IBM DB2 OLAP Server for AS/400 7.1
FixPak 8

Release Notes -- Start Here

July, 2002

Welcome to FixPak 8 for IBM DB2 OLAP Server for AS/400, Version 7.1.  This is your starting point for downloading and installing all of the files of FixPak 8.  You will see references to operating systems and components that are not included in DB2 OLAP Server for AS/400 7.1; please disregard these references.

FixPak 8 is English only.  If you have DB2 OLAP Server for AS/40 7.1 installed in a language other than English, do not install FixPak 8.

Starting in FixPak 7, you need new levels of OS/400, Java, and other software.  See Before you Install for more information.

Service Level:  The service levels of this FixPak are:


Before you install
Installing the FixPak New Features and Changes in this FixPak

Additional Documentation

Problem Summary -- OLAP:  A list of all OLAP problems fixed by this and previous FixPaks.

Problem Summary -- STRATEGY:  A list of all ShowCase STRATEGY problems fixed by this and previous FixPaks.

Known Problems

Copyright Information

Before you install

New features:

FixPaks 7 and later FixPaks upgrade your Warehouse Manager server and Warehouse Builder client to ShowCase STRATEGY 4.5.  It also adds major new components, such as DB2 OLAP Server Miner and the Warehouse Manager Client.  See New Features and Changes in this FixPak for important imformation about these upgrades.

New levels of operating system required for server components, FixPak 7 and later:

Starting in FixPak 7, you need to upgrade your server computers to the following new levels of required software:

Additionally, the APPC communications protocol is no longer supported.

Changes in client software:

FixPak 7 and later FixPaks add support in the Spreadsheet Add-in for Microsoft Excel XP.

FixPak 7 and later adds a new component, the Enterprise Server, which runs Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, or Windows XP. The Enterprise Server component enables access to additional data sources.  When you install Enterprise Server, the network workstation installation option is not available.

Changes in installation of Warehouse Manager and Warehouse Builder:

If you want to run both DB2 OLAP Server and ShowCase STRATEGY clients (Warehouse Manager and Warehouse Builder) on the same Windows computer, or are installing Builder and Warehouse Manager clients for the first time, follow the directions in Warehouse Manager and Warehouse Builder client components.  The installation and coexistance procedures have changed.

 Installing the FixPak

You need to install three files to completely install all of the components of this FixPak.  Please read and follow all of the instructions for each component.
Languages to choose from
Number of files you install
1. Server components
Choose 1 of 2:
(see instructions for details)
2. Builder/Warehouse clients
Choose 1 of 4 
(see instructions for details)
3. OLAP clients
Choose 1 of 17
(see instructions for details)

1. Server components

This section describes how to install the FixPak for both the STRATEGY Warehouse Manager and OLAP.

Getting the FixPak

This FixPak must be applied only to DB2 OLAP Server for AS/400 V7.1 (ShowCase STRATEGY 4.00, dated 10/16/00 or later). Refer to the instructions below for downloading and applying the FixPak.

Prerequisites for Applying the FixPak
  1. To check if the Essbase/400 portion of the FixPak has already been applied, display the Essbase Server version with the following commands. If the Essbase Server version is 4.50.024, then the FixPak has already been applied:

  2.           ADDLIBLE <Essbase installation library>
  3. To check if the Warehouse Manager Server portion of the FixPak has already been applied, use the DSPSCAUT command to look at the RSC910C message in the job log. If the Warehouse Manager Server version is 4.50.024, then the FixPak has already been applied. Type the following:

  4.           <SCSERVER>/DSPSCAUT
    where <SCSERVER> is your ShowCase library.
  5. Ensure that you can use FTP between your PC and your iSeries.
  6. You will be required to sign on to your AS/400 as QSECOFR or with equivalent authority (*ALLOBJ, *IOSYSCFG, *SAVSYS, *JOBCTL, and *SECADM special authorities are needed) to apply the FixPak.
  7. Shut down the Essbase server to which this FixPak will be applied. Either use your typical method of shutting down, or use the ShowCase command, ENDESSSVR.
  8. Bring down your Warehouse Manager server. Either use your typical method of shutting down, or use the ShowCase-supplied command, ENDSCSVR.
  9. End ShowCase TCP/IP if it is active, using the following command:

  10.            <SCSERVER>/ENDSCSVR
    where <SCSERVER> is your ShowCase library.
  11. Ensure no one is currently using the server. You can issue the following command to detect current server users:

    where <SCSERVER> is your ShowCase library.
  13. Once both the Essbase server and the Warehouse Manager server are shutdown, sign off your iSeries session and then sign on again.
Installing the FixPak

Note: This patch will update both the OLAP server component and the Warehouse Manager server component.  Before installing the patch, read and follow the prerequisites listed above.

  1. iSeries: Start with a fresh iSeries session. Create a save file in QGPL using the following command:
  2. PC: Use FTP to transfer db2ptch.svf to the AS/400:
    1. C:\>FTP<iSeries IP Address>
      User (system:(none)): <userid>
      331 Enter password.

      Password: <password>
      230 <userid> logged on.
      ftp> binary
      ftp> put c:...\db2ptch.svf QGPL/UPDTSAVF
      ftp> quit

  3. Designate a temporary working library to restore the contents of this save file into. We highly suggest that you create a temporary library for this purpose. For the remainder of these instructions we will refer to this library as "<templib>."
  4. On the iSeries, restore the save file using the following command:
  5. Add templib to your library list with the following command:

  6.           ADDLIBLE <templib>
  7. To start the full installation of both servers, issue the following command and respond to the installation prompts:

  8.       CALL UPDDB2OLAP
  9. During the installation, you will be prompted to schedule the ShowCase jar file. Enter a time and date for the compile. Since this will take as long as it did for the install, it is advised that this be done during off hours. Until you recompile, you will experience performance issues.
  10. The FixPak process is now complete.
  11. Restart your ShowCase Server with the command

    where <SCSERVER> is your ShowCase library.
  13. Restart your OLAP server with the following command:

  14.            <Essbase Installation Library>/STRESSSVR
After you compile the jar files, you should end (ENDSCSVR) and restart (STRSCSVR) the ShowCase Server.

Back to table of contents to continue installation

2. Warehouse Manager and Warehouse Builder client components

Please read and print these instructions before installing the FixPak!

Before Installing

Depending on which components of DB2 OLAP Server for AS/400 or ShowCase STRATEGY you have on your computer, you might have to take extra steps to install the Warehouse Manager and Warehouse Builder components of FixPak 7 and later.

If You Are a DB2 OLAP Server Builder Customer Only:
Getting the FixPak

Download the FixPak and save it to a temporary directory on your PC.  If you're installing from a CD, copy the builder_client/l450024.exe file from the CD to a temporary directory.

FixPak Installation Instructions.

  1. Download the FixPak and save it to a temporary directory on your PC. If you're installing from a CD, run the .exe file from the CD.
  2. Double-click the FixPak executable file to unpack the setup for this FixPak.
  3. At the 'Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for DB2 OLAP Server Builder' screen, click Next.
  4. At the 'Location to Save Files' screen, either take the default or change the directory to a temporary location for the program to extract the files to. Click Next.
  5. The install of the FixPak will begin. At the Welcome screen, click Next.
  6. At the 'Choose Destination Location' Screen, either take the default to install the FixPak into DB2 OLAP Server Client folder, or change it to different folder. Please pay attention to the notes above.
  7. At the 'Start Copying Files' screen, click Next.
  8. Click Finish.
After you finish installing this FixPak, you can start the Warehouse Builder by selecting Start -> Program Files -> DB2 OLAP Server 7.1 AS400 Clients -> Builder.

