
IBM DB2 OLAP Server for z/OS, Version 8.1

Client Fix Pack 3.1
Release Notes


Fix pack date:  December 2003

This fix pack includes fixes for IBM® DB2® OLAP Server™ for z/OS, Version 8.1 and its features at the following service levels:

All DB2 OLAP Server fix packs are cumulative. This document describes problems that are fixed in this fix pack and previous version 8.1 fix packs. 

For more support information, go to the following DB2 OLAP Server Support site:



To install client products from a DB2 OLAP Server fix pack , you must install the z/OS server to the same level. For example, Client Fix Pack 3.1 must be used with PTF UQxxxxx and later maintenance. Using older server versions with newer client versions is not recommended and is not supported.


Fix pack installation overview

This document describes how to install Client Fix Pack 3.1 for the following products: It also includes additional documentation and a list of problems corrected by the fix pack.  Even if you have only one of the problems listed in this document, you need to perform a full fix pack installation.

Client Fix Pack 3.1 is based on Hyperion maintenance levels, which are cumulative.  Each level contains new fixes and all the fixes for the previous maintenance levels.  For information about other fix packs, go to the DB2 OLAP Server support Web site:


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Before you install the client fix pack

To install this fix pack, make sure that your system has enough memory.  Then, download the files that match your operating system and language, or copy the files from a CD, and begin the installation.  For complete installation instructions, see the Installation Guide.

See the Installation notes for information about issues that affect the installation of this fix pack.

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Downloading and installing the client fix pack

This section describes how to install fixes for the clients for DB2 OLAP Server for z/OS and DB2 OLAP Integration Server.  This client fix pack consists of one file that you can download to any Windows computer on which you have installed the clients.

Downloading the client fix pack

Download the following file to a temporary directory on the computer on which you installed the DB2 OLAP Server clients:


If you are installing from a CD, copy the file to the temporary directory. If you have installed clients on other computers, you need to download the file to those computers, too.

Installing the client fix pack

To start the installation:

  1. Ensure that you read and follow the directions in Before you install the fix pack.
  2. Open the ZIP file.
  3. Run setup.exe to start the installation program.

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Changes in this fix pack

Client Fix Pack 3.1 also fixes the defects listed in Problems fixed and adds some documentation in Documentation updates.  

What's new in DB2 OLAP Server?

This fix pack adds the following new features to DB2 OLAP Server 8.1:

PTF PQ75432: new ASCII import and export feature

The ESSCMD EXPORT and IMPORT commands now have a new optional parameter: [text transfer type]. The default text transfer type is EBCDIC encoding, and it will be used if the text transfer type parameter is not specified.

The text transfer type parameter can be selected from only the z/OS ESSCMD client. All other clients (on z/OS and your workstation) support the export and import of EBCDIC data only.



EXPORT exportName amount formatOption [text transfer type]

To create an ASCII export file called "export_a.txt" that contains only level 0 data in non-columnar format, enter the command:

EXPORT "export_a.txt" 2 0 1

The following sample ESSCMD session shows the new prompt for the EXPORT parameter:

File name > export_a.txt
1) All Data Blocks
2) Level 0 Data Blocks
3) Input Data Blocks
Enter the option>2
0) Default Essbase Format
1) Export in Column Format
Enter the option>0
0) Default EBCDIC Text
1) Export as ASCII Text
Enter the option>1

Sample ESSCMD Script:

The following command exports level 0 data in non-columnar format from the application/database app1/db1 into an ASCII export file called "export_a.txt". The file will be created in your $ARBORPATH/app/ directory.

Select "app1" "db1";
EXPORT "export_a.txt" 2 0 1;

To export data in EBCDIC, specify 0 for the text transfer type:

EXPORT "export_e.txt" 2 0 0;

or omit text transfer type parameter:

EXPORT "export_e.txt" 2 0;

The IMPORT command loads data values from an external source into the selected database. You can not import ASCII data from an SQL data source.


IMPORT numeric dataFile fileType y/n ruleLoc rulobjName y/n
          [ErrorFile] [text transfer type]


The following command imports data from an ASCII text file "/u/OLAP81/data/import_a.txt". No rules file will be used during import and the processing will be aborted if an error occurs:

IMPORT 3 "/u/OLAP81/data/import_a.txt" 4 "N" "Y" "Y"

The following command imports data from an EBCDIC text file "/u/OLAP81/data/import_a.txt". No rules file will be used. during import and the processing will be aborted if an error occurs:

IMPORT 3 "/u/OLAP81/data/import_e.txt" 4 "N" "Y" "N";

or omit the text transfer type parameter:

IMPORT 3 "/u/OLAP81/data/import_e.txt" 4 "N" "Y";

PTF UQ77792: restrictions

PTF UQ77792 adds the following restriction to Hybrid Analysis:

The essbase.cfg setting HAMAXNUMCONNECTION, that allows a user to maintain open database connections for Hybrid Analysis queries, is unavailable after applying PTF UQ77792. If the HAMAXNUMCONNECTION setting is set in the essbase.cfg file, the setting is ignored and an error message is printed in the log file. Each Hybrid query establishes a new connection, and the connection is closed when the query is completed.

New operator option for out-of-space conditions

Fix Pack 3.1 offers the operator a way of suspending and resuming an application when an out-of-space condition is encountered.  The update  is available only on z/OS 1.4, and is not available on operating systems prior to z/OS 1.4.

When an out-of-space condition is detected, a  "Write To Operator with Reply" message (WTOR) message is written to the z/OS console, giving the system operator the choice of allowing the application to terminate or resuming the application after having the OLAP administrator make more file system space available to the application. While the WTOR is outstanding, new users are not blocked from logging on to DB2 OLAP Server.

The following WTOR warning message is written to the console log when the out-of-space condition is detected:

DOL0001 OUT OF SPACE FOR [Application/Database];


In addition, the following warning messages are written to the application log and can appear on the ESSCMD client screen when an out-of-space condition is detected:

Application [ApplicationName] has been suspended because it is unable to write to database [DatabaseName].  

