DB2 OLAP Server Installation Guide

What's new in DB2 OLAP Server 8.1

This section provides an overview of significant changes in DB2 OLAP Server Version 8.1.

OLAP Miner for Deviation Discovery
DB2 OLAP Server Miner is a no charge feature of DB2 OLAP Server. OLAP Miner combines the powerful IBM data mining technologies with OLAP technologies.

OLAP Miner enables you to examine your OLAP cubes (multidimensional databases) more thoroughly and easily by finding atypical or deviant values automatically. Instead of searching through your data manually to find data values that might be higher or lower than you expected, OLAP Miner can do this work for you. The OLAP Miner algorithm is optimized so that it can be deployed on large OLAP cubes.

You can search specific areas (subcubes) of your cubes by creating deviation detection definitions, which specify the way in which OLAP Miner examines the data that you selected for the subcube. OLAP Miner provides an easy-to-use wizard that helps you create deviation detection definitions. After you create and run a deviation detection definition, OLAP Miner applies an algorithm to the data to find deviations. Then you can view a simple list of deviations or bring up the Deviation Viewer, from which you can see the deviations in the context with other surrounding values. You can also view deviations in a standard spreadsheet application.

OLAP Miner was introduced in FixPak 7 of Version 7.1.

Application Manager replaces Administration Manager
The Administration Manager utility is not available in Version 8.1. All the function that was available previously in the Administration Manager is available in the Application Manager.

Relational Storage Manager is no longer available
Starting in Version 8.1, the Relational Storage Manager (RSM) is withdrawn from DB2 OLAP Server. Applications created using the RSM in previous versions must be migrated to the Multidimensional Storage Manager (MSM) before installing Version 8.1. See Migrate from RSM to MSM before upgrading to Version 8.1 for more information.

DB2 OLAP Server is no longer enabled for Tivoli
Tivoli enablement is withdrawn in Version 8.1.

The following changes are specific to Release 6.5 of Hyperion Essbase OLAP Server.

Hybrid Analysis for relational data support
DB2 OLAP Server supports Hybrid Analysis, a method of accessing the lowest level members of an OLAP database from a relational database. This relationally stored data is not physically loaded into DB2 OLAP Server. The data is mapped to the appropriate OLAP hierarchies.

Use OIS and the Hybrid Analysis manager to create applications that access relational data using Hybrid Analysis. The manager generates queries dynamically against the relational source, and runs as part of the OLAP Server.

For more information about how to use Hybrid Analysis, see these documents:

Parallel Calculation
In addition to the standard means of performing a calculation, where each task is performed in sequence or serially, DB2 OLAP Server now supports parallel calculation.

If you enable parallel calculation, DB2 OLAP Server analyzes all the tasks in a calculation pass and breaks them down into subtasks. The subtasks that can run independently of each other are scheduled to run simultaneously on up to four threads, each on a separate CPU.

See the Technical Reference, which entries in the configuration setting and calculation commands sections. You can enable and adjust parallel calculation by adding CALCPARALLEL (and optionally CALCTASKDIMS) to your essbase.cfg configuration file, or you can issue the calculation commands SETCALCPARALLEL (and optionally SET CALCTASKDIMS).

Simulated Calculations
Use the ESSCMD command SET MSG ONLY to perform simulated calculations. These simulated calculations can help you to select dense and sparse settings for the dimensions in your outline. See the Technical Reference in the docs directory for more information.

Empty Outline Support in Dimension Building
DB2 OLAP Server can now build dimensions in empty outline files. When a new database is created, DB2 OLAP Server creates an empty outline file. In previous releases, before building outlines from a data source, users had to add at least one dimension member to the empty outline manually. Now, DB2 OLAP Server no longer requires the manual step.

Substitution Variable Support in SQL Interface
You can use substitution variables in SQL strings, similar to substitution variable use in report scripts and calculation scripts. For details, see the SQL Interface Guide, available in PDF or HTML.

Connection Information Available
Client API programs can now access information about users currently connected to Essbase. The new function EssListLogins() provides a count of the users logged in to a specified connection and returns information on the connected client names and IP addresses.

Server Log Enhancements
Messages in the server log dealing with user logins and security changes now include additional details:

In addition, DB2 OLAP Server logs additional security activities in the server log, including the name of the user and group being changed and the user performing the change:

I/O Setting Changes
Previously, configuration setting DIRECTIO controlled the default mode of I/O access at the server level. Now, DIRECTIO controls only the I/O mode used for databases when they are created. To change the I/O mode for an individual database, use Application Manager, and navigate to the Database Settings window, Storage tab.

Correct Structure Alignment
Header files contain new information and structures that enable DB2 OLAP Server to run more quickly and efficiently. You need not do anything for new or upgraded installations, the changes are made automatically. Two header files, esbapi.h and esbotl.h, are no longer needed, and therefore no longer shipped with Essbase. One new header file, esstsa.h, has been added.

SQL Interface Guide in HTML and PDF
The Essbase SQL Interface Guide is now available in HTML as well as PDF.

New Error Message Documentation
Help for error messages are now available from the Information Map, which you can launch from the Start > Programs > IBM DB2 OLAP Server 8.1 > Documentation menu.

The following changes are specific to Release 6.2 of Hyperion Essbase OLAP Server.

Application and database migration across OLAP Servers
You can migrate applications and databases from one server to another, regardless of platform. When you migrate, you can also migrate user/group security, including filter associations.

User and group migration across OLAP Servers
You can migrate DB2 OLAP Server users and groups from one server to another, regardless of platform. You can migrate individual users and groups, or you can migrate multiple users or multiple groups at one time.

Password propagation
You can change a password and then propagate that password to other OLAP Servers.

Single sign-on to DB2 OLAP Server enterprise environment
When you log in to Administration Services, the Administration Server handles your connections to OLAP Servers, applications, and databases.

Log analysis
Using Log Analyzer, you can filter, search, and analyze OLAP Server logs and application logs.

New MaxL Script Editor
A new MaxL Script Editor is integrated with