For Enterprise Server, the network workstation installation option is not available.

Installing the DB2 OLAP Server Runtime Clients

The runtime clients for DB2 OLAP Server must be present on the computer on which you run Warehouse Manager and Warehouse Builder.

If you have the following situation:

Then take the following steps:
  1. Download the Runtime Clients to a separate temporary directory, or copy the builder_client/6210rt.exe file from the CD to a temporary directory.  The 6210rt.exe file is a self-extracting ZIP file that contains the FixPak 8 level of the Runtime Client files for DB2 OLAP Server for AS/400 Version 7.1.
  2. Install the Warehouse Builder client and possibly the Warehouse Manager client from this FixPak.  Ensure you install the clients into the default directory provided by the installation, or in a directory other than the existing ShowCase STRATEGY folder if you have STRATEGY installed.

  3. Install the Runtime Client files for DB2 OLAP Server for AS/400 V7.1.  You must install them into the Builder FP 8 folder.  See the installation instructions in this section for more information.
Removing the FixPak

You cannot rollback FixPak 8 to an earlier FixPak level.  When you remove FixPak 8, you delete the components from your computer.  You can remove either the entire product or only the Warehouse Builder and Warehouse Manager components.

If you installed the Runtime Client files by following the FixPak Installation Instructions, then you need to delete the Runtime Client files manually.  The files are in /BIN directory in your installation directory.  You can delete the entire installation directory if you want.

Back to table of contents to continue installation

3. OLAP client components

If you are installing client products from a DB2 OLAP Server FixPak, you must install server products to the same FixPak level. For example, if you install a FixPak 8 client, you must also install the FixPak 8 server. Using older server versions with newer client versions is not recommended and is not supported.

This file describes problems corrected by one or more FixPaks for the OLAP clients of DB2 OLAP Server for AS/400, Version 7.1. Even if you have only one of the problems fixed in one of the FixPaks, you need to perform a full FixPak installation.

Before installing this FixPak, make sure your system has enough memory.  For complete installation instructions, see the OLAP Setup and User's Guide.

Changes to Supported Software on Client

FixPak 7 and later FixPaks add support in the Spreadsheet Add-in for Microsoft Excel XP.

FixPak 4 and later FixPaks make the following changes in the levels of software supported by the OLAP clients of DB2 OLAP Server for AS/400 7.1:

See the OLAP Setup and User's Guide for more information about supported software.

Downloading and Installing

To apply this FixPak, you need to downloand and install one file that contains the OLAP client components.

Downloading the FixPak

Download the  file to the Windows machine on which you have installed the clients.  If you're installing from a CD, copy the file from the CD to a temporary directory.

Starting the Installation

  1. Expand the executable file by typing the name of the file (without the extension) from a command prompt, or by double-clicking the file.
  2. Run SETUP.EXE to launch the installation program.  Follow the installation instructions in the OLAP Setup and User's Guide.  Use the Custom option to install only the server or clients you want.
  3. After the files are expanded, you can delete the zip file.

Setting Java environment variables on Windows for OLAP Miner

The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is required by DB2 OLAP Server Miner to enable Java-based features.  The JRE must be installed on the computer running OLAP Miner component.

The client installation program copies the Java files to your workstation and sets up the environment variables that OLAP Miner needs to access the Java files.  To confirm these changes, check the following environment variables on Window NT and Windows 2000:


If you remove these variables on Windows 2000 and then want to restore them, add this variable to your PATH statement:


For example, you could set your PATH to the following value:


On Windows NT, you would add this variable to your PATH statement:
C:\Program Files\IBM\DB2 OLAP Server\java\jre\bin

For example, you could set your PATH to the following value:

PATH= C:\Program Files\IBM\DB2 OLAP Server\java\jre\bin;%PATH%

If you have already installed a supported version of the Java Runtime Environment, you do not have to reinstall the JRE. However, you must verify that the JAXP component is installed.

Workaround for bug on Windows 2000

On Windows 2000, DB2 OLAP Server experiences problems if the TMP User Variable or the TEMP Environment Variable is longer than seven characters.  The temporary workaround is to set both variables to the following value:
To change your Windows 2000 TMP User Variable and TEMP Environment Variable, take these steps:
  1. On your Windows 2000 workstation, click Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> System.
  2. Select the Advanced tab of the System Properties dialog.
  3. Click Environment Variables.
  4. In the User variables box, scroll down to the TEMP variable, highlight it, and click Edit....
  5. On the Edit User Variable dialog, change the Variable Value to c:\temp and click OK.
  6. In the System  variables box, scroll down to the TMP variable, highlight it, and click Edit....
  7. On the Edit System Variable dialog, change the Variable Value to c:\temp and keep clicking OK until you close the Environment Variables dialog.
IBM is working on this problem and will update a future FixPak with a permanent solution.

Additional setup instructions for Excel XP

Starting in FixPak 7, DB2 OLAP Server for AS/400 supports Excel XP.  If you use Microsoft Excel XP, make sure you have completed the following steps to enable Excel XP for OLAP analysis:
  1. In Excel XP, Select the Tools menu.
  2. Click Add-Ins.
  3. Click the Browse button.
  4. In the Look-in field, select the essexcln.xll file and save your selection.
These steps add "Hyperion Essbase Server" to the Add-in panel in Excel XP.

Back to table of contents

New Features and Changes in this FixPak

FixPak 8 and later adds the following features and changes to DB2 OLAP Server for AS/400 V7.1:
Application and database migration across OLAP Servers
You can migrate applications and databases from one server to another, regardless of platform. When you migrate, you can also migrate user/group security, including filter associations.
User and group migration across OLAP Servers
You can migrate DB2 OLAP Server users and groups from one server to another, regardless of platform. You can migrate individual users and groups, or you can migrate multiple users or multiple groups at one time.
Password propagation
You can change a password and then propagate that password to other OLAP Servers.
Single sign-on to DB2 OLAP Server enterprise environment
When you log in to Administration Services, the Administration Server handles your connections to OLAP Servers, applications, and databases.
Log analysis
Using Log Analyzer, you can filter, search, and analyze OLAP Server logs and application logs.
New MaxL Script Editor
A new MaxL Script Editor is integrated with the Administration Services Console. From this editor, you can create, edit, save, and execute MaxL statements and scripts. You can also use the editor to type and execute MaxL statements interactively, or to perform one DB2 OLAP Server operation at a time. Results from MaxL statements are displayed within the editor.
Background processing
You can execute calculations in the background while performing other tasks. You can also exit the console while the process continues to run. A message panel in the console window notifies you when the process has completed.
Multiple platform support
Both the middle tier Administration Server and the client console are Java products that run on multiple platforms. You can now manage DB2 OLAP Server with a user interface that runs on any platform supported by DB2 OLAP Server.
Printing DB2 OLAP Server information
You can print the contents of many windows in the console. For example, you can print the contents of the Database Properties window or the Log Analyzer window.
Graphical view of DB2 OLAP Server
You can use the Graphical Enterprise view in the console to operate directly on DB2 OLAP Server objects and to create custom views of the DB2 OLAP Server environment.
Parallel data load
DB2 OLAP Server now supports parallel data loading. You can specify the number of data processing threads to be used in parallel in different stages of data load processing. Allocating processing threads across processors on multiple CPUs provides the performance advantages of true parallel operation.
Limits on query duration and time
When users create and execute a report or spreadsheet add-in query, they may unintentionally create a very large query. Some large queries may require too much time to execute or may access too many blocks to run efficiently.

