To install the special build on Windows, perform the following steps: 1> Copy hotfixpkg_8321.exe or hotfixpkg_8324.exe to your local directory. 2> Stop all DB2 processes before you apply the hotfix. Also, stop all DB2 processes using Services dialog; just running db2stop is not enough. 3> Run hotfixpkg_8321.exe or hotfixpkg_8324.exe 4> Under ..\sqllib\ run "hotfix -l" and "db2level" commands to verify the special build was installed. 5> To uninstall the hotfix, simple run one of the following commands, "hotfix -u HotFixID" - uninstall one hotfix. (most recent first) "hotfix -u all" - uninstall all hotfix. NOTE: You may also use winzip to extract the ''hotfixpkg_8324.exe'' to a directory and run "hotfix -f" to automatically terminate all db2 processes and install the hotfix.