
IBM DB2 OLAP Server 7.1 
FixPak 5 
Release Notes Addendum

Patch file name: FIXPAKAD.HTM

Applies to: All platforms

FixPak Date: September 2001

Identification: R6.1.0_P3A and R2.0_P2


This file contains additional information that was not included in the Release Notes shipped in FixPak 5 for DB2 OLAP Server Version 7.1.


Additional Documentation

Although the following additional documentation refers to Hyperion Essbase, it applies to DB2 OLAP Server as well.


The documentation has the following errors:

The online API Reference incorrectly states that the C MAIN API function, EssCopyApplication, starts the application. The new application is not started and has never in the past.

The Database Administrator's Guide erroneously stated when calculating an average, if the skip property was None, DB2 OLAP Server did not count #MISSING values when it calculated an average. The correct behavior is that if the skip property is None, #MISSING values are not skipped when DB2 OLAP Server calculates parent values, averages are not shown as exceptions. All values are counted.

Agent Log Messages

Previously, the agent log message, Last Login on Date/Time, displayed the following format:
Last Login on Fri Apr 20 21:52:16 2001

Now the agent log message displays the following Date/Time format:

Last Login on Friday, April 20, 2001 10:57:29 AM

However, all other date and time formats remain the same.

Application Security Settings

Disabling the following settings such as Allow Commands, Allow Connects, Allow Updates, remains in effect only for the duration of the administrator's session. The settings take effect immediately, and affect users who are currently logged in as well as users who log in later during the administrator's session.

Therefore, if performing maintenance operations that require disabling connections, updates, or commands, you must make those maintenance operations within the same session as the one in which the setting was disabled. So while performing maintenance operations in batch mode, you must either complete all the tasks that motivated the disabling of commands, connects, or updates as part of the same session in the same script, or, disable commands/connects/updates manually in Application Manager or Administration Console prior to performing those tasks, staying logged in to that session for the duration of the maintenance operations.

The session-persistent application settings are accessed in the following interfaces: Essbase Application Manager (In the Application Settings dialog box, Allow Commands, Allow Connects, and Allow Updates) Essbase Administration Console (In Application Properties, Allow Commands, Allow Connects, and Allow Updates) ESSCMD command-line interface: SETAPPSTATE options 6-8.  MaxL language interface:

alter application      disable commands;
alter application      disable updates;
alter application      disable connects;

Global CALCMODE Setting

A new ESSBASE.CFG setting was added to allow the global setting of @CALCMODE(BLOCK) and @CALCMODE(BOTTOMUP).

Rather than having to specify @CALCMODE(BLOCK) or @CALCMODE(BOTTOMUP) in each of your formulas, you can now set these modes once, globally. The global scope may be for all applications, a specific application, or a specific database. In your ESSBASE.CFG file, you can specify CALCMODE in any of the following ways:

For information about the purpose and operation of CALCMODE, see the online Technical Reference, Essbase Functions section.

HP-UX Settings

For optimal use of memory, we recommend setting _M_ARENA_OPTS to 4:8. For more information on this setting, consult the HP-UX documentation on malloc.

Copyright Information

(c) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1998, 2001. All Rights Reserved.
(c) Copyright 1991-2001 Hyperion Solutions Corporation. All Rights Reserved.