IBM DB2 OLAP Server for iSeries, Version 8.1
Fix Pack 1

Release Notes 

Fix pack date:  September 2003

Welcome to Fix Pack 1 for IBM DB2 OLAP Server for iSeries, Version 8.1.  This document is your starting point for downloading and installing the fix pack.  If you are installing client products from a DB2 OLAP Server fix pack, you must install server products to the same fix pack level. For example, if you install a Fix Pack 1 client, you must also install the Fix Pack 1 server. Using older server versions with newer client versions is not recommended and is not supported.

Important: If you use STRATEGY Analyzer or Enterprise Reporting, do not install this fix pack (Fix Pack 1). STRATEGY Analyzer customers must wait for STRATEGY Analyzer 6.21 GA. It is recommended that you perform a save and restore of your current environment before upgrading to any fix pack.

Service levels

The service levels of this fix pack are:

This fix pack requires new levels of Java and other software. See Before you install for more information.

DB2 OLAP Server Miner, Version 8.1 is not updated by this fix pack.


Before you install

Ensure that you have the following software installed.  There are no changes to the OLAP client required software.

Warehouse Manager is English-only

DB2 OLAP Integration Server and Warehouse Builder (server and client) are English only. The Warehouse Manager server and client can be installed only on English computers that use English code pages. It is not recommended that you install the Warehouse Builder server and client on any other configuration.

Changes to Warehouse Manager server requirements

S36 files are no longer supported. You must use DB2 Universal Database for iSeries (DB2 UDB iSeries) for externally described files.

Changes to Builder client requirements

Changes to OLAP server requirements

If you are upgrading, you must install over version 8.1

For V5R1, you should install cumulative PTFs up to level TL3007 or later, database group PTFs SF99501-11 or later, and Java group PTFs SF99069-15 or later.

For V5R2, you should install cumulative PTFs up to level TL3021 or later, database group PTFs SF99502-06 or later, and Java group PTFs SF99169-08 or later.

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Fix pack installation

You need to install two files to completely install all of the components of this fix pack.  Please read and follow all of the instructions for each component.
Languages to choose from
Number of files you install

Server components

Choose 1 of 2:
(see instructions for details)
OLAP and Builder clients

Choose 1 of 17
(see instructions for details)


Server components

This section describes how to install the fix pack for both the STRATEGY Warehouse Manager and DB2 OLAP Server.

Getting the fix pack

This fix pack must be applied to DB2 OLAP Server for iSeries V8.1 (ShowCase STRATEGY 4.50, patch 3) or later. See the instructions below for downloading and applying the fix pack.

Prerequisites for applying the fix pack

  1. To check if the Essbase/400 portion of the fix pack has already been applied, display the Essbase Server version with the following commands. If the Essbase Server version is 6.51.001, then the fix pack has already been applied:
    ADDLIBLE <Essbase installation library>
  2. To check if the Warehouse Manager Server portion of the fix pack has already been applied, use the DSPSCAUT command to look at the RSC910C message in the job log. If the Warehouse Manager Server version is 6.50.001, then the fix pack has already been applied. Type the following:
    where <SCSERVER> is your ShowCase library.
  3. Ensure that you can use FTP between your PC and your iSeries.
  4. You will be required to sign on to your AS/400 as QSECOFR or with equivalent authority (*ALLOBJ, *IOSYSCFG, *SAVSYS, *JOBCTL, and *SECADM special authorities are needed) to apply the fix pack.
  5. Shut down the Essbase server to which this fix pack will be applied. Either use your typical method of shutting down, or use the ShowCase command, ENDESSSVR.
  6. Shut down your Warehouse Manager server. Either use your typical method of shutting down, or use the ShowCase-supplied command, ENDSCSVR.
  7. End ShowCase TCP/IP if it is active, using the following command:
    where <SCSERVER> is your ShowCase library.
  8. Ensure no one is currently using the server. You can issue the following command to detect current server users:
    where <SCSERVER> is your ShowCase library.
  9. Once both the Essbase server and the Warehouse Manager server are shutdown, sign off your iSeries session and then sign on again.

Installing the fix pack

Note: This patch will update both the OLAP server component and the Warehouse Manager server component.  Before installing the patch, read and follow the prerequisites listed above.

  1. iSeries: Start with a fresh iSeries session. Create a save file in QGPL using the following command:
  2. PC: Use FTP to transfer db2ptch.svf to the AS/400:
      C:\>FTP<iSeries IP Address>
      User (system:(none)): <userid>
      331 Enter password.

      Password: <password>
      230 <userid> logged on.
      ftp> binary
      ftp> put c:...\db2ptch.svf QGPL/UPDTSAVF
      ftp> quit

  3. Designate a temporary working library to restore the contents of this save file into. We highly suggest that you create a temporary library for this purpose. For the remainder of these instructions we will refer to this library as "<templib>."
  4. On the iSeries, restore the save file using the following command:
  5. Add templib to your library list with the following command:
              ADDLIBLE <templib>
  6. To start the full installation of both servers, issue the following command and respond to the installation prompts:
  7. During the installation, you will be prompted to schedule the ShowCase jar file. Enter a time and date for the compile. Since this will take as long as it did for the install, it is advised that this be done during off hours. Until you recompile, you will experience performance issues.
  8. The fix pack process is now complete.
  9. Restart your ShowCase Server with the command
    where <SCSERVER> is your ShowCase library.
  10. Restart your OLAP server with the following command:
               <Essbase Installation Library>/STRESSSVR
After you compile the jar files, you should end (ENDSCSVR) and restart (STRSCSVR) the ShowCase Server.

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Back to installation overview to continue installation

OLAP and Builder clients

If you are installing client products from a DB2 OLAP Server fix pack, you must install server products to the same fix pack level. For example, if you install a Fix Pack 1 client, you must also install the Fix Pack 1 server. Using older server versions with newer client versions is not recommended and is not supported.

