
IBM DB2 OLAP Server, Version 8.2

Release Notes

July 30, 2004 - General Availability, English only


IBM® DB2® OLAP Server™ V8.2 (English only) contains Hyperion Essbase products at the following levels:

For the IBM product, this document supersedes and overrides the documentation written by Hyperion.  If you see any information in the Hyperion documentation that contradicts this readme file, ignore the information in the Hyperion documentation. 

This document contains information that is not available elsewhere.  It supplements the DB2 OLAP Server Installation Guide and other books in the DB2 OLAP Server product library.  You need this information to install and run DB2 OLAP Server V8.2 and DB2 OLAP Integration Server V8.2.



Differences between IBM and Hyperion products

DB2 OLAP Server V8.2  includes the following major features that Hyperion does not offer:

DB2 OLAP Server does not include the following features:


New features - updates

This section contains updates and corrections for the Analytic Services New Features and the Integration Services New Features books, which summarize the new features in Version 8.2 of DB2 OLAP Server and DB2 OLAP Integration Server.  Please read these books to see what's new in Version 8.2.

Documentation:  Starting with V8.2, the documentation for DB2 OLAP Server and DB2 OLAP Integration Server requires a separate installation from the software installation. The documentation installer is located on a separate CD provided in the DB2 OLAP Server package.  Additionally, the DB2 OLAP Server Installation Guide is available in the root directory of the DB2 OLAP Server CD/download image, and it can be downloaded from our Web site with the rest of the V8.2 documentation:   www.ibm.com/software/data/db2/db2olap

Remote Authentication Module:  If you have installed DB2 OLAP Server on UNIX and you want to use external authentication through the DB2 OLAP Server security platform (which is also called Common Security Services or CSS), and you want to use the Microsoft NTLM directory, then you need to install the Remote Authentication Module on the Windows server that had NTLM installed. DB2 OLAP Server uses this program to authenticate to CSS. Essentially, the Remote Authentication Module allows the use of Microsft NTLM as an authenticating directory for DB2 OLAP Server.

CSS gets installed with DB2 OLAP Server, but it does not get used automatically. You'd have to configure the CSS configuration file to enable CSS.  Additionally, the Analytic Services New Features guide provides incorrect locations from which you can install the Remote Authentication Module, a new feature in V8.2.  The Remote Authentication Module can be installed only from the Windows CD for DB2 OLAP Server.  

See the DB2 OLAP Server Installation Guide and the Technical Reference for more information about the Remote Authentication Module.


Installation updates

This section provides information about changes to the installation process that are not documented elsewhere.  Before starting the installation, you must read the DB2 OLAP Server Installation Guide, which is available in the root directory of the DB2 OLAP Server CD.

For DB2 OLAP Server:

1. Single installation for each UNIX login

On any UNIX platform, a network user can install DB2 OLAP Server on one computer only. To install DB2 OLAP Server on more than one networked computer requires a different user login for each installation.

2. Additional AIX Requirement: C++ Runtime Environment Version

If the following error message is displayed when you attempt to start DB2 OLAP Server on AIX, you need to install an updated C++ runtime environment:

exec(): 0509-036 Cannot load program ESSBASE because of the following errors:
0509-150   Dependent module /usr/lib/libC.a(shrcore.o) could not be loaded.
0509-152   Member shrcore.o is not found in archive
To download this file: Go to the IBM technical support website: techsupport.services.ibm.com and enter the fileset, Fileset xlC.aix50.rte., or the PTF number, U489780, in the Search string field to find the file

3. Japanese databases and ODBC drivers

If you are using a non-Japanese application with a Japanese database, and you are using either a DataDirect 4.2 or Merant 4.1 ODBC driver, you should be aware of the possibility of potential errors or incorrect data which may arise because the DataDirect 4.2 and Merant 4.1 ODBC drivers exhibit different behavior with the code pages, MS-932 (Shift-JIS) and Unicode. Details are available at Microsoft http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;170559

4. Temporary Directory Path Issues

On UNIX, if you have an environment variable called TMPDIR set, then unset this environment variable so DB2 OLAP Server can create temporary files in the default directory /tmp. If you want to use the TMPDIR environment variable, ensure that its path name is no longer than 15 characters.

If the full path to the temporary file is greater than 15 characters, some DB2 OLAP Server functions may fail.

5. HP-UX and Memory Issues

For optimal use of memory, we recommend the HP-UX environment setting _M_ARENA_OPTS to 4:8. For more information on this setting, consult the HP-UX documentation on malloc. (22847 closed.)

6.  Must uninstall OLAP Miner V8.1 before installing V8.2 products, including OLAP Miner V8.1.2

DB2 OLAP Server Miner V8.1.2 does not support migration from OLAP Miner V8.1.  If you intend to install OLAP Miner V8.1.2, you must perform the following steps in order:

  1. Uninstall OLAP Miner V8.1, if you have it installed.  
  2. Install DB2 OLAP Server V8.2.
  3. Install OLAP Miner, V8.1.2.

For DB2 OLAP Integration Server:

1. No cross-platform support for servers

There is no cross-platform support for the DB2 OLAP Server and DB2 OLAP Integration Server in Version 8.2. You must install the server components of both products on either a UNIX operating system or a Windows operating system. You cannot install one server on UNIX and the other on Windows.

2. Supported ODBC Drivers and Other Connections

DB2 OLAP Integration Server manages several types of connections to the relational data source and to the OLAP Metadata Catalog. For a complete list of supported Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) drivers and Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) drivers, see the DB2 OLAP Server Installation Guide.

3. "Localhost" is not accepted as a server name

In the Integration Services Login dialog box, the user must specify a machine name or machine IP address in both the Essbase Integration Server frame and the Essbase Analytic Server frame.

4. Rebooting Your Computer

When you complete the installation, you must reboot your computer. A prompt at the end of the installation enables the installation wizard to reboot for you, or you can choose to reboot manually later.


Migration updates

This section contains information about differences between V8.2 and previous releases that is not documented elsewhere.  Make sure you read this section, and the Migration chapter in the DB2 OLAP Server Installation Guide, before migrating your applications.

1. Changes in supported hardware and software

The hardware and software supported by V8.2 has changed from previous versions.  They are all listed in the DB2 OLAP Server Installation Guide.  If a previously-supported operating system or software product is no longer listed, it is not supported in V8.2.

