DB2 OLAP Server Installation Guide

Chapter 8. Configuring data sources for DB2 OLAP Integration Server

To create OLAP models or build metaoutlines, you must connect DB2 OLAP Integration Server to both an OLAP Metadata Catalog and a relational data source. To make these connections, you must first configure each data source by mapping a supported Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) driver to each database. On Windows NT and Windows 2000, configure ODBC drivers using the ODBC Administrator. On AIX, HP-UX, and Solaris, use the odbcconfig utility or edit the odbc.ini file. All configuration of ODBC data sources is done only on the computer that runs Essbase Integration Server.

If a supported ODBC driver is already mapped to the relational data source, you do not need to map it again. In this case, you only need to map a supported ODBC driver to the OLAP Metadata Catalog.

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