Even if you have only one of the problems fixed in one of the fix packs, you need to perform a full fix pack installation.

Installation error when updating components or updating spreadsheet add-ins

You might receive the following error during the installation:

Error number: 0x80040702

Description: Failed to load dll: winscp

Setup will now terminate

This error does not affect the client installation. The winscp.dll is loaded by the installation program, but it is not used.

Click OK and restart your computer. 

Network installation--the OLAP server does not load when Lotus 1-2-3 is started

If the OLAP server does not load on Lotus 1-2-3 after running the network installation, you might have  old OLAP paths in the system's PATH that are causing a conflict. 

Remove the old OLAP paths from the system environment variable PATH and restart the computer. 

Before installing this fix pack, make sure that your system has enough memory.  For complete installation instructions, see the OLAP Setup and User's Guide.

Getting the fix pack

To apply this fix pack, you need to download and install one file that contains the OLAP client components.

Download the file to the Windows machine on which you have installed the clients.  If you're installing from a CD, copy the file from the CD to a temporary directory.

Installing the fix pack

  1. Expand the executable file by typing the name of the file (without the extension) from a command prompt, or by double-clicking the file.
  2. Run SETUP.EXE to launch the installation program.  Follow the installation instructions in the Installation Guide for iSeries.  Use the Custom option to install only the server or clients you want.
  3. After the files are expanded, you can delete the zip file.

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Starting DB2 OLAP Integration Server 

Use the following instructions to configure and begin using DB2 OLAP Integration Server (OIS). For complete instructions, see the Installation Guide for iSeries.

  1. Create a new job description (or modify an existing one) to include the STRATEGY Essbase installation library and any other libraries you want to use with OIS. Use the following command, where ESSBASE is the STRATEGY Essbase installation library, and DATALIB contains user data files.


OIS will have access to only the libraries specified in the INLLIBL parameter. You can add only libraries that exist on the system. Otherwise, the library list will not be replaced and may cause errors.

  1. Create a new user profile (or modify an existing one) that will use this job description during OIS startup. This user profile must have the authority required to start the server as documented in Installation Guide for iSeries. In the following command, EISADMIN is the new user profile and EISPASSWORD is the new password:


  1. Sign on to the iSeries with the new profile, and start the Essbase Integration Services Server:


  1. From a client PC, open the Essbase Integration Services console and, using the following guidelines, create the OLAP metadata catalog:

  1. After the catalog is created, you can connect to the OIS server. At the login screen, you must provide information similar to what you provided in step 4. You can also provide Essbase login information and connect to the Essbase OLAP server.

You are now ready to create your model and metaoutline.

  1. You can create a sample application to see how OIS works. You must create an iSeries profile called TBC before you can create the sample application. Then, to create the sample application, from the Tools menu, select Create Sample. Use the following guidelines:

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Starting Hybrid Analysis

Hybrid Analysis must be set up using DB2 OLAP Integration Server (OIS). 

Enabling Hybrid Analysis on the server

  1. Stop the OLAP server by using the instructions in the Installation Guide for iSeries.
  2. Add the line HAENABLE TRUE to the OLAP server essbase.cfg file. For instructions about how to modify this file, see the Administrator's Guide for OLAP on  iSeries.
  3. Restart the OLAP server to implement your changes.

Enabling Hybrid Analysis for the spreadsheet add-in

  1. In the spreadsheet, select Essbase --> Options.
  2. In the Essbase Options window, select the Zoom tab.
  3. Select Enable Hybrid Analysis. This selections enables data retrieval from the Hybrid Analysis source.
  4. Click OK to close the Essbase Options window.

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What's new in this fix pack

What's new in DB2 OLAP Server

For information on the new features in Fix Pack 1, see the following online documents.

The information in these documents supplements and in some instances changes the information in the DB2 OLAP Server 8.1 documentation originally installed.

What's new in DB2 OLAP Integration Server

The following section describes the changes is DB2 OLAP Integration Server 8.1 Fix Pack 1 (Essbase Integration Services 6.5.1).

User-defined tables

In DB2 OLAP Integration Server 8.1 Fix Pack 1, you can create your own user-defined tables. These virtual tables, which behave as a standard RDBMS view, can be used anywhere a regular RDBMS table or view is used. This feature enables you to create and edit OLAP models without altering your relational schema or modifying the Integration Services generated SQL.

You create a table in the new User-Defined Table Definition dialog box by simply entering a name for the table and entering its SQL definition. The new table is listed in the left frame of the OLAP model main window.

Drill-Through From Secondary Data Sources

With DB2 OLAP Integration Server 8.1 Fix Pack 1, you can create and run a drill-through report using both primary and secondary data sources. In previous versions of Integration Services, a system administrator could define primary and secondary data sources from which to load members and data; however, the system administrator could only create drill-through reports from the primary data source.

Fix Pack 1 enables the OIS system administrator to create a drill-through report that accesses data from the primary data source and to create other drill-through reports that access data from a secondary data source. With this feature, the spreadsheet user can drill through to data from multiple data sources that display on multiple sheets within a single workbook.

Enhanced Support for Recursive Hierarchies

DB2 OLAP Integration Server 8.1 Fix Pack 1 greatly enhances the support for recursive hierarchies by enabling you to perform the following tasks:

Save Option in User-Defined Drill-Through Report Filters

DB2 OLAP Integration Server 8.1 Fix Pack 1 gives you the option of saving your customized drill-through report filters for later use. After you select and modify a system-generated drill-through report with the Spreadsheet Add-in, you can elect to save the filter and store it in the OLAP Metadata Catalog. Later, you can pick and choose from a list of your customized report filters when performing a drill-through query using the Spreadsheet Add-in.

