IBM DB2 OLAP Server for iSeries 8.1
Fix pack 1

Updated preview - now includes OLAP server fixes

Release Notes -- Start Here

May, 2003

In December 2002, IBM introduced a preview edition of Fix pack 1 for DB2 OLAP Server for iSeries 8.1.  It contained fixes only for the Builder (Warehouse Manager) server component.

This update adds fixes only for the OLAP server, but it does not include any fixes from Hyperion Essbase 6.5.1 (Patch 1).  This update includes all the fixes from the December 2002 preview edition, but it  does not contain any additional Builder server fixes or client fixes.  Client fixes will be delivered in the final edition of Fix pack 1.  The Version 8.1 GA-level clients will continue to work after you install this Fix pack. 

This document is your starting point for downloading and installing this upgrade.  

Service Level:


Before you install

New levels of required server software:

This Fix pack requires the following PTFs:

For OS/400 V5R1:
For OS/400 V5R2:

Size of downloadable files:

The self-extracting EXE files in this Fix pack 1 might inflate to 100 MB or more.  Make sure you have enough disk space on your system.

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 Installing the Fix pack



Files to download:
1. OLAP server
1. Update the Service level.

Then install one of the following versions of the OLAP server:
2a. U.S. English
2b. Uppercase English

2. Warehouse Manager server

Install one of the following versions of the Warehouse Manager server: 
1a. U.S. English
1b. Uppercase English


OLAP server

First, you must update the service level number of the OLAP Server.  Then you can install either the U.S. English version or the uppercase English version of the OLAP server.

1.  Update the service level

This Fix pack changes the service level number of the OLAP server from 4.50.032 to 6.50.010.

Update the service number with the CHGOLAPVER command:

This program will need to be run by OLAP administrators over the GA version to change the code level from 4.50.032 to 6.50.010.

  1. Create a save file called CHGOLAPVER: CRTSAVF savf_lib/CHGOLAPVER where savf_lib is the location of the save file.
  2. Download the CHGOLAPVER.BIN file and use FTP to send it to the iSeries computer into the save file created above.
  4. Call the program: CALL PGM(QTEMP/CHGOLAPVER) PARM(<OLAP_library>) where OLAP_library is your OLAP Server library.

2a.  Install the U.S. English OLAP server

Apply this Fix pack only to DB2 OLAP Server for iSeries V8.1 (ShowCase Essbase/400 6.5) in U.S. English. 

Downloading the Patch:
  1. Download the patch (EwG010US.EXE - 20.5 MB), saving the file in any convenient directory on your PC.
  2. In Windows Explorer, double-click EwG010US.EXE. When the dialog box appears, click Extract - you will be prompted to save the file in a new directory. Click Yes. The EwG010US.BIN file will be saved.
Prerequisites for Applying the Patch:
  1. Verify that the installed version of DB2 OLAP Sever for iSeries is Version 8.1 (ShowCase STRATEGY Essbase/400 6.5). Type the following to display the ESSSVR version:
  2. < OLAP Installation Library>/DSPESSENV

  3. To find out if this patch has already been applied, check if the ShowCase PTF user space exists.
  4. DSPOBJD <Essbase installation library>/EwG010UU *USRSPC

    If the following message appears, the patch has not been applied.

    CPF9801 - Object EwG010UU in library <OLAP installation library> not found.

  5. Ensure that you can use FTP between your PC and your iSeries computer.
  6. You must have QSECOFR authority or equivalent authority to log on to your iSeries and apply the Fix pack.
  7. Shut down the OLAP server before applying the Fix pack.  Either use your typical method of shutting down, or use the ENDESSSVR command.
  8. After the OLAP server is shutdown, log off your iSeries session and then log on again.
Installing the Fix pack:
  1. On the iSeries computer, create a save file in QGPL: CRTSAVF QGPL/EwG010US
  2. On the PC: Use FTP to transfer the EwG010US.BIN to the iSeries:
    C:\>FTP<AS/400 IP Address>
    User (system:(none)): <userid>
    331 Enter password.

