IBM DB2 OLAP Server for AS/400 1.1
Fixpack 13a

Instructions for installing the patch for the Warehouse Manager server component
Service Level 3.01.070 -- Upper English
May 2001

These instructions use terminology consistent with ShowCase STRATEGY.

Downloading the Patch

This patch will fix all problems described in the previous document. The patch must be applied only to the ShowCase STRATEGY 3.01, dated 12/08/99. Refer to the instructions below for downloading and applying the patch.

  1. Download the patch, saving the file in any convenient directory on your PC.

  3. In Windows Explorer, double-click WOD070PS.EXE. This will launch a MS DOS prompt, which will create and inflate WOD070PS.BIN file.
  Prerequisites for Applying the Patch

Installing the Patch

(At this point, please be sure that Item 2 from "Downloading the Patch" has completed. That item involves executing the file that was downloaded from the web, thus creating the larger .bin file that will be saved as an FTP file to the server.)

  1. OS/400: Create a save file in QGPL


  3. PC: Use FTP to transfer WOD070PS.BIN to the AS/400:

  4. C:\>FTP <AS/400 IP Address>
    User (system:(none)): <userid>
    331 Enter password.

    Password: <password>
    230 <userid> logged on.
    ftp> binary
    ftp> put c:...\WOD070PS.BIN QGPL/WOD070PS
    ftp> quit

  5. OS/400: Run the following commands. If the ShowCase library is already in your library list, you may omit the first command.



    ADDLIBLE <warehouse manager installation library>

  7. OS/400: If the restore is correct, the following message will appear:



    PTF WOD070PS Successfully Loaded for <warehouse manager installation library>.

  9. OS/400: A journal will be created during the apply process. The journal contains information about the apply process and the last entry in the journal contains the PTF level. There should not be any journal entries of type ER or CE.



    DSPJRN JRN(<warehouse manager installation library>/SCPTFLOG)

  11. If you are not using Analyzer for the Web, skip to Step 8. If you chose a AOS port other than the default of 23000 during the install, follow Step 7. To verify the AOS server port, use the following command:



    WRKSRVTBLE SERVICE(SCOLAPSVR<warehouse manager library>)

      If the port is set to 23000, skip to Step 8.

  13. Change the port number to the one set for your Analyzer Olap Server. Use the following command:



    CHGAOSA KEYNAME(TCPIPPort) KEYVAL(<portnumber>) AOSLIB(<warehouse manager library>) UPHTML(*YES)

  15. The patch process is now complete.

Summary of problems fixed

In addition, this patch incorporates the 3.01.060 patch to resolve: 
In addition, this patch incorporates the 3.01.050 patch to resolve: 
In addition, this patch incorporates the 3.01.040 patch to resolve:  In addition, this patch resolves the following issues: In addition, this patch resolves the following issues:
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