************************************************** DB2 OLAP Server V1.0.1 Readme file for Fixpack 4 ************************************************** This file describes problems corrected by Fixpack 4 for DB2 OLAP Server Version 1.0.1. For instructions on downloading and installing Fixpack 4, see the readme.1st file, also stored at this FTP site. Fixpack 4 for DB2 OLAP Server Version 1.0.1 is the equivalent of patch 4 for Arbor Essbase Version 5.0.1. Essbase patches are cumulative; patch 4 contains new fixes plus the fixes found in patches 1 through 3. Please note that Arbor Software has merged and is now Hyperion Solutions Corporation. Information in this readme file reflects this name change. CONTENTS ======================================================================= This readme file contains the following information: Patch 4 fixes Patch 3 fixes Patch 2 fixes Patch 1 fixes Documentation Changes PATCH 4 FIXES ======================================================================= The following problems are fixed in Patch 4: Client sample files do not install in French, German: For the French and German editions of DB2 OLAP Server, you no longer have to manually install the sample files for the spreadsheet clients. Excel Crashes After Attempting Essbase SQL Drill-Through on Results from Previous Query: If you attempt an SQL Drill-Through operation on a sheet that contains the results of a previous SQL Drill-Through query, Excel crashes. EsbOtlDeleteMember API Call Incorrectly Deletes Shared Members from Outline: When the EsbOtlDeleteMember structure is called, and a descendent of the member being deleted is shared, all other instances of the shared member are incorrectly deleted from the outline. Index-Only Restructuring After Data Load Causes Memory Leak: After a data load, performing an index-only restructuring of the database causes a memory leak. In Lotus and Excel, Zooming Out on Top-Level (Dimension Members) Crashes the Essbase Server: In all versions of Lotus and Excel, zooming out on top-level (dimension) members in the spreadsheet crashes the Essbase server. "Please insert disk 6 of Excel Spreadsheet Add-in for 32-bit Windows" Security File Corruption Occurs When Deleting Applications/ Databases With Identical Substitution Variables: In certain scenarios, security file corruption occurs when deleting applications/databases that contain substitution variables. If substitution variables with identical names are defined at both the database and application levels, deleting the database may result in duplicate substitution variables, which in turn may lead to corruption of the security file. The fix in Patch 4 ensures that deleting applications with identical substitution variables does not corrupt the security file. This problem may still occur when deleting databases with identical substitution variables. Security file corruption can be avoided by deleting substitution variables from an application/database before deleting the application/database, which prevents references to the deleted application in the remaining substitution variables. Retrieval on Dynamic Times Series Member Deletes Alias Name When "Use Aliases" Option Is Enabled: A spreadsheet retrieval on a Dynamic Time Series member incorrectly deletes the alias name when the "Use Aliases" option is enabled. Validating Replicated Partition Crashes Target Application Server: When validating a replicated partition, the target application server crashes. This problem may also occur when checking the cell count between the source and target. Lotus 1-2-3 May Hang During Member Select Operations: Lotus 1-2-3 may hang during certain Essbase Member Select operations. In the Japanese Version of Essbase, Double-Byte Characters in Member Names Cause Errors in Formulas: In the Japanese version of Essbase, formulas disappear from the outline because the double-byte member names are not recognizable to the server during parsing. Server Crashes When Attempting to Create a Database with Certain Japanese Characters: When attempting to create a database using the common Japanese word for "budget", error messages are returned, and the Essbase server crashes. Copying Applications with Certain Japanese Application and Database Names Fails: Copying applications that have certain Japanese application and database names fails. This problem occurs if the name of the copied application or its databases includes certain double-byte characters, and the ESSLANG environment variable is not set. PATCH 3 FIXES ======================================================================= The following problems were fixed in Patch 3: Long Formulas Are Deleted After Retrieval in Excel: In Excel, formulas with strings that are more than 255 characters in length are deleted after data retrieval. This problem has been fixed for Excel 97. For Excel 5.0 and Excel 95, this problem occurs because of an Excel system limitation. EsbSetDatabaseState API Call Resets Particular Database Settings: On Windows NT (x86 machine), the EsbSetDatabaseState API call resets particular database settings (e.g., "Create Blocks on Equations," "Allow Database to Start," "Start when Database Starts," "Aggregate Missing Values"). To fix this problem, the following fields have been added to the ESB_DBSTATE_T structure: ESB_ULONG_T RetrievalBuffer; ESB_ULONG_T RetrievalSortBuffer; ESB_USHORT_T IsolationLevel; ESB_BOOL_T PreImage; ESB_LONG_T TimeOut; ESB_ULONG_T CommitBlocks; ESB_ULONG_T CommitRows; ESB_ULONG_T nVolumes; 16-bit Spreadsheet Add-ins Crash if Locale Information Is Missing: 16-bit Spreadsheet Add-ins (e.g., Excel 5.0, 1-2-3 Release 5) crash if Locale information cannot be found. For example, if the \Locale16 directory is deleted from the \Essbase directory, the 16-bit Spreadsheet Add-in does not load and the application crashes. 