Application [ApplicationName] processing for database [DatabaseName] will remain suspended until the MVS operator replies to message DOL0001:  E to end the application, or R to resume.

When these messages are displayed, the operator contacts the OLAP administrator, who makes more system file space available.  Then the operator can respond to the WTOR warning message DOL0001 with "R", and the application resumes where it left off. The current state of the cube is preserved.  The following informational message is written to the application log and can appear on the ESSCMD client screen:

Operator resuming application [ApplicationName] processing for database [DatabaseName].

To avoid future out-of-space conditions, you can an automation product, such as Tivoli, to develop a routine to allocate additional DASD and respond to the WTOR. This significantly improves performance if the system DASD is constrained.

MaxL Changes

Undo Forced Password Change

New MaxL grammar enables the administrator to undo a previous decision to force a user to change his or her password at the next login. The new grammar is shown in bold; the previous grammar is also listed and described for context.

1. alter user USER-NAME set password_reset_days INTEGER days; Specify the number of days before a password expires.
2. alter user USER-NAME set password_reset_days immediate; Force the user to change a password at next login.
3. alter user USER-NAME set password_reset_days exact; Undo the 'immediate' setting above. The reason for this is as follows: If the administrator chooses 'immediate' and then attempts to revert back to allowing a set number of days, it will not work because 'immediate' takes a high priority. Using 'exact' is the only way to reverse 'immediate.'
Display user has a new column

When the display user MaxL statement is issued, MaxL displays information about all users on the system. The following information is displayed in columns:

We have added a new column, called change_password that indicates whether a password change will be required at the next login.

Username, servername, and password cannot include spaces at the beginning or at the end.

In the past, we allowed MaxL users to create user names, server names, and passwords with leading or trailing spaces, tabs, or returns. For example, you could create a user named 'user1 ' Now, if you create a user named 'user1 ', that name will be automatically trimmed to 'user1'.

Documentation update for no_access

Granting any privilege, including calc and filter privilege, on a database also grants the implicit ability to load the application containing that database. To remove this ability, you must give no_access to the application, not just to the database.

Setting column size in essmsh

In previous releases, the column size in essmsh was limited to 128 bytes. Now, you can set the column size to any value up to the size of the MaxL statement (the default size limit for MaxL statements is 81920 bytes).

To set column size in essmsh, use set column_width VALUE; The VALUE must be larger than eight and less than the current maximum MaxL statement size.

Setting the MaxL statement size

To set the MaxL statement size, use set maxl_statement size VALUE;

Note: For the MaxL Script Editor, there is no need to set the MaxL statement size, as Essbase Administration Services does this automatically.

Change in Display of Query Results For Members With Formulas

For members with formulas attached, query results are sometimes displayed in a different order than in previous releases. This change is due to an internal change in the Calculator. It does not affect data.

For example, in Sample basic, Ratios has three children with formulas Margin%, Profit per Ounce, and Profit%.  In previous releases, a zoom or cascade may have returned these members in the following order:

	Margin %
	Profit %
	Profit per Ounce

In this release, the members may be returned in reverse outline order:

	Profit per Ounce
	Profit %
	Margin %

New Configuration Settings


Globally sets query optimization across transparent partitions for outlines that have a time dimension with Dynamic Time Series members. If this setting is specified, queries with Dynamic Time Series members will incur faster query times. Use this setting only if the time dimensions on the source and target partitions are identical. If the time dimensions on the source and target partitions are not the same, this setting may produce incorrect results. Restart the server to enable this setting to take effect for the Dynamic Time Series members that have been enabled at run time.




Previously, in response to agent or server crashes on UNIX platforms, Essbase created core dump files. In Release 6.5.4, to capture core dumps, include CRASHDUMP TRUE in the essbase.cfg configuration file. For agent crashes, Essbase creates a core file in a new directory ESSBASE.abc (where abc is the date and time) under ARBORPATH. For server crashes, a new directory, ESSSVR.abc is located within the application directory under ARBORPATH/app; for example,


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What's new in DB2 OLAP Integration Server?

This fix pack adds the following new features to DB2 OLAP Integration Server 8.1:

Improved compatibility on nondefault ports

DB2 OLAP Integration Server addresses two limitations that in previous releases affected the ability to run DB2 OLAP Server applications on nondefault ports:

Cancel button in view operations

DB2 OLAP Integration Server, Version 8.1 adds Cancel buttons to several operations that query relational data sources. This feature enables you to stop cleanly and efficiently an operation that is accessing an excessive number of data rows and consuming system resources.

Resizable dialog boxes

In DB2 OLAP Integration Server (OIS), several dialog boxes can be resized, which helps you to see data displayed behind the dialog box. The following four boxes can be resized:

Support for multiple alias tables

DB2 OLAP Integration Server provides you with the capability of loading static or multiple relational database management system (RDBMS) columns into multiple alias tables. You are no longer limited to loading alias into the default table.

Find and Replace Null Values

DB2 OLAP Integration Server expands find-and-replace options to include null values. With this option, you can add placeholders in hierarchies when null values are present in the relational database. 

Selection of Dynamic Time Series Member Name

DB2 OLAP Integration provides you with the additional option of selecting a DTS member name instead of limiting you to a member name automatically set by OIS.

Improvements in Error Reporting

DB2 OLAP Integration Server has several significant improvements in error reporting on data loads:

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Documentation updates

The following updates to the DB2 OLAP Server documentation are new in Fix Pack 3.1:

Hybrid Analysis is not supported with the Member Selection feature

Correction for the ESS_MBRINFO_T read fHasRelDesc Outline API function

The existing documentation for the ESS_MBRINFO_T read fHasRelDesc Outline API function reads as follows:

ESS_BOOL_T fHasRelDesc The member has relational descendants

The word 'descendants' is incorrect. Instead, the description should say the member has relational children.
ESS_BOOL_T fHasRelDesc The member has relational children

Updates for DB2 OLAP Integration Server documentation

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Problems fixed

The following customer reported problems are fixed in DB2 OLAP Server and DB2 OLAP Integration Server V8.1.  The numbers in parentheses are current internal reference numbers for Hyperion Solutions; numbers in brackets indicate previous Hyperion tracking numbers.

