
IBM DB2 OLAP Server 8.1

PTF UQ77792
Additional information


PTF Date:  July 2003

This document contains additional information about PTF UQ77792, including:

Known problems

This document describes two known problems with PTF UQ77792:
  1. Hybrid Analysis

    When a database that uses Hybrid Analysis is created, or when an existing database is modified to use Hybrid Analysis, the database will abend when the application is stopped. The following message will appear on the console:

    *** Exception occurred ***
    CEEDUMP will be created for exception

    *** A fatal error has happened ***
    *** The server is trying to shutdown the application *** CEE5207E The signal SIGABRT was received.

    The abend will not occur on subsequent instances of the same application or database if Hybrid Analysis is part of the database when you start the application.

  2. DBCS model name not shown

    OLAP model name in Shift-JIS encoded XML file will be displayed as a question mark (?) in the XML Import/Export dialog of OLAP Integration Server Desktop. The encoding is only displayed incorrectly, but will be imported without any problems. The workaround is to not change the UTF-8 encoding in the XML files.


The following restriction is known to exist in Hybrid Analysis:

The essbase.cfg setting HAMAXNUMCONNECTION, that allows a user to maintain open database connections for Hybrid Analysis queries, is unavailable after applying PTF UQ77792. If the HAMAXNUMCONNECTION setting is set in the essbase.cfg file, the setting is ignored and an error message is printed in the log file. Each Hybrid query establishes a new connection, and the connection is closed when the query is completed.

Copyright information

The following statements apply to all server and client components of IBM DB2 OLAP Server:

Licensed Material - Program Property of IBM
(c) Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2003.  All Right Reserved.
US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
IBM, DB2, and DB2 OLAP Server are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.
Portions (c) 1991-2003 Hyperion Solutions Corporation.  All rights reserved.  Hyperion is a registered trademark and Hyperion Solutions is a trademark of Hyperion Solutions Corporation.
Portions (c) Blue Sky Corporation.  All rights reserved.