32-bit Excel Crashes if Users Are Disconnected from Essbase While Using Retrieval Wizard: In 32-bit versions of Excel, Excel crashes if a user is disconnected from Essbase while using the Retrieval Wizard. EssGGetLRODesc() Grid API Function Fails to Return Filename in Description: On Solaris, the EssGGetLRODesc() Grid API function does not return the filename when connecting to a Windows NT server. Spreadsheet Cell-Reference Formulas Do Not Retrieve Data Correctly: In all versions of Excel and in Lotus 16 spreadsheets (with 5.0.1 client and server), using Visual Basic commands or cell-reference formulas to retrieve data does not retrieve data correctly. No data value is retrieved for the referenced member. This problem occurs when Formula Preservation is enabled. Application Manager with Limited SKU License Incorrectly Enables Certain Commands: When using Application Manager with a Limited SKU license, the following commands are incorrectly enabled: File | New command: This menu item should be grayed out. Save and Save As commands: These menu items are grayed out, but it is possible to save via a Confirmation dialog box that appears upon closing each Application Manager editor. On HP-UX, Some #MISSING Values are Replaced by Zeros or Other Characters During Data Load: On HP-UX, some #MISSING values are arbitrarily replaced by zeroes or other strange floating point numbers during data loading from Windows NT to HP-UX. To correct this problem, go to the HP Web site at http://us-support.external.hp.com/ and install the following HP-UX patches: 1.PHSS_12694 UCOMP/LIBMP 2.PHSS_14920 HP DCE/9000 1.5 cumulative patch 3.PHSS_15043 10.x HP aC++ runtime library components 4.PHSS_15549 LIBCL 5.PHSS_14371 HP C++ (A.10.36) core library components Application Manager Allows Creation of Files Using Windows NT Reserved System Names: Application Manages incorrectly allows the creation of (and writes to the security file) files using Windows NT reserved system names. Performing Quick, Successive Pivots in Excel Crashes Client: In Excel 5.0 and Excel 97, performing quick, successive pivot operations in the spreadsheet crashes the client. Reports Spanning Transparent Partitions Returns Missing or Incorrect Data: Reports that span transparent partitions return missing or incorrect data. On Solaris, Timing Error Causes Application Crash: On Solaris, timing error causes application crash when getting database information or using GETDBSTATS. Zooming In on Particular Member Crashes Server: In the Spreadsheet Add-in, zooming in on a particular type of member crashes the Essbase server. This problem may occur when zooming in on a dense, dynamic calc member that has a formula containing a cross-dimensional operator. Server Crashes After Successful Restructure When Using the IBM DB2 OLAP Server: The Essbase server crashes after a successful database restructure. This problem occurs only when using the IBM DB2 OLAP Server's Relational Storage Interface. Member Names with Non-Alphanumeric Characters (such as @ or !) May Cause Calculation Errors even when Enclosed in Double Quotes: Member names containing non-alphanumeric characters are parsed incorrectly, resulting in calc script validation failure, even when the member names are enclosed in double quotation marks. Application Manager Does Not Display All Entered Users: After entering 400 or more users in Application Manager, all users entered do not appear in the users/group security window. Zooming In on Members in Particular Asymmetric Reports Crashes Server: In Excel 97, zooming in on members in particular asymmetric reports may crash the Essbase server. Identical Operands Around Mathematical Operators Returns Incorrect Values: In a member formula containing a mathematical operator (e.g., <=, >=), if the operands on either side of the operator are identical, incorrect values are returned. For example, the formula "12 >= 12" would return an incorrect value instead of the correct value (0). Retrieving Certain Dynamic Calc Members Crashes Server: Retrieving a sparse, Dynamic Calc member that is used in an IF statement crashes the Essbase server. Certain Linked Reporting Objects (LRO) Insertions Crash Server: Certain LRO insertions crash the Essbase server. Retrieval on Dynamic Time Series Member in Certain Spreadsheets Crashes Client: In 32-bit Excel, a retrieval on a dynamic time series member in certain sheets crashes the client. This problem occurs because of incorrect usage of dynamic time series (i.e., the generation of the latest time period is lower than the dynamic time series member in the database outline). An error message is now issued when this operation is attempted. SQL Server Does Not Accept SUM Functions in SELECT Statements: SQL Server does not accept SUM functions within SELECT statements with the drivers supplies with Essbase Version 5.x. Running the Same Report Scripts Consecutively Returns Different Values for Same Data Cell: If