2. ESSLANG Required for All Languages

Starting with V8.2, the ESSLANG environment variable must be set on the OLAP server computer for all languages, even if English is the only language used at your site. The installer prompts for the variable value to use. If you already have an ESSLANG variable defined, the prompt displays that value. If you do not have the ESSLANG variable defined, select the English (Latin1) option displayed by the installer, or select the appropriate value for your site.

To support special characters like ä in English, one must use English_UnitedStates.Latin1@Binary (English (Latin1)) and not English_UnitedStates.US-ASCII@Binary (English(US-ASCII)).

The "Working With Unicode-Mode Applications" chapter of the Database Administrator's Guide provides examples for many other languages.

Do not change ESSLANG after running V8.2 and creating applications or databases. If you change the ESSLANG setting after running V8.2 and creating applications or databases, those applications and databases you created will fail to start, and the security file may be corrupted.

Caution: You must select the correct ESSLANG when migrating from a previous release of DB2 OLAP Server. Failure to do so may corrupt the security file. However, if the security file becomes corrupt, there is a backup copy in the ARBORPATH\bin directory called ESSBASE.SEC.xx (where xx is a timestamp indicating when the backup was created).

3. Deleted Alias Combination Functions

The following API functions are no longer supported:

4.  Documentation Installed Separately from Software

Starting with V8.2, the DB2 OLAP Server and Administration Services documentation set requires a separate installation from the software installation. The documentation installer is located on a CD provided in the DB2 OLAP Server package.

5.  Spreadsheet Add-in for Lotus 1-2-3 is no longer shipped with DB2 OLAP Server

Lotus 1-2-3 Release 9.7 for DB2 OLAP Server V8.1, Fix Pack 4 (Analytic Services 6.5.5 ) or later, will work with DB2 OLAP Server.

6. The ESSLANG installation value Japan(Shift_JIS) is no longer supported

Japan(Shift-JIS) is no longer supported as an installation option and Japanese_Japan.Shift-JIS@binary is invalid as a manually specified locale. For 8.2, Japan(Shift_JIS) has been replaced by Japanese(MS932), which inserts Japanese_Japan.ms932@Binary as the ESSLANG value.

7. The ESSLANG installation values Japan(JEF), Polish (ISO-8859-2), and Polish (MS1250) are no longer supported

Japan(JEF), Polish (ISO-8859-2), and Polish (MS1250) are no longer supported as installation options. The corresponding locales, Japanese_Japan.JEF@Binary, Polish_Poland.ISO-8859-2@Polish, and Polish_Poland.MS1250@Polish are invalid as manually specified locales. (80042)

8. API Makefile Library Filename Change

In V8.2, some API makefile library filenames now end in "u". See the API Reference for specific file names for each platform.

To find the new file names, go to the API Reference, choose the topic, "Integrating Essbase With Your Product", and choose the "API Libraries" sub-topic. 289907 (70946)


Known issues for DB2 OLAP Server

Every effort has been made to ensure that DB2 OLAP Server performs without problems. However, these issues remain at the time of release:

On UNIX, the license file can be changed only by installation program.

On UNIX, if you have not installed DB2 OLAP Server, but have installed other components (such as DB2 OLAP Integration Server), you cannot run the $ARBORPATH/bin/license file to change your licensing options.  To change your options, you must run the installation program.  (IBM 7441)

On UNIX platforms, the ESSLANG value defaults to English (Latin I)

On UNIX platforms, the ESSLANG setting defaults to English (Latin I) regardless of the setting in the operating system. You must choose the correct ESSLANG setting or your applications will fail to start.

External authentication issues

Query logging is not supported for aggregate storage applications

Query logging does not work for aggregate storage applications. Query logging is still available for block storage applications.

Formulas dependent on other formulas in aggregate storage outlines may not work

In an aggregate storage outline, for Measures that have explicit formulas defined and that depend on other Measures with formulas, the function depth is restricted to 31 levels.

Copying block storage outlines

Do not use the file system to copy block storage outlines into an aggregate storage application. Migrate the outlines using the Outline Conversion Wizard in Administration Services.

Aggregate storage applications do not support Unicode

Unicode is not supported for aggregate storage data.

Trigger information for a previous application is contained in the trigger spool file for a new application

Trigger information may be erroneously appended in the trigger spool file if you have completed the following steps:

  1. Copied an application containing a trigger that has been activated, generating a spool file. Note that triggers are not copied when you copy an application.
  2. Recreated the trigger in the new application and loaded data that activates the trigger.

Workaround: Before recreating the trigger, manually delete the trigger spool files and the trigger.trg file in the application\database folder of the new application.

Virus scans of $ARBORPATH can cause DB2 OLAP Server to terminate abnormally

When scanning for viruses on a machine hosting DB2 OLAP Server, explicitly exclude the $ARBORPATH folder and its sub-folders from the scan. The virus scan interferes with the requirement of DB2 OLAP Server to manipulate certain cube related files exclusively, and results in the server terminating abnormally.

DB2 OLAP Server Administration Services replaces Application Manager

DB2 OLAP Server Administrative Services replaces the Application Manager too from DB2 OLAP Server V8.1. If you used Application Manager from V8.1, you can continue to use it with V8.2 if it is installed on a separate machine.  However, Application Manager does not support  V8.2  features, such as Unicode and aggregate storage databases. 

Migrating VB API Programs to Work with Unicode-Mode Applications

Since the VB API does not support working with Unicode-mode application outlines, you cannot migrate VB API programs to work with Unicode-mode applications. Custom program support for Unicode-mode applications is available only using the C APIs.

Comments in locale headers

For compatibility with OLAP servers prior to V8.2, locale headers can optionally use /*...*/ comment indicators, rather than //.

Rules File

New Error Message for APIs

In all cases where the existence of the object is not expected (for example, saving a rules file, saving a report, or copying an outline - target name), a new error message is used:

1053025 - Object <objname> already exists and is not locked by user <username>

instead of the existing message:

1053011 - Object <objname> is not locked by user <username>

In cases where the existence of the object is expected (for example, unlocking an object when you do not have the lock, or copying an outline when someone else has the source outline already locked), the old error message is still used.

The functions that could display the new message are:

Then, several API functions will call EssPutObject as part of their code: 


Hybrid Analysis and OCI

If you are using Hybrid Analysis and have either the OLAP Metadata Catalog or your data source in an Oracle database, you must use DataDirect drivers. Hybrid Analysis no longer supports Oracle Call Interface (OCI).