Fix Pack 3.1 fixes the following problems in DB2 OLAP Server

EssVSetSheetOption function not working correctly in VBA toolkit. 14914, 57194
Essbase does not allow you to disable the option Use Both Member Name and Alias name (EssVSetSheetOption 24) if either Retain on Remove and Keep Only or Retain on Zooms options is enabled.

EssVZoomIn function with preserve formulas may cause Essbase to display multiple occurrences of a value. 24786
Spreadsheet retrievals using the EssVZoomIn function may display multiple occurrences of the same value if preserve formulas is turned on.

Drop Partition when there is more than 1 source Corrupts the .ddb file. 25956
When a single database is associated with more than one partition (for example, if two source databases are associated with partitions leading to different parts of one target database), using the Drop Partition MaxL statement on one of the partitions may cause both of the partitions to stop working.

EssOtlGetGenName may not return generation names. 27889
The EssOtlGetGenName API may fail to return generation names.

Truncated words in the Japanese Application Manager. 43538, 43539
In the Japanese Application Manager, in the Partition Wizard > Areas tab > Essbase Member Selection dialog box > Open Selection Object dialog box, some words are truncated.

Report scripts containing the ORDERBY or TOP commands may fail to return some alias names. 56070
Report script may fail to return some alias names when using the ORDERBY or TOP commands.

Cannot create a transparent partition using MaxL. 56280
Creating transparent partitions in MaxL fails and returns an error message saying that the maxl execution failed and that the partition already exists.

Updating a transparently partitioned source outline may take longer than expected. 56412
Dimension builds may take longer than expected when performed on the source outline for multiple transparent partitions (where one outline is the source for several target outlines).

Reports that use the suppress missing rows (SUPMISSINGROWS) command and access data from a relational source may return incorrect results. 56808
In reports that use the suppress missing rows command and access data from a relational source, the values for the first row are repeated in the subsequent rows.

EssVSetSheetOption function not working correctly in VBA toolkit. 57194
TheEssVSetSheetOption function is not working correctly in VBA toolkit. Parameter 24 of the EssVSetSheetOption function fails to disable the "Use Both Member Name and Alias" option in the Spreadsheet Add-in.

The create or replace MaxL statement fails when the application being copied is not empty. 57895
The create or replace MaxL statement fails when the application being copied is not empty.

Outlines with label-only attribute members can not be completely verified using EsbVerifyOutline(). 58043
Outlines with label-only attribute members cannot be completely verified using EsbVerifyOutline(). In these cases, EsbWriteOutline() fails with an error of 1060053 and EsbVerifyOutline() returns ulCount = 1, but ulErrors = zero (indicating a conflict).

Running a report script numerous times may cause the OLAP server crash. 58291
Running a report script a large number of times in quick succession may cause the OLAP server to crash.

Calculations with Intelligent Calc ON may not create the correct number of blocks. 58304
Intelligent re-calculation in single bitmap mode may not calculate some blocks, thus generating incorrect results.

EssQueryDatabaseMembers with the ALLSIBLINGSOF operator and relational members may fail. 58343
Using EssQueryDatabaseMembers with the ALLSIBLINGSOF operator and relational members may fail and may return network errors.

Running a Calc Script from MaxL may stop the Essbase server. 59851
Running calc scripts from MaxL may cause the OLAP server to crash because the MaxL parser does not allow a large enough buffer size. The fix for this problem is to increase the size buffer size allowed by the MaxL parser.

Large concurrent retrievals that use the @XREF function may execute slowly. 59938
Large concurrent retrievals that use the @XREF function may execute slowly.

Essbase may fail to load some zero level data during a parallel data load. 59998
Some zero level data may not be loaded during a parallel data load.

Loading data files that contain a large number of unknown records may cause the OLAP server to crash. 60016
Data loads with a large number of rejected records may cause the OLAP server to crash.

Unable to save report scripts in the Japanese Application Manager. 60054
The List Objects of Type field in the Save Server Object dialog box displays a garbage string, and saving report scripts fails in the Japanese version of the Application Manager.

The MaxL 'display filter row' statement may truncate large filters created by Planning. 60060
The MaxL display filter row statement may truncate large filters created by Planning.

When "," is specified in the operating system as the decimal symbol, Essbase fails to recognize it as such during data loads. 60126
When the decimal symbol is set to comma in the operating system, Essbase fails to recognize the comma as a decimal symbol during data loads. For example, Essbase interprets 10,55 as 1055.00

Creating large filters in MaxL may fail and may return an error message. 60159
Creating large filters in MaxL may fail and may return the following error message: 'essmsh error: Statement exceeds maximum possible size.'

The VB API function EsbGetNextItem may fail when used with EsbLogin function. 60200
The VB API function EsbGetNextItem may fail when used with EsbLogin function.

Spreadsheet retrievals containing attribute members may cause the Essbase application to crash. 60224
Spreadsheet retrievals containing attribute members may cause the application to crash.

Using MaxL to create a partition with a large number of fields may cause the OLAP server to crash. 60241
Running a MaxL script that creates a partition with a large number of fields may cause the OLAP server to crash.

The OLAP server may crash during bottom up calculations with the Create Blocks on Equations setting enabled. 60334
The OLAP Server may crash during calculations when all of the following conditions are true:

Essbase does not return correct indicator when Hybrid Analysis members have children. 60785
When Hybrid Analysis members have children of their own, Essbase does not return the correct indicator. It returns a - indicating that there are no children when it should return a + indicating that there are children.