Replace Zeroes with #MISSING Option

DB2 OLAP Integration Server 8.1 Fix Pack 1 gives you the option of substituting zero values with the string #MISSING during data loads. This action provides several immediate benefits:

During a data load, loading zero values creates blocks in the database. In some scenarios, this can cause unneeded input blocks and hamper performance. DB2 OLAP Integration Server 8.1 Fix Pack 1 addresses these problems with a search-and-replace option to change zero values to the string #MISSING during the load process.

Protection of Changes During Disconnects

DB2 OLAP Integration Server 8.1 Fix Pack 1 prevents the loss of any changes to your OLAP model or metaoutline if you are disconnected from your data source, DB2 OLAP Integration Server, or the OLAP Metadata Catalog. This protection covers all changes that you enter while editing an OLAP model or metaoutline. Should a connection be lost, OIS lets you reconnect to the source, catalog, or server as needed.

OLAP Model Save As and Rename Commands

DB2 OLAP Integration Server 8.1 Fix Pack 1 extends the options available when you save an OLAP model. Earlier versions of Integration Services did not keep associated metaoutlines when an OLAP model was saved under a different name. Consequently, you were required to rebuild the metaoutlines for the new OLAP model.

In Fix Pack 1, the Save As command is modified and a new Rename command is provided. These commands enable you to choose among the following options when saving an OLAP model:

Automatic Migration to Release Fix Pack 1

DB2 OLAP Integration Server 8.1 Fix Pack 1, when you create or update an OLAP Metadata Catalog for the first time within a new release, a set of scripts is automatically run. These scripts enable you to migrate to the current release of Integration Services from your earlier version. Starting in Fix Pack 1, you can migrate automatically from all earlier versions.

Rapid Display of Tables

DB2 OLAP Integration Server 8.1 Fix Pack 1 displays up to 50,000 tables within the left frame of the OLAP model main window in significantly less time than was required in previous releases. Earlier versions of Integration Services read all the tables and all the columns in retrieving needed data; Fix Pack 1 reads the table names only and retrieves detailed information later when you expand the tables. This feature enables companies with very large data sources to import source tables rapidly for use in creating OLAP models.

Expanded Support of RDBMS Data Types

DB2 OLAP Integration Server 8.1 Fix Pack 1 adds several data types to its list of supported RDBMS data types on DB2 and SQL Server. For these databases, Fix Pack 1 supports the following additional data types:

Database Reset Prior to Member Loads

DB2 OLAP Integration Server 8.1 Fix Pack 1 gives you the option of resetting your OLAP database prior to a member load or a member and data load. This feature can significantly reduce the amount of time required for the load.

Earlier versions of OIS provided you with the option to “Delete all members first” before a member load or a member and data load. Deleting all members first required that the OLAP outline be opened. If the outline was large or if there were drill-through reports in the outline, a significant amount of time was needed to open it.  By enabling you to reset the OLAP database prior to the load, DB2 OLAP Integration Server 8.1 Fix Pack 1 empties the database outline, thus eliminating the necessity of opening it before the load can be started.

Cancel Button in View Sample

In DB2 OLAP Integration Server 8.1 Fix Pack 1, the View Sample operation has been modified so that you can cancel the operation at any time without exiting from Integration Services or losing any changes that you have made to an OLAP model or metaoutline. This feature prevents time-consuming system processing and server disconnects when accessing an excessive number of data rows in the relational source.

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Documentation updates

The following updates to the DB2 OLAP Server documentation are new in Fix Pack 1:

Updated administration information available

The STRATEGY Essbase 6.51 Administrator's Guide is included with this fix pack for your  reference. 

Using unattended installation (silent installation)

The instructions for silent installation are mislabeled in the Installation Guide as applying only to DB2 OLAP Server Miner.  You can use the instructions in "Installing DB2 OLAP Server Miner on Windows" to do a silent installation for DB2 OLAP Server on Windows and OLAP Miner.

If you use silent installation for both DB2 OLAP Server and for OLAP Miner, ensure that you copy the setup.iss file for OLAP Miner into a different temporary directory, or the file will overwrite the one for DB2 OLAP Server.

Configuring your spreadsheet program manually

If you have Lotus 1-2-3 or Excel installed before you install DB2 OLAP Server, the installation program for DB2 OLAP Server detects the spreadsheet program and configures it to work with OLAP applications.  But under the following circumstances, you must configure the spreadsheet program manually:

To configure the spreadsheet program manually, take these steps:

  1. Install the latest Fix Pack on your Windows computer.
  2. Restart the computer.
  3. Select Start --> IBM DB2 OLAP Server 8.1 --> Modify Component or License Information.
  4. Click Modify.
  5. Select Configure Spreadsheet Add-in.
  6. Follow the prompts.

Tip for using 'Aggregate Missing Values'

If your database allows or requires 'Aggregate Missing Values' setting set to YES, then you may want to consider using ZLIB as the compression scheme. ZLIB particularly works well on such databases compared to other compression schemes. However, changing the aggregate missing values setting may have an impact on calculation results - see the Database Administrator's Guide. Consider using ZLIB only if you have already determined that the setting should be YES for other reasons.

Tip for validating outlines that use formulas with customer-defined functions

Outlines containing formulas that use custom-defined functions (CDFs) cannot be validated on the client. Outlines containing CDFs must be validated on the server.

New configuration setting to support ragged hierarchies

A new configuration file setting, HARAGGEDHIERARCHY, enables support of null values in columns of dimension tables that are used to create dimensions for Hybrid Analysis-enabled outlines. The dimension build that these dimension tables result in the outlines are known as ragged hierarchies.