Hybrid Analysis Drill Through With Transformations

When performing a drill through on Hybrid Analysis data with transformations, DB2 OLAP Server returns an incorrect SYSDBV value to the EIS server. It returns the transformed value instead of the database value associated with the member. 365213 (73528)

Hybrid Analysis causes error when lock list is full

Depending on the nature of the end user query, Hybrid Analysis may need to issue SQL queries to the relational database that access a large number of rows.

If this happens on a DB2 database, the error "SQLCODE-912" may occur. This is caused when DB2 attempts a lock escalation unsuccessfully because the lock list is full. Please contact your relational database administrator to set the lock list to a more appropriate limit.


When using DB2 UDB on an HP-UX system, setting the HAMAXQUERYTIME option to 1 in essbase.cfg causes DB2 OLAP Server to terminate abnormally. 368398 (74789)

Unexpected Error Message for Cluster Algorithm

When applying the Data Mining cluster algorithm on Solaris, an unexpected "Invalid Login ID" error message may be displayed. (73947)

Database Designer Access Required to Launch an Aggregation.

For aggregate storage databases, a user with Calculate access cannot launch an aggregation. Database Designer access or higher is required. (77332)

No message displayed

For an aggregate storage database, when an error occurs during a data aggregation, no message appears in the message panel of the Administration Services console. (80407)

Renaming an accounts dimension as an attribute dimension is not supported

Renaming an accounts dimension to an attribute dimension corrupts the dimension and on an HP-UX system can cause Administration Services to terminate abnormally. (77500)

Cannot use NLS characters in a data mining algorithm name

Using NLS characters in a data mining algorithm name causes an error. (76775)


Known issues for DB2 OLAP Integration Server

Every effort has been made to ensure that DB2 OLAP Integration Server performs without problems. However, these issues remain at the time of release:

DB2 OLAP Integration Server might crash on HP-UX platforms during multiple loads

DB2 OLAP Integration Server V8.2 running on an HP-UX platform may crash during multiple data and member loads. There is no problem with a single member or data load.

Limitation on filters in Teradata  (43100)

In Teradata, a filter must be entered in the same format as specified during the creation of the RDBMS table.

Views require expansion of date-time functions in Teradata  (43249)

Using COALESCE and date-time functions together in a Teradata SQL statement causes an invalid syntax error.

  WORKAROUND: In Teradata, create a view that expands the date-time functions and then use that view to create the model and metaoutline. This prevents the COALESCE and date-time functions from appearing together in the same SQL statement.

Week function in OLAP Model not supported on Informix (56500)

If you are using DB2 OLAP Integration Server with data on an Informix platform, you may encounter errors when selecting "Date-Hierarchy" in an OLAP model. Specifically, if you select "Transdate Column" from the Edit/Properties/Table/Columns drop-down menu and attempt to create a "Year/Week" hierarchy using the "Date-Hierarchy" utility, then by default the member "Week" is tagged with respect to Year. This often generates an incorrect select statement because Informix does not have the "fn WEEK" function.

  WORKAROUND: Manually switch to "with respect to Month." DB2 OLAP Integration Server will then create another select statement and load the hierarchy.

Accounts Dim members are not displayed properly if aliases are used in recursive hierarchies (58015)

If you use an alias for a parent or child member in the Accounts dimension for a recursive hierarchy, the member’s alias will not display properly.

Limitation on drill-through reports on Informix platforms (66630)

If you are using DB2 OLAP Integration Server with data on an Informix relational database server and you generate a drill-through report after performing a member and data load, the monthly data in a year-quarter-monthly hierarchy may not display correctly.

Drill-through SQL limitation (66652) (77474)

If the database value of a member is not unique among a group of members, then a drill-through operation on a specific member will return records for all the members rather than just the specific record you requested. For example, if you are drilling through on "January" under the year "2003" and you also have "January" under several other years (all of them having the same database value), then your drill-through operation will return all the records which have "January" irrespective of their years.

  WORKAROUND: Use Template SQL to refine your search with specific filters.

Mod(%) should not be used on column transformation when using DataDirect ODBC driver for DB2 UDB on UNIX (70209)

If you are using a DataDirect ODBC driver for DB2 UDB in a UNIX environment, it is recommended that you do not use the MOD (%) operator function in the Transformation Rule tab of the Column Properties dialog box in an OLAP model.

  WORKAROUND: Use your user-defined SQL for transformations.

Unable to validate @ISUDA (71230)

Although DB2 OLAP Server will validate @ISUDA functions, DB2 OLAP Integration Server will not validate these functions.

Column names may not display with DataDirect 4.2 (71286)

If your column names contain 0x5C double-byte characters, and you are using the DataDirect 4.2 ODBC driver, the columns may not be displayed within a table.

Time-based incremental load limitation

Due to database restrictions on the IN clause, if there are more than 1000 outline members to be updated during time-based incremental loads, the SQL statement generated by DB2 OLAP Integration Server may not execute in a timely fashion. In such cases, we recommend that you perform full member and data loads rather than time-based incremental loads.

Special characters in passwords may cause drill-through and hybrid analysis reports to fail

If you created drill-through or hybrid analysis reports in releases prior to V8.2 of DB2 OLAP Integration Server, and you run these same reports in IDB2 OLAP Integration Server V8.2, the reports may not function properly.

  WORKAROUND: This is most likely due to the presence of w, x, y, z, {, or } in a password. Change your password to something not containing any of these characters and reload.

MBCS characters should not be used in names of some entities (73848) (73905) (73906) (73910) (74122)

Multibyte Character Sets (MBCS) characters should not be used in the names of the following types of entities:

Attribute dimensions in drill-through reports - Vantive Defect 366435 (73893)

When you are performing a drill-through report, if you do not specify an attribute dimension, then it is assumed that you are asking for all attributes.

Oracle database as Unicode data source

If you are running DB2 OLAP Integration Server on Windows and accessing an Oracle database as an MBCS or Unicode data source using DataDirect 4.2 Wire Driver, characters corresponding to 0x4E88 in UTF-8 encoding may not be processed properly.

  WORKAROUND: Use OCI drivers.