    Password: <password>
    230 <userid> logged on.
    ftp> binary
    ftp> put c:...\EwG010US.BIN QGPL/EwG010US
    ftp> quit

  3. On the iSeries computer, apply the patch as follows. When prompted, enter the name of the OLAP installation library.
    <OLAP installation library>/APYSCPTF DEV(*SAVF) SAVF(QGPL/EwG010US)
  4. On the iSeries computer, a journal is created during the apply process. The journal contains information about the apply process and the last entry in the journal contains the PTF level. There should not be any journal entries of type ER or CE. The last ID entry will indicate the latest PTF level that was applied. DSPJRN JRN(<OLAP installation library>/ SCPTFLOG)
  5. The Fix pack process is now complete.
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2b. Install the uppercase English OLAP server

Apply this Fix pack only to DB2 OLAP Server for iSeries V8.1 (ShowCase Essbase/400 6.5) in uppercase English.

Downloading the Patch:
  1. Download the patch (EwG010PS.EXE - 20.5 MB), saving the file in any convenient directory on your PC.
  2. In Windows Explorer, double-click EwG010PS.EXE. When the dialog box appears, click Extract - you will be prompted to save the file in a new directory. Click Yes. EwG010PS.BIN will be saved.
Prerequisites for Applying the Patch:
  1. Verify that the installed version of DB2 OLAP Sever for iSeries is Version 8.1 (ShowCase STRATEGY Essbase/400 6.5). Type the following to display the ESSSVR version:
  2. < OLAP Installation Library>/DSPESSENV

  3. To find out if this Fix pack has already been applied, check if the ShowCase PTF user space exists.
  4. DSPOBJD <OLAP installation library>/EwG010PU *USRSPC

  5. If the following message appears, the Fix pack has not been applied.
  6. CPF9801 - Object EwG010PU in library <OLAP installation library> not found.

  7. Ensure that you can use FTP between your PC and your iSeries.
  8. You must have QSECOFR authority or equivalent authority to log on to your iSeries and apply the Fix pack.
  9. Shut down the OLAP server before applying the Fix pack.  Either use your typical method of shutting down, or use the ENDESSSVR command.
  10. After the OLAP server is shutdown, log off your iSeries session and then log on again.
Installing the Patch:
  1. On the iSeries computer, create a save file in QGPL CRTSAVF QGPL/EwG010PS
  2. On the PC, use FTP to transfer EwG010PS.BIN to the iSeries computer:
    C:\>FTP<AS/400 IP Address>
    User (system:(none)): <userid>
    331 Enter password.

    Password: <password>
    230 <userid> logged on.
    ftp> binary
    ftp> put c:...\EwG010PS.BIN QGPL/EwG010PS
    ftp> quit

  3. On the iSeries computer, apply the patch as follows. When prompted, enter the name of the OLAP installation library. <OLAP installation library>/APYSCPTF DEV(*SAVF) SAVF(QGPL/EwG010PS)
  4. On the iSeries computer, a journal will be created during the apply process. The journal contains information about the apply process and the last entry in the journal contains the PTF level. There should not be any journal entries of type ER or CE. The last ID entry will indicate the latest PTF level that was applied. DSPJRN JRN(<OLAP installation library>/SCPTFLOG)
  5. The patch process is now complete.

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Warehouse Manager server

Install either the U.S. English or Uppercase English server for Warehouse Manager.

