IBM DB2 OLAP Server for AS/400 1.1
Fixpack 13a

Instructions for installing the patch for the OLAP server component
Service Level 3.01.070 -- Upper English
May 2001

These instructions use terminology consistent with ShowCase STRATEGY.

Downloading the Patch

Refer to the instructions below for downloading and applying the patch.

  1. Download the patch (EOD070PS.EXE - 24.1 MB), saving the file in any convenient directory on your PC.

  3. In Windows Explorer, double-click EOD070PS.EXE. When the dialog box appears, click Extract - you will be prompted to save the file in a new directory. Click Yes. EOD070PS.BIN will be saved.
Prerequisites for Applying the Patch <Essbase Installation Library>/DSPESSENV DSPOBJD <Essbase installation library>/EOD070PS *USRSPC If the following message appears, the patch has not been applied.
  CPF9801 - Object EOD070PS in library <Essbase installation library> not found.
Installing the Patch

Note: Before installing the patch, be sure to read and follow the prerequisites listed above.

  1. OS/400: Create a save file in QGPL

  3. PC: Use FTP to transfer EOD070PS.BIN to the AS/400:

  4. C:\>FTP<AS/400 IP Address>
    User (system:(none)): <userid>
    331 Enter password.

    Password: <password>
    230 <userid> logged on.
    ftp> binary
    ftp> put c:...\EOD070PS.BIN QGPL/EOD070PS
    ftp> quit

  5. OS/400: Restore the LODRUNS program and command from the save file using the following command. This may replace an existing version of the command and program which is OK.


  7. OS/400: If the restore is correct, the following message will appear:

  8. 2 objects restored from QTEMP to <Essbase installation library>.

    Note: If the RSTOBJ command fails, be sure you successfully created the save file in step 1 and that the FTP in step 2 was also successful.

  9. OS/400: Update the command as follows.

  10. CHGCMD CMD(<Essbase installation library>/LODRUNS) PGM(<Essbase installation library>/LODRUNS)

    OS/400: Apply the patch as follows. When prompted, enter the name of the Essbase installation library.

    <Essbase installation library>/LODRUNS SAVF(QGPL/EOD070PS)

  11. OS/400: A journal will be created during the apply process. The journal contains information about the apply process and the last entry in the journal contains the PTF level. There should not be any journal entries of type ER or CE. The last ID entry will indicate the latest PTF level that was applied. DSPJRN JRN(<Essbase installation library>/SCPTFLOG)

  13. The patch process is now complete.

Summary of problems fixed

The Essbase/400 3.01.070 Server patch includes the following updates:

In addition, this patch includes the Essbase/400 3.01.060 Server patch which updates: In addition, this patch includes the Essbase/400 3.01.050 Server patch which updates: Member Names Move to a Different Location When They Should Not (19524, P11)
In the Spreadsheet Add-in, when the RepeatMemberLabels option is set to TRUE, member names may move to a different location during retrieval.

Processing Member Select on a Source Database is Slow (19437, P11)
Processing Member Select on a source database may be slow when you create several transparent partitions.

Formula Disappears When Using Flashback if the Result is 0 (19354, P11)
If a formula results in 0 and the Flashback menu is used, the formula disappears and must be retyped.

Output With YTD and Non-YTD Data Gives Incorrect Value (19266, P11)
A report that contains YTD members and non-YTD members may give wrong results.

Retrieving on Spreadsheet Causes Application to Crash (19205, P11)
In the Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in, retrieving data with two members of different dimensions in the same column in the row tree causes the application to end abnormally. Stopping the Essbase Service in Control Panel Returns Error Message (19047, P11)

Attempting to stop the running of Hyperion Essbase as a service returns an error message. Warning Message Produced When Running Calc Scripts (19028, 18762, P11)
Running calc scripts involving calculations that are not top-down concurrently on isolated database segments can sometimes produce a warning message "Lock request timed out in adResource block" and cause the calculations to run more slowly.

Application Crashes When Calculating on a Particular Year with Dynamic Time Series Enabled (18940, P11)
With Dynamic Time Series enabled, a calculation script fixing on a particular year and requiring a high CALCLOCKBLOCK setting crashes the application server.