To help administrators, DB2 OLAP Server now provides these new features: This new ability is available using new essbase.cfgfile settings.
New control of agent-server threads and user logins
Two new configuration settings provide more control over agent activity:
Use these settings to match resources to load patterns:
Log delimiters
If you need to use external reporting tools or import log data into an OLAP database, DB2 OLAP Server now provides the ability to specify a delimiter between fields in DB2 OLAP Server log files:
New calculation functions
DB2 OLAP Server provides three new calculation functions in this release:
See the Technical Reference in the docs directory of your DB2 OLAP Server installation for details.
New API functions
DB2 OLAP Server FixPak 8 has two new API functions. One is a list of native and custom-defined calculation functions, and the other is a new function to create a filter.
External authentication
DB2 OLAP Server now supports external authentication of users against a non-DB2 OLAP server. For this release, DB2 OLAP Server installs a protocol that can authenticate users for an LDAP V3 server.

To enable external authentication, administrators use this procedure:
  1. Set the AUTHENTICATIONMODULE configuration setting in the server and client configuration file essbase.cfg.
  2. Restart OLAP Server.
  3. Create the user in DB2 OLAP Server with a reference to the LDAP protocol by using either Application Manager or DB2 OLAP Server Administration Services.
For instructions about how to set the configuration parameter, see the Technical Reference in the docs directory of your DB2 OLAP Server installation.
Export/Import LROs
The ability to export and re-import linked reporting object (LRO) information from a database has been added to improve backup capabilities and calculation performance.

You can use export LRO and import LRO (MaxL) to perform these tasks:
Export of databases larger than 2 GB
Some file management systems do not support ASCII files larger than 2 GB. To avoid exceeding this limit, if DB2 OLAP Server anticipates that an export file will be larger than 2 GB, it breaks the file into two or more export files, as needed. Use the ESSCMD commands, EXPORT and PAREXPORT, and the MaxL statement, export to export databases. This new feature works the same on all operating systems.
New CALCMODE configuration setting
You can now set CALCMODE to BLOCK or BOTTOMUP by using the configuration setting CALCMODE in the server configuration file essbase.cfg, and give it server, application, or database scope instead of using the @CALCMODE function. For more information, see the configuration settings in Technical Reference in the docs directory of your DB2 OLAP Server installation.
Improved functionality
This FixPak provides these improvements to existing functionality:
Improved handling of sessions and requests
System administrators can log out all users of a particular application or database, or log out instances of particular users from a selected scope: an application, a database, or the entire OLAP server system. If a user request is active when the administrator tries to log off the user, the administrator can force the user off. Using force safely terminates the request, and then logs the user off.

Additionally, administrators may terminate specific requests that have become problematic. For example, if a user loses the connection to the OLAP Server during a request (for example, a calculation), the abandoned request may cause the application to stop responding to subsequent requests.
Each user session has a unique ID number, which can be displayed and used by the administrator to terminate the current request associated with that session. When the administrator terminates a request, the user session remains active. The improved handling of sessions and requests can be found in any of these areas: The improved handling of sessions and requests is also available to API programmers, who can incorporate the following request management functions:
Multiple DB2 OLAP Server agents on a single server computer
Three new settings in the DB2 OLAP Server configuration file enable a single computer to run multiple DB2 OLAP Server agents at the same time. These settings provide two important improvements:
The new configuration settings are: AGENTPORT, SERVERPORTBEGIN, SERVERPORTEND, and PORTINC.
Case sensitivity improvement
Previous releases of DB2 OLAP Server automatically changed the case of application and database names when they were created: the first letter was converted to uppercase, and other letters were all lowercase. With this release, DB2 OLAP Server creates the database name exactly as it is entered. Some backward compatibility with previous clients is provided:
Some error messages have been rewritten to provide clarity. With this release, behavior on NT and UNIX platforms is identical.
Improved add-in support of of Excel in browsers
DB2 OLAP Serverr supports the ability access the Spreadsheet Add-in features when Microsoft Excel is invoked from Internet Explorer. If you drill down in an Excel spreadsheet accessed using Internet Explorer, Excel refreshes the browser and displays the requested data automatically. Users need not perform any additional steps to refresh the browser view.
Member set function support in FIX
All functions that return a member or set of members are now supported when they occur within FIX statements. Member and member set functions in FIX is also supported for partition definitions and security filters.
New dimensions sparse by default
When you add a dimension to an existing outline, DB2 OLAP Server makes it a sparse dimension. Prior to FixPak 8, DB2 OLAP Server made new dimensions dense by default.
Custom defined functions and macros
Several changes have been made to custom-defined functions (CDF) and custom-defined macros (CDM):
Attribute association memory use
DB2 OLAP Server has improved memory management for processing attributes requiring less memory. This improvement is most noticeable for applications using many attributes.
Buffered I/O default
FixPak 8 and later includes buffered I/O as the default. If you want to use direct I/O, as was the default for earlier service levels (Essbase Release 6.0 and 6.1), you can use the configuration setting DIRECTIO TRUE.Because buffered I/O may affect some DB2 OLAP Server caches, you may need to adjust cache size as well as change the DIRECTIO configuration setting.
Clients not available for Windows 95
Clients such as Application Manager and the Spreadsheet Add-in are not available for Windows 95.
FixPak 7 and later adds the following features and changes to DB2 OLAP Server for AS/400 V7.1:
The OLAP Miner client component includes a graphical user interface that guides the user through the process of setting up a deviation detection definition. This involves selecting:
The server component of OLAP Miner runs on Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000.  The OLAP Miner client supports Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT 4.0, and Windows 2000.

For more information about OLAP Miner, see the OLAP Miner User's Guide, a new book in FixPak 7 and later.  IBM DB2 OLAP Server Miner is licensed for use only with IBM DB2 OLAP Server.

MaxL is a practical, expressive interface for administering system administration in the following ways:
The STRDD (Start data distribution) and SBMDD (Submit data distribution) commands now run Warehouse Builder distribution sets by set (object) name (OBJNAME).  For example, either of the following commands run the distribution set named Sales:
You can still run the commands by set (object) ID (OBJID). For example, either of the following commands run the distribution set with an ID of 51:
If you are running sets from your own CL programs with the object IDs hard-coded in either the STRDD or SBMDD command, and you restore Warehouse Builder information into a server library already containing distribution definitions, the object IDs of the distribution sets will change. To avoid this problem, use the object name of the distribution set in the STRDD or SBMDD commands.  See the newly updated AS/400 Administrator’s Guide for more information.
The STRSCSVR command now requires only *JOBCTL authority. The ENDSCSVR command now requires only *JOBCTL and *ALLOBJ authority.

FixPak 5 fixes defects listed in the Problem Summary.  FixPak 5 does not introduce any new function.

FixPak 4 and later adds the following features and changes to DB2 OLAP Server V7.1:

Custom-Defined Macros and Functions:

The Hyperion Essbase calculator language can now be extended through the creation of custom-defined macros and functions.

Concerning Java in this FixPak:

The Java runtime environment included this FixPak is not set up for general use by other Java applications on your system.  This fixpack does not define a path to the Java JRE in either your system environment variables or user environment variables; the JRE will not interfere with other Java environments already on your system.