If you have null values in columns of dimension tables used to create dimensions in an Hybrid Analysis-enabled outline, use the HARAGGEDHIERARCHY setting in essbase.cfg to enable Hybrid Analysis to account for these null values during SQL generation.

 appname Optional parameter. If you supply an application name, the setting applies to all databases within the named application. If you do not supply an application name, the setting applies to all applications and databases on the server. 
 dbname Optional parameter. If you supply a database name and an application name, the setting applies only to the named database. If you do not also provide an application name, the database is ignored and the setting applies to all applications and databases on the server. 
 TRUE  Setting the value to TRUE enables Hybrid Analysis to account for null values during SQL generation. Note that this setting may have impact on performance because SQL generation is not optimized well on most relational databases. 
 FALSE  Setting the value to FALSE prevents Hybrid Analysis from recognizing the null values or gaps in the ragged hierarchy. This option does not affect performance. The default is FALSE. 


Correction to Hybrid Analysis Configuration File Settings

The following Hybrid Analysis configuration file settings are missing the application and database parameter in the documentation. Specifying the application and database is optional and lets you apply the configuration setting at the application, database, or global level. The correct syntax is given below:

HAENABLE [appname [dbname]] TRUE | FALSE

HAMAXNUMCONNECTION [appname [dbname]] n

HAMAXNUMSQLQUERY [appname [dbname]] n

HAMAXQUERYROWS [appname [dbname]] n

HAMAXQUERYTIME [appname [dbname]] n

HARETRIEVENUMROW [appname [dbname]] n

Quicklogin No Longer Required to Start Parallel Login Processing

To enable parallel login processing when you start DB2 OLAP Server, you no longer need to specify essbase password -quicklogin or set the QUICKLOGIN command in the Essbase configuration file. DB2 OLAP Server automatically starts up with parallel login. (55520)

Incremental Restructuring Turned Off When Adding Shared Members

Adding shared members to an outline automatically turns off incremental restructuring. (55467)(55470)

Correction for EsbGetDatabaseInfo Example

The example for the EsbGetDatabaseInfo Visual Basic API documentation contains errors.

The following sample code is incorrect:

        If sts = 0 Then 
           For n = 1 To Items
           sts = EsbGetNextItem(hCtx, ESB_REQINFO_TYPE, Items)
        End If
The correct code is:
        If sts = 0 Then 
           For n = 1 To Items
           sts = EsbGetNextItem(hCtx, ESB_DBREQINFO_TYPE, DbReqInfo)
        End If

Correction to Hybrid Analysis Guidelines

The following information updates the documentation in Appendix D of the Database Administrator's Guide:

Hybrid Analysis has some guidelines with which you should be familiar:

Correction to ESTIMATEFULLDBSIZE Documentation

The following text corrects the ESTIMATEFULLDBSIZE ESSCMD documentation in the online Technical Reference.


The ESTIMATEFULLDBSIZE command provides an estimate of the number of blocks a database will create after full calculation (CALC ALL), based on the number of blocks that exist before calculation. You can use this estimate to help you plan disk space requirements.

Outlines that contain sparse formulas of any type or topdown formulas are not supported. Results of the estimation on such databases may be invalid.



You can select an application and database, then issue this command. DB2 OLAP Server returns the number of blocks the database creates. The database can have all data loaded, or it can have a random sampling of data loaded.


Assume that you have fully loaded Sample Basic. Use this command before calculation to predict the number of blocks that the calculation would create if it were executed. This example shows the command and the output that results:
Estimated count of blocks after full calculation = 335
Time elapsed to calculate this estimation = 0.02 seconds


Range List Requirement Removed

Functions that take a range list as a parameter no longer require that the list contain only members from the same dimension. (39993)

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Problems fixed

Fix Pack 1 fixes the following problems in DB2 OLAP Server and DB2 OLAP Integration Server:

Builder server problems fixed

This corrects the following problems in the Builder server:

DB2 OLAP Server problems fixed

12301 Unable to Initialize HA for DBCS
12322 CALC DEFAULT does not work from EIS in certain DBCS NLV
12350 EIS Data load returns 1 record rejected error in DBCS
12312 During Essbase/400 install EIS member is not always added
12262 The Essbase server fails to start with OS400DAYSLOGRETAIN after upgrading to 6.5.
12401 LRO function EssSmListLinkObjects() needs to support -1 as valid date range
12297 Replace brackets (left and right brackets) in server log files
12484 ENDESSSVR errors when taking defaults
12385 C2M1212(server crash) when a user has more than 4 supplemental groups and is added with integrated security
12576 (1030213) ERROR: Cannot create local file
11788 Password to short, must be at least 1536 characters after upgradeing Essbase to 6.5
12036 Query Logging file is not created after Query Logging is specified in database config file and app is restarted
12180 Dynamic Calc Report tests fail with Network Error after attempting to run report
11610 Syntax error loading filters
11501 Port Hyperion Essbase Olap Server 6.5.1
11748 Runcalc error in Accxcalc calculator test
12817 Install of 6.5.0 fails with existance of ESSSQL and ESSRSVR files
13888 Essbase hangs with incorrect length of AS/400 password
13449 Retrieving cell note returns blank.
13875 NPE when attempting to open a view.
13711 Unable to expand sample TBC tables within HIS console. OIS library list problem.
13877 Client or server timed out waiting to received data using TCP/IP.

Menu in the member selection dialog box in the Spreadsheet Add-in may be displayed in the wrong location. 17249 (19585)
In the Spreadsheet Add-in, right-clicking in the member selection dialog box under Rules sometimes displays the pop-up menu outside of the dialog box.

The online help for the Edit URL dialog box does not work. 17408 (19807)
When you select Edit URL from the Linked Object Browser dialog box and click Edit and then Help, the Spreadsheet Add-in displays an error message and the help topic fails to appear.

In the Spreadsheet Add-in, the style selected for drill-through reports is applied to all members in a dimension at the same level or below that of the member with the drill-through report. 20724
If any member of a dimension has a drill-through report available, and Integration Server Drill-Through is selected in the Essbase > Options > Style tab of the Spreadsheet Add-in, all members of that dimension at that level or below are displayed as having drill-through reports.