Manually created batch files for olapicmd must be encoded in UTF-8

Because olapicmd accepts only UTF-8 encoded data, any batch files created manually must also be encoded in UTF-8.

Japanese encoding

While using Japanese encoding, it is recommended you use MS932 encoding instead of Shift-JIS.

Verification of template SQL with recursive hierarchy member will display a false error message  (73981)

If you verify a template SQL using a recursive hierarchy member, DB2 OLAP Integration Server displays an error message even if no error condition exists.

Computers running DB2 OLAP Server, DB2 OLAP Integration Server, and relational data source must use same code page for drill-through reports (74512)

In order that drill-through reports may function properly in multi-language environments, the computers running DB2 OLAP Server and DB2 OLAP Integration Server and your relational data source must use the same code page.

Drill-through reports may not display attribute dimensions of date type (74583)

If a drill-through intersection has an attribute dimension of date type, the drill-through report may not display any records.

User-defined shared members should be last in metaoutline  (74674)

If user-defined shared members could possibly come from a relational column, you should place the user-defined shared members last in your metaoutline dimension.

Automatic creation of fact tables and dimensions fails in localized versions (74935) (74936)

The automatic creation of fact tables and dimensions does not function in the localized versions of DB2 OLAP Integration Server V8.2. If you attempt to create a fact table or dimension automatically from the Tools menu, you will receive an error message and the fact table or dimension will not be created.

  WORKAROUND: Create all fact tables and dimensions manually.

Restriction on use of MMM transformation in Japanese databases (75633)

The followings limitations exist for MMM transformations in Japanese databases:

Schemas listed twice for DB2 Universal Database (76860)

If your external data source is in IBM DB2 UDB and you are using DataDirect 4.2 Wire Protocol, your schema may be listed twice in the left frame of the OLAP model window.

Linux Red Hat gcc++3 or higher required - Vantive Defect 378471 (79074) (76467)

DB2 OLAP Integration Server V8.2 requires gcc++3 or higher to be compiled and installed on Red Hat AS, ES, and WS 2.1. If you perform a full install of AS2.1, Red Hat installs all necessary libraries. If you choose to perform a custom install of AS2.1, then verify that the following RPMs are installed:

Error in Hybrid Analysis sample insert statement - Vantive Defect 380471 (79846)

The ha_create_db2.sql file, which is used to construct the Hybrid Analysis sample application, contains an incorrect insert statement. This causes an incorrect value to be displayed in the Hybrid Analysis sample data.

  WORKAROUND: To correct the ha_create_db2.sql file, perform the following steps:

  1. Change the properties of the following file so that is is not "read only":

  2. Open this file in a text editor.

  3. Do a search for:   (5,1,’New TBC.Hamps’

  4. Change this to:   (5,1,’New Hampshire’

  5. Save the file.

  6. Reset the properties of the file to "read only."

Uninstall and install fail through PC Anywhere - Vantive Defect 381349 (80182)

If you attempt to install or uninstall DB2 OLAP Integration Server through a PC Anywhere connection, your machine may freeze, requiring you to reboot your system.

  WORKAROUND: Turn off PC Anywhere, and you should be able to successfully complete the installation or uninstallation.

System Limitations for DB2 OLAP Integration Server

Hybrid Analysis Limitations for DB2 OLAP Integration Server


Known DBCS issues and limitations

DBCS Issues

SQL Interface (IBM 7303 and 7304 )
SQL Interface does not work with Unicode mode applications.  

DBCS text does not display in Spreadsheet Add-in wizard in Japanese (IBM 7355)
On Japanese, DBCS text cannot be displayed with the wizard panels in the Spreadsheet Add-in for Excel.  This is not an problem in DB2 OLAP Server Spreadsheet Services.  

DBCS text does not display in Query Designer in Japanese and Simplified Chinese  (IBM 7356)
On Japanese and Simplified Chinese, DBCS text cannot be displayed with the Query Designer in the Spreadsheet Add-in for Excel.  This is not an problem in DB2 OLAP Server Spreadsheet Services. 

Spreadsheet Services cannot save an EQD file that contains a DBCS dimension (IBM 7514)
For both Unicode and non-Unicode applications, DB2 OLAP Server Spreadsheet Services fails to save the EQD file when a DBCS dimension is added to the Rows list box in the Query Designer.  

DBCS problem in Administration Services Data Prep Editor (IBM 7533)
The DB2 OLAP Server Administration Services Data Prep Editor is unable to correctly build, for DBCS dimensions, DBCS members from SQL Type data source.  

Corrupt error message displayed when connecting to Integration Server (Hy 381268)
In DBCS environment, if you cannot connect to the Integration Server on AIX, DB2 OLAP Integration Server provides an incomplete error message. This is how error is displayed: 

Error 2003000: ODBC Error [DataDirect] [ODBC 20101 driver] 7680. 

The error should be displayed like this: 

Error 2003000: ODBC Error [DataDirect] [ODBC DB2 Wire Protocol driver] Userid was revoked or is invalid

Corrupt error displayed when connecting to a non-existent user ID (Hy 376643).
In DBCS environment, if you try to connect to a Metadata Catalog with a non-existing user ID, DB2 OLAP Integration Server provides an incomplete error message. This is how error is displayed: 

Error 2003000: ODBC Error [IBM][CLI Driver] SQL30082N

The error should be displayed like this:  

Error 2003000: ODBC Error [DataDirect] [ODBC DB2 Wire Protocol driver] Userid was revoked or is invalid.

General DBCS limitations

Issues between DB2 OLAP Server and DB2 OLAP Server Administration Service

Issues between DB2 OLAP Integration Server and the SQL interface

Issues between Deployment Services and Spreadsheet Services


Documentation updates

The following information updates the published DB2 OLAP Server V8.2 documentation. 

External authentication documentation updates

The following information updates the use of external authentication with DB2 OLAP Server:


Copyright information

The following statements apply to all server and client components of IBM DB2 OLAP Server:

Licensed Material - Program Property of IBM
(c) Copyright IBM Corporation 1998, 2004.  All Right Reserved.
US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
IBM, DB2, and DB2 OLAP Server are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.
Portions (c) 1991-2004 Hyperion Solutions Corporation.  All rights reserved.  Hyperion is a registered trademark and Hyperion Solutions is a trademark of Hyperion Solutions Corporation.
Microsoft and Windows are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.