two report identical scripts are run consecutively, the second report returns a different value for the same data cell. If the Essbase server is shut down between the two report scripts, the same (correct) results are returned. Check Mark Missing from "Navigate Without Data" Spreadsheet Add-in Essbase Menu, Non-English Versions Only: In non-English versions of the Spreadsheet Add-in, the check mark next to the "Navigate Without Data" menu command does not appear after selecting the menu item. Certain Spreadsheet Retrievals with @MDSHIFT Function Crashes the Server: In certain spreadsheets, a retrieval on a member that has the @MDSHIFT function associated with it crashes the Essbase server and generates an exception log. Integration Server Drill-Though in Excel Fails with "Unable to Allocate Memory" Message: When you are connected to the Integration Server, double-clicking a data cell in Excel returns the following error message instead of the Linked Objects Browser: "Unable to allocate memory" Locking and Sending a Spreadsheet That Contains Data for Both Regular and Shared Member Does Not Work Properly: Locking and sending a spreadsheet that contains data for both regular and shared members does not work properly. This problem has been fixed so that the second data value correctly overwrites the first value. Retrieving Dynamic Time Series Members Incorrectly Returns Zero Values: Retrievals on dynamic time series members against an empty database return zero (0) values instead of "#Missing." This problem occurs when a sheet contains multiple dynamic time series members with different latest time period settings. Incorrect Results Returned from Formula Containing @ANCESTVAL: When the @ANCESTVAL function is used in a member formula, incorrect results are returned. PATCH 2 FIXES ======================================================================= The following problems were fixed in Patch 2: Server Crashes Upon Attempting to Generate Certain Transaction Management Messages: On all server operating systems, the Essbase server may crash when attempting to generate certain Transaction Management messages. Essbase Agent NT Service Does Not Work Properly If You Log Off After Loading the Application and Database: If you start the Essbase Agent as an NT service, load an application and database from ESSCMD, and log off from Windows NT, the following problems occur: ESSCMD is unable to connect to the application and database. Windows NT runs slowly. Users with Write Privileges Are Unable to Lock and Send Data from Particular Sheets: When a spreadsheet user does not have Write privileges for the first data cell in a sheet and attempts to Lock data values on the sheet, the Lock operation fails with an error message. This problem has been fixed so that (1) no error message appears and (2) the Lock and Send operation succeeds for the appropriate cells. Using ESSCMD to Run a Report with a Substitution Variable Crashes the Server: Using ESSCMD to run a report with a substitution variable crashes the server and creates an exception log. The report can be run from Application Manager without problems, but if you use ESSCMD RunRept (interactive or batch mode), Essbase returns the following error: "Unknown command [] in Report" The brackets contain meaningless characters. On UNIX, Lock Contention Produces Excessive Messages in the Log File: In UNIX, lock contention causes excessive messages to appear in the log file. "Unable to Write Information to File [.TCT]" Error After Index-Only Restructuring: The following error message appears when the Transaction Manager attempts to extend the .TCT file following index-only restructuring: "Unable to write information to file [.tct]." Retrievals in Excel 97 on Particular Sheets Crashes the Server: In Excel 97, the Essbase server crashes on a spreadsheet retrieval when the first column member in the sheet is an unknown member. When this problem occurs, the following error message is returned: "Cannot receive data" On UNIX, Agent Returns Incorrect Swap Information if the Swap Size is Greater than 2 GB: On UNIX operating systems, the Agent returns incorrect swap information if the swap size is greater than 2 GB. Using RLE Data Compression May Result in Incorrect Values With Particular Databases: Using the Run-Length Encoding (RLE) data compression type may result in incorrect values when a database has blocks that contain no cases of 4 or more repeated values. On HP-UX, Some #MISSING Values are Replaced by Zeros or Other Characters During Data Load: On HP-UX, some #MISSING values are arbitrarily replaced by zeroes or other strange floating point numbers during data loading from Windows NT to HP-UX. To correct this problem, go to the HP Web site at http://us-support.external.hp.com/ and install the following HP-UX patches: 1.PHSS_12694 UCOMP/LIBMP 2.PHSS_14920 HP DCE/9000 1.5 cumulative patch 3.PHSS_15043 10.x HP aC++ runtime library components 4.PHSS_15549 LIBCL 5.PHSS_14371 HP C++ (A.10.36) core library components Various Dynamic Restructuring Scenarios Cause Server to Crash: With particular dense/sparse configurations, a server crash occurs if you perform a varying series of actions, one of which includes changing members from shared to stored, renaming members, and adding a formula. Server Crashes When Running a Calc Script Containing a Large Cross-Dimensional Operator Calculation: When