New Calculator functions:

The following Calculator functions are new starting in FixPak 4:
Member Set Functions:
Mathematical Functions:
Dynamic Calculator Cache:
The dynamic calculator cache helps manage memory usage for calculations involving Dynamic Calc members. Managing data blocks in the dynamic calculator cache also reduces the overall memory space requirement and can improve performance by reducing the number of calls to the operating system to do memory allocations.
FixPak 4 and later includes five new ESSBASE.CFG settings that you can use to establish the size of this cache and define how it is used.
Improved Diagnostics:
Two performance statistics commands, GETPERFSTATS and RESETPERFSTATS, have been updated in Hyperion Essbase Release 6.1. The GETPERFSTATS command returns short, medium, and long performance statistics for the thread, database, and application. The statistics appear as tables in the ESSCMD window.
The RESETPERFSTATS command resets statistics gathering for a specified persistence and scope.
Improved Password Protection:
FixPak 4 and later provides an enhanced encryption algorithm for transferring login information over the network. The encryption takes place at the API level, so all of the tools should be compatible with this change. Hyperion Essbase Release 6.1 uses the Blowfish algorithm from Counterpane Internet Security, Inc. For more information, see .
Parallel Export:
In previous versions of DB2 OLAP Server, export for the multidimensional storage manager was a single-threaded process. In FixPak 4 and later, the PAREXPORT command enables administrators to export OLAP databases natively using multiple threads. The export process is therefore multithreaded and allows users to leverage the full power of their hardware investment.

The parallel export process works only with the multidimensional storage manager, not the relational storage manager.

New Formula Validation Options:
Through new menu options in Outline Editor and Formula Editor, users can choose whether Hyperion Essbase validates formulas on the client or on the server.
Release 6.1 ESSCMD Commands:
New ESSCMD Command --
Updated ESSCMD Commands --
Release 6.1 ESSBASE.CFG Settings:
New ESSBASE.CFG Settings --
Updated ESSBASE.CFG Setting --
MERANT ODBC drivers version 3.6 are provided with the SQL Interface starting in FixPak 4.
New Spreadsheet Add-in Platform:
The Spreadsheet Add-in clients now support Lotus 1-2-3 Millennium R9.5.

FixPaks 3 and 1.5 fix defects listed in the Problem Summary. These FixPaks do not introduce any new function.

Back to table of contents

Additional Documentation

Although the following additional documentation refers to Hyperion Essbase, it applies to DB2 OLAP Server as well.

Updated Books

All of the latest books are also available on our Web site:

In FixPak 8:  The following books for DB2 OLAP Server are new or have been updated in FixPak 8:

New Error Messages Document:

FixPak 8 provides an HTML document that describes what to do when you receive certain error messages.  Each documented error message includes the message number, message text, potential problems that caused the error, and potential solutions. For Release 6.2, messages involve data loading, calculation, data cache, networking, and the agent. In future releases, more functional areas will be explained.

Database Administrator’s Guide improvement:  FixPak 8 reorganizes the Database Administrator's Guide into three volumes to provide better access to the information. The updated version is available in English only.

Technical Reference now available online only:    The complete Technical Reference is now available only in HTML format.  The Quick Technical Reference is no longer being produced.

Additional books updated:

FixPak 8 updates the following books:

In FixPak 7:  The following books for DB2 OLAP Server are new or have been updated in FixPak 7: In FixPak 4:  The following books for DB2 OLAP Server have been updated to the Hyperion Essbase 6.1 level and are shipped starting in FixPak 4:


The documentation has the following errors:

Note:  When Warehouse Builder runs a definition, it pulls data in blocks of records, inserts the data into the target table, and converts the data mapping errors in the rows of the blocks to null values.

The online API Reference incorrectly states that the C MAIN API function, EssCopyApplication, starts the application. The new application is not started and has never been in the past.

The Database Administrator's Guide erroneously stated when calculating an average, if the skip property was None, DB2 OLAP Server did not count #MISSING values when it calculated an average. The correct behavior is that if the skip property is None, #MISSING values are not skipped when DB2 OLAP Server calculates parent values, averages are not shown as exceptions. All values are counted.

API Troubleshooting

When using the outline API, if you frequently encounter the error message "Cannot create temporary file name," consider making your temp directory (TMPDIR on UNIX, TMP on NT) environment variable point to a shorter directory name.

Top-Down Calculations

A top-down calculation is time consuming. The application log indicates which formulas are executed in top-down mode. Use @CALCMODE to alter your formulas to run faster.

Agent Log Messages

Previously, the agent log message, Last Login on Date/Time, displayed the following format:
Last Login on Fri Apr 20 21:52:16 2001
Now the agent log message displays the following Date/Time format:
Last Login on Friday, April 20, 2001 10:57:29 AM
However, all other date and time formats remain the same.

Application Security Settings

Disabling the following settings such as Allow Commands, Allow Connects, Allow Updates, remains in effect only for the duration of the administrator's session. The settings take effect immediately, and affect users who are currently logged in as well as users who log in later during the administrator's session.

Therefore, if performing maintenance operations that require disabling connections, updates, or commands, you must make those maintenance operations within the same session as the one in which the setting was disabled. So while performing maintenance operations in batch mode, you must either complete all the tasks that motivated the disabling of commands, connects, or updates as part of the same session in the same script, or, disable commands/connects/updates manually in Application Manager or Administration Console prior to performing those tasks, staying logged in to that session for the duration of the maintenance operations.

The session-persistent application settings are accessed in the following interfaces: Essbase Application Manager (In the Application Settings dialog box, Allow Commands, Allow Connects, and Allow Updates) Essbase Administration Console (In Application Properties, Allow Commands, Allow Connects, and Allow Updates) ESSCMD command-line interface: SETAPPSTATE options 6-8.  MaxL language interface:

alter application      disable commands;
alter application      disable updates;
alter application      disable connects;

Global CALCMODE Setting

A new ESSBASE.CFG setting was added to allow the global setting of @CALCMODE(BLOCK) and @CALCMODE(BOTTOMUP).

Rather than having to specify @CALCMODE(BLOCK) or @CALCMODE(BOTTOMUP) in each of your formulas, you can now set these modes once, globally. The global scope may be for all applications, a specific application, or a specific database. In your ESSBASE.CFG file, you can specify CALCMODE in any of the following ways:

For information about the purpose and operation of CALCMODE, see the online Technical Reference, Essbase Functions section.

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OLAP Problem Summary

FixPak 8 (STRATEGY 4.50.024 and Essbase 6.2) resolves the following problems in the OLAP function:

With Essbase One App Option, able to copy databases (F3858)

iSeries userid previous sign-on attempt updated when a user signs in to Essbase/400 if Integrated security is enabled. (F8860)

List separator will remain the "semi-colon" when adding result column to the Expression dialog. (F9454)

Importing a query (.dbq) with a prompt will no longer result in a gpf. (F9325)

Resolved a problem whereby names with a different CASE would generate duplicate column errors. (F9414)

FixPak 7 (STRATEGY 4.50.000 and Essbase 6.1.4) resolves the following problems in the OLAP function:

Formulas containing the @PARENT or @ANCEST functions with two parameters may generate syntax errors. (20851, R614)
@PARENT and @ANCEST functions work as expected only if the first argument is a member of the first dimension in the outline. If you request a second parameter that is not from the first dimension in the outline, DB2 OLAP Server may display formula syntax errors such as: "Error: Invalid number of parameters for this function."

Incorrect results from the member formula A=B/-C. (21993, R614)
When DB2 OLAP Server calculates the member formula A=B/-C, it may multiply B and -C instead of dividing B by -C.