Maxl treats the append and write options in reverse. 60844
In the import data MaxL statement, you have three options for error handling: abort, write errors to a log file, or append errors to a log file. The write option is supposed to overwrite the existing log file or create a new one. The append option is supposed to add information to the log file without overwriting existing contents. In this bug, MaxL was treating these options in reverse.

Essbase does not provide an automated way to perform a single outline verification at the end of an incremental dimension build. 60930
The fix for this bug was to add an optional parameter, verify, to the INCBUILDDIM ESSCMD syntax:
INCBUILDDIM location rulobjName dataLoc sourceName fileType errorLog appendLog [verify].
Specifying Y or no value causes the outline to be verified for that step. Specifying N causes the outline not to be verified. Be sure to verify the outline during the last INCBUILDDIM step. For example:


On UNIX platforms, wildcard queries may cause the OLAP Server to crash. 60993
Wildcard queries may cause the OLAP Server to crash on some platforms. The OLAP Server will crash on some (but not all) versions of Solaris, and possibly some versions of the other UNIX platforms.

Drill through reports on multiple cells may cause the OLAP Server to hang. 61111
The OLAP server may hang when drill-through reports exceed a certain number of cells.

MaxL script succeeds in importing data but the return code appears to indicate that the import failed. 61228
The following return code is displayed after a MaxL script successfully imports data: Bad free() ignored.

Intelligent re-calculations that use single bitmap calculator cache may not create the correct number of blocks. 61581
When a sparse dimension contains shared members under many branches, intelligent re-calculations that use Single Bitmap Calculator Cache may not calculate some blocks, and therefore, may generate incorrect results.

When multiple bitmap calculator cache is used, and there are backward references in the outline, intelligent recalculation may return incorrect results. 61587
When there are backward references in the outline (shared members appear before real members in a Sparse dimension), and multiple bitmap calculator cache is used, intelligent calculation may return incorrect results.

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The Essbase > Cascade command may fail to copy formatting in the Lotus 123 Spreadsheet Add-in. 17769
In the Spreadsheet Add-in for Lotus 123 Release 9, the Essbase > Cascade command fails to copy formatting when the "Copy Formatting" option is selected.

Cannot list data sources using client SQL drill through. 18910
If there are several data sources for client SQL drill through, and one data source returns an error, the lists from the other data sources are not displayed and Essbase displays the following error message: "Failed to get the list of available SQL data sources. See server log for more information."

The @ROUND function may return incorrect results if the number to be rounded has several nines immediately following the decimal point. 21505
Calculations that use the @ROUND function may return incorrect results if the number to be rounded is a decimal number that has several nines immediately following the decimal point. In some of these cases, the number may not be rounded to the next whole number.

Spreadsheet cells cannot be properly linked when Query Designer is open. 23342
In the Spreadsheet Add-in, cells cannot be properly linked between two worksheets when Query Designer is open. This problem causes the link that is in a cell in one worksheet to move to the wrong cell in a second worksheet.

Retrieval from an empty database incorrectly returns a zero. 25389
Dynamic Calc with no data, a negative consolidator, and a formula incorrectly returns a zero instead of returning #MI. For example, #MI - #MI is incorrectly returned as zero instead of #MI.

Cell borders are incorrectly turned on when "Use Styles" is selected in the Essbase Options dialog box. 26763
In the Spreadsheet Add-in, cell borders are incorrectly turned on when "Use Styles" is selected in the Essbase Options dialog box (cell borders are not controlled by this option). In addition, after drilling up or down in the sheet, empty cells retain cell borders when they should be deleted.

The OLAP server may crash when disk volumes partition size set to unlimited. 26983
On UNIX platforms, updating disk volume partition size to "unlimited" may appear to complete successfully even if there is inadequate disk space. This can cause subsequent updates page and index files to fail.

Dimension build may fail to update the outline when the existing outline contains an attribute dimension. 27537
Performing a dimension build on an outline that contains an attribute dimension may fail to update the outline.

Performing multiple retrievals using a VBA macro may result in a memory leak. 27579
Using a VBA macro to perform multiple spreadsheet retrievals may cause a memory leak.

The Cascade feature in the Spreadsheet Add-in may fail under certain conditions. 27807
In the Spreadsheet Add-in, when using the Cascade feature, you cannot choose a directory that is five or more levels from the root drive and that has a space in the directory name as the destination directory for the cascade (for example, c:\1 dir\2 dir\3 dir\4 dir\5 dir).

Large parallel calculations may crash the application. 35292
Running a large calculation with SET FRMLBOTTUMUP ON and SET CALCPARALLEL 3 may crash the application with deadlock errors because of incomplete dependency analysis.

Replicating data may result in an error. 36490
Replicating partitioned data on Version 8.1 may fail with a 'data cache full' error because certain blocks were not being unfixed correctly.

The @REMOVE function does not remove shared members. 36865
This is expected behavior, but you can remove shared members by using the @REMOVE function in combination with the @SHARE function. For more information about using @SHARE with @REMOVE to remove shared members, see @SHARE.

A problem with the <UDA command causes unexpected results in a report that uses <ICHILD and <LINK. 43159
The <UDA report script command returns the top member of the dimension, regardless of whether that member has the UDA attribute. This may cause the <ICHILD command to fail to include parent member within <LINK command in a particular report script. The fix for this bug makes the <UDA command return the correct members, which, in turn causes the <ICHILD command to include the parent member within the <LINK command in this report.

Essbase allows you to create a filter name with more than 30 characters, but it does not allow you to delete the filter. 43272
Using the Essbase VB API, you can create a filter name with more than 30 characters, but Essbase does not allow you to delete filters with names longer than 30 characters.

The Subset Dialog box allows the condition "is not", but this condition is not supported in Essbase partitioning. 43342
In the Partition Wizard > Areas tab > Essbase Member Selection > Subset Dialog box, a drop-down menu enables you to select the condition "is not", but this condition is not supported in Essbase partitioning. The fix for this bug is to remove the "is not" option from the dialog box.