you run a large calc script in Application Manager that contains a long section using cross-dimensional operators (->), the Essbase server crashes and generates an exception log. Server Crashes When Running a Calc Script Containing a Large Member Formula: When you run a calc script in Application Manager that contains a large member formula, the Essbase server crashes and generates an exception log. Renaming, Copying, or Deleting Applications Does Not Work Properly with Backslash as Last Character (Japanese Version): In the Japanese version of Application Manager, you cannot rename, copy, or delete an application if the last byte of the original application name is equivalent to a single-byte backslash character ( \ ). ESSCMD Does Not Work With Japanese Characters: ESSCMD does not work with multi-byte or single-byte Japanese characters. Creating a Database with Certain Japanese Characters May Crash Server: The Essbase server may crash when you create a database if the database name contains certain Japanese multi-byte characters belonging to the KATAKANA character set. In the Japanese Version of Application Manager, Case-Sensitivity Is Not Fully Recognized: In the Japanese version of Application Manager, Essbase is not properly stopping the creation of two applications with the same name (one lowercase, one uppercase). Member Select Does Not Recognize Member Names with Certain Japanese Characters: In the Spreadsheet Add-in or the Partition Wizard (Application Manager), the member selection tool does not recognize members with certain Japanese characters. Retrieving Dynamic Time Series Members Across Transparent Partition Returns Incorrect Data: Retrieving a Dynamic Time Series member across a transparent partition returns incorrect or fluctuating values for that member. This problem has been fixed in Patch 2, so you must install Patch 2 on all servers containing databases that participate in distributed partitions. In Non-English Versions of Application Manager, Partition Wizard Page Labels Appear in English: In certain non-English versions of Application Manager, the Partition Wizard page navigation labels appear in English rather than in the correct language. Server Crashes When Processing Transparent Partition Request with Incorrectly Mapped Dimensionality: A transparent partition validate operation crashes the Essbase server (1) both the target and source databases belong to one application and (2) the validate operation finds incorrectly defined area mappings. The crash occurs after retrieving in the spreadsheet. No crash occurs if the source and target databases belong to two separate applications. The following error appears in the application server log: "Incorrect number of dimensions in request from remote site; [4] sent [5] requested; check member mapping between regions;" Running a Calc Script after Locking and Sending Data from Spreadsheet Returns Error Message: Running a calc script after locking and sending data from the spreadsheet returns the following error message: Need to copy to esm block during dynamic calculation. esm block not found. Internal logic error This problem may occur when a regular outline member depends on a cross-dimensional, dynamic calc member. Deleting User-Defined Attributes in Outline Editor Produces Incorrect Results If you delete a User-Defined Attribute (UDA) in the Application Manager's Outline Editor, Essbase may delete the wrong UDA. Dynamic Calc Failure: Running a Two Pass Calculation on a Sparse Accounts Dimension Returns Incorrect Results When Used with @ANCESTVAL or @PRIOR Functions: If you run a Two Pass Calc using @ANCESTVAL or @PRIOR on a dimension configured as Sparse and tagged as Accounts, incorrect results are returned. Spreadsheet Retrieval Against Particular Outline May Crash Server: A spreadsheet retrieval may crash the Essbase server when the Accounts dimension is configured as Sparse and has Dynamic Calc, Two Pass members. Shutting Down an Application or Database Crashes Essbase Server During Extremely Rare Timing Scenarios: Shutting down an application or database causes the Essbase server to crash during extremely rare timing scenarios. Certain Japanese Members in a Dimension Cause Data Loads to Fail: A data load fails after encountering certain Japanese members in a dimension. PATCH 1 FIXES ======================================================================= The following problems were fixed in Patch 1: SQL Query Fails if the Select Statement Contains a Text String, Number, Date Value, or Expression: An SQL query fails if the select statement contains a text string, number, date value, or expression. For example, the error message "There is no data records for the selected SQL Data Source" occurs if you issue the query statements: SELECT 'A TEXT STRING' FROM TABLENAME. SELECT A + B FROM TABLENAME SELECT MAX (COLUMNAME) SELECT COUNT (*) FROM TABLENAME Adding a User to a Group Through ESSCMD "Adduser" Fails: After running an ESSCMD script to add a user to a group, the list of groups associated with that user in Application Manager does not reflect the change. Logins Are Incorrectly Enabled When DISABLELOGIN Command Is Active: Under the following conditions, logins are incorrectly enabled even when the DISABLELOGIN command (ESSCMD) is active or the "Allow Connects" option is disabled in Application Manager: When the same user who issued the