The Getdbstate Esscmd may fail to return the correct value for Concurrency Wait. 21276 (24720)
The Getdbstate Esscmd incorrectly returns a zero value for Concurrency Wait.

In some cases, Hybrid Analysis may round relational data using incorrect precision. 22946
DB2 OLAP Server V8.1  may round all of the data from relational sources to the same precision regardless of data type. In FixPak 1, Essbase uses the column definitions from the fact table columns to generate expressions in the select list with the correct casting. The fix for this problem is to have Essbase HA use the precision described in the relational data.

Repeated calculations that fix on sparse members might run slowly due to excessive fragmentation. 24882
If you run repeated calculations or data loads affecting the same set of data blocks, subsequent calculation or data load times may deteriorate because of excessive fragmentation. In FixPak 1, the effects of fragmentation due to repeated loads or calculations is minimal and there should be no drastic degradation in performance.

Calc script validation may fail to detect certain errors. 25734 (30211)
A calc script that fixes on one of the members to be calculated does not generate errors during validation, and running the calc script crashes the application. The validation now detects the error.

Copying a database during a data export may fail. 27608
Copying a database during a data export may fail if the original database and the database created by copying the original have the same name.

In the Spreadsheet Add-in, the Essbase > Cascade option creates a file in which the timestamp is not NLS enabled. 27656 (32684)
The cascade option creates worksheets and a file containing an index of the worksheets. The timestamp in the index file is not NLS enabled, that is, the format of the date is mm-dd-yy, instead of the format required by regional settings.

Data load via transparent partition may fail. 27759
You can load data remotely to the source database of a transparent partition by loading the data to the partitioned area of the target database. This bug may cause the remote data load to fail with the following error message "(1014004) Unable to Update Members Which Have Not Been Locked."

Calculating a database using a calc script with at least one formula may cause the application to crash. 27911
Running a calc script with at least one formula may cause the application to crash and cause DB2 OLAP Server to create an exception log.

The @ROUND function may produce different results in DB2 OLAP Server V1.1 than it does in V7.1. 27971
Calculations that use the @ROUND function may have different results.

In the Spreadsheet Add-in, retrievals that return exactly 256 columns may fail. 28121
Any retrieval or spreadsheet operation, such as a pivot or drill down, that returns exactly 256 columns may fail.

The OLAP server may crash during a database copy if the security file is very large. 28271 (33419)
Copying a database with a very large security file (73MB), may cause the OLAP server to crash.

Spreadsheet retrievals with all members in the same column may crash the application. 28342 (33499, 33113)
Certain spreadsheet retrievals that have unusual formatting, such as displaying all members in a single column, may cause the application to crash.

LDAP Authentication does not work using Active Directory. 28417
An externally authenticated DB2 OLAP Server user cannot log in using LDAP parameters when the external LDAP repository is Microsoft Active Directory on Windows 2000.

Parallel calculations that use the Calc TwoPass calculation command may crash the application. 28718
Running a parallel calculation that uses the Calc TwoPass command may crash the application.

Certain spreadsheet retrievals may misalign column headings and data. 28728
In spreadsheets that have Use Both Member Names and Aliases for Row Dimensions selected (in Essbase > Options > Display tab), and have row members placed between two columns, retrievals may misalign the column headings and data.

The UPDATEVARIABLE command may fail to update substitution variables. 28849
The UPDATEVARIABLE command fails to update substitution variables when the case does not match that of the original database and application. After updating substitution variables using the UPDATEVARIABLE command, the new variables are displayed in the Application Manager under Server > Substitution Variables, but a spreadsheet retrieval returns the old variables and their associated values.

The OLAP server may crash when connecting to Analyzer. 29039
When running on the Solaris 8 platform, the OLAP server may crash when connecting to an application via DB2 OLAP Server Analyzer 7.1 (Hyperion Analyzer 5.0.3).

Certain queries may crash the application. 29187
Retrievals of dynamic calc members with member formulas containing the @PRIOR function may cause the application to crash.

Linked Partitions may not work. 29190
Drilling down on partitioned target members may not launch the linked objects browser.

Calculations that use the CALC DIM calculation command may crash the OLAP server. 29211
Using the CALC DIM calculation command with the dimension names listed out of outline order may crash the OLAP server and generate an exception log.

Essbase error while clearing database. 29225
When INCRESTRUC TRUE is specified in the essbase.cfg file, clearing data may fail and may result in the error "Unable to free aligned memory for [datctxp->ppDatMemPage[]]in[adDatTermDatCtx]."

The results of calculations that use SET AGGMISSG ON may be incorrect. 30739
Some calculations that include the command SET AGGMISSG ON may fail to aggregate the missing values, thereby resulting in incorrect values.

A calculation fails to use the correct values for substitution variables that have been changed using EsbCreateVariable. 33115
Values for substitution variables that have been created or changed through the Visual Basic API function EsbCreateVariable() might not be evaluated correctly by subsequent calculations.

Calculating currency conversions may take longer than expected. 33869
Running the CCONV calculation command on Currency Conversion applications may take longer than expected.

The MaxL Perl Module may limit the length of query results to 128 characters. 35170
Query results from the MaxL Perl Module may be truncated if they are greater than 128 characters in length.

Cannot view connection information in the Application Manager during a dimension build. 36451
While running a dimension build, you cannot access Security > Connections from Application Manager for any application on that OLAP server.

The memory used when starting the OLAP Server increases as the setting for CALCLOCKBLOCKDEFAULT is increased. 36822
The OLAP Server uses relatively more memory at startup when the CALCLOCKBLOCKDEFAULT is higher than it does when this setting is lower.