In the Query Designer, reports that use "Rank Bottom" or "Rank Top" may fail. 43412
In the Query Designer, the following error is returned when you select "Rank Bottom" or "Rank Top" as a Data Filtering option:
Report Error -- The DATACOL() argument [0] in the TOP or BOTTOM command must have a value between [1] and the max number of columns [8] in the report.

Replicating partitioned data may fail. 43505
The OLAP server may crash/replication fails when the partition source has many Dynamic Calc members. The partition definition should be fixed so that the replication completes. The fix is to map the children of implied share members appropriately. If member mapping errors are not fixed in the partition definition, replication finishes but is not complete.

In the Spreadsheet Add-in, Style Options are not saved when you exit Excel. 43514
In the Spreadsheet Add-in, styles you select in Essbase > Options > Style tab are not saved when you exit Excel.

Error messages regarding temporary files when working with OLAP products and features. 54894
Your TEMP or TMP environment variable must point to a valid directory location (a location that exists) when working with DB2 OLAP Server products and features.  Otherwise these products may have trouble creating temporary files.

Running Validate from Esscmd may incorrectly return the message "no error found during validation." 55044
Running the Validate command on a database that contains Invalid Block Headers may incorrectly return the message "no error found during validation" even though the application log displays several errors involving invalid block headers.

The DB2 OLAP Server agent is not returning SYN/FIN for every request from a client. 55155
The DB2 OLAP Server agent is not returning SYN/FIN for every request from a client, as it should. A user can monitor these by using the command "snoop -V IP "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" | egrep 'Syn|Fin'". The Agent was not returning these processes until the application was unloaded.

The server can hang during spreadsheet retrievals that contain out of place members. 55475
Spreadsheet retrievals with out of place members may cause the OLAP server to hang (with CPU at 100%).

Certain calculations may run in serial mode unnecessarily. 55614
Under the following conditions, the calculator may force a calculation to run in serial mode unnecessarily:

This causes the following message to be written to the application log: "A circular or recursive dependency along dimension [] forces calculation to execute in serial mode."

The DELETEDB Esscmd command may fail if the user session times out or if the user is logged off by the supervisor. 55628
If a database that is being deleted has users that were forcibly logged our or timed out (ghost users), then deletion of the database may fail.

The OLAP Server may hang when performing a specific set of concurrent operations. 55718, 55613
When running esscmd scripts that concurrently load applications, validate or report a database, and unload applications, the following message may be written to the application log: "Unable to bind host server socket on port []." If you see this message in your application log after performing the above mentioned concurrent operations, consider using the new NETBINDRETRYDELAY configuration setting.

Restructuring a database with a large number of LROs may cause the database to crash. 55837
Restructuring a database with a large number of LROs may cause the database to crash.

Certain parallel calculations may cause an internal server assertion failure. 55847
During parallel calculation, an internal server assertion failure may occur.

The EsbGetDatabaseState API function may return the currency database name and default currency type variables incorrectly. 55907
The EsbGetDatabaseState API function may fail to return the first 2 letters from currency database name and default currency type variables.

Using MaxL to export data may fail. 55912
Exporting data using MaxL may fail and may result in the following error message: "Cannot export data using MaxL - ERROR - 1005030 Parallel export failed: too many segments [11453] in database. Start single-threaded export."

EssVZoomOut may not work properly if there is at least one blank row at the top of the specified range. 55983
If there is at least one blank row at the top of the specified range, the EssVZoomOut function may fail.

Certain retrievals in Essbase Query designer return a report error. 56030
In the Essbase Query Designer, attempting to do top ranking based on members of an attribute dimension returns a report error.

Parallel calculations may cause a misleading message to be written to the log. 56125
If CALCTASKDIMS is set to a number higher than the number of sparse dimensions in the outline, the following (incorrect) message is written to the application log (even if calculator cache is turned off): "Parallelizing using [] task dimensions. Usage of Calculator cache caused reduction in task dimensions".

Retrievals of Hybrid Analysis data may return incorrect values if the Measures dimension is not from the fact table. 56248
When retrieving Hybrid Analysis data for an outline whose Measures dimension is not from the fact table, only #Missing values are returned because of an incorrect orderby clause in the generated SQL query.

In Excel XP, loading multiple worksheets that contain macros may cause Excel to crash. 56374
In Excel XP, Loading multiple worksheets that contain macros may cause Excel to crash

Requesting connection information from an application to which you do not have access may cause the OLAP Server to hang. 56435
The OLAP Server may hang when users with privileges to view requests in some loaded applications but not in other loaded applications request connection information.

Renaming an application may fail under certain conditions. 56446
Renaming an application may fail with the error message: 'Cannot rename directory ARBORPATH\App name [Permission Denied]'under the following conditions:

Renaming the database leaves directories on the partitioned drive with the old database name. The error occurs if you attempt to rename the database back to the original name.

Saving an outline that contains a large formula may fail. 56458
In a partitioned database, when saving an outline that contains a large member formula that exceeds 2KB, exception errors are returned.

API executables built with DB2 OLAP Server V1.1 shared libraries may not work with newer releases of DB2 OLAP Server. 56486
If you have an API-based program that was last linked with API libraries from Version 1.1, and you replace the API libraries from Version 7.1 or later releases of Essbase, you may encounter the following error when running the program:
adGlobSetEssLocale: referenced symbol not found
If so, consider upgrading to API libraries from DB2 OLAP Server V8.1 Fix Pack 2 and recompiling your API program.

During serial calculations, the SET NOTICE calculation command may fail to record completed blocks. 56623
During serial calculations, the SET NOTICE calculation command may fail to record completed blocks.

Launching a linked partition may cause Excel or Lotus 1-2-3 to crash. 56651
When the Spreadsheet Add-in is connected to an instance of the OLAP server running on a UNIX platform, launching a linked partition may cause the spreadsheet software (Excel or Lotus 1-2-3) to crash.