DISABLELOGIN command logs in via a different avenue (Excel, Lotus, and so forth) When another Supervisor or Application Designer (with privileges to the application in question) logs in or out When a user who was already connected (before the DISABLELOGIN was issued) disconnects This problem has been resolved. In addition, Supervisors and Application Designers will be able to log in and out even when logins are disabled without affecting the DISABLELOGIN setting. Supervisors or Application Designers can enable or disable this setting, assuming they have proper access privileges. Excel Client Cannot Connect to Named Pipes Server in Windows 95: In Windows 95, the 32-bit Spreadsheet Add-in for Excel cannot connect to the Essbase server over Named Pipes. Database Designer Privilege Assigned at Group Level Doesn't Give User Sufficient Privileges: On Windows NT (x86 machine), users with no application access who are also part of a group with Database Designer access cannot run calc scripts. Blocks Incorrectly Created from Locking and Sending #MISSING Values in an Excel Spreadsheet: In Excel, locking and sending a database with cleared data (#MISSING values) causes Essbase to report in database statistics that blocks exist, along with a page and index file. These should not exist for an empty database. SQL Drill-Through Client Connection Fails Every Other Attempt Using Microsoft ODBC Driver for SQL Server 6.5: SQL Drill-Through client connection fails alternately using Microsoft ODBC Driver for SQL Server 6.5. The prior client/server connection is not properly cleared, and interferes with the subsequent attempt. ADDUSER Command (ESSCMD) Gives Incorrect User Access: If you add a user to an existing group using the ADDUSER command (ESSCMD), the user does not have the same level of access as users added through Application Manager. When a User Adds Another User to a Group with Higher Privileges, Other Members of the Group are Removed: When user A adds user B to a group with higher privileges than user A has, the pre-existing members of the group who also have higher privileges than user A are removed from the group. Users Cannot Connect to Essbase Server Over Named Pipes on Windows NT: With Named Pipes on Windows NT, users are unable to connect to the Essbase server from Application Manager unless their user privileges are set to Administrator. This problem has been fixed so that all NT users can connect to the server over Named Pipes. EsbLROUpdateObject Not Updating Cell Notes: After a call to EsbLROGetCatalog, the EsbLROUpdateObject API call does not update cell notes. Pivoting Columns in Particular Spreadsheets Returns Error Message: In particular spreadsheet views, pivoting a column dimension to a row location produces the following error message: "Report heading cannot be interpreted." This problem occurs when the database contains two or more dimensions with an identical hierarchy, and one of these dimensions is pivoted in the spreadsheet. Lock and Send in Free Form Mode Hangs the Server: In 32-bit Excel, performing a Lock and Send operation in Free-Form mode crashes the Essbase server. This crash occurs because the Spreadsheet Add-in is sent into a loop while attempting to copy byte-by-byte row information. Application Event Log Not Reflecting Data Cache Settings: On Windows NT (x86 machine), the application event log does not reflect the values set for data cache in Database | Settings | Storage. The settings are now displayed correctly. Particular Spreadsheet Retrieval Crashes Server: On Windows NT (x86 machine), a spreadsheet retrieval crashes the server when: The Scenario dimension is dense and the Accounts dimension is sparse, and The Accounts dimension contains Dynamic Calculation members. Multiple Selection of Non-adjacent LROs Not Deleted Properly: On all client operating systems, when you select non-adjacent linked reporting objects (LROs) from the Linked Objects Browser dialog box and click "Delete", all of the selected LRO's are not deleted. Setting Concurrency Parameters Wait to "Indefinitely" or "(0) No Waiting" Produces Error Message: Under Committed data block access, setting the "Concurrency Parameters Wait" option to "Indefinitely" or "(0) No Waiting" produces an error message. Users with Create/Delete Application Privileges Cannot Delete Applications: Users who have security privileges to "Create/Delete Applications" can create, but cannot delete, applications. Particular Spreadsheet Retrieval Crashes Server: On Windows NT (x86 machine), a spreadsheet Zoom operation crashes the Essbase server if you zoom in on the Scenario dimension when the Time dimension is dense and has a Dynamic Calc tag. Member Select by Dynamic Time Series Fails with Numeric Member Names: On Windows NT (x86 machine), when you specify the latest time period for a Dynamic Time Series member during Member Selection, if you select one of the numeric member names and press the Preview or OK button, Essbase returns an error message. Retrieval with Duplicate Members in Sheet Crashes Server: Under the following conditions, a retrieval in Excel crashes the server: The title row of the sheet contains duplicate members. A row before the first row dimension contains at least one data value. For example: Market Measures Product Scenario Market #MISS Year In Spreadsheet Add-in or GRID API, Linked Partition Retrieval Returns 0 Data Values: In the Spreadsheet Add-in or the Grid API, retrieving linked partitions causes the database to display 0 values for the target database. The data values are correct when the linked partition definition is removed. Error Message When Retrieving in Formatted Sheets Containing Particular Formulas (Excel 7.0): In Excel Version 7.0, retrieving data in formatted sheets that contain certain formulas produces an error message and crashes Excel. SQL Drill on Invalid Data Point Crashes Server: On Windows NT (x86 machine), attempting an SQL Drill-Through on a column heading against an Oracle 8 data source crashes the Essbase server. Cascade Crash on Lotus 123 After Changing Double-Clicking Option in Essbase Option/Global: If you invoke the Cascade command from a Lotus 1-2-3 client after launching a linked reporting object and then changing the settings for double-clicking (Essbase | Options | Global...), the Spreadsheet Add-in crashes. We were unable to test this fix because the problem was not reproducible in Hyperion's QA lab. Using Member Selection with Generation Name Option and Pattern Matching Crashes Server: In Excel, using Member Selection with the Generation Name option and Pattern Matching crashes the server and creates an exception log. Retrieval on Cell with More Than 176 Characters Crashes Excel: In an Excel spreadsheet, a retrieval on a cell containing more than 176 characters crashes Excel and generates an exception log. Successive Spreadsheet Retrievals on Same Data Return Different Results: In particular spreadsheets, successive retrievals on the same set of data produce different results. This problem occurs when there are complex, cross-dimensional formulas in the outline. Failure of Dynamic Calc Retrievals on Sparse Members: In spreadsheets, with certain outline configurations, a retrieval using Dynamic Calc on a sparse member fails with the following error message or a server crash: "Need to copy ESM block during the dynamic calc. ESM block not found, Essbase internal error. Report to Arbor." Canceling Retrieval Wizard Clears Objects Grid: In Objects 1.0 and 1.1, if you open the Retrieval Wizard and then select Cancel, the Visual Grid is cleared. Spreadsheet Operations Crash Server in Particular Sheets: If a spreadsheet contains repeated member labels in nested columns and a spreadsheet query operation is performed (e.g., retrieval, zoom, pivot), the Essbase server crashes and generates an exception log. Dialog Box Tabs in Japanese Version of Application Manager Not Translated Correctly: Instead of showing Japanese characters, the tabs in Application Manager dialog boxes display incorrect single-byte ASCII characters. Possible Data Loss When Doing Lock and Send to an Empty Database: When doing Lock and Send to an empty database with an outline change on the same restructure, the next restructure can cause data loss. Data Freespace Corruption Occurs During Fatal Error Handling: Database freespace corruption occurs during fatal error handling. When @CURRMBRRANGE and @MDSHIFT Are Used Inside a Complex Formula, Incorrect Values are Returned: When @CURRMBRRANGE and @MDSHIFT are used inside a complex formula, incorrect values are returned. EsbGetVersion Does Not Return Information: The EsbGetVersion API call does not return version information for the connected Essbase server. Installation Registration Program Returns Invalid Code after Successful Execution: Registration program on installation runs correctly with a valid serial number, but upon exit returns an invalid 4-digit number instead of the proper "0". Objects 1.1 Fails with Conditional Retrieve Method: In Objects 1.1, an error message is returned when the EssGBeginConditionalRetrieve or EssGBeginConditionalZoomIn Grid API function is called. Zooming In on Shared Members Deletes All Dimension Members In 32-bit Excel, zooming in on shared members causes all members of the dimension to disappear. The members of the dimension containing the original member remain intact. Server Crashes with Failure of Assertion Error Message: Under the following conditions, the Essbase server crashes with a "Failure of assertion 7061" error message: Committed access is enabled The Lock Timeout interval is set to Indefinite or to a specific timeout value entered in seconds Multiple concurrent transactions are processing Japanese Calc Script Editor Displays English Strings: In the Japanese version of Application Manager, the following strings in the Calc Script Editor are displayed in English: Find Member ... Expand All Use Aliases Alias Table Japanese Partition Manager and Partition Wizard Display English Strings: Particular parts of the Japanese Partition Manager and Partition Wizard are displayed in English. Agent Crashes During Concurrent SQL Access on Solaris: On Solaris, the Agent crashes during concurrent SQL access. Esssvr Crashes Trying to Connect to Oracle SQL Server on Solaris Platform: Esssvr crashes trying to connect to Oracle SQL Server because ODBC 3.x does not allow connection on Solaris if the server thread stack size is too small. Verify Button or Check Syntax Command in Particular Calc Script Crashes Application Manager: With particular calc scripts, Application Manager crashes when you select the Verify button or the Syntax | Check Syntax command in the Calc Script Editor. Windows NT Server Fails to Start When the globlc32.dll File in the Redist