IBM DB2 OLAP Server 8.2 - English-only - July 2004 *****************************************************************

IBM DB2 OLAP Server, Version 8.2

Release Notes

July 30, 2004 - General Availability, English only


IBM® DB2® OLAP Server™ V8.2 (English only) contains Hyperion Essbase products at the following levels:

For the IBM product, this document supersedes and overrides the documentation written by Hyperion.  If you see any information in the Hyperion documentation that contradicts this readme file, ignore the information in the Hyperion documentation. 

This document contains information that is not available elsewhere.  It supplements the DB2 OLAP Server Installation Guide and other books in the DB2 OLAP Server product library.  You need this information to install and run DB2 OLAP Server V8.2 and DB2 OLAP Integration Server V8.2.



Differences between IBM and Hyperion products

DB2 OLAP Server V8.2  includes the following major features that Hyperion does not offer:

DB2 OLAP Server does not include the following features:


New features - updates

This section contains updates and corrections for the Analytic Services New Features and the Integration Services New Features books, which summarize the new features in Version 8.2 of DB2 OLAP Server and DB2 OLAP Integration Server.  Please read these books to see what's new in Version 8.2.

Documentation:  Starting with V8.2, the documentation for DB2 OLAP Server and DB2 OLAP Integration Server requires a separate installation from the software installation. The documentation installer is located on a separate CD provided in the DB2 OLAP Server package.  Additionally, the DB2 OLAP Server Installation Guide is available in the root directory of the DB2 OLAP Server CD/download image, and it can be downloaded from our Web site with the rest of the V8.2 documentation:   www.ibm.com/software/data/db2/db2olap

Remote Authentication Module:  If you have installed DB2 OLAP Server on UNIX and you want to use external authentication through the DB2 OLAP Server security platform (which is also called Common Security Services or CSS), and you want to use the Microsoft NTLM directory, then you need to install the Remote Authentication Module on the Windows server that had NTLM installed. DB2 OLAP Server uses this program to authenticate to CSS. Essentially, the Remote Authentication Module allows the use of Microsft NTLM as an authenticating directory for DB2 OLAP Server.

CSS gets installed with DB2 OLAP Server, but it does not get used automatically. You'd have to configure the CSS configuration file to enable CSS.  Additionally, the Analytic Services New Features guide provides incorrect locations from which you can install the Remote Authentication Module, a new feature in V8.2.  The Remote Authentication Module can be installed only from the Windows CD for DB2 OLAP Server.  

See the DB2 OLAP Server Installation Guide and the Technical Reference for more information about the Remote Authentication Module.


Installation updates

This section provides information about changes to the installation process that are not documented elsewhere.  Before starting the installation, you must read the DB2 OLAP Server Installation Guide, which is available in the root directory of the DB2 OLAP Server CD.

For DB2 OLAP Server:

1. Single installation for each UNIX login

On any UNIX platform, a network user can install DB2 OLAP Server on one computer only. To install DB2 OLAP Server on more than one networked computer requires a different user login for each installation.

2. Additional AIX Requirement: C++ Runtime Environment Version

If the following error message is displayed when you attempt to start DB2 OLAP Server on AIX, you need to install an updated C++ runtime environment:

exec(): 0509-036 Cannot load program ESSBASE because of the following errors:
0509-150   Dependent module /usr/lib/libC.a(shrcore.o) could not be loaded.
0509-152   Member shrcore.o is not found in archive
To download this file: Go to the IBM technical support website: techsupport.services.ibm.com and enter the fileset, Fileset xlC.aix50.rte., or the PTF number, U489780, in the Search string field to find the file

3. Japanese databases and ODBC drivers

If you are using a non-Japanese application with a Japanese database, and you are using either a DataDirect 4.2 or Merant 4.1 ODBC driver, you should be aware of the possibility of potential errors or incorrect data which may arise because the DataDirect 4.2 and Merant 4.1 ODBC drivers exhibit different behavior with the code pages, MS-932 (Shift-JIS) and Unicode. Details are available at Microsoft http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;170559

4. Temporary Directory Path Issues

On UNIX, if you have an environment variable called TMPDIR set, then unset this environment variable so DB2 OLAP Server can create temporary files in the default directory /tmp. If you want to use the TMPDIR environment variable, ensure that its path name is no longer than 15 characters.

If the full path to the temporary file is greater than 15 characters, some DB2 OLAP Server functions may fail.

5. HP-UX and Memory Issues

For optimal use of memory, we recommend the HP-UX environment setting _M_ARENA_OPTS to 4:8. For more information on this setting, consult the HP-UX documentation on malloc. (22847 closed.)

6.  Must uninstall OLAP Miner V8.1 before installing V8.2 products, including OLAP Miner V8.1.2

DB2 OLAP Server Miner V8.1.2 does not support migration from OLAP Miner V8.1.  If you intend to install OLAP Miner V8.1.2, you must perform the following steps in order:

  1. Uninstall OLAP Miner V8.1, if you have it installed.  
  2. Install DB2 OLAP Server V8.2.
  3. Install OLAP Miner, V8.1.2.

For DB2 OLAP Integration Server:

1. No cross-platform support for servers

There is no cross-platform support for the DB2 OLAP Server and DB2 OLAP Integration Server in Version 8.2. You must install the server components of both products on either a UNIX operating system or a Windows operating system. You cannot install one server on UNIX and the other on Windows.

2. Supported ODBC Drivers and Other Connections

DB2 OLAP Integration Server manages several types of connections to the relational data source and to the OLAP Metadata Catalog. For a complete list of supported Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) drivers and Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) drivers, see the DB2 OLAP Server Installation Guide.

3. "Localhost" is not accepted as a server name

In the Integration Services Login dialog box, the user must specify a machine name or machine IP address in both the Essbase Integration Server frame and the Essbase Analytic Server frame.

4. Rebooting Your Computer

When you complete the installation, you must reboot your computer. A prompt at the end of the installation enables the installation wizard to reboot for you, or you can choose to reboot manually later.


Migration updates

This section contains information about differences between V8.2 and previous releases that is not documented elsewhere.  Make sure you read this section, and the Migration chapter in the DB2 OLAP Server Installation Guide, before migrating your applications.

1. Changes in supported hardware and software

The hardware and software supported by V8.2 has changed from previous versions.  They are all listed in the DB2 OLAP Server Installation Guide.  If a previously-supported operating system or software product is no longer listed, it is not supported in V8.2.