Loading two or more applications at the same time may fail. 56653
When loading two or more applications at the same time, the Essbase agent intermittently hangs (stops responding) and dumps an exception error file.

Dimension builds launched from MaxL may fail if the database outline is empty. 56841
Dimension builds that are launched from MaxL may fail if the existing database outline contains no dimensions or members.

Essbase hangs (and spikes the processor usage) when the MAXLOGINS setting is high. 56899
When the MAXLOGINS setting is very high (on the order of several hundred thousands), the OLAP server may hang and processor usage may spike momentarily to 100%.

Some report scripts may spike the CPU usage on the server machine to 100%. 56911, 56950
Running a query from a report script against the OLAP server spikes the CPU usage on the server machine to 100%.

Retrievals that include attribute members may have incorrect results. 56920
Attribute retrievals may have incorrect results if one or more attribute members are associated with non-zero level base members and at least one base member in the query is an implied share member.

The OLAP server may crash when listing user connections. 56928
Listing user connections from a machine with a name (including domain name) longer than 29 characters, may cause the OLAP server to crash.

Viewing connections in the application manager may cause the OLAP server to hang. 56931
Logging in with a user name that does not have security privilege to access user connection information and then selecting Security > Connections, may cause the OLAP Server to hang.

An API program that calls a substitution variable may fail after a large number of iterations. 56961
If a client API program opens too many connections to DB2 OLAP Server, then subsequent connections may return network errors because of delays in clearing out closed ports.

Parallel calculations may fail to finish in a reasonable amount of time. 57052
Parallel calculations that make multiple passes may take longer than serial calculations if the commit blocks value is either zero or very large.

Variables surrounded by double quotes may not work with MaxL. 57055
MaxL does not recognize variables surrounded by double quotes.

Parallel calculation may take longer than expected. 57186
Running a parallel calculation after an incremental data load may take longer than expected.

Certain spreadsheet retrievals may crash the application. 57200
In the Spreadsheet Add-in, a retrieval may crash the application if the sheet contains Dynamic Time Series members and a dynamically calculated member with a formula containing the @XREF function.

MaxL returns an error message after running the alter database command to find and fix IBH errors. 57268, 57306
MaxL returns the following error message after the alter database command has been issued to find and fix IBH errors: "ERROR - 1013153 - No IBH is found from last diagnosis run." The fix for this problem is to change the error message to a warning message since nothing is wrong.

Spreadsheet Add-in retrievals that use the ESSCELL function may fail. 57666
Spreadsheet retrievals that use the ESSCELL function may cause Excel to hang with CPU usage spiked at 100%.

Calculations that aggregate missing values may have incorrect results. 57676
In some cases, incremental calculations (calculations after an incremental data load) that use "SET AGGMISSG ON" may produce incorrect results.

Certain attribute calculations may return incorrect results. 57745
Attribute calculations may return incorrect results when a two-pass calc formula is dependent on another two-pass calc member that is not part of the query.

The MaxL command 'Alter System unload application all;' may fail to unload applications. 57721, 57865
This command works only if all applications are loaded.

Adding a shared member and its non-shared sibling inside a partition may cause the application to crash. 58253
Adding a shared member and its non-shared sibling inside a partition in the same restructure many cause the application to crash. Specifically, the application will crash if the non-shared sibling immediately follows the shared member in the outline.

Certain spreadsheet retrievals may cause DB2 OLAP Server to hang. 58317
Spreadsheet retrievals that use the EssCell function may trigger a memory leak that causes Essbase to hang.

Grid API does not pass all required parameters to DB2 OLAP Integration Server. 60144
The Grid API function EssGDTRequestDrillThrough does not pass SYSTARGET information to DB2 OLAP Integration Server for Drill-Through reports.

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Outline builds sometimes failed in DB2 OLAP Integration Server 8.1, Fix Pack 1 Outline builds sometimes failed in DB2 OLAP Integration Server 8.1, Fix Pack 1
In Fix Pack 1, outline builds sometimes failed after users added a new dimension to a model. The workaround was to build the dimension and its attribute dimensions manually prior to the member load.  (57748, 57750)

Setting the aggregation of Amount to NONE generated errors
Setting the aggregation of Amount to NONE in the Accounts dimension in an OLAP model would sometimes generate an error when a user attempted to drag Accounts:Amount to a new metaoutline based upon that model. The user would receive the error message, "AMOUNT not a measure or user-defined member."  (56487)

The Integration Console cannot reconnect to Essbase Integration Server when a non-default port was used
If you are running DB2 OLAP Server with a non-default port, and the server was either shut down or went down, the Integration Console could not reconnect to the non-default port. The user was required to connect to a default port.  (57563)

Drill-through intersection did not reflect saved changes to Accounts dimension
If Measures.Child was removed from an OLAP intersection level and the model was saved, the deleted Measures.Child would still appear in the OLAP intersection level.  (57717)

On the Oracle platform, Essbase Integration Services loaded only the first 255 characters when adding formulas manually in the console.
On the Oracle platform, if a user opened a metaoutline and set the formula to more than 255 characters and then loaded the metaoutline into Essbase, the formula was truncated after the 255th character.  (57725)

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Menu in the member selection dialog box in the Spreadsheet Add-in may be displayed in the wrong location. 17249 (19585)
In the Spreadsheet Add-in, right-clicking in the member selection dialog box under Rules sometimes displays the pop-up menu outside of the dialog box.

The online help for the Edit URL dialog box does not work. 17408 (19807)
When you select Edit URL from the Linked Object Browser dialog box and click Edit and then Help, the Spreadsheet Add-in displays an error message and the help topic fails to appear.

In the Spreadsheet Add-in, the style selected for drill-through reports is applied to all members in a dimension at the same level or below that of the member with the drill-through report. 20724
If any member of a dimension has a drill-through report available, and Integration Server Drill-Through is selected in the Essbase > Options > Style tab of the Spreadsheet Add-in, all members of that dimension at that level or below are displayed as having drill-through reports.