Directory is Copied to the Bin Directory: On Windows NT, the server fails to start when the globlc32.dll file in the Redist directory is copied to the Bin directory. This problem occurs because the .dll in the Redist directory is older than the one in Bin. Essbase Double-Clicking Not Working (Excel 97 Only): In Excel 97, the "Enable Double-Clicking" Option in the Essbase Options dialog box does not override Excel's "Edit Directly in Cell" option. This problem has been fixed so that the Excel in-cell editing option is automatically disabled when the Essbase "Enable Double-Clicking" option is enabled. Search Function Fails in Calc Script Editor and Report Script Editor: The search function (Find) does not work properly in Application Manager's Calc Script Editor and Report Script Editor. Two Pass & Dynamic Calc Member of Accounts Dimension Not Calculating Properly: In certain outline configurations, the correct calculation order is not being followed calculated, producing incorrect calculation results. This problem occurs when the Accounts dimension is Sparse and contains a member that is tagged Two Pass and Dynamic Calc. Calc Script Syntax Verification Sometimes Fails When a Valid Substitution Variable Is Part of Script: In Application Manager, a syntax check of a calc script containing a valid substitution variable may return a failure. Server Crash During Sparse/Dense Configuration Change in Particular Outline: In outlines with specific Dense/Sparse configurations and a Dynamic Time Series member present, the Essbase server may crash when a dimension is changed from Sparse to Dense or vice versa. Shutting Down a Database with Rare Timing Scenario May Crash Server: Shutting down a database may crash the Essbase server under very rare timing scenarios. Server Crashes After Performing Lock and Send With Views that have Substitution Variables: The Essbase server may crash after you perform Lock and Send operations on Spreadsheet Add-in with substitution variables. Application Manager Crashes on Verification of a Calc Script Containing an Unmatched Quotation Mark ("): If you have an unmatched quotation mark in a calc script, Application Manager crashes when verifying the calc script. Server Error Messages Incorrectly Report Available Memory: The available memory on the server is reported incorrectly in an error message. DOCUMENTATION CHANGES ======================================================================= HP-UX SQL Interface Installation Instructions: ============================================== Arbor Essbase Version 5.0.1 Patch 2 SQL Interface runs on the HP-UX platform. See Chapter 1, Product Components and Software Registration, of Arbor Essbase Version 5.0.1 Installation Notes for information on the software registration process. This section contains the following information: Before Installing SQL Interface on HP-UX Installing SQL Interface on HP-UX from CD-ROM Before Linking SQL Interface to Your INTERSOLV ODBC Driver Linking SQL Interface to Your INTERSOLV ODBC Driver After Linking SQL Interface to Your INTERSOLV ODBC Driver Configuring Your Data Source and ODBC Driver Before Installing SQL Interface on HP-UX: ----------------------------------------- You must install the Arbor Essbase 5.0.1 Patch 2 server on HP-UX before you install Arbor Essbase SQL Interface on HP-UX. Follow these steps: 1.Install the Arbor Essbase Version 5.0.1 Patch 2 server. 2.Update your environment settings. 3.Verify that the Essbase server is working. For information on installing the Essbase server and updating the environment on HP-UX, see Chapter 2, CD-ROM Installation, and Chapter 6, UNIX Server Installation, of the Arbor Essbase Version 5.0.1 Installation Notes. Also, you must install your relational database management system (including the correct database client), and you must set the required environment variables to run your RDBMS, before you install SQL Interface on HP-UX. On Oracle, set ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID. Also, make sure that SHLIB contains the Oracle library path ($ORACLE_HOME/lib). On Sybase, set SYBASE and DSQUERY. Also, make sure that SHLIB contains the Sybase library path ($SYBASE/lib). For Informix users, set INFORMIXDIR and INFORMIXSERVER. Also, make sure that SHLIB contains the Informix library path ($INFORMIXDIR/lib). Installing SQL Interface on HP-UX from CD-ROM: ---------------------------------------------- To install SQL Interface on HP-UX from CD-ROM, complete the following steps: 1.Log in to the server as arbor. 2.Insert the CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive. 3.Change to the top directory of the CD-ROM (for example, cd\cdrom). 4.Use the ls command to find setup.sh (or SETUP.SH). Some UNIX CD-ROM drivers list file names in uppercase. Others list them in lowercase. See whether setup.sh is in uppercase or lowercase. 5.Enter ./setup.sh or ./SETUP.SH, depending on what you learned in step 4. 6.When prompted for which product to install, select SQL Interface. 7.Follow the prompts and provide the information requested. To cancel installation at any time, press Ctrl-C. 8.When prompted, enter your license number exactly as it appears on your registration card. See Chapter 1, Product Components and Software Registration, of the Installation Notes for more information on software registration. 