IBM DB2 OLAP Server for AS/400 V7.1

Instructions for installing the Japanese Builder

NOTE: This patch is only for PCs that have the Builder Client Component of IBM DB2 OLAP installed without any ShowCase STRATEGY installation. If STRATEGY is installed, the Builder Client of IBM DB2 OLAP must be installed on a separate PC in order to install this patch.

Service Level: FixPak 5 – Japanese Builder (L400052j)

These instructions describe how to install this special FixPak that contains the Japanese edition of the Builder client component of DB2 OLAP Server for AS/400 V7.1. In addition to the Japanese Builder, this FixPak contains all the fixes included in FixPak 5. If you have already installed FixPak 5 and do not want the Japanese Builder, you do not have to install this FixPak.

Because this is a FixPak, the English edition of Builder must exist on the workstation on which you want to install the Japanese edition. This FixPak replaces the English Builder with the Japanese Builder.

To install the Japanese Builder:

  1. Copy the installation file L400052j.exe to the BIN folder in the directory in which you installed the English Builder. This folder contains executable files such as SCDD32.EXE.
  2. Double-click the file to start the installation program.

A Welcome dialog box appears, and the software searches for the files to update. Note: The FixPak can only search the drive to which it is copied. The installation program modifies, adds, renames, or deletes files as necessary to complete the FixPak installation.

The original files are saved in the BACKUP directory, which is automatically created on the drive on which the FixPak installation program is run.

Downloand the Japanese Builder here.

Undoing the FixPak

If you want to restore the original files (before the FixPak was applied), you will find them in the BACKUP directory, which is located on the drive that the FixPak is run from. The BACKUP directory contains a file called unpatch.bak. This file is a script file containing the commands necessary to automatically restore the original files. To restore the original files (from any operating system environment):

  1. Locate the unpatch.bak

  2. Rename the unpatch.bak to unpatch.bat

  3. At an MS-DOS prompt, type the path to unpatch.bat (E.g., C:\ProgramFiles\STRATEGY\Desktop\Backup\unpatch.bat) and press Enter.
    On the desktop, click Start > Run, and browse for the patch to unpatch.bat. Click OK.

Your application is automatically restored to its pre-patch configuration.

If you apply multiple PTFs over time without deleting the Backup directory, the BACKUP directory will contain multiple copies of unpatch files and the related original files from each backup. You may wish to periodically clean the BACKUP directory to recover disk space. To keep the most recent backup information, keep the latest unpatch.bak (or unpatch.bat if you already renamed it) file and the files listed in its text. 

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