The Server Gets an Error Message When Running a Calc Script (18821, 14615, P11)
On Windows NT, the server gets an "Unable to reallocate memory" error after running an operation that produces data free space. This is a Microsoft bug. Hyperion Essbase now works around this bug. The workaround that has been implemented has improved the performance of reading data free space by a factor of 60, and the performance of recovering free space in the data files by a factor of five.

Calculations After a Restructuring Operation may be Incorrect (18670, P11)
When a restructuring operation results in an upper level sparse member becoming a level-0 member (because one or more of its children members have been either removed or moved elsewhere in the dimension hierarchy), then, any block in the database involving the upper level sparse member may not be recalculated by a subsequent calculation and results in incorrect values. The workaround is to avoid transitioning a sparse dimension member from being an upper level to a level-0 member as part of restructuring. Incorrect Values are Displayed When Multiple Users Concurrently Retrieve From a Database (18596, P11)
When multiple users concurrently retrieve from a database and the retrievals involve sparse dynamic calculations, results may be incorrect.

Selecting Options From The Essbase Toolbar May Cause Excel To Crash (18555, P11)
In Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in for Excel, using the toolbar may cause Excel to crash.

Users Who Are Not Logged Into an Application Are Not Logged Off (18482, P11)
Users who log on the the Application Manager but who do not log on to an application are not automatically logged off.

In Particular Excel Spreadsheet Layout, Column Header and Corresponding Data Changes On Retrieval (18436, P11)
In the Spreadsheet Add-in for Excel, when member names are repeated across all columns, and options "Repeat Member Labels" and "Advanced Interpretation" are selected, the header label of one of the columns and the corresponding retrieved data may change.

Problems with Dynamic Calc and Transparent Partitioning (18357, P11)
When retrieving on a transparent partition with dynamic calc on a sparse dimension, the members on the same level and the level above return incorrect values and change with each retrieval.

Drill Down With Retain on Retrieval and Retain on Zoom Clears Spreadsheet (18266, P11)
In Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in, drilling down on data after selecting the Retain on Retrieval and Retain on Zoom options, may not return any results.

Year-To-Date Data Changes If Order of Months Changes (18147, P11)
In some cases, the Year-to-Date data shown in a Spreadsheet Add-in retrieval differs when the presentation order of month columns is changed.

Error Message Displayed When 0 is a Member in the Outline (18138, P11)
In Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in for Lotus 1-2-3, a query on a member that is named 0 results in an error message.

Locking and Sending a Formula That Results in an Error Gives Incorrect Warning Message (18108,P11)
Locking and sending a formula that results in an error on Lotus 1-2-3, is mistaken for a string and results in an "unknown member" warning.

Dimension-build Failure Caused by Insufficient Memory Crashes the Application Server (18106, P11)
In some scenarios, a dimension-build failure due to insufficient memory causes the application server to crash.

No Result When Regular Member Has a Calc Script Formula That Depends on the Dynamic Member (17946, P11)
In some specific cases, #MISSING is returned when a regular member has a formula applied to it in a calc script and the formula contains a dynamic calc member.

Canceling the SQL Drill through the Login Box Causes Excel to Crash (17611, P11)
In Hyperion Essbase 5.0 and later releases, Excel will crash if you cancel the SQL Drill Through login dialog box. EssOtlQueryMembersEx Does Not Handle Label Only Members Properly (17600, P11)
The EssOtlQueryMembersEx API command does not return shared or label-only members. First Retrieval Returns Incorrect Data in Some Spreadsheet Scenarios (17567, P11)
In a certain spreadsheet layout, the first Spreadsheet Add.  (F5183)

In addition, this patch incorporates the 3.01.040 patch to resolve: In addition, this patch includes the Essbase/400 3.01.020 Server patch which updates: Application Manager Has Problems With Excel Source Files That Have Been Saved as File Type "Microsoft Excel 97 & 5.0/95 Workbook (*.xls)" and that contain more than 16384 rows (14686, 15991, 15994, 15986, P10)
Workaround: In Excel 97, save the Excel file as normal format, "Microsoft Excel Workbook (*.xls)". Up to 64 KB rows can be processed in this normal format.