Attribute queries containing upper-level attribute members that have implied share base members may return incorrect results. 36982
Queries from databases with upper level attribute members that have level-one base members with only one child may return incorrect results.

Memory leak when running calculations that use the @XREF function. 37090
Calculations that use the @XREF function may fail and may result in the error message "Unable to Allocate Memory"

Some calculations may be incorrect in DB2 OLAP Server V8.1 that were correct in previous versions. 37742, 40027, 40039

Data loads with one or more unknown members may hang. 43211
Loading data from a file that has at least one unknown member may cause the OLAP application to hang.

Spreadsheet retrievals that have the same member in two consecutive rows may fail. 43242
Spreadsheet retrievals that have the same member in two consecutive rows worked in earlier releases, but in V8.1 the same spreadsheet retrievals fail with the error message, "A column item [] conflicts with a row item []."

Spreadsheet retrievals that use certain styles may crash Excel. 43248
Using styles for linked objects, read only cells, or read/write cells may cause Excel to crash during spreadsheet retrievals.

Spreadsheet retrievals from transparently partitioned databases with attribute dimensions may crash the application. 43306
Retrieving from a database that has attribute dimensions and is the target in a transparent partition may crash the application.

The VB API EsbGetDatabaseState incorrectly reports that "Two Pass Calculation" is not selected even though it has been selected through the Database Administrator. 43321
The Database Administrator interface does not set the CalcTwoPass field in the ESS_DBSTATE_T structure used by the Visual Basic API function EsbGetDatabaseState(). The function incorrectly returns that "Two Pass Calculation" is not selected when "Two Pass Calculation" was set through the Database Administrator (through Database > Settings > General tab).

Data loads from files with a large number of columns may fail because of excessive memory usage. 43433
Certain free form data loads from data files that have a large number of columns may fail because of excessive memory usage. Data files created by exporting data from a database with a large number of sparse members may have a large number of columns.

The SQL Drill Through Add-in (DB2 OLAP Server V.1. FixPak 14) may fail to work with the V8.1 DB2 OLAP Server and Spreadsheet Add-in. 43499
After installing the V8.1 level of the OLAP server and Spreadsheet Add-in, and the V1.1 FixPak 14 SQL Drill Through Add-in, SQL Drill Through fails to appear in Essbase pull down menu of the Spreadsheet Add-in.

Retrieving dynamic time series data using the Esscell function may fail. 43553
The Esscell function may incorrectly return zeros for dynamic time series data.

Deleting databases may not delete data that resides on spanned disk volumes. 54953
Using ESSCMD or Application Manager to delete databases may fail to delete .pag files from the spanned disk volumes.

Parallel calculations may crash the application under certain circumstances. 55126
Parallel calculations may crash the application if the calculation includes a sparse dynamic calc member that (1) consolidates into its stored parent and (2) has a formula that causes a top down calculation.

Spreadsheet retrievals may be slower in DB2 OLAP Server V7.1 FixPak 8 and later, and in V8.1, than in V7.1 FixPak 7 or earlier. 55512
Certain spreadsheet retrievals may take longer.

Dimension builds that change consolidation properties may also alter attribute associations. 55244
Changing consolidation properties using a dimension build rules file may alter existing attribute associations, causing the outline to become invalid.

DB2 OLAP Integration Server problems fixed

The following customer reported problems are fixed in DB2 OLAP Integration Server V8.1, FixPak 1. Numbers in parentheses are current internal reference numbers for Hyperion Solutions; numbers in brackets indicate previous Hyperion tracking numbers.

User-defined members cannot be added to drill-through report intersection levels 

In OIS V8.1, users are not able to add members from user-defined dimensions to the intersection level specifications of drill-through reports. Prior to V8.1, users were able to add user-defined members as intersection levels in drill-through reports.
(27126) [32002]

Users unable to drill down on multiple cells

In OIS V8.1, users are not able to drill down simultaneously on multiple cells in Spreadsheet Add-in. Prior to V8.1, users were able to select multiple cells in Spreadsheet Add-in, then drill down, and access a report that reflected data for all items selected.

Windows service for Integration Server is disconnected when user logs off server When running OIS as a Windows service, the service stops when the user logs off the computer that is running it.

Values with comma decimal delimiters are loaded incorrectly
OIS incorrectly loads values with comma decimal delimiters from SQL data sources; for example, the value 123,456 becomes 123456, instead of 123.456.
(28297) [33452]

No error is displayed when duplicate member names exist across dimensions 

When trying to load duplicate members across dimensions, OIS produces an incorrect outline rather than displaying an error message.
(28226) [33361]

Filters in date field columns in customized drill-through reports may cause error

In some instances, adding a filter to a date field column in a customized drill-through report causes a syntax error.

Shared members not allowed in Accounts dimension built from fact table

When performing a member load, duplicate members from the Accounts dimension are rejected. Current limitations are: one, when users drag duplicate measures into the Accounts dimension, the second occurrence of the same measure is tagged as shared in the member load; and, two, duplicate measures must have unique parents.
(26479) [31187]

Metaoutline fails to open after OLAP model is modified

When an OLAP model is modified after a metaoutline has been created based on that model, OIS fails to reset the model ID. When the user attempts to reopen the metaoutline, the model ID cannot be found, causing the metaoutline to not open. No error message is generated.
(27210) [32111]

Attribute dimension records rejected when "Delete all members first" option not selected

If a user accesses the same database and uses the same metaoutline several times without selecting the "Delete all members first" option, at some point the application will begin rejecting attribute dimension members.
(27476) [32453]

Drill-through reports do not return more than 6000 rows

Drill-through reports running with V8.1 fail to return more than 6000 rows regardless of the actual number of records that should be returned.

Excessive time required to save OLAP model and metaoutlines

In some circumstances in V8.1, saving OLAP models and metaoutlines can take large amounts of time.