Increase in retrieval times between 5.0.2p13 and 6.1.0p3a. (22494, R614)
Retrievals from the same spreadsheet view may take longer on 6.1.0p3a than they do on 5.0.2p13.

A Partition validates in 5.0.2p13 but does not validate in 6.1.0. (23360, 26108, R614)
When you validate a correctly defined partition in 6.1.0, the following error may be returned: "Cell count mismatch: area for slice [1] members per dimension." The same partition validates without errors on 5.0.2p13.

ESSCMD scripts that contain ENABLELOGIN/DISABLELOGIN commands prevent subsequent scripts from processing. (23763, 26101, R614)
When an Esscmd script contains the ENABLELOGIN/DISABLELOGIN commands, actions specified in the script are processed, but the Esscmd process may be left running; therefore, if another script is scheduled to run after it, the second script will not be started.

Selecting a linked partition in the Linked Object Browser brings up a blank spreadsheet. (23921, 26098, R614)
After you select a linked partition from the Linked Objects Browser, Essbase may display an empty spreadsheet that is not connected to the source database.

Running a calculation that uses the @XREF function may crash the application. (24198, R614)
While running a calculation that uses the @XREF function, the Essbase application may crash.

Certain spreadsheet retrievals cause application errors. (24413, 26102, R614)
Certain spreadsheet retrievals containing member formulas and dynamic calcs may cause application errors and crashes.

The @CALCMODE function causes application crash during a calculation on Microsoft Windows 2000. (24745, R614)
On Microsoft Windows 2000, when you run a calculation that uses the @CALCMODE function, the OLAP application may crash and Essbase may create an .xcp log.

Retrieval from a partitioned database may cause the OLAP application to crash. (25091, R614)
A retrieval from the target of a transparent partition may cause the OLAP application to crash if the spreadsheet includes a sparse dynamic calc member that has a self referencing member formula.

Error when drilling down in a spreadsheet if the outline has two or more attribute dimensions. (25212, 26104, R614)
Drilling down in a spreadsheet that is connected to an outline with two or more attribute dimensions may cause Essbase to display an attribute dimension in the wrong position and to display the error message "currently, multiple reports per retrieval is not supported."

Error when validating a correctly defined partition if a previous validation attempt resulted in an error. (25215, R614)
When validating a correctly defined partition definition, DB2 OLAP Server may display the following error message: "Unable to open file (C:\Docume\Admini\Locals\Temp\Ess00000.tmp)." This occurs after the following sequence of events:

Certain retrievals may hang the OLAP server. (25717, 26110, R614)
When sparse dynamic calc members are tagged as two pass, retrievals that include those members may hang the OLAP server component.

Data retrieval times may be much longer on Version 7 FixPak 4 (and later) than on Version 1.1. (25735, R614)
On outlines that contain many dense dynamic calcs, spreadsheet retrievals that take a few minutes on Version 1.1  may take several hours on Version 7, FixPak 4 and later.

A temporary Excel book file is not erased after the Spreadsheet Add-in is closed. (25764, R614)
When the Essbase Cascade feature is used to create multiple worksheets with the Spreadsheet Add-in, a temporary Excel book file remains after the Add-in is closed.

"Retrieve and Lock" incorrectly displays non-missing data as #Missing. (26105, 25214, R614)
When a retrieval contains errors and "Retrieve and Lock" is selected from the Essbase drop down menu in the Excel Add-in, DB2 OLAP Server may display #Missing in non-missing data cells.

A report takes 24 hours to run after adding an attribute dimension to the outline. (26451, R614)
When the outline is modified to add an attribute dimension with one attribute, a report that previously took only 4 minutes to run now takes 24 hours to run. The attributes are not being referenced at all in the report script.

The Essbase agent and clients may hang after repeated unsuccessful attempts to load applications. (26726, 24506, R614)
After repeated unsuccessful attempts to load applications, and when the number of file descriptors is too low, the Essbase agent may display the error "Network error [24]" repeatedly until the Essbase agent and clients hang.

DB2 OLAP Server may skip some disk drives specified in the DISKVOLUME settings. (26808, R614)
If Essbase is using buffered I/O, it may not use the order specified in the DISKVOLUME settings when spanning disk drives.

Certain calculations take much longer to run in Version 7 FixPak 4 (and later) compared to Version 1.1. (26932, R614)
Some calculation times may be much longer on Version 4 FixPak 4 and later than on Version 1.1.

Updating a database after a database copy may cause an application crash. (26984, R614)
An application may crash with the error message "1080021 (Invalid transaction handle [0x120017] passed to the Storage Manager for database [V_ini])" after the following sequence of events:

When two different types of LROs are added to the same cell in a spreadsheet, the LRO style is not applied to the cell. (27168, R614)
When two LROs of different types are added to the same data cell, and the data cell contains #Missing, selecting Linked Objects on the Essbase Options>Style tab, does not result in the LRO style being applied to the cell.

Essbase completes the processing of a dimension build with 100 attribute dimensions, but it does not allow the resulting outline to be saved. (27424, R614)
After completing a dimension build with 100 attribute dimensions, DB2 OLAP Server fails to save the resulting outline. It displays the error message "Unable to read information from [ARBORPATH\App\AppName\DbName\DbName.otn]" and and the outline is not saved.

The PATH statement may be invalid after the Spreadsheet Add-in is installed. (27523, 27916, R614)
If the last character is the PATH statement is a space, the PATH may become invalid when the Spreadsheet Add-in is installed.

DB2 OLAP Server incorrectly interprets certain distinct Japanese characters as the same character. (27568, R614)
DB2 OLAP Server may fail to recognize that certain Japanese characters are different, resulting in error messages during some operations. For example, when two distinct characters are added as member aliases, DB2 OLAP Server may return the error "Record #1 - Alias already used as a member name (3314)."

OLAP Server may crash during calculation that includes the @WITHATTR function. (27572, 23691, R614)
When a calculation includes the @WITHATTR function and specifies the "IN" operator, the calculation may cause the OLAP Server to crash.

EsbQueryDatabaseMembers does not display alias names for shared members. (27667, R614)
The EsbQueryDatabaseMembers VB API function does not display alias names for shared members.

Creating many LROs and then listing them using the API or ESSCMD causes the application server to crash. (27698, R614)
Creating 84 LROs and using EssLROListObjects or ESSCMD to list all of the LROs in the database may crash the application server.

MaxL may fail to build a partition correctly. (27700, R614)
When you build a partition using MaxL, the partition validation may fail with the error "area 1 overlaps area 2." When you build an identical partition using the Application Manager, it validates without errors.

Memory leak while running a recursive retrieval macro. (27779, 28142, 26730, R614)
Memory usage steadily increases during a recursive retrieval macro. After about 150 retrievals, the application may crash with the error "unable to allocate aligned memory."

Access violation error when using EssGPerformOperation. (27844, 28314, R614)
When using the EssGPerformOperation Grid API function within the EssBeginDrillOrLink function, an access violation error is returned.

Results of a report script that uses D-T-S are incorrect. (27848, R614)
Report may contain incorrect data values when the report script uses dynamic time series (D-T-S) members.

Retrieving data from a large outline with attribute dimensions may crash the database. (27851, 27494, R614)
Retrieving data from a large outline with attributes may crash the database when the spreadsheet retrieval includes attribute dimensions and a two pass calc member with a cross dimensional dependency. When the spreadsheet retrieval does not include the attributes, retrieving from the same outline does not cause a crash.

A dimension build may corrupt the Essbase outline if the "EVENT 29" parameter is in the .cfg file. (27991, 22819, R614)
If the "EVENT 29" parameter is in the Essbase .cfg file, a dimension build may corrupt the outline.