Retrieving Data Using EssRetrieve in Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in for Lotus is Slow (15028, P10)
Retrieval time of data using the EssRetrieve macro in the Lotus Add-in is slow when compared to using Retrieve from the Essbase menu.

In the Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in for Lotus 97, Certain Foreign Language Characters are not Translated (15049, P10)
When retrieving members in Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in for Lotus 97, certain foreign language characters, such as French, German, and Greek, are not translated properly.

Retrievals Involving Dynamic Calc Members With Formulas Fail (16726, P10)
Using Dynamic Calc members that contain a formula cause the system to crash with an error message.

Problem with Replicated Partitions and Calculations (16776, P10)
Data from transparent partition is not replicated in the target database. The problem is the same if two replicated partitions are used. This bug is not reproducible.

Agent Crashes When a User ID is Suppressed (17378, P10)
If you create a transparent partition using a certain user ID, and then the Hyperion Essbase administrator suppresses the user ID, the agent crashes.

AGGMISSING is Working Incorrectly (17472, P10)
When AGGMISSING is turned on, the parent member results in a #MISSING value when all children are tagged with the Ignore consolidation property.

Calc All Function Returns Incorrect Results (17568, P10)
The Calc All function continues to run indefinitely on outlines with certain top down formulas.

The .XCP Error Log Incorrectly Displays Physical Memory Values in Megabytes as Kilobytes (17602, P10)
In the .XCP error log, the numbers for the physical memory values were calculated as megabytes but were displayed as kilobytes. These values are now calculated and displayed as kilobytes.

Calculations on Certain Outlines Not Rolling Up After Retrieve Unless the Calc Script is Run Twice (17604, P10)
On certain outlines, calculations involving a regular dense member, depending on the Dynamic Calc dense member, may yield incorrect results unless the calc script is run twice.

The @PARENTVAL and @MDPARENTVAL Functions do not Calculate Dynamic Calc Members (17651, P10)
When the @PARENTVAL and @MDPARENTVAL functions are referencing a parent value that is Dynamic Calc, the parent value is not calculated and there is no data returned after running the member formula.

An Attempt to Retrieve with Dynamic Calc Fails With an Error Message (17658, P10)
Retrievals involving Dynamic Calc members with formulas operating on a dense Dynamic Calc member across a sparse range can sometimes crash the server.

Able to Retrieve Data into a Non-Partitioned Area of an Empty Target Database (17694, P10)
With some partition definitions, it is possible to retrieve data into a non-partitioned area of an empty target database.

When a Calculation is Cancelled, Some Fixed Blocks Are Not Unfixed (17705, P10)
When a calculation is cancelled, some blocks that were fixed are not changed back to unfixed blocks.

Sparse Roll-Up Does Not Create an Upper Level Sparse Block With Implied Share (17858, P10)
In some cases, top-down calculation interferes with the dirty status on blocks and generates incorrect results.

User Security Settings for Calculations Display Incorrectly (17871, P10)
When editing the user security screen in Application Manager, the calculation access settings do not display correctly.

Agent Hangs When Too Many Logins Using the Same ID are Used (18022, P10)
Too many logins using a specific user ID for a partition causes the agent to hang.

Retrieval of Dynamic Time Series Cause the Spreadsheet to Hang (18154, P10)
Retrievals on the dynamic time series data cause the spreadsheet add-in to hang when a DTS member is present in the first row.

After Creating an Outline in HIS and Then Adding Records in Essbase, the Outline Restructure Process Generates Errors (18201, P10)
After creating an outline in HIS and then adding records through dimension build in Essbase, the outline restructure process generates errors.

Tagging a Member With More Than 100 Children Results in a Dynamic Calc Error (18373, P10)
Attempts to use Dynamic Calc fail when a database member that has more than 100 children.

Member Labels Changing, Rearranging During Add-In Retrieve (18491, 18234, 18358, 18421, 18439, 18557, P10)
When attempting to connect to the Essbase database and retrieve, the label names change and undergo significant rearrangement and duplication.

Target Database of a Transparent Partition Crashes upon Retrieval (18520, P10)
With grid expansion, the target database of a transparent partition crashes upon retrieval.

Saving an Outline Causes the Server to Hang (18536, P10)
When you save an outline file after creating an application and database, the server may hang.