1a. Install the U.S. English server for Warehouse Manager

This section describes how to install the U.S. English Fix pack for the Warehouse Manager servers.
Getting the Fix pack:
  1. Download the Fix pack (wuf050us.exe) and save it to a temporary directory on your PC. (If you're installing from a CD, copy the wuf050us.exe file from the CD to a temporary directory.)
  2. In Windows Explorer, double-click wuf050us.exe. This will launch a MS DOS prompt, which will create and inflate the wuf050us.bin file.
Prerequisites for applying the Fix pack:
  1. Verify that the version of Warehouse Manager server component installed is V8.1 (ShowCase STRATEGY Warehouse Manager 4.50 server) by using the DSPSCAUT command to look at the RSC910C message in the job log. Type the following:
    where SCSERVER is your Warehouse Manager server library.
  2. To find out if this patch has already been applied, check if the Builder PTF user space exists by running the following command:
    where SCSERVER is your Warehouse Manager server library.  If the following message appears, the patch has not been applied.
      CPF9801 - Object WUF050UU in library <SCSERVER> not found.
  3. Ensure that you can use FTP between your PC and your iSeries computer.
  4. You will be required to sign on to your iSeries as QSECOFR to apply the patch.
  5. Run the DSPUSRPRF utility on the patching profile. Look to see if there is a group profile. If there is a group, check the next parameter, OWNER, and make sure it is NOT *GROUP.
  6. Ensure that you end the Warehouse Manager server if it is active by running the following command:
    where SCSERVER is your Warehouse Manager server library.
  7. Ensure that no one is currently using the server. You can issue the following command to detect current server users:
    where SCSERVER is your Warehouse Manager server library.
  8. If you have installed the ShowCase STRATEGY Orion server on the same iSeries system as DB2 OLAP Server Builder, ensure that you end the ShowCase Orion server if it is active by running the following command:
    where SCSERVER is your Warehouse Manager server library.
If you are applying a Warehouse Manager patch to a library that has already been connected to, the SQL server jobs (QSQSRVR) must be ended and restarted before you re-start the server. To properly enable this patch for prestarted server jobs, you will need to stop and restart the SQL server jobs. Otherwise the prestarted server jobs may continue to use older versions of programs and unexpected results may occur. To stop and restart the SQL server jobs, run the following:
DB2 OLAP Server Builder is not the only application that uses these jobs, so you must make sure that there are no other programs using these jobs.  This might require that you dedicate your iSeries.
Applying the Fix pack:

Before installing the patch, read and follow the prerequisites listed above.  Ensure that the Fix pack file described in Getting the Fix pack has been completely downloaded to your PC and the larger .bin file has been extracted.  In the following steps, you will save the .bin file as an FTP file to the iSeries server, and install it.

  1. On the iSeries: (If you are already in an iSeries session, signoff and sign back on). Create a save file in QGPL:
  2. On the PC: Use FTP to transfer WUF050US.BIN to the iSeries. For example:
    1. C:\>FTP <AS/400 IP Address>
      User (system:(none)): <userid>
      331 Enter password.

      Password: <password>
      230 <userid> logged on.
      ftp> binary
      ftp> put c:...\WUF050US.BIN QGPL/WUF050US
      ftp> quit

  3. One the iSeries: Run the following commands. If the Warehouse Manager server library is already in your library list, omit the first command:
    where SCSERVER is your Warehouse Manager server library.  You will be prompted for the name of your server library. Enter your library name when prompted
  4. On the iSeries: If the restore is correct, the following message displays:
    1. PTF WUF050US Successfully Loaded for <SCSERVER>
    where SCSERVER is your Warehouse Manager server library.
  5. On the iSeries: A journal will be created during the apply process. The journal contains information about the apply process and the last entry in the journal contains the PTF level. There should not be any journal entries of type ER or CE:
    where SCSERVER is your Warehouse Manager server library. The FROMTIME format must match your system formats. Reference the system values QDATFMT and QTIME. Enter the date you applied the Fix pack.
  6. Restart your Warehouse Manager server:
    where SCSERVER is your Warehouse Manager server library.
  7. The Fix pack process is now complete.
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1b. Install the uppercase English server for Warehouse Manager

This section describes how to install the uppercase English Fix pack for the OLAP and Warehouse Manager server components.

What is uppercase English? Uppercase English Fix packs are intended for double-byte character systems (DBCS) that require English commands to be in ALL UPPER CASE. These are typically systems that use Kanji characters.