DB2 OLAP Server may not release memory after a retrieval. (27992, 27365, R614)
In certain cases, DB2 OLAP Server allocates a large amount of memory for a retrieval and it may not release the allocated memory after the retrieval is finished. The OLAP application must be unloaded and reloaded to free the memory.

Limit of 512 applications per OLAP server. (28061, R614)
The limit of 512 applications per OLAP server has been lifted in FixPak 7.

Certain retrievals may incorrectly report #Missing values. (28084, 28076, R614)
When all of the following conditions are met, retrievals incorrectly result in #Missing values:

DB2 OLAP Server incorrectly displays an error message when @LEVMBRS is used to create a partition. (28114, R614)
When @LEVMBRS is used to create a partition, DB2 OLAP Server may incorrectly display the error "cell count mismatch in area ( )" when the partition is validated.

DB2 OLAP Server incorrectly displays an error message when @UDA is used to create a partition. (28115, R614)
When the @UDA function is used to create a partition, DB2 OLAP Server may incorrectly display the error "cell count mismatch in area ( )" when the partition is validated.

The EnableLogin Esscmd script fails periodically with errors 1054021 and 1019031. (28138, 17980, R614)
The EnableLogin Esscmd, when it is part of an Esscmd script, may fail periodically with errors "1054021 cannot modify settings for application" and "1019031 Unable to write to [c:\ARBBORPATH\APP\AppName\]; database is in read only mode for backup." The second error is displayed even when the database should not be in read only mode.

A report displays the alias on the first member of a dimension, but it does not display the aliases on the other members of that dimension. (28144, 27099, R614)
After running a report script, only the alias on the first member of the dimension is displayed in the report. The aliases on subsequent members are not displayed.

EssGConnect may not return ESS_STS_CANCEL when it should. (28188, R614)
The EssGConnect Grid API function does not return the value of ESS_STS_CANCEL if you press the Cancel button or the Esc key in the Essbase System Login dialog box. An error value is returned instead.

A dimension build that associates attributes may corrupt aliases on other attributes. (28447, R614)
Aliases on existing attributes may be corrupt after a dimension build that associates attributes.

Large spreadsheet retrieval from a partitioned database with attributes crashes the application. (28489, R614)
The Essbase application may crash during a large spreadsheet retrieval when the database is the target of a transparent partition and the outline contains attributes.

Outline API functions may fail on Windows 95. (28614, 24218, R614)
On Microsoft Windows 95, when you use Outline API functions, the function may fail and Essbase may display the error message: "1060044 cannot create temporary file name."

Results of some queries that include dynamic calcs and certain functions may not be correct. (28621, 26809, R614)
When dynamic calc formulas involve certain functions, such as @CURRMBR, @PARENT, @SPARENT, @ANCEST, @SANCEST, results from queries that reference those formulas may not be correct because some dynamic calcs may not be triggered properly.

Dimension build may crash the OLAP server if set ESSLANG=Japanese_Japan.MS932@binary. (28651, 28553, R614)
The OLAP server may crash during a dimension build if
set ESSLANG =Japanese_Japan.MS932@binary.

Formulas that reference dynamic calcs and contain cross dimensional operators may produce incorrect results. (28838, 24117, R614)
When a formula references one or more dynamic calcs and contains one or more cross dimensional operators, results may be incorrect. The fix for this problem requires that you have the following entry in your essbase.cfg file: EVENT 28.

Deleting members from an outline may produce an internal logic error. (28883, 27225, R614)
Deleting members from an outline and saving the changes may cause Essbase to display the following error: "internal logic error 1178."

Undefined symbols adBarrGet and adGetStat when linking with libesssql on Solaris. (29007, R614)
When linking a program with with libesssql on Solaris, the compiler may give one or both of the following errors:

The MaxL Shell (essmsh) may crash when executing lengthy MaxL statements. (29031, R614)
When executing MaxL statements longer than approximately 20k, the MaxL Shell (essmsh) may crash.

The OLAP server may hang when you run EssGetApplicationInfoEx. (29064, R614)
The Essbase OLAP Server may hang when you run the EssGetApplicationInfoEx() API function before using the CREATEAPP or COPYAPP Esscmds.

Essbase attempts to bind a port that is out of the allowed range when it runs out of available ports within this range. (29294, R614)
When Essbase runs out of available network ports within the allowed range of 32768 to 33678 (incremented by 5), it may attempt to bind a port outside of this range, resulting in the following error message: "Error(1042010) Network Error [125]: Unable to Bind Host Server Socket On Port [0]." Essbase should not attempt to bind the unavailable port.

Spreadsheet retrievals from a database that is the target of a transparent partition may cause the Essbase application to crash. (29533, 29483, 28548)
When retrieving data from the target of a transparent partition, the Essbase application may crash and an .xcp log may be created.

Memory leak during some spreadsheet retrievals. (29565)
During spreadsheet retrievals, the esssvr process may fail to release memory after the retrievals have completed. The OLAP server may run out of memory after running successive retrievals.

FixPak 5 (Essbase/400 4.10.032 Server patch) resolves the following problems:

This FixPak (Essbase/400 4.10.032 Server patch) also includes the following from the 4.10.000 patch Some ESSBASE.CFG settings are not displayed in the Essbase Configuration panel of the Server Information in Hyperion Essbase Application Manager. (7381, P2)
Some dialog box settings in ESSBASE.CFG are not displayed in Hyperion Essbase Application Manager Server > Information > Essbase configuration.

Locking and sending data to the target of a transparent partition may not work. (12008, P2)
When using either Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in with Free-Form interpretation or the C or Visual Basic API, an attempt to lock and send data to the target of a transparent partition may fail and generate the following error message: Error the 1014004 - Unable to update members which have not been locked.

Syntax checker does not move to the problematic line. (14020, 15997 P2)
When the syntax checker is run in the Calc Script Editor, and if an error is found, the window may not scroll to show the problematic line. To locate the line, you may have to scroll through the calculation script text to find the highlighted information.

Performing an Edit > Replace on a large calculation script will delete some portions from the calculation script. (18490, P2)
In Hyperion Essbase Application Manager, performing an Edit > Replace on a large calculation script may stop the replace process or delete the replaced text and may subsequently generate the following message, "Text is not found. Do you want to start at the beginning of the file?"

If an Excel spreadsheet consists of unknown members, retrieving with Repeat Member Labels selected may result in a corrupted spreadsheet. (18733, P2)
In Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in, retrieving for unknown members with Repeat Member Labels selected may return scrambled data.

Column shifts to the left after a Keep Only. (18973, P2)
In Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in, an attempt to perform a Keep Only may shift the first column to the left.

Database state does not get updated when the data load is partially successful. (19176, P2)
If a data load is partially successful when you select Database > Calculate, you may encounter the message, "the database does not contain any data" even if the database contains data.

NLS characters get corrupted for object name when viewed in the server console. (19546, P2)
User, Database, and Application names containing non-English European characters are not displayed correctly in the server console.

In Lotus 1-2-3, NLS characters in cascading filenames are displayed incorrectly. (19833, P2)
In Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in for Lotus 1-2-3, non-English European characters are incorrectly displayed in the filename when specifying them in the prefix, suffix, or workbook text box in the Cascade Options dialog box.

Incorrect SSAUDITR setting in .CFG corrupts database. (19844, P2)
An incorrect SSAUDITR setting in the Essbase.CFG may give the error message, "unable to connect to database" when you attempt to connect to the database in any client program.