Data Changes After Running VBA Retrieve When Using 402 P9 (18540, P10)
When attempting a VBA retrieval, the data in an Excel file is different from the original data when Essbase 4.0.2, Patch 9 is used.

Cannot Use the Mouse to Pivot Data (18553, P10)
On Windows 95a and in Excel 97, you cannot use the mouse to pivot data in a spreadsheet. (F4578)

In addition, this patch includes the Essbase/400 3.01.01 Server patch which updates:

This patch also includes the following fixes from Hyperion 5.02 patch 9:

Certain Characters Appear Incorrectly in the the Essbase menu for Non-English Versions of Lotus 1-2-3 Spreadsheet Add-ins (14711, 17185, 17186, 17772, 17383, P9L)
These fixes require an upgrade of the 1-2-3 add-in. Various translation/localization errors appear in the Essbase menu for the Lotus 1-2-3 Spreadsheet Add-ins.

Unnecessary Informational Messages Appear in Log File After Running a Report Script (14451, P9L)
After running a particular report script against a target partition, the informational message "Grid Expansion enabled for this query" unnecessarily appears multiple times in the server log file.

The Spreadsheet Add-in for Lotus 1-2-3 Incorrectly Displays Greek, French, or German Characters When a Particular 1-2-3 Function is Invoked (15049, P9L)
This fix requires an upgrade of the 1-2-3 add-in. Greek, French, or German characters are displayed incorrectly in the Spreadsheet Add-in for Lotus 1-2-3 when a particular 1-2-3 function is invoked.

Using EssCell on a Dynamic Calc Member Causes Error Messages or Application Crashes (16726, P9L)
Retrieving on a Dynamic Calc member using the EssCell Spreadsheet Add-in function causes application server error messages or crashes when certain database settings and .CFG file settings are in place.

Retrievals in Spreadsheets with Multiple Columns, and Only Dynamic Time Series Members in the Topmost Column, Cause the Application Server to Crash (18154, P9L)
Retrieval on a spreadsheet which has only Dynamic Time Series members in the topmost column, and more than one column in the sheet causes the application server to crash.

Memory Leaks Occur With Consecutive Connects and Retrieves With Flashback Enabled in Spreadsheet Add-in (12185, P9)
This fix requires a client upgrade. Memory leaks occur after consecutive connects and retrieves in the spreadsheet add-in, when Flashback is enabled (Essbase > Options > Global tab).

Errors with Formulas After Retrieval in 1-2-3 Add-in (12477, 16057 P9)
This fix requires a client upgrade. In the Spreadsheet Add-in for 1-2-3, the following problems can occur: Formulas disappear on retrieval or are replaced with 0s. When formulas result in a 0 data value, the 0 does not send as data.

Invalid Block Header Error Occurs During Concurrent, Multi-User Workloads (14434, P9)
In various scenarios, an "Invalid Block Header" error message occurs during concurrent, multi-user workloads, and the database must be recovered from an archived copy or rebuilt.

Formulas Created With the Formula Editor Disappear After the Database Outline is Saved (14974, P9)
Application Manager does not recognize some invalid formulas created in a database outline. These invalid formulas disappear after the outline is saved.

Reports Take Longer to Run in Patch 2 (15359, P9)
Reports take longer to run in 5.0.2, Patch 2 as compared to version 4.1.2, Patch 10.

Running Batch Calculations May Cause the Application to Crash (15507, P9)
Running batch calculations may cause the application to crash when the FIX statement contains only Dynamic Calc members from a dimension.

SQL Drill-Through Fails on Second Drill When Running on Machines Faster Than 400 Mhz (15559, P9)
Hyperion Essbase SQL Drill-Through functions correctly on the first attempt but hangs on the second attempt.

Application Server Crashes after Running a Default Calc on Transparent-Partitioned Target Database (15639, P9)
Running a default calculation on the target transparent-partition database crashes the application server.

Application Manager Displays Incorrect Date for Database Modifications (15698, 16450 P9)
This fix requires a client upgrade. After a user changes the year in the computer's date to 2000, Application Manager's Database > Information > Modifications tab displays the year as 1900.