Getting the Fix pack:
  1. Download the Fix pack (wuf050ps.exe) and save it to a temporary directory on your PC.  (If you're installing from a CD, copy the wuf050ps.exe file from the CD to a temporary directory.)
  2. In Windows Explorer, double-click wuf050ps.exe. This will launch a MS DOS prompt, which will create and inflate the wuf050ps.bin file.
Prerequisites for applying the Fix pack:
  1. Verify that the version of Warehouse Manager server component installed is V8.1 (ShowCase STRATEGY Warehouse Manager 4.50) by using the DSPSCAUT command to look at the RSC910C message in the job log. Type the following:
    where SCSERVER is your Warehouse Manager server library.
  2. To find out if this patch has already been applied, check if the ShowCase PTF user space exists by running the following command:
    where SCSERVER is your Warehouse Manager server library.  If the following message appears, the patch has not been applied.
      CPF9801 - Object WUF050PP in library <SCSERVER> not found.
  3. Ensure that you can use FTP between your PC and your iSeries computer.
  4. You will be required to sign on to your iSeries as QSECOFR to apply the patch.
  5. Run the DSPUSRPRF utility on the patching profile. Look to see if there is a group profile. If there is a group, check the next parameter, OWNER, and make sure it is NOT *GROUP.
  6. Ensure that you end the ShowCase TCP/IP session if it is active by running the following command:
    where SCSERVER is your Warehouse Manager server library.
  7. Ensure that no one is currently using the server. You can issue the following command to detect current server users:
    where SCSERVER is your Warehouse Manager server library.
  8. If you have installed the ShowCase STRATEGY Orion server on the same iSeries system as DB2 OLAP Server Builder, ensure that you end the ShowCase Orion server if it is active by running the following command:
    where SCSERVER is your Warehouse Manager server library.
If you are applying a Warehouse Manager patch to a library that has already been connected to, the SQL server jobs (QSQSRVR) must be ended and restarted before you re-start the server. To properly enable this patch for prestarted server jobs, you will need to stop and restart the SQL server jobs. Otherwise the prestarted server jobs may continue to use older versions of programs and unexpected results may occur. To stop and restart the SQL server jobs, run the following:
DB2 OLAP Server is not the only application that uses these jobs, so you must make sure that there are no other programs using these jobs.  This might require that you dedicate your iSeries.
Applying the Fix pack:

Before installing the patch, read and follow the prerequisites listed above.  Ensure that the Fix pack file described in Getting the Fix pack has been completely downloaded to your PC and the larger .bin file has been extracted.  In the following steps, you will save the .bin file as an FTP file to the iSeries server, and install it.

  1. On the iSeries: (If you are already in an iSeries session, signoff and sign back on). Create a save file in QGPL:
  2. On the PC: Use FTP to transfer WUF050PS.BIN to the iSeries. For example:
    1. C:\>FTP <AS/400 IP Address>
      User (system:(none)): <userid>
      331 Enter password.

      Password: <password>
      230 <userid> logged on.
      ftp> binary
      ftp> put c:...\WUF050PS.BIN QGPL/WUF050PS
      ftp> quit

  3. One the iSeries: Run the following commands. If the Warehouse Manager server library is already in your library list, omit the first command:
    where SCSERVER is your Warehouse Manager server library.  You will be prompted for the name of your server library. Enter your library name when prompted
  4. On the iSeries: If the restore is correct, the following message displays:
    1. PTF WUF050PS Successfully Loaded for <SCSERVER>
    where SCSERVER is your Warehouse Manager server library.
  5. On the iSeries: A journal will be created during the apply process. The journal contains information about the apply process and the last entry in the journal contains the PTF level. There should not be any journal entries of type ER or CE:
    where SCSERVER is your Warehouse Manager server library. The FROMTIME format must match your system formats. Reference the system values QDATFMT and QTIME. Enter the date you applied the Fix pack.
  6. Restart your Warehouse Manager server:
    where SCSERVERis your Warehouse Manager server library.
  7. The Fix pack process is now complete.
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Problem summary

This update (ShowCase Essbase/400 6.50.010) to the Fix pack 1 preview resolves the following problems in the OLAP server component:

This update provide the following OLAP server fixes from Essbase/400 6.50.010:

This update also includes the following ShowCase STRATEGY 4.50.050 problems in the Builder (Warehouse Manager) server component:

This update also includes the following items fixed in ShowCase STRATEGY 4.50.040 in the Builder (Warehouse Manager) server component: Back to table of contents

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