************************************************** DB2 OLAP Server V1.1 September 1999 Readme file for Fixpack 4 ************************************************** This file describes problems corrected by Fixpack 4 for DB2 OLAP Server Version 1.1. For instructions on downloading and installing this fixpack, see the readme.1st file, also stored at this FTP site. Fixpack 4 for DB2 OLAP Server Version 1.1 is the equivalent of patch 4 for Arbor Essbase Version 5.0.2. Essbase patches are cumulative; patch 4 contains new fixes plus the fixes found in patches 1 through 3. Please note that Arbor Software Corporation has merged with Hyperion Software Corporation to form Hyperion Solutions Corporation. Information in this readme file reflects this name change. This file also contains information regarding Hyperion Integration Server as it relates to DB2 OLAP Server. CONTENTS ======================================================================= This readme file contains the following information: Problems fixed in Patch 4 Problems fixed in Patch 3 Problems fixed in Patch 2 Problems fixed in Patch 1 SQL Source Connectivity PROBLEMS FIXED IN PATCH 4 ======================================================================= On UNIX, HTML Documentation has Broken Links and Missing Graphics: On UNIX, the online Technical Reference and API Reference documents contain broken links and missing graphics. To fix this problem, you must choose Yes to install the HTML docs as part of your API or Application Manager installation. Current Time Displays Only Day and Year in the Japanese Version of Application Manager: The date display for the Japanese version of the Application Manager excludes the month. The Application Manager Crashes if a Substitution Variable in a Calc Script Exceeds the Maximum Number of Characters: An attempt to perform a syntax check on a Calc Script containing a substitution variable with more than 256 characters crashes the Application Manager. Report Scripts Freeze When Launched from the Server Using the ESSCMD RUNREPT Command: An attempt to run a report script on a remote server from ESSCMD fails because of a file input/output problem on the server. Replicated Partition Shows Incorrect Values when Aggregate Missing Values is OFF: After replicating data, if the Aggregate Missing Values option is disabled, the target partition shows incorrect values. If the Aggregate Missing Values option is enabled, then zeros were substituted for #MISSING values. LOGOUTUSER Agent Command Doesn't Log Out the Specified User: When an administrator issues the LOGOUTUSER command against an active user, the Agent window reports that the user is not logged in. Other users are incorrectly logged out. Long URL as Linked Reporting Object on a Data Cell Won't Truncate, and Causes the Spreadsheet to Crash: This fix requires a client upgrade. A long URL (in this case, a URL with about 300 characters) attached to a cell as a Linked Reporting Object won't truncate. If other LROs are attached to the same cell, the spreadsheet crashes when you select Essbase|Linked Objects for that cell. The EsbGetActive Function Truncates Database Names by One Character: The API function, EsbGetActive, truncates database names to seven characters even though the limit is set to eight characters. Unable to Reallocate Memory when Restructuring an Outline: Restructuring certain large outlines fails with a memory allocation error. Calc Script with Formula Assigned to a Member on a Sparse Dimension Returns Wrong Result with the "Create Blocks on Equation" Option Enabled: A formula in a calc script that calculates a regular member on a sparse dimension member that has Dynamic Calc children (for example, Year = Qtr1 + Qtr2, where Qtr1 and Qtr2 are Dynamic Calc) returns a value of 0 instead of the calculated value. This problem occurs when the "Create Blocks on Equation" option is checked. Users Can Add Members to a Group Beyond their Privileges, and the Members Disappear: A User with only Create/Delete Users privilege can add members to a group with Application Designer privilege for Sample Basic, but the members disappear from the group's list of members. With this fix, users who attempt to add members to a group with higher privileges, or to a group created by a supervisor, will get an error message. Default Calc using @PARENTVAL in a Formula on a Dynamic Calc Member Crashes the Application when Dynamic Time Series Members are Enabled: When the @PARENTVAL function is used in a formula on a Dynamic Calc member to calculate a particular database that has Dynamic Time Series members enabled, the application shuts down abnormally. Member Names in Outline Cannot Be Edited Using Ctrl + X, C, and V Keys: This fix requires a client upgrade. Outline member names could be cut, copied, and pasted using the Windows standard Ctrl + key combinations in Release 1.0.1, but not in Release 1.1. DISABLELOGIN Prevents Application Connections by Users with Application Designer Privileges: Issuing the DISABLELOGIN ESSCMD command prevents users with Application Designer privileges from making certain connections to the application: for example, an error is returned after the GETDBSTATE ESSCMD command is issued from within a batch program. Dynamic Calculation Functions Incorrectly When Level-0 Members are Removed: The @ACCUM function, when applied to a Dynamic Calc member, may yield incorrect results if the query specifies only part of the defined range. Importing an Outline Does Not Work in Application Manager: This fix requires a client upgrade. Selecting Import|Outline after exporting it and deleting the members fails to restore the outline. Data Load Stops, or is Incomplete for Other Records, After a Faulty Record is Encountered in the Input File: A data load terminates after encountering a record containing duplicate members from the same dimension. Unless "Abort on