9.When prompted, type the directory where you want to install Essbase. The installation program uses \home\essbase as the default directory. You can choose another directory, and if it does not exist, the installation program will create it for you. After you install SQL Interface on HP-UX, you must take additional steps to set your environment. See the following sections for more information. Before Linking SQL Interface to Your INTERSOLV ODBC Driver: ----------------------------------------------------------- After you install SQL Interface on HP-UX by running setup.sh, you must set certain environment variables before you run inst-sql.sh to link SQL Interface to your ODBC driver. The steps you take depend on the driver you will use. On Oracle 7.1, if the $ORACLE_HOME/lib directory does not contain the libclntsh.sl file, make the file by completing the following steps: 1.Log in as user arbor. 2.Make sure you have Write access to the $ORACLE_HOME/lib directory. For example, type: su oracle 3.Type the following: make -f $ARBORPATH/bin/genclntsh.mk On Oracle 7.2 and 7.3, if the $ORACLE_HOME/lib directory does not contain the libclntsh.sl file, make the file by completing the following steps: 1.Log in as user oracle. 2.Change to the $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib directory. 3.Modify the clntsh.mk file by adding -lsql to the end of each ld command. 4.Type the following: make -f clntsh.mk shlib For more information on setting environment variables for your ODBC driver, see the INTERSOLV DataDirect ODBC Drivers Reference, which is in .PDF format in your $ARBORPATH\ODBCDOCS directory. To view this document, use Adobe Acrobat Reader Version 3.0.1, which is provided in the ADOBE directory for HP-UX on the Essbase 5.0.1 CD-ROM. Also see Oracle, Sybase, or Informix documentation. Linking SQL Interface to Your INTERSOLV ODBC Driver: ---------------------------------------------------- The following files are installed with the Essbase server on HP-UX: The SQL Interface library file (libesssql.sl) A stub ODBC drivers file (libesssql.arbor.sl) The INTERSOLV ODBC drivers file (libesssql.insolv.sl) is installed with SQL Interface on HP-UX. The SQL Interface library file symbolically links to the stub ODBC driver file until SQL Interface is installed. You then link the library file to the INTERSOLV ODBC drivers file by running inst-sql.sh. Running inst-sql.sh ensures that server processes can access the software necessary for SQL Interface. The inst-sql.sh script uses the odbc.ini, odbcinst.ini, and template (extension .tmpl) files in the $ARBORPATH\setup directory to create a set of files that point Essbase to the correct driver product. The script handles the following for you: Ensures root privileges are not accidentally granted to a user-level script Checks for the availability of the Essbase server Checks for the availability to the Essbase server of supported database systems Provides default environment extensions as shell files in the $ARBORPATH\bin directory Provides initialization files in $ARBORPATH\bin for access by the driver software To run inst-sql.sh, enter the following command, still as user arbor: inst-sql.sh Essbase prompts you to supply information when necessary. When the script finishes, the command prompt appears. Enter: exit Under some circumstances, you may need to have an extra library dynamically compiled. If the script determines you need an extra library, it creates and compiles it for you. After Linking SQL Interface to Your INTERSOLV ODBC Driver: ---------------------------------------------------------- inst-sql.sh generates odbc.csh for the C shell, and odbc.sh for the Bourne or Korn shell. These files contain commands that specify the correct environment variables for Essbase. After you run inst-sql.sh, and link SQL Interface to your INTERSOLV ODBC driver, you must make these Essbase environment variables available to your current shell environment. To make the Essbase environment variables available to your current shell environment, do one of the following: In the C shell, use the source command against odbc.csh in the .login or .cshrc file. In the Bourne or Korn shell, use the source command against odbc.sh in the . (period) in the .profile file. For example, add the following statement to your .login or .cshrc file: % source $ARBORPATH\setup\odbc.csh To change the environment settings, edit odbc.csh or odbc.sh. Configuring Your Data Source and ODBC Driver: --------------------------------------------- After you install SQL Interface on HP-UX and set your environment variables, you must configure your data source. You may need to configure your ODBC driver. For more information on configuring your data source and ODBC driver, see the SQL Interface Guide. Also see the INTERSOLV DataDirect ODBC Drivers Reference in your $ARBORPATH\ODBCDOCS directory. To view the INTERSOLV document, which is in .PDF format, use Adobe® Acrobat Reader® Version 3.0.1, which is provided in the ADOBE directory for HP-UX on the Essbase 5.0.1 CD-ROM. Revised Spreadsheet Documentation: ================================== The following online help files have been modified since the Arbor Essbase Version 5.0.1 release: ESSEXCEL.HLP ESSLRO.HLP These two files are installed during the patch installation process to the ESSBASE\BIN directory, overwriting the existing files of the same name. 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