IBM DB2 OLAP Server Analyzer V7.1

Fixpak 2

Release Notes

Service level:  Hyperion Analyzer Release 5.0.2

Although this document refers to the Hyperion Analyzer product, everything in this document also applies to IBM DB2 OLAP Server Analyzer.


What's new
System limitations
Limitations and known problems


To install this fixpak:
  1. Download the file to a temporary directory.
  2. Stop all Analyzer and OLAP applications, if they are running.
  3. Unzip the file.
  4. Run the SETUP.EXE file and follow the directions in the installation program.
Installation is complete.  You can start your Analyzer applications.

What's New

This release is primarily a maintenance release with a few new features that further enhance its award-winning capabilities to deliver intuitive Web-based interactive analysis to all corners of the enterprise.  Enhancements integration with Hyperion Analysis Portal, several customer focused enhancements to the API Toolkit, and new samples on how to easily integrate relational data into your OLAP solution.
Hyperion Analysis Portal delivers a personalized, single point-of-access for business analysis and relevant external information. Several enhancements are included in version 5.0.2 to ensure seamless integration of Hyperion Analyzer with the Hyperion Analysis Portal.
The following new features have been added to the API Toolkit:

The Search action displays the Search dialog box, providing users with a GUI interface for searching for member selections in the specified dimension.  The Sort action displays the Sort dialog box, allowing users to sort and order dimension members of the specified dimension header.   This Traffic Light action displays the Traffic Light dialog box enabling users to define or modify traffic light definitions.

There may be times when not all of the data you need to analyze is available in your Hyperion Essbase applications. Hyperion Analyzer offers several options for integrating relational data with your OLAP analysis. These offerings include support for Hyperion Integration Server drill through reports and Virtual Cube connections using any level 2 ODBC drivers. Look in the Virtual Cubes and Relational Samples guide to learn more about Virtual Cubes and how to setup the relational samples view group.
Where to go from here
If you would prefer to get more detailed information before installing, please view the Getting Started and Enterprise guides. These guides are in PDF format and can be opened using the Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is freely downloadable from

System Limitations

Limitations and known problems

The following list describes known problems in this release:

Pin graphics must contain fewer than 256 colors, especially for pinboards distributed across the Web.  Pin graphics exceeding  this limitation prompt Web clients to ignore colors assigned as transparent.  00-12-0021


The following product improvements have been implemented in this release of Hyperion Analyzer 5.0:

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