The Getdbstate Esscmd may fail to return the correct value for Concurrency Wait. 21276 (24720)
The Getdbstate Esscmd incorrectly returns a zero value for Concurrency Wait.

In some cases, Hybrid Analysis may round relational data using incorrect precision. 22946
DB2 OLAP Server V8.1  may round all of the data from relational sources to the same precision regardless of data type. Essbase uses the column definitions from the fact table columns to generate expressions in the select list with the correct casting. The fix for this problem is to have Essbase HA use the precision described in the relational data.

Repeated calculations that fix on sparse members might run slowly due to excessive fragmentation. 24882
If you run repeated calculations or data loads affecting the same set of data blocks, subsequent calculation or data load times may deteriorate because of excessive fragmentation. The effects of fragmentation due to repeated loads or calculations is minimal and there should be no drastic degradation in performance.

Calc script validation may fail to detect certain errors. 25734 (30211)
A calc script that fixes on one of the members to be calculated does not generate errors during validation, and running the calc script crashes the application. The validation now detects the error.

Copying a database during a data export may fail. 27608
Copying a database during a data export may fail if the original database and the database created by copying the original have the same name.

In the Spreadsheet Add-in, the Essbase > Cascade option creates a file in which the timestamp is not NLS enabled. 27656 (32684)
The cascade option creates worksheets and a file containing an index of the worksheets. The timestamp in the index file is not NLS enabled, that is, the format of the date is mm-dd-yy, instead of the format required by regional settings.

Data load via transparent partition may fail. 27759
You can load data remotely to the source database of a transparent partition by loading the data to the partitioned area of the target database. This bug may cause the remote data load to fail with the following error message "(1014004) Unable to Update Members Which Have Not Been Locked."

Calculating a database using a calc script with at least one formula may cause the application to crash. 27911
Running a calc script with at least one formula may cause the application to crash and cause DB2 OLAP Server to create an exception log.

The @ROUND function may produce different results in DB2 OLAP Server V1.1 than it does in V7.1. 27971
Calculations that use the @ROUND function may have different results.

In the Spreadsheet Add-in, retrievals that return exactly 256 columns may fail. 28121
Any retrieval or spreadsheet operation, such as a pivot or drill down, that returns exactly 256 columns may fail.

The OLAP server may crash during a database copy if the security file is very large. 28271 (33419)
Copying a database with a very large security file (73MB), may cause the OLAP server to crash.

Spreadsheet retrievals with all members in the same column may crash the application. 28342 (33499, 33113)
Certain spreadsheet retrievals that have unusual formatting, such as displaying all members in a single column, may cause the application to crash.

Parallel calculations that use the Calc TwoPass calculation command may crash the application. 28718
Running a parallel calculation that uses the Calc TwoPass command may crash the application.

Certain spreadsheet retrievals may misalign column headings and data. 28728
In spreadsheets that have Use Both Member Names and Aliases for Row Dimensions selected (in Essbase > Options > Display tab), and have row members placed between two columns, retrievals may misalign the column headings and data.

The UPDATEVARIABLE command may fail to update substitution variables. 28849
The UPDATEVARIABLE command fails to update substitution variables when the case does not match that of the original database and application. After updating substitution variables using the UPDATEVARIABLE command, the new variables are displayed in the Application Manager under Server > Substitution Variables, but a spreadsheet retrieval returns the old variables and their associated values.

Certain queries may crash the application. 29187
Retrievals of dynamic calc members with member formulas containing the @PRIOR function may cause the application to crash.

Linked Partitions may not work. 29190
Drilling down on partitioned target members may not launch the linked objects browser.

Calculations that use the CALC DIM calculation command may crash the OLAP server. 29211
Using the CALC DIM calculation command with the dimension names listed out of outline order may crash the OLAP server and generate an exception log.

Essbase error while clearing database. 29225
When INCRESTRUC TRUE is specified in the essbase.cfg file, clearing data may fail and may result in the error "Unable to free aligned memory for [datctxp->ppDatMemPage[]]in[adDatTermDatCtx]."

The results of calculations that use SET AGGMISSG ON may be incorrect. 30739
Some calculations that include the command SET AGGMISSG ON may fail to aggregate the missing values, thereby resulting in incorrect values.

A calculation fails to use the correct values for substitution variables that have been changed using EsbCreateVariable. 33115
Values for substitution variables that have been created or changed through the Visual Basic API function EsbCreateVariable() might not be evaluated correctly by subsequent calculations.

Calculating currency conversions may take longer than expected. 33869
Running the CCONV calculation command on Currency Conversion applications may take longer than expected.

The MaxL Perl Module may limit the length of query results to 128 characters. 35170
Query results from the MaxL Perl Module may be truncated if they are greater than 128 characters in length.

Cannot view connection information in the Application Manager during a dimension build. 36451
While running a dimension build, you cannot access Security > Connections from Application Manager for any application on that OLAP server.

The memory used when starting the OLAP Server increases as the setting for CALCLOCKBLOCKDEFAULT is increased. 36822
The OLAP Server uses relatively more memory at startup when the CALCLOCKBLOCKDEFAULT is higher than it does when this setting is lower.

Attribute queries containing upper-level attribute members that have implied share base members may return incorrect results. 36982
Queries from databases with upper level attribute members that have level-one base members with only one child may return incorrect results.

Memory leak when running calculations that use the @XREF function. 37090
Calculations that use the @XREF function may fail and may result in the error message "Unable to Allocate Memory"

Some calculations may be incorrect in DB2 OLAP Server V8.1 that were correct in previous versions. 37742, 40027, 40039

Data loads with one or more unknown members may hang. 43211 Data loads with one or more unknown members may hang. 43211
Loading data from a file that has at least one unknown member may cause the OLAP application to hang.

