DB2 OLAP Server Installation Guide

Prepare to upgrade DB2 OLAP Integration Server

If you are upgrading to DB2 OLAP Integration Server Version 8.1 from a previous release, you should assess several system environment and data migration issues before installing the new software.

The following tasks cannot be completed until after you have installed Essbase Integration Services:

Preserving an existing ODBC Driver

DB2 OLAP Integration Server architecture concentrates ODBC driver configuration solely on the computer that runs DB2 OLAP Integration Server. With this architecture, you do not have to configure ODBC drivers for client computers that run Essbase Integration Services Console or worry about upgrading ODBC drivers on clients.

If you use the MERANT Version 3.6 ODBC drivers supplied with earlier versions, you may want to preserve the older drivers for compatibility with other applications. In general, however, you should upgrade the ODBC drivers to the versions provided with the latest release of Essbase Integration Services. DB2 OLAP Integration Server Version 8.1 supports MERANT Version 4.0 ODBC drivers.

DB2 OLAP Integration Server Version 8.1 does not support MERANT Version 3.6 ODBC drivers.

The directory structure provided with DB2 OLAP Integration Server Version 8.1 lets you retain and continue to use older versions of MERANT drivers without the need to install DB2 OLAP Integration Server to a new location.

Migrating existing OLAP Metadata Catalogs

If you have an existing OLAP Metadata Catalog from an earlier version of DB2 OLAP Integration Server, you must upgrade it before using the OLAP Metadata Catalog with the current release of the software.

You cannot upgrade an existing OLAP Metadata Catalog until after you have completed the installation process. The Essbase Integration Services setup program installs the scripts that are needed for the upgrade (see Upgrading the OLAP Metadata Catalog).

If you have installed the sample application from a previous release of Essbase Integration Services, you should back up your existing sample database, OLAP Metadata Catalog, and the OLAP models and metaoutlines stored in the catalog. You can then upgrade your existing catalog to be compatible with the current release of the software. You cannot, however, store new sample OLAP models and metaoutlines in your previous catalog.

To upgrade an existing OLAP Metadata Catalog, perform the following tasks:

  1. Complete the upgrade steps for the existing OLAP Metadata Catalog described in Upgrading the OLAP Metadata Catalog.
  2. When connecting to the relational database, make sure to use the same user name and password that you used when you created the original OLAP Metadata Catalog. This procedure adds new tables to the OLAP Metadata Catalog without disturbing the existing information.

After you upgrade an OLAP Metadata Catalog, you cannot roll back to the previous release. The new release of OLAP Metadata Catalog is not compatible with previous releases of DB2 OLAP Integration Server. In addition, do not attempt to use the Version 8.1 OLAP Metadata Catalog with previous releases of the software; doing so could result in corrupted catalog data.

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