Application Server Process Uses Up Memory and CPU (15830, P9)
If the Essbase Agent Process is killed using the Task Manager on Windows NT while a calc is running on an application, the ESSSVR process uses up all the available memory on the system.

Invalid Syntax Errors Returned for Calc Scripts Using Parentheses and Commas Within a FIX statement (15952, P9)
Certain calc scripts containing parentheses and commas within a FIX statement return "Invalid Syntax" errors.

Attempts to Import Data into the Data Prep Editor From Excel Fail (15961, P9)
Hyperion Essbase cannot read Excel worksheets because it does not ignore Evaluation Errors such as #DIV/0.

After Mandatory Password Change, Retrieval Attempt Results In "Incorrect Password" Error (15970, P9)
This fix requires a client upgrade. In the Spreadsheet Add-in for Excel, after changing the password as required, a user who attempts to retrieve on a second spreadsheet gets an "Incorrect Password" error message.

Application Crashes After Repeated Calculation Attempts by a User Without Calc Privileges (16147, P9)
When a user without calculation privileges repeatedly tries to run a default calculation from the spreadsheet, the application server crashes.

"Invalid Block Header/Duplicate Key in AVL Tree" Errors Occur After the Following Sequence of Steps: CALC, Successful Sparse Restructuring, Server Crash, CALC (16288, P9)
"Invalid Block Header/Duplicate Key in AVL Tree" errors occur after the following sequence of steps: calculation, successful sparse restructuring, server crash, calculation.

Exiting from Excel Returns Essbase Error Message (16492, P9)
This fix requires a client upgrade. After loading the Excel Add-in and closing all workbook sheets, exiting from Excel results in an Essbase error: "Active sheet could not be determined."

Large Member Formulas Create Server Exception and Crashes Application (16571, P9)
Large member formulas generate a server exception when you attempt to save the database outline. This results in an application crash.

@ISMBR Function Used On Dynamic Calc Members in Member Formulas Returns #MISSING Values (16595, P9)
Certain member formulas using the @ISMBR function and containing references to Dynamic Calc members other than the ones being calculated do not execute correctly, returning #MISSING values.

Dynamic Calc Members are Retrieved as 0 in Certain Spreadsheet Views (16718, P9)
Formulas involving the @PRIOR, @SHIFT, or @NEXT functions on Dynamic Calc members may return incorrect values upon retrieval.

Unchecking Allow Attribute Changes Results in an Erroneous Build (16720, P9)
Hyperion Essbase does not ignore duplicate occurrences of aliases for a member and records warnings in the error file.

Retrievals From Partitioned Databases on Solaris Return Error Messages (16739, P9)
Spreadsheet retrievals against replicated-partition databases on a Solaris server fail with memory allocation or network timeout errors.

Aggregate #Missing Option Not Working with Non-Consolidating Children (16810, P9)
When a child has a non-consolidation tag and a value, the Aggregate #Missing option fails to consolidate #Missing values of other children of that parent member.

In Application Manager, Successfully Defined Alias Does Not Display in Member Properties (16848, P9)
After adding an alias to a member using Application Manager's Member Properties Alias Combination tab, the alias is not listed after the user clicks OK. However, the alias is still functional in the Excel Add-in.

A Default Calc on an Empty Database May Cause the Application to Crash (16910, P9)
When a member formula contains a cross-dimensional operator with the @ISMBR function, the application may crash.

Calc Causes a Crash with Some .cfg Settings (16956, P9)
If more than 100 blocks need to be locked during a batch calculation, the database may crash with an error message.

Users Can Log On to Hyperion Essbase After a Timed Automatic Log Out (16964, P9)
This fix requires a client upgrade. After Hyperion Essbase has logged out users, the users can still automatically log on to Hyperion Essbase through the Client.

No Data Values Return for Dynamic Calc Members After a Retrieve (17011, P9)
In Patch 7, an attempt to retrieve data values for Dynamic Calc members fails, resulting in #Missing values.

Calc is Slow and May Give Incorrect Results (17084, P9)
Calc is slow and may return incorrect results in Patch 4 and succeeding patches.

Setting Substitution Variables at the Application Level Causes Security Corruption(17335, P9)
Setting substitution variables at the application level causes Hyperion Essbase to display an erroneous message stating that the security files are corrupted.

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