Error" is Selected, the data load should continue, but generate errors for the faulty records. Outline of Data Target is Not Synchronized when Members are Rearranged: Rearrangement of members in the data source outline may not be reflected accurately in the data target outline after synchronization. Selecting a Dynamic Time Series Member from List Box Causes Application Manager to Crash: This fix requires a client upgrade. On a particular outline, selecting a D-T-S member to disable (for example, Y-T-D) in Application Manager's Dynamic Time Series Member Information dialog box causes Application Manager to crash. Server Crashes When Creating or Migrating a Large Number of .PAG Files: When the server is creating or migrating .PAG files, if the number of .PAG files exceeds 99 on Windows NT, or 82 on UNIX, the server crashes. With a Particular Database, Default Calculations on the Unchanged Database Behave Unexpectedly: A level-0 block is unnecessarily created after a default calculation on a database with all member formulas tagged as Dynamic Calc. Subsequently, repeated default calculations against the unchanged outline take an increasing amout of time. PROBLEMS FIXED IN PATCH 3 ======================================================================= Objects Download Fails if there is no /LOCALE Directory: With this patch, users of Objects and API programs no longer need a separate /LOCALE directory for the .NLS (National Language Support) files. Those files can be kept in the directory containing the application program. In a Particular Outline, a Non-Consolidating Member is Included in the Calculation: The data value associated with a Dynamic Calc, non-consolidating member, which is labeled with the tilde ( ~ ) operator, is incorrectly incorporated into a default calculation. Column Adjustment Occurs on Active Sheet Instead of the one Specified by EssVRetrieve Macro: This fix requires a client upgrade. The EssVRetrieve Spreadsheet Toolkit macro retrieves into the correct Excel sheet, but column widths are adjusted in the active sheet. In Japanese Application Manager, Non-Japanese Mixed Characters Appear in Tabs for Some Dialog Boxes: This fix requires a client upgrade. In the Japanese version of Application Manager, non-Japanese mixed characters appear in tabs for these dialog boxes: Database Information, Data File Attributes, Data Load Settings, Dimension Build Settings, and Dimension Attributes. Agent Crashes after Second Startup with Certain non-English Windows NT Regional Settings: With Certain non-English Windows NT Regional Settings, the Agent crashes after you start it a second time. Long PATH Variables are Truncated During Server Installations on Windows NT and Windows 95/98: Long PATH variables (>255 characters) are truncated when you install DB2 OLAP Server on Windows NT or Win9x. With this fix, the environment is updated only when necessary. If the updated value would be too long, no update occurs, and there is an informational message. EsbGetFilterList API Function Appends String to Normal Return Value: The API function EsbGetFilterList returns an unknown string at the end of the list of users. A Constant is Missing from Visual Basic API Header File: The ESB_OBJTYPE_NONE constant is not declared in the Visual Basic header file, Esb32.bas. Incorrect Retrieval in Spreadsheet Layout with Unknown Member: The first retrieval on a particular sheet with an unknown member puts incorrect data in other rows below the unknown member. The second retrieval is correct. Solaris Server Crashes when you View the Application Event Log in Application Manager: On a Solaris server, viewing the application event log by date in the Application Manager causes a core-dump crash. Updated Message File for IBM Relational Storage Manager: The message database file has been updated with two new messages. DB2 OLAP Server V1.1 Will Not Install on Solaris 2.7: With this patch, DB2 OLAP Server V1.1 is installable and supported on the Solaris 2.7 operating system on Sun SPARC or ULTRASPARC machines. Calc Script Editor Tab Settings Increased from DB2 OLAP Server V1.0.1: This fix requires a client upgrade. Tab settings in Calc Script Editor increased from version 1.0.1 to version 1.1, affecting on-screen script readability. This fix decreases the tab setting. Cell Note Disappears after Outline Restructure: Following an outline restructure, a cell note is no longer visible in the Linked Objects Browser of Application Manager, or Excel Spreadsheet Add-in. Application Not Successfully Deleted from DB2 OLAP Server Looks as if were Deleted in Application Manager: DB2 OLAP Server removes the App folder and the security file entry for an application after a DB2 function, EssSmAppDelete(), fails to delete the application. On Solaris Server, Drill-Down on Japanese Member in Spreadsheet Returns Incorrect Results: With a Solaris server, a particular spreadsheet query with aliases using Japanese characters returns incorrect results. Target with Mixed Source Partitions Takes Longer to Calculate after Migration to 1.1: A target database with twelve source partitions takes longer to calculate in version 1.1. When Users try to Add Members to a Group Beyond their Privileges, a Warning is not Displayed: A User with Create/Delete Users privilege can add members to a group having higher security privileges. The members seem to be added, only to disappear from the group's list of members. An error message appears only in the log file. This fix provides an error message that informs the user that members cannot be added to a group with higher privileges. Dimension Building Fails for Members with Certain Japanese Characters in the Alias: Dimension building with members using certain Japanese characters in the alias fails with one of these error messages: Incorrect Syntax For Member xxxxx (3305) Error adding alias (xxxxx) to member xxxxxx (3319)