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Known issues

Every effort has been made to ensure that DB2 OLAP Server products perform without problems. However, these issues remain at the time of release of Fix Pack 1.

Installation error when updating components or updating spreadsheet add-ins

You might receive the following error during a installation update:

Error number: 0x80040702

Description: Failed to load dll: winscp

Setup will now terminate

This error does not affect the client installation. The winscp.dll is loaded by the installation program, but it is not used.

Click OK and restart your computer. 

Network installation--the OLAP server does not load when Lotus 1-2-3 is started

If the OLAP server does not load on Lotus 1-2-3 after running the network installation, you might have  old OLAP paths in the system's PATH that are causing a conflict. 

Remove the old OLAP paths from the system environment variable PATH and restart the computer. 

Incorrect level for sample database on an installation window

If you install the Warehouse Manager server component of DB2 OLAP Server for iSeries, Version 8.1 (Essbase 6.51) and install the sample database, and then you try to install it again, an installation window will appear asking if you want to install the SCSAMPLE45 sample database. The text in the window is incorrect. Although the windows says SCSAMPLE45, the actual sample database is SCSAMPLE65.  The installation program will not install the older version of the sample database whether you answer Yes or No to the prompt.

Hybrid Analysis Known Issues

When working with a Hybrid Analysis-enabled outline with formulas attached to one or more members in the Accounts dimension that have parent members that are not marked as Label Only, you must explicitly propagate these formulas up the Accounts dimension hierarchy in order for queries involving relational members to reflect calculations using the formulas. Otherwise, DB2 OLAP Server uses the hierarchical relationships between members to determine the values for the relational cells. For example, in the sample Hybrid Analysis application shipped with the product, Ratios is a member in the Accounts with two children, Margin and Profit, containing formulas. If Ratios is not marked as Label Only and Ratios is intended to be the sum of Margin and Profit values, you must edit the outline to add the formula Ratios = Margin%Sales + Profit%Sales. This limitation will be addressed in a future release. (23411)

MaxL Known Issues

V8.1 of the MaxL Perl Module ( works with V8.1 of the DB2 OLAP Server. It is not compatible with previous releases of DB2 OLAP Server.

Although the limit for stored Essbase calculations is 64 KB, calculation scripts created in MaxL that have multi-byte characters cannot exceed 40 KB.

Database notes created using MaxL appear stripped of newline-character formatting when viewed in the Spreadsheet Add-in.

Memory and System Information on Microsoft

Because of a Microsoft system limitation, if you are running DB2 OLAP Server on a Microsoft platform with more than 4 GB memory, the information about memory and disk swapping in the System Information tab of the Server Information dialog box may be incorrect.


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Problems not fixed

IBM6154 On Windows, if you are logged on with a user ID that does not have administrator privileges, and you try to run the Modify License utility, an error occurs. Ask your server administrator to run the utility for you.  Additionally, if you run the Spreadsheet Add-in with a user ID that does not have administrator privileges, you might see a message such as, "Error loading USE or USELSX module lsx123.dll".  To prevent this message from occurring, manually remove the Spreadsheet Add-in from the spreadsheet program for this user ID, using the spreadsheet interface.  
IBM6193 On Windows 98, if you run silent install, you might encounter this error:  "Sharing Violation Reading drive C... Abort, Retry, Fail."  If you type Fail, the installation completes successfully.  
16412 In Excel, in Query Designer, the server location radio button may not be active in the "Hyperion Essbase Query Designer Save As Query" window when you try to save a query. This occurs because a selected cell is in Edit mode. If you are typing in a cell, Essbase menu items do not function, although they appear enabled, until you get out of Edit mode.
17023 If a member name contains the ampersand (&), even if it is surrounded with quotation marks, and if the member name is in a calculation script, the script may fail validation if the user has Application Designer permission. DB2 OLAP Server incorrectly interprets the ampersand as the signal for a substitution variable. If you run the script without validation, it performs the calculation correctly. Users with supervisor privilege do not receive this validation error.
17253 DB2 OLAP Server does not support discontinuous selection in Lotus, although it does in Excel.
17267 At the end of a calculation started in Lotus, a dialog box appears with a message that the calculation is complete. Clicking on the dialog box does not close it. Press Esc/Cancel from the keyboard to close the dialog box.
17927 DB2 OLAP Server does not warn you if you request that export results be written to a file that already exists. Essbase overwrites the existing file.
17957 If you create a dimension build rule that uses "Create Using Text" on the last column, and if the last true field in the input file is an "Alias" column that has some blank records, the text generated by the "Create Using Text" feature will not be placed into the last column, but will be placed in any record where the "Alias" column is blank. The rule, which passes validation, will fail during the build. To correct, delimit the blank fields.
18015 Leaving the Spreadsheet Add-in idle for long periods of time may cause extra "Please Log In" messages, because the user may have been logged out due to inactivity. Click OK until the message stops appearing.
18041 DB2 OLAP Server may not be able to open a file if the directory location contains a space. This is true for all files such as load files, rules files, calculation scripts, etc. Consider moving the file so that there are no spaces in the directory path.
18046 When logged in with database designer privilege, the entire list of users is displayed in Security > Database, even though only the list of users that the database designer has privileges to modify should appear. Attempts to modify users for whom database designer should not have privileges will not be successful.
18342 If you use Set Member Filter in EQD, any MBCS values may display as broken characters. Type the values into Notepad, and then copy and paste them over the broken characters.
19288 Using Dynamic Time Series (DTS) members on a partitioned database may cause a server crash if these conditions are true: 
  1. The outline has DTS members defined in the Time dimension and 
  2. The partition definition doesn't mention the Time dimension, indicating it should include all members. 
Then you should mention the Time dimension explicitly, for example, @Idesc("Time-dimension-name").
19522 When compiling client API programs on NT, with MS VC ++ version 6.0 and higher, you may experience API program crashes if you have used a constant string assignment to a CHAR pointer, such as:
          char * name = "myname";
Workaround: Do not use a constant string assignment to a CHAR pointer, or use only ESSBASE data types.
19632 Valid calculation scripts with a FIX command and nested parentheses within the FIX command may not validate in the Calc Script Editor of the Application Manager and may report spurious errors. The same script will run without problems on the server.  
20203, 30329 If you start DB2 OLAP Server as a service on NT, you can ignore this message, it is informational only:

The description for Event ID ( 0 ) in Source ( EssbaseService ) cannot be found. It contains the following insertion string(s): EssbaseService error: 0, Starting Essbase Service....

