally on one computer or from one computer to another.  The tool: The Security Migration Tool is licensed for use with DB2 OLAP Server only.

Supported software and migration scenarios

Operating systems:
  1. The Security Migration Tool runs on all Windows operating systems supported by DB2 OLAP Server V7.1 and V8.1.
  2. You can migrate security information from one OLAP server on Windows or AIX to another OLAP server on Windows or AIX.  Either server can be local or remote.
Storage Managers:  Currently, the Security Migration tool only supports the migration of applications that use the multidimensional storage manager (MSM). If you have applications that use the relational storage manager (RSM) on your OLAP server, and you want to use this tool to migrate them, you must first migrate the applications from RSM to MSM.  For more information on RSM-to-MSM migration, see the Installation Guide.

Product combinations:
From this product: To this product:
IBM DB2 OLAP Server V7.1, any FixPak level IBM DB2 OLAP Server V7.1, any FixPak level
IBM DB2 OLAP Server V7.1 IBM DB2 OLAP Server V8.1

Before you begin

1.  Backup your security information files.  Make copies of the essbase.sec file and <arborpath>/app directory on your destination server and store them in a temporary or backup directory.

2.  Select one of the three migration scenarios:

3.  Make sure you have the correct access and user permissions: 4.  Plan for migrating users or groups:

Running the Security Migration Tool

A.  Download the Security Migration Tool from the DB2 OLAP Server Web site to a directory on your Windows computer:
B. Unzip the ZIP file and start the Security Migration Tool by entering: secmgr.exe

C. Enter the options to migrate:

  1. Enter the server login information (the names of the servers and your user ID and password for each server) and specify the OLAP objects for which you want to migrate security data (applications, databases, filters, users, and groups). When you specify the server, you must use a server name; you cannot use an TCP/IP address. The server names must be recognized by the server you are using and must be listed in your WINNT/system32/drivers/etc/hosts  file, or the server must be accessible on the local network.
  2. If you want to migrate supporting application/database files, enter their directory paths as they are defined on their computer on the local computer.  For example, if your source server is on the local computer and it was installed in the default directory, enter c:\ibm\db2olap for the source server.  If you are accessing a remote computer through your file system and you assigned it the drive letter d, then enter d:\ibm\db2olap.  If you are accessing a computer that is not on the local filesystem, but is available through FTP, then enter the OLAP directory as it is defined on the machine you are accessing.  For example, if your source server is on AIX, and DB2 OLAP Server is installed in /db2olap, then enter /db2olap.
  3. If you choose to migrate applications, you can select specific applications you want to migrate from the list.
  4. Run the migration.  After entering the migration options, a panel displays a summary of what you have chosen. Click Run Migration to continue.  The tool displays a progress panel which lists the security objects to be migrated.
After the migration completes, the tool displays a results panel which shows the options that migrated successfully and any errors, if any.

Output from migration

The Security Migration Tool creates the following output files:
secmgr.log:  Lists the successful migrations of applications, databases, filters, users and groups.  Migrations that failed are also listed with a reference to the results.log file for error details.

results.log: Contains details of the data that migrated successfully and unsuccessfully, including error information.

essbase.log: Lists all of the DB2 OLAP Server messages that are sent to the Security Migration Tool by the source and destination OLAP servers.

connect.log:  Contains connection information entered by the user and any connection errors returned by the OLAP Server. A connection error might be a failure to locate the message database file or an invalid path, user name, or password.

data.txt : Lists all of the data chosen to be migrated.  Do not edit this file manually.

Migrating the supporting data files

If you choose to migrate the supporting data files, each database folder in the  app/<application> directory of the destination server will contain a sub-folder called  migrated_data.  This will contain all supporting files copied from the source server database directories except for files with the following file extensions:
.db   .dbb   .esm   .ind   .tct
All the supporting files contained in the migrated_data folder can be moved up a directory as needed.  Rename the original <database>.otl file prior to moving the migrated data files.

If you copy the supporting files to a temporary directory for migration, and if you generate and use a data.txt file to migrate the supporting files, the path of the temporary directory must include the app directory.  For example, on Windows, if you copy the supporting files to a local directory called c:\temp\myOLAPmigration directory, the correct path looks like this:

If you cannot open a migrated outline on the destination server:

Usage notes

Database Settings:  When currency databases are migrated, some of the database settings are not immediately set.  These settings include the number of dimensions, currency time, and currency category. After the outlines and databases are migrated and the database is loaded, these settings are updated.

Order of search for OLAP servers when migrating supporting data files:  When the Security Migration Tool looks for an OLAP server, it looks first on remote computers through TCP/IP.  If the tool does not find the server through FTP, it looks for it in the local file system.

Accessing non-local servers:  On Windows, if one or both of the OLAP servers is on a remote server computer, that computer must be listed in the  c:\WINNT\system32\drivers\etc\hosts  file on the computer from which you are running the tool, or on the local network.

If the data does not migrate:  If the destination server is accessible through FTP, the Tool copies the database files using FTP.  When the FTP server logs into the destination server, it uses the user ID and password you specified in the Tool for that server.  If the destination machine does not recognize that user ID, the file transfer fails.  If this happens, use another ID on the OLAP Server for the migration that has supervisor privileges and access to that machine.  If there is no user on the destination OLAP Server that has access to the machine, then create one with supervisor privileges on the OLAP Server and use that ID for the migration.

The tool does not verify that data files were migrated onto the destination server.  You can verify that this was completed by checking the <appname>/<dbname>/migrated_data folder for each database that was migrated.  If the data files did not migrate, it is most likely because the user ID that was used in the migration does not have permission to copy files from the source directory or to the destination directory.

If you have login problems

If the Tool cannot find a directory, make sure that the directory is active on the network file system, or that the server can be accessed by FTP by using your login ID and password. Otherwise, the Security Migration Tool will not find the directory.

The connect.log file contains details of the connection attempts. If you have a version of DB2 OLAP Server that is not supported by this tool, the log file should indicate that the version is invalid. It will also indicate invalid user IDs and passwords.

If the OLAP remote servers that you are accessing are not available on FTP, and are on the file system, make sure that the directory is active on the network file system. Otherwise, the Security Migration Tool will not find the directory.

If an OLAP server is stored on a remote computer that is accessible only through FTP, and you are migrating supporting data files, then the FTP user ID and password you use to access the remote computer must be identical to your OLAP user ID and password for that server.  If they do not match, you can update your OLAP user ID and password using the Application Manager to make them match.

(c) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1998, 2002. All Rights Reserved.
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