2. ESSLANG Required for All Languages

Starting with V8.2, the ESSLANG environment variable must be set on the OLAP server computer for all languages, even if English is the only language used at your site. The installer prompts for the variable value to use. If you already have an ESSLANG variable defined, the prompt displays that value. If you do not have the ESSLANG variable defined, select the English (Latin1) option displayed by the installer, or select the appropriate value for your site.

To support special characters like ä in English, one must use English_UnitedStates.Latin1@Binary (English (Latin1)) and not English_UnitedStates.US-ASCII@Binary (English(US-ASCII)).

The "Working With Unicode-Mode Applications" chapter of the Database Administrator's Guide provides examples for many other languages.

Do not change ESSLANG after running V8.2 and creating applications or databases. If you change the ESSLANG setting after running V8.2 and creating applications or databases, those applications and databases you created will fail to start, and the security file may be corrupted.

Caution: You must select the correct ESSLANG when migrating from a previous release of DB2 OLAP Server. Failure to do so may corrupt the security file. However, if the security file becomes corrupt, there is a backup copy in the ARBORPATH\bin directory called ESSBASE.SEC.xx (where xx is a timestamp indicating when the backup was created).

3. Deleted Alias Combination Functions

The following API functions are no longer supported:

4.  Documentation Installed Separately from Software

Starting with V8.2, the DB2 OLAP Server and Administration Services documentation set requires a separate installation from the software installation. The documentation installer is located on a CD provided in the DB2 OLAP Server package.

5.  Spreadsheet Add-in for Lotus 1-2-3 is no longer shipped with DB2 OLAP Server

Lotus 1-2-3 Release 9.7 for DB2 OLAP Server V8.1, Fix Pack 4 (Analytic Services 6.5.5 ) or later, will work with DB2 OLAP Server.

6. The ESSLANG installation value Japan(Shift_JIS) is no longer supported

Japan(Shift-JIS) is no longer supported as an installation option and Japanese_Japan.Shift-JIS@binary is invalid as a manually specified locale. For 8.2, Japan(Shift_JIS) has been replaced by Japanese(MS932), which inserts Japanese_Japan.ms932@Binary as the ESSLANG value.

7. The ESSLANG installation values Japan(JEF), Polish (ISO-8859-2), and Polish (MS1250) are no longer supported

Japan(JEF), Polish (ISO-8859-2), and Polish (MS1250) are no longer supported as installation options. The corresponding locales, Japanese_Japan.JEF@Binary, Polish_Poland.ISO-8859-2@Polish, and Polish_Poland.MS1250@Polish are invalid as manually specified locales. (80042)

8. API Makefile Library Filename Change

In V8.2, some API makefile library filenames now end in "u". See the API Reference for specific file names for each platform.

To find the new file names, go to the API Reference, choose the topic, "Integrating Essbase With Your Product", and choose the "API Libraries" sub-topic. 289907 (70946)


Known issues for DB2 OLAP Server

Every effort has been made to ensure that DB2 OLAP Server performs without problems. However, these issues remain at the time of release:

On UNIX, the license file can be changed only by installation program.

On UNIX, if you have not installed DB2 OLAP Server, but have installed other components (such as DB2 OLAP Integration Server), you cannot run the $ARBORPATH/bin/license file to change your licensing options.  To change your options, you must run the installation program.  (IBM 7441)

On UNIX platforms, the ESSLANG value defaults to English (Latin I)

On UNIX platforms, the ESSLANG setting defaults to English (Latin I) regardless of the setting in the operating system. You must choose the correct ESSLANG setting or your applications will fail to start.

External authentication issues

Query logging is not supported for aggregate storage applications

Query logging does not work for aggregate storage applications. Query logging is still available for block storage applications.

Formulas dependent on other formulas in aggregate storage outlines may not work

In an aggregate storage outline, for Measures that have explicit formulas defined and that depend on other Measures with formulas, the function depth is restricted to 31 levels.

Copying block storage outlines

Do not use the file system to copy block storage outlines into an aggregate storage application. Migrate the outlines using the Outline Conversion Wizard in Administration Services.

Aggregate storage applications do not support Unicode

Unicode is not supported for aggregate storage data.

Trigger information for a previous application is contained in the trigger spool file for a new application

Trigger information may be erroneously appended in the trigger spool file if you have completed the following steps:

  1. Copied an application containing a trigger that has been activated, generating a spool file. Note that triggers are not copied when you copy an application.
  2. Recreated the trigger in the new application and loaded data that activates the trigger.

Workaround: Before recreating the trigger, manually delete the trigger spool files and the trigger.trg file in the application\database folder of the new application.

Virus scans of $ARBORPATH can cause DB2 OLAP Server to terminate abnormally

When scanning for viruses on a machine hosting DB2 OLAP Server, explicitly exclude the $ARBORPATH folder and its sub-folders from the scan. The virus scan interferes with the requirement of DB2 OLAP Server to manipulate certain cube related files exclusively, and results in the server terminating abnormally.

DB2 OLAP Server Administration Services replaces Application Manager

DB2 OLAP Server Administrative Services replaces the Application Manager too from DB2 OLAP Server V8.1. If you used Application Manager from V8.1, you can continue to use it with V8.2 if it is installed on a separate machine.  However, Application Manager does not support  V8.2  features, such as Unicode and aggregate storage databases. 

Migrating VB API Programs to Work with Unicode-Mode Applications

Since the VB API does not support working with Unicode-mode application outlines, you cannot migrate VB API programs to work with Unicode-mode applications. Custom program support for Unicode-mode applications is available only using the C APIs.

Comments in locale headers

For compatibility with OLAP servers prior to V8.2, locale headers can optionally use /*...*/ comment indicators, rather than //.

Rules File

New Error Message for APIs

In all cases where the existence of the object is not expected (for example, saving a rules file, saving a report, or copying an outline - target name), a new error message is used:

1053025 - Object <objname> already exists and is not locked by user <username>

instead of the existing message:

1053011 - Object <objname> is not locked by user <username>

In cases where the existence of the object is expected (for example, unlocking an object when you do not have the lock, or copying an outline when someone else has the source outline already locked), the old error message is still used.

