Essbase® XTD Deployment Services Release 6.5.3

Start Here


Before downloading any of the Essbase XTD Deployment Services Release 6.5.3 files, please download the Installation Documentation ZIP file, located below the Start Here file on the Software Download page. Included in this ZIP file are installation documents containing procedures you should follow for a successful installation. Please print the installation documentation for ease of reference.

The documentation guides may contain references to documentation availability on CD. Although documentation is available on CD, the primary means of distribution is by downloading the software from the Hyperion Download Center, or by accessing the installation ZIP if you want to download the installation documentation only.

Installation Documentation Files

The following files are contained in the Installation Documentation ZIP file,

File Description
installgd.pdf Complete installation, configuration, and programming instructions for all Essbase XTD Deployment Services Release 6.5.3 components.
readme_eds653.htm Steps for initial configuration and late-breaking information that is not covered in the Installation Guide.

Essbase XTD Deployment Services Release 6.5.3 Software Files

The following Essbase XTD Deployment Services Release 6.5.3 software files are provided on the Download Center.

File Description
ees653_nt.exe Self-extracting Essbase XTD Deployment Services Release 6.5.3 file for Windows NT.
ees653_unix.bin Essbase XTD Deployment Services Release 6.5.3 file for UNIX.

Download Software Files

  1. Create a temporary directory on your local machine for copying files.
  2. Select the appropriate file for your platform and download the file.
  3. For Windows platforms, launch the installer by double-clicking the file or typing the name of the file (without the extension) from a command prompt.
  4. To untar a downloaded UNIX file:
  5. Refer to the Essbase Administration Services Installation Guide to complete the installation.
  6. After the installation is complete, delete the entire temporary directory.

The process of installing and configuring third-party software products, including required application servers, is specific to each software product. Installation information is available in the product documentation. Configuration topics specific to each of the approved third-party products are available under the Tips and FAQs section of the Resource Library menu on

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