20775 If you use the Query Designer to change members in a spreadsheet, then select a dimension and choose Essbase > Cascade, and then in the Destination Options tab, select the option "One Workbook, Separate Sheets," you may receive the Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library error:

Runtime Error! C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\Excel.exe....abnormal program termination! error. 

22233, 23800, 23344 Running too many concurrent reports may overwhelm product or operating system resources, especially against partitioned databases. If this occurs, reduce the number of such reports running concurrently.  
22999 If, during outline revision, you delete a member with a particular alias name, and then create a new member with the same alias name, the alias will fail to register and DB2 OLAP Server creates the new member without an alias.

Workaround: Either delete the alias from the Outline Editor and save, or use a different alias name when revising.

23086 Due to a Microsoft bug, you may not be able to display the Spreadsheet Add-in in IE 5.0 if you are running on operating system NT4.0. If you try to open an .xls file from IE 5.0 on NT4.0, the spreadsheet may open in a separate window.  
23374 The application log, when displayed via Application Manager, may incorrectly fail to show some log entries for the current day because it evaluates the time using GMT. To view missing log entries, select "All Dates."
23974 Trying to associate an attribute with an implied shared member causes the association to be ignored, and Essbase writes a message to the application log. An implied shared member is a member with only one child.
24044 For EssOtlQueryMembers on UNIX, the currency conversion type returned is incorrect. 

Workaround: Use EssOtlFindMember instead.

24350 When the installation program for SQL Interface asks you to specify a driver, if you specify Merant, you won't be able to use DB2 Native drivers, and if you specify DB2 Native drivers, you won't be able to use Merant drivers.  
24351 Some characters, such as those using umlaut or accent marks, cannot be typed in ESSCMD interactive mode.
25659 If you use a partition definition where one or more member functions in the definition resolve to an empty set, then DB2 OLAP Server may write more than one message in the application log when you validate the partition. Each message has the same information about a member function resolving to an empty set. All but the first message in the sequence can be ignored.
26028 If you enable parallel calculation (CALCPARALLEL or SET CALCPARALLEL greater than the default 0) on a database that is part of a transparent partition, increase the value of SERVERTHREADS for each source database that is part of the transparent partition, using these rules: 
  • If each source database is part of a different application on a different machine, increase SERVERTHREADS in the configuration file essbase.cfg on each machine. Increase the value by the same number you use in CALCPARALLEL.
  • If all source databases are part of the same application on the same machine, increase the value of SERVERTHREADS using this formula:
(number of source databases) * (value of CALCPARALLEL)
27139 If you use Hybrid Analysis with source data in Oracle, in either of these situations, you must use Oracle version 8.1.7 or higher: 
  • From Spreadsheet Add-in, you perform a Zoom with the All Levels option selected on a dimension that is Hybrid-Analysis enabled, and that zoom creates more than one rollup.
  • In a report script, you use a Hybrid-Analysis enabled dimension in a ROW report command and use the report command DESCENDANTS on that dimension, creating more than one rollup. For example: 
    <ROW (Market) [HA-enabled dimension]
    <DESCENDANTS (Market) 
27171 If you use direct I/O, and have set DLTHREADSWRITE to a value of 16 or greater, Essbase may crash during a parallel data load. If you encounter this error, reduce the number of block write threads by lowering the value of DLTHREADSWRITE to 15 or less, then restarting Essbase.
29248 When running DB2 OLAP Server V7.1 Fix Pack 5 or V8.1 on Windows 2000 or Windows NT systems, using the EsbSetActive Visual Basic API in code samples in Microsoft Access 2000 may crash Microsoft Access.
31691 You must save a rules file and the data file it uses to the same ARBORPATH/App/database_name directory as the database whose outline you are working with.
33810 On AIX, due to limitations of the operating system, the information displayed in the System Info tab and License Info tab (or equivalent if retrieved outside Application Manager) may be unavailable.
43247 Visual Basic API does not support at this time.
43406 In DB2 OLAP Server V8.1, Application Manager is unable to modify an outline or load data if the text file is located in a different application database directory on the same server. 
55620 Adding both shared and non-shared members to a parent in the outline of a partitioned database may cause the application to crash and may cause an access violation error. 

Workaround: Change the order in which the shared and non-shared children are listed in the outline under the parent. The non-shared children should be listed first and the shared children should be listed at the end of the outline.

55837 After importing a large number of LROs (for example, over 100 LROs) using MaxL or Administration Services, restructuring the outline may cause the database to crash. 

Workaround: Increase the index cache size from the default value of 10240 KB using the alter database MaxL statement, the Index Cache setting in the Database Properties window (Caches tab) in Administration Services, or the Index Cache setting in the Database Settings dialog box (Storage tab) in Application Manager. 

55926 Before using the MaxL alter database statement to get invalid block header information for a given database, be sure that the server is not performing other operations, such as calculations or dataloads; otherwise, an exception error may occur. Before running the MaxL statement to get invalid block header information, the database administrator must forcibly log off all users and disable all logins to ensure that no other users or processes are using the server. 

The complete MaxL statement to get invalid block header information is alter database DBS-NAME validate data to local logfile 'FILE-NAME';.

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