Title: Hyperion Web Gateway 1.5 Patch 3 Release Notes


Hyperion Web Gateway Version 1.5
Patch 3 Release Notes


Patch file name: PATCH.HTM

Applies to: All platforms

Patch Date: 12/18/98

Identification: HWG1.5_P3




This file describes problems corrected by one or more Hyperion Web Gateway patches. Even if you have only one of the problems fixed in one of the patches, you need to install all patched files. Hyperion Web Gateway patches are cumulative. That is, each patch contains new fixes plus all the fixes for the previous patches. (Please note that patches are not a full installation of the product.)

You can install this patch by downloading files from Hyperion Solution Corporation's Technical Support Web site.


The following table lists the Hyperion Web Gateway 1.5 patches released to date:

Date Reference Description
12/18/98 EWR1.5_P3 Hyperion Web Gateway (HWG) Release 1.5, Patch 3
11/06/98 EWR1.5_P2 Hyperion Web Gateway (HWG) Release 1.5, Patch 2
10/13/97 EWR1.5_P1 Hyperion Web Gateway (HWG) Release 1.5, Patch 1

Patch Summary

The following is a summary of the problems and related fixes for the various HWG 1.5 patch releases. The numbers in parenthesis are internal reference numbers for Hyperion Solutions Corporation.

EWR1.5_P3 (Patch 3)

Number Controls Parameter of the EssReport Tag Does Not Work on Second Retrieval (11511)
When a second data retrieval is attempted, the Number Controls parameter of the EssReport tag does not work.

EWR1.5_P2 (Patch 2)

CGI Error Generated Instead of Normal EssWeb Error Message (10689)
In certain scenarios, the CGI error message erroneously appears instead of the system error message. For example, if you are logged out of Hyperion Web Gateway and you click on a link to the retrieval template.

Esscgi.exe Process Goes Into "Infinite Loop" When Parsing Tags (10675)
General parsing errors of the HTML file take 100% of CPU time.

EWR1.5_P1 (Patch 1)

Number Controls in EssReportMode Isn't Working (8555)
The Number Controls parameter of the EssReportMode tag does not work as described.

Large Data Values Are Not Rendered Correctly After Applying EssFormat, EssFormatCol, or EssFormatRow Tags (8323)
The EssFormat, EssFormatCol, and EssFormatRow formatting tags do not correctly display data values greater than 4GB.

Files to Download

Patch files are located online at Hyperion Solution Corporation's Technical Support Web site, located at http://support.hyperion.com/ts. If you do not have access to this site, have your company's support contact call the Hyperion Solution Corporation's support hotline at (408) 744-1200, or send an e-mail request to TSadmin@arborsoft.com.

To download the patched file(s):

  1. Create a temporary local directory on your Web server for copying files.
  2. Connect to Hyperion Solution's Technical Support Web site using a Web browser (e.g., Netscape's Communicator or Microsoft's Internet Explorer).
  3. Click on Patch Central.
  4. Select EWG, your operating platform, and then download the appropriate file(s) associated with the patch.

    Patch 3 Installation

    NOTE: Always make a backup of the file that a patch file supersedes before replacing the file.

    1. Copy the esscgi.exe file from the temporary local directory you created (see "Files to Download") to the following directories:
      • EWG/bin
      • EWG/cgi-bin (Netscape Navigator/Communicator only)
      • EWG/scripts (Microsoft Internet Explorer only)
    2. Copy the essweb.exe and ewg.exe files to your bin directory, replacing the previous instances of these two files.
    3. Copy this Release Notes file (patch.htm) to your EWG/docs directory.

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