In Hyperion Essbase Application Manager Japanese version, Field Properties dialog box contains mangled characters. (19953, P2)
In Hyperion Essbase Application Manager Japanese version, in the Data Prep Editor, you may find some mangled characters in the Data Load Properties and the Dimension Building Properties tabs of the Field Properties dialog box.

When searching for a string, the Calc Script Editor does not scroll through to locate it. (20492, P2)
When updating a calculation script, the Edit > Find function does not cause the window to scroll to the next occurrence and locate the string that you are searching for.

The first part of the formula disappears when you use Flashback. (20589, P2)
When using Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in with Lotus 1-2-3, an attempt to retrieve data on a formula that has an error followed by a Flashback may cause the first part of the formula to disappear.

EsbGetDatabaseState does not return default or modified values. (20626, P2)
The VB API routine, EsbGetDatabaseState, does not return correct values in the ESB_DBSTATE_T structure. In particular, the default values for Retrieval Buffer Size and Sort Buffer Size are either 0 or incorrect. Additionally, any new values that you enter through Hyperion Essbase Application Manager are ignored.

@SUM function does not work correctly with User Defined Attribute (UDA). (20758, P2)
@SUM function may not work correctly with more than one macro as its expList.

Incorrect handling of operators, such as AND and OR inside a FIX statement. (20766, P2)
FIX command involving member functions used with AND, OR operators may generate incorrect member sets.

While using the @CHILDREN function, you cannot put space between the parentheses and the member name. (21174, P2)
While using the @CHILDREN function within a FIX statement, inserting a blank space between the parentheses and the member name may yield an error message.

Zoom In results in an error message if maximum number of rows exceeds 8,192. (21242, 23210 P2)
In Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in with Lotus 1-2-3, an attempt to zoom into more than 8,192 rows may result in an error message.

Generating an exception log file, while synchronizing outlines causes the application to crash. (21293, P2)
While synchronizing outlines, a crash may occur and an exception error log is generated when using an alias in the partition definition.

Error in outline synchronization with transparent partition on a shared member. (21620, P2)
During outline synchronization, an attempt to add both shared and regular members in the same dimension to a target database may not add the shared member, and it may give the error message, "There is 1 Message in the application log identifying a change that was not applied during the outline synch."

Calculation on a transparent partition seems to run indefinitely. (21651, P2)
Two types of formulas, Constant Assignment and Forward References, when attached to a sparse member, trigger top-down execution. But the application log may not contain messages indicating top-down execution.
Creating Hyperion Essbase directory names with more than eight characters may generate an exception error log file and hinder the data restructure process.

Translation for Member Selection is incorrect. (21744, P2)
In Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in with Excel, Essbase Member Selection features are erroneously translated. For example, "insert list before active cell" translation is misleading. Also, the message at the bottom of the Member Preview dialog box is mistranslated. This problem is noticed in Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in Release 6.0 P1 Japanese version.

Text type attribute member having only numeric values does not get associated. (21748, P2)
While using a rules file to associate the attribute members with the base member, a text type attribute member that contains only numeric values and begins with the 0 may not get associated with the base member.

Zoom In may cause incorrect results if Essbase Options are checked. (21785, P2)
In Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in, when the options, Display > Cell > Repeat Member Labels and Zoom > Member Retention > Remove Unselected Groups are selected, an attempt to zoom in may cause incorrect results.

When the row header has invalid alias name, the Excel spreadsheet shows incorrect values. (21804, P2)
In Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in, if the option Use Both Member Names and Aliases for Row Dimensions is selected, retrieving may result in incorrect values when row members contain invalid alias names.

Case sensitivity does not work correctly during dimension building. (21906, P2)
Case sensitivity may not function correctly and may cause the server to freeze during dimension building.

Zoom Out does not function correctly if Formula Preservation is checked. (21949, P2)
When Formula Preservation is selected in Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in, zoom out may give erroneous results.

Attribute dimension building corrupts the outline. (22020, 22325, P2)
When a user tries to build and associate an attribute dimension on the base dimension, Hyperion Essbase Application Manager randomly associates attributes at all levels and corrupts the outline.

Internal Rate of Return (@IRR) function produces incorrect results. (22163, P2)
Using @IRR in a calculation script may produce incorrect Retrieve results.

Database restructure causes the application to crash. (22206, P2)
If a member is renamed after another member that is deleted, the new member may map to both previous and existing members and cause the server to crash.

"Invalid Block Header" error following a calculation script or other long running update operation. (22256, P2)
Error 1006010 or 1006016 appears following a calculation script or other long-running update operation. Although the problem has been corrected by this patch, the error message indicates that the database was corrupted. This patch will not fix corruption that has already occurred. You must therefore restore the most recent clean backup of the database or start over with an empty database.

Lotus 1-2-3 results in an error message if #MISSING is set to 0. (22333, P2)
In Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in with Lotus 1-2-3, if the #MISSING label is set to zero and there is no data, an error message is produced stating, "The sheet contains an unknown member 0."

Dimension building for base member hierarchy does not work properly. (22350, 22695 P2)
Dimension building for a base member hierarchy may not work properly when using the generation build method. The rules file does not contain attribute member associations, but when the rules file updates the outline, it assigns attributes to members of different levels.

A crash may occur when verifying an outline containing lengthy date and numeric attribute member names. (22395, P2)
If a full name of a date or numeric attribute member, including parents and ancestors when applicable, is larger than 80 characters, an attempt to save or validate the outline may cause a crash.

Loading and unloading data for a 250 GB database may result in a memory leak. (22412, P2)
When starting Hyperion Essbase OLAP Server, building dimensions by Dynamic Dimension Build, uploading data by Dynamic Data Load, and calculating and then shutting down Hyperion Essbase OLAP Server, allocated memory may not be released and the operating system may crash.

The C API routine, ESSCMD EssOtlOpenOutlineQuery, leads to a memory leak. (22543, P2)
The C API function, EssOtlOpenOutlineQuery, allocates memory that is not released in EssOtlFreeMembers as it should be, which eventually seriously hinders system performance.

After default calculation lower level data may override upper level data. (22742, P2)
When Aggregate Missing is off, lower level consolidation that results in #Missing may override upper level data.

Data not rolling up properly when using an attribute dimension. (22756, P2)
When an attribute dimension is used, Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in and Report Writer may not generate correct data roll-up.

The ESSCMD GETDBSTATS fails when executed. (22816, P2)
Then ESSCMD GETDBSTATS may not function if it is executed on a cube whose dimension name consists of a particular character, such as '%n.'

The ESSCMD EssOtlQueryMembers returns wrong result when outline exceeds 16K members. (22853, P2)
The outline API, routine EssOtlQueryMembers, does not return the correct number of outline members when the outline contains more than 16K members.

Sparse restructure causes Linked Reporting Object (LRO) counter to be reset. (22926, P2)
When adding a new LRO immediately after a sparse restructure, the following error occurs: "Object # already exists".

Unable to initialize GRID API when Regional Setting is German (Austrian). (22962, P2).
The GRID API will fail to initialize when the Regional Setting in the Control Panel is set to German (Austrian).

Memory leak in EssVSetSheetOption and EssVSetGlobalOption. (22998, P2)
The VBA routines, EssVSetSheetOption and EssVSetGlobalOption, leak memory on Windows 95/98 clients, causing degraded performance when they are used repeatedly.

"Cannot access object: Ess00000.TMP" error when running 4 batch jobs. (23034, P2)
When running concurrent programs that use the Outline API, Hyperion Essbase OLAP Server occasionally cannot create temporary file names and displays the error message, "Cannot access object: Ess00000.TMP."