Spreadsheet retrievals that have the same member in two consecutive rows may fail. 43242
Spreadsheet retrievals that have the same member in two consecutive rows worked in earlier releases, but in V8.1 the same spreadsheet retrievals fail with the error message, "A column item [] conflicts with a row item []."

Spreadsheet retrievals that use certain styles may crash Excel. 43248
Using styles for linked objects, read only cells, or read/write cells may cause Excel to crash during spreadsheet retrievals.

Spreadsheet retrievals from transparently partitioned databases with attribute dimensions may crash the application. 43306
Retrieving from a database that has attribute dimensions and is the target in a transparent partition may crash the application.

The VB API EsbGetDatabaseState incorrectly reports that "Two Pass Calculation" is not selected even though it has been selected through the Database Administrator. 43321
The Database Administrator interface does not set the CalcTwoPass field in the ESS_DBSTATE_T structure used by the Visual Basic API function EsbGetDatabaseState(). The function incorrectly returns that "Two Pass Calculation" is not selected when "Two Pass Calculation" was set through the Database Administrator (through Database > Settings > General tab).

Data loads from files with a large number of columns may fail because of excessive memory usage. 43433
Certain free form data loads from data files that have a large number of columns may fail because of excessive memory usage. Data files created by exporting data from a database with a large number of sparse members may have a large number of columns.

Retrieving dynamic time series data using the Esscell function may fail. 43553
The Esscell function may incorrectly return zeros for dynamic time series data.

Deleting databases may not delete data that resides on spanned disk volumes. 54953
Using ESSCMD or Application Manager to delete databases may fail to delete .pag files from the spanned disk volumes.

Parallel calculations may crash the application under certain circumstances. 55126
Parallel calculations may crash the application if the calculation includes a sparse dynamic calc member that (1) consolidates into its stored parent and (2) has a formula that causes a top down calculation.

Dimension builds that change consolidation properties may also alter attribute associations. 55244
Changing consolidation properties using a dimension build rules file may alter existing attribute associations, causing the outline to become invalid.

Fix Pack 3.1 fixed the following problems in DB2 OLAP Integration Server

User-defined members cannot be added to drill-through report intersection levels In OIS V8.1, users are not able to add members from user-defined dimensions to the intersection level specifications of drill-through reports. Prior to V8.1, users were able to add user-defined members as intersection levels in drill-through reports. (27126) [32002] User-defined members cannot be added to drill-through report intersection levels

Users unable to drill down on multiple cells In OIS V8.1, users are not able to drill down simultaneously on multiple cells in Spreadsheet Add-in. Prior to V8.1, users were able to select multiple cells in Spreadsheet Add-in, then drill down, and access a report that reflected data for all items selected. (29115)

Windows service for Integration Server is disconnected when user logs off server When running OIS as a Windows service, the service stops when the user logs off the computer that is running it. (43132)

Values with comma decimal delimiters are loaded incorrectly OIS incorrectly loads values with comma decimal delimiters from SQL data sources; for example, the value 123,456 becomes 123456, instead of 123.456. (28297) [33452]

No error is displayed when duplicate member names exist across dimensions When trying to load duplicate members across dimensions, OIS produces an incorrect outline rather than displaying an error message. (28226) [33361]

Filters in date field columns in customized drill-through reports may cause error In some instances, adding a filter to a date field column in a customized drill-through report causes a syntax error. (36288)

Shared members not allowed in Accounts dimension built from fact table When performing a member load, duplicate members from the Accounts dimension are rejected. Current limitations are: one, when users drag duplicate measures into the Accounts dimension, the second occurrence of the same measure is tagged as shared in the member load; and, two, duplicate measures must have unique parents.(26479) [31187]

Metaoutline fails to open after OLAP model is modified When an OLAP model is modified after a metaoutline has been created based on that model, OIS fails to reset the model ID. When the user attempts to reopen the metaoutline, the model ID cannot be found, causing the metaoutline to not open. No error message is generated.  (27210) [32111]

Attribute dimension records rejected when "Delete all members first" option not selected If a user accesses the same database and uses the same metaoutline several times without selecting the "Delete all members first" option, at some point the application will begin rejecting attribute dimension members. (27476) [32453]

Drill-through reports do not return more than 6000 rows Drill-through reports running with V8.1 fail to return more than 6000 rows regardless of the actual number of records that should be returned.  (43463)

Excessive time required to save OLAP model and metaoutlines In some circumstances in V8.1, saving OLAP models and metaoutlines can take large amounts of time.  (42975)

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Known issues

Every effort has been made to ensure that DB2 OLAP Server products perform without problems. However, issues for the following products remain at the time of release of this Fix Pack:

DB2 OLAP Server known issues

The following are some known problems and system limitations with workarounds when appropriate. 

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DB2 OLAP Integration Server known issues

Every effort has been made to ensure that DB2 OLAP Integration Server is as free of bugs as possible. The following are some known problems and system limitations, with workarounds when appropriate. Numbers in parentheses are internal reference numbers for Hyperion Solutions.

  1. Drill-through SQL Limitation
    If the database value of a member is not unique among a group of members, then a drill-through operation on a specific member will return records for all the members rather than just the specific record that you requested. For example, if you are drilling through on "January" under the year "2003" and you also have "January" under several other years (all of them having the same database value), then your drill-through operation will return all the records which have "January" irrespective of their years.
    WORKAROUND: Use Template SQL to refine your search with specific filters.


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Copyright information

The following statements apply to all server and client components of IBM DB2 OLAP Server: The following statements apply to all server and client components of IBM DB2 OLAP Server:

Licensed Material - Program Property of IBM
(c) Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2003.  All Right Reserved.
US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
IBM, DB2, and DB2 OLAP Server are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.
Portions (c) 1991-2003 Hyperion Solutions Corporation.  All rights reserved.  Hyperion is a registered trademark and Hyperion Solutions is a trademark of Hyperion Solutions Corporation.
Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and the Windows logo are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.