The functions that could display the new message are:

Then, several API functions will call EssPutObject as part of their code: 


Hybrid Analysis and OCI

If you are using Hybrid Analysis and have either the OLAP Metadata Catalog or your data source in an Oracle database, you must use DataDirect drivers. Hybrid Analysis no longer supports Oracle Call Interface (OCI).

Hybrid Analysis Drill Through With Transformations

When performing a drill through on Hybrid Analysis data with transformations, DB2 OLAP Server returns an incorrect SYSDBV value to the EIS server. It returns the transformed value instead of the database value associated with the member. 365213 (73528)

Hybrid Analysis causes error when lock list is full

Depending on the nature of the end user query, Hybrid Analysis may need to issue SQL queries to the relational database that access a large number of rows.

If this happens on a DB2 database, the error "SQLCODE-912" may occur. This is caused when DB2 attempts a lock escalation unsuccessfully because the lock list is full. Please contact your relational database administrator to set the lock list to a more appropriate limit.


When using DB2 UDB on an HP-UX system, setting the HAMAXQUERYTIME option to 1 in essbase.cfg causes DB2 OLAP Server to terminate abnormally. 368398 (74789)

Unexpected Error Message for Cluster Algorithm

When applying the Data Mining cluster algorithm on Solaris, an unexpected "Invalid Login ID" error message may be displayed. (73947)

Database Designer Access Required to Launch an Aggregation.

For aggregate storage databases, a user with Calculate access cannot launch an aggregation. Database Designer access or higher is required. (77332)

No message displayed

For an aggregate storage database, when an error occurs during a data aggregation, no message appears in the message panel of the Administration Services console. (80407)

Renaming an accounts dimension as an attribute dimension is not supported

Renaming an accounts dimension to an attribute dimension corrupts the dimension and on an HP-UX system can cause Administration Services to terminate abnormally. (77500)

Cannot use NLS characters in a data mining algorithm name

Using NLS characters in a data mining algorithm name causes an error. (76775)


Known issues for DB2 OLAP Integration Server

Every effort has been made to ensure that DB2 OLAP Integration Server performs without problems. However, these issues remain at the time of release:

DB2 OLAP Integration Server might crash on HP-UX platforms during multiple loads

DB2 OLAP Integration Server V8.2 running on an HP-UX platform may crash during multiple data and member loads. There is no problem with a single member or data load.

Limitation on filters in Teradata  (43100)

In Teradata, a filter must be entered in the same format as specified during the creation of the RDBMS table.

Views require expansion of date-time functions in Teradata  (43249)

Using COALESCE and date-time functions together in a Teradata SQL statement causes an invalid syntax error.

  WORKAROUND: In Teradata, create a view that expands the date-time functions and then use that view to create the model and metaoutline. This prevents the COALESCE and date-time functions from appearing together in the same SQL statement.

Week function in OLAP Model not supported on Informix (56500)

If you are using DB2 OLAP Integration Server with data on an Informix platform, you may encounter errors when selecting "Date-Hierarchy" in an OLAP model. Specifically, if you select "Transdate Column" from the Edit/Properties/Table/Columns drop-down menu and attempt to create a "Year/Week" hierarchy using the "Date-Hierarchy" utility, then by default the member "Week" is tagged with respect to Year. This often generates an incorrect select statement because Informix does not have the "fn WEEK" function.

  WORKAROUND: Manually switch to "with respect to Month." DB2 OLAP Integration Server will then create another select statement and load the hierarchy.

Accounts Dim members are not displayed properly if aliases are used in recursive hierarchies (58015)

If you use an alias for a parent or child member in the Accounts dimension for a recursive hierarchy, the member’s alias will not display properly.

Limitation on drill-through reports on Informix platforms (66630)

If you are using DB2 OLAP Integration Server with data on an Informix relational database server and you generate a drill-through report after performing a member and data load, the monthly data in a year-quarter-monthly hierarchy may not display correctly.

Drill-through SQL limitation (66652) (77474)

If the database value of a member is not unique among a group of members, then a drill-through operation on a specific member will return records for all the members rather than just the specific record you requested. For example, if you are drilling through on "January" under the year "2003" and you also have "January" under several other years (all of them having the same database value), then your drill-through operation will return all the records which have "January" irrespective of their years.

  WORKAROUND: Use Template SQL to refine your search with specific filters.

Mod(%) should not be used on column transformation when using DataDirect ODBC driver for DB2 UDB on UNIX (70209)

If you are using a DataDirect ODBC driver for DB2 UDB in a UNIX environment, it is recommended that you do not use the MOD (%) operator function in the Transformation Rule tab of the Column Properties dialog box in an OLAP model.

  WORKAROUND: Use your user-defined SQL for transformations.

Unable to validate @ISUDA (71230)

Although DB2 OLAP Server will validate @ISUDA functions, DB2 OLAP Integration Server will not validate these functions.

Column names may not display with DataDirect 4.2 (71286)

If your column names contain 0x5C double-byte characters, and you are using the DataDirect 4.2 ODBC driver, the columns may not be displayed within a table.

Time-based incremental load limitation

Due to database restrictions on the IN clause, if there are more than 1000 outline members to be updated during time-based incremental loads, the SQL statement generated by DB2 OLAP Integration Server may not execute in a timely fashion. In such cases, we recommend that you perform full member and data loads rather than time-based incremental loads.

Special characters in passwords may cause drill-through and hybrid analysis reports to fail

If you created drill-through or hybrid analysis reports in releases prior to V8.2 of DB2 OLAP Integration Server, and you run these same reports in IDB2 OLAP Integration Server V8.2, the reports may not function properly.

  WORKAROUND: This is most likely due to the presence of w, x, y, z, {, or } in a password. Change your password to something not containing any of these characters and reload.

MBCS characters should not be used in names of some entities (73848) (73905) (73906) (73910) (74122)

Multibyte Character Sets (MBCS) characters should not be used in the names of the following types of entities:

Attribute dimensions in drill-through reports - Vantive Defect 366435 (73893)

When you are performing a drill-through report, if you do not specify an attribute dimension, then it is assumed that you are asking for all attributes.

Oracle database as Unicode data source

If you are running DB2 OLAP Integration Server on Windows and accessing an Oracle database as an MBCS or Unicode data source using DataDirect 4.2 Wire Driver, characters corresponding to 0x4E88 in UTF-8 encoding may not be processed properly.

  WORKAROUND: Use OCI drivers.