Hyperion Essbase Application Manager is not displaying the Disk Volume. (23059, P2)
The Storage tab on the Database Settings dialog box in Hyperion Essbase Application Manager contains a table that is not always in synchronization with the Disk Volume edit field or updated when changes are made to the disk volumes.

EssCell may not work for Dynamic Time Series. (23119, P2)
In Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in, running EssCell (Y-T-D) on an outline with attributes may return #MISSING instead of the Y-T-D value.

EssVGetDataPoint returns incorrect values for Dynamic Time Series. (23130, P2)
When using Dynamic Time Series in a spreadsheet to return a specific H-T-D (April), the EssVGetDataPoint mistakenly returns "H-T-D" instead of "H-T-D(April)."

Sparse Dynamic Calc fails in a calculation script. (23156, P2)
If a calculation of a stored member depends on a virtual block, either through parent-child relationship or through formula, calculation of the virtual block may not be triggered correctly, causing incorrect results for the stored member.

GRID API crashes with multiple concurrent logins and logouts on a multiprocessor machine. (23175, P2)
The GRID API may crash on connect or disconnect when using multiple threads on a multiprocessor machine.

Data is incorrect when aggregated with Create Block on Equation and from bottom-up. (23274, P2)
When using SET FRMLBOTTOMUP ON, the dependencies of top-down formulas may be processed incorrectly, causing some blocks to be missed during calculation.

EssVGetDataPoint function does not return correct data for a first page header. (23275, P2)
EssVGetDataPoint function may not work properly for the first page header of a query unless the cell being inquired is in the first column.

Division by values between .000000000000004 and -.000000000000004 results in a #MISSING. (23375, P2)
In Hyperion Essbase OLAP Server Release 6.1, the division with denominator values between .000000000000004 and -.000000000000004 may result in a #MISSING.

While ignoring the TimeStamp parameter, EsbGetLogFile returns the entire log. (23396, P2)
The Visual Basic API routine, EsbGetLogFile, ignores the TimeStamp parameter and returns the entire log file rather than the entries of the log file produced after the date and time specified by the TimeStamp parameter.

@XREF triggered by a query will not automatically log off the source database. (23470, P2)
Queries involving Dynamic Calculations with @XREF leave users logged into the remote sources of @XREF references.

The server produces incorrect results if the number of blocks to be locked exceeds the LOCKBLOCK setting. (23656, P2)
When using formulas on sparse members for which the number of blocks to be locked exceeds the LOCKBLOCK setting, the current LOCKBLOCK setting may not return correct values.

After moving members of a sparse dimension, the server crashes while doing a base level restructure (23925, P2)
After moving a sparse dimension member, an attempt to restructure at the base level may result in a network error, 10054, or may even cause the data to disappear.This FixPak (Essbase/400 4.10.032 Server patch) also includes the following from the 4.10.000 patch

This FixPak (Essbase/400 4.10.032 Server patch) also includes the following from the 4.00.030 patch This FixPak (Essbase/400 4.10.032 Server patch) also includes the following from Hyperion Patch 6.00.030 This FixPak (Essbase/400 4.10.032 Server patch) also resolves the following issues from update 4.00.020: This FixPak (Essbase/400 4.10.032 Server patch) also resolves the following issues from update 4.00.010:

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Warehouse Builder Problem Summary

FixPak 7 (STRATEGY 4.50.000 and Essbase 6.1.4) resolves the following problems in the STRATEGY function: In FixPak 6:

Products Affected: Warehouse Builder

This patch also resolves the following issues from update 4.00.030: This patch also resolves the following issues from update 4.00.020: This patch also resolves the following issues from update 4.00.010: Products Affected: ShowCase ODBC This patch also resolves the following issues from update 4.00.030: This patch also resolves the following issues from update 4.00.020: This patch also resolves the following issues from update 4.00.010:

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Known Problems

In DB2 OLAP Server Miner, the Linked Reporting Object functions do not work.  (n/a)
When you select either the 'Create LRO' or  'Delete LRO' options in OLAP Miner, an error message occurs.

Online HTML books might not display properly in Netscape Navigator (n/a)
When you use Netscape Navigator to display HTML books that are intended for a three-frame layout, Netscape might not load the book completely, displaying only one page of information and not displaying the table of contents in the navigation pane on the left. If this occurs, click the Reload button on the Netscape Navigator browser to display the book in three-frame format.

Server Rejects: @AVG("SKIP_Param", expList) the Following Client Is out of Synchronization. (19340)
The server does not accept quotations marks around the following skip parameters: SKIPNONE, SKIPMISSING, SKIPZERO, SKIPBOTH. The Calc Script Editor and client outline verification will not detect this error. When a calculation is run with this syntax error, the application log has the following error message output:
Error parsing formula for member (line <no>): invalid skip instruction in function .
Note that the server validation will catch this error in the Formula Editor.

Calc Script Editor Does Not Generate an Error Message When Reserved Words Are Not Quoted. (20343)
When validating a calculation script, the client may not generate an error message for the incorrect usage of a non-quoted reserved word used for a dimension or member name.
Calculation script reserved words include calc script commands, operators, report script commands, function names, and function arguments in addition to the basic terms, such as AND, BEGIN, MEMBER, FUNCTION, IF, THEN, and so on. For a list of these terms, see the Hyperion Essbase Database Administrator's Guide. It is better not to use these reserved words as dimension names, member names, and aliases. If you do use them as names or aliases in calculation scripts, you must enclose them in quotation marks.

The ESSCMD Batch Job Is Canceled When Regular User Logs out by the Supervisor CONSOLE. (20434)
When running the nightly batch job, the application log appears and can be logged out via CONSOLE because the Essbase script files are not locked, the user has no firewall connections, and has read-only access to the Essbase script files.

In the Japanese Version, Header and Footer Strings that Are Set in Cascade Menu Item Are Preceded by Incorrect Characters. (21011)
With Japanese Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in for Excel, header and footer strings that are set in the Cascade menu item are preceded by incorrect characters when printing and previewing.
Work around: Go into Print Preview > Setup to the Header/Footer tab and specify a custom header/footer that does not contain the incorrect characters.

Set Member Filter in Essbase Query Designer (EQD) Value with MBCS Displays Broken Character. (21012)
From within the Essbase Query Designer, attempting to create a member filter using multi-byte characters and an IME mode causes a data entry problem in both Excel and the Essbase Query Designer.
Work around: Launch the Notepad (or any other text editor that accepts multi-byte input), enter the multi-byte text, copy, and paste the text into the Essbase Query Designer.

If "Allow Application to Start" Setting Is Disabled When the ESSCMD, Call BEGINARCHIVE, Is Used, the Application and Database Cannot Restart. (21247)
If "Allow Application to Start" setting is disabled and a database is placed in the archive mode with ESSCMD, BEGINARCHIVE, after stopping the application, the application and database may not restart.

Attribute Calculation with Sparse Two-Pass Calculation Members Returns Incorrect Value. (22752)
When the attribute query contains a Sparse Two-Pass Dynamic Calc member, and the calculation formula refers to some blocks that are not included in the query, the result of the attribute query may not include the missing blocks.
Work around: Include Sparse members within the calculation formula as part of the attribute query.

Cryillic characters don't work in Outline/Calc editors
If you want to use Cyrillic characters in the outline or calc editors, remember to change the font.  From the Options menu, select Font, and then select Cyrillic from the pull-down box, the last item in the list.

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