IBM DB2 OLAP Server Analyzer V7.1

Fixpak 3

Installation Notes

Service level:  Hyperion Analyzer Release 5.0.3

January 2002

Although this document refers to the Hyperion Analyzer product, everything in this document also applies to IBM DB2 OLAP Server Analyzer.

To install this fixpak:
  1. Read the Analyzer503NT_Readme.txt file.
  2. Download the file to a temporary directory, where xx is your language:
  3. Stop all Analyzer and OLAP applications, if they are running.
  4. Unzip the file.
  5. Run the SETUP.EXE file and follow the directions in the installation program. For more information, see the Installation Guide shipped with this FixPak, Analyzer503NT_InstallationGuide.pdf.
Installation is complete.  You can start your Analyzer applications.

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