Manually created batch files for olapicmd must be encoded in UTF-8

Because olapicmd accepts only UTF-8 encoded data, any batch files created manually must also be encoded in UTF-8.

Japanese encoding

While using Japanese encoding, it is recommended you use MS932 encoding instead of Shift-JIS.

Verification of template SQL with recursive hierarchy member will display a false error message  (73981)

If you verify a template SQL using a recursive hierarchy member, DB2 OLAP Integration Server displays an error message even if no error condition exists.

Computers running DB2 OLAP Server, DB2 OLAP Integration Server, and relational data source must use same code page for drill-through reports (74512)

In order that drill-through reports may function properly in multi-language environments, the computers running DB2 OLAP Server and DB2 OLAP Integration Server and your relational data source must use the same code page.

Drill-through reports may not display attribute dimensions of date type (74583)

If a drill-through intersection has an attribute dimension of date type, the drill-through report may not display any records.

User-defined shared members should be last in metaoutline  (74674)

If user-defined shared members could possibly come from a relational column, you should place the user-defined shared members last in your metaoutline dimension.

Automatic creation of fact tables and dimensions fails in localized versions (74935) (74936)

The automatic creation of fact tables and dimensions does not function in the localized versions of DB2 OLAP Integration Server V8.2. If you attempt to create a fact table or dimension automatically from the Tools menu, you will receive an error message and the fact table or dimension will not be created.

  WORKAROUND: Create all fact tables and dimensions manually.

Restriction on use of MMM transformation in Japanese databases (75633)

The followings limitations exist for MMM transformations in Japanese databases:

Schemas listed twice for DB2 Universal Database (76860)

If your external data source is in IBM DB2 UDB and you are using DataDirect 4.2 Wire Protocol, your schema may be listed twice in the left frame of the OLAP model window.

Linux Red Hat gcc++3 or higher required - Vantive Defect 378471 (79074) (76467)

DB2 OLAP Integration Server V8.2 requires gcc++3 or higher to be compiled and installed on Red Hat AS, ES, and WS 2.1. If you perform a full install of AS2.1, Red Hat installs all necessary libraries. If you choose to perform a custom install of AS2.1, then verify that the following RPMs are installed:

Error in Hybrid Analysis sample insert statement - Vantive Defect 380471 (79846)

The ha_create_db2.sql file, which is used to construct the Hybrid Analysis sample application, contains an incorrect insert statement. This causes an incorrect value to be displayed in the Hybrid Analysis sample data.

  WORKAROUND: To correct the ha_create_db2.sql file, perform the following steps:

  1. Change the properties of the following file so that is is not "read only":

  2. Open this file in a text editor.

  3. Do a search for:   (5,1,’New TBC.Hamps’

  4. Change this to:   (5,1,’New Hampshire’

  5. Save the file.

  6. Reset the properties of the file to "read only."

Uninstall and install fail through PC Anywhere - Vantive Defect 381349 (80182)

If you attempt to install or uninstall DB2 OLAP Integration Server through a PC Anywhere connection, your machine may freeze, requiring you to reboot your system.

  WORKAROUND: Turn off PC Anywhere, and you should be able to successfully complete the installation or uninstallation.

System Limitations for DB2 OLAP Integration Server

Hybrid Analysis Limitations for DB2 OLAP Integration Server


Known DBCS issues and limitations

DBCS Issues

SQL Interface (IBM 7303 and 7304 )
SQL Interface does not work with Unicode mode applications.  

DBCS text does not display in Spreadsheet Add-in wizard in Japanese (IBM 7355)
On Japanese, DBCS text cannot be displayed with the wizard panels in the Spreadsheet Add-in for Excel.  This is not an problem in DB2 OLAP Server Spreadsheet Services.  

DBCS text does not display in Query Designer in Japanese and Simplified Chinese  (IBM 7356)
On Japanese and Simplified Chinese, DBCS text cannot be displayed with the Query Designer in the Spreadsheet Add-in for Excel.  This is not an problem in DB2 OLAP Server Spreadsheet Services. 

Spreadsheet Services cannot save an EQD file that contains a DBCS dimension (IBM 7514)
For both Unicode and non-Unicode applications, DB2 OLAP Server Spreadsheet Services fails to save the EQD file when a DBCS dimension is added to the Rows list box in the Query Designer.  

DBCS problem in Administration Services Data Prep Editor (IBM 7533)
The DB2 OLAP Server Administration Services Data Prep Editor is unable to correctly build, for DBCS dimensions, DBCS members from SQL Type data source.  

Corrupt error message displayed when connecting to Integration Server (Hy 381268)
In DBCS environment, if you cannot connect to the Integration Server on AIX, DB2 OLAP Integration Server provides an incomplete error message. This is how error is displayed: 

Error 2003000: ODBC Error [DataDirect] [ODBC 20101 driver] 7680. 

The error should be displayed like this: 

Error 2003000: ODBC Error [DataDirect] [ODBC DB2 Wire Protocol driver] Userid was revoked or is invalid

Corrupt error displayed when connecting to a non-existent user ID (Hy 376643).
In DBCS environment, if you try to connect to a Metadata Catalog with a non-existing user ID, DB2 OLAP Integration Server provides an incomplete error message. This is how error is displayed: 

Error 2003000: ODBC Error [IBM][CLI Driver] SQL30082N

The error should be displayed like this:  

Error 2003000: ODBC Error [DataDirect] [ODBC DB2 Wire Protocol driver] Userid was revoked or is invalid.

General DBCS limitations

Issues between DB2 OLAP Server and DB2 OLAP Server Administration Service

Issues between DB2 OLAP Integration Server and the SQL interface

Issues between Deployment Services and Spreadsheet Services


Documentation updates

The following information updates the published DB2 OLAP Server V8.2 documentation. 

External authentication documentation updates

The following information updates the use of external authentication with DB2 OLAP Server:


Copyright information

The following statements apply to all server and client components of IBM DB2 OLAP Server:

Licensed Material - Program Property of IBM
(c) Copyright IBM Corporation 1998, 2004.  All Right Reserved.
US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
IBM, DB2, and DB2 OLAP Server are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.
Portions (c) 1991-2004 Hyperion Solutions Corporation.  All rights reserved.  Hyperion is a registered trademark and Hyperion Solutions is a trademark of Hyperion Solutions Corporation.
Microsoft and Windows are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.