DB2 OLAP Server Installation Guide

Installing DB2 OLAP Server Miner on Windows

DB2 OLAP Server Miner, also called OLAP Miner, is a new no-charge feature of DB2 OLAP Server that brings together IBM's data mining and OLAP technologies. OLAP Miner applies a sophisticated data mining algorithm called Deviation Detection to the data stored in OLAP cubes. The algorithm scans slices of cubes, identifying values that deviate from the norm. The results of a data mining run can be used by the business analyst to focus on the interesting or surprising values in context of the source OLAP cube. You can still use the usual slice, dice, and drill operations to explore the data, but now you let the values discovered by OLAP Miner drive your analysis. See the OLAP Miner User's Guide for information about what OLAP Miner can do for you.

OLAP Miner requires the DB2 OLAP Server API to be installed on the computer on which you install the OLAP Miner server. Java is a requirement for both DB2 OLAP Server and OLAP Miner.

OLAP Miner has a client component that runs on Windows and a server component that runs on both Windows and AIX. For information about installing the OLAP Miner server component on AIX, see Installing DB2 OLAP Server Miner on AIX.

On Windows, you can install the OLAP Miner client on the same computer as the OLAP Miner server or on another computer.

To install OLAP Miner on Windows:

  1. Insert the DB2 OLAP Server installation CD into your CD-ROM drive.
  2. Find the OLAP_Miner\win32 directory on the CD.
  3. Run the setup.exe file to begin the installation program.
  4. The installation program prompts you for the following information:

You can set up a silent installation so your users do not have to type responses to the prompts of the installation program. To set up a silent installation:

  1. Record your responses to the OLAP Miner installation program prompts. To record your responses, run the following command:
    setup.exe -r

    This will record your responses to the installation prompts into a file called setup.iss, which is stored in the main Windows directory. On Windows NT and Windows 2000 the files is stored in c:\WINNT, and on Windows 95 and Windows 98, the file is stored in C:\Windows.

  2. Copy the setup.iss file into a temporary directory on the computer on which you are installing OLAP Miner.
  3. To run the silent installation, run the setup.exe command using the -s parameter (for silent installation) and the -f1 parameter (which indicates the location of the setup.iss file). For example, if you stored the setup.iss file in the C:\TEMP directory, enter the following command:
    setup.exe -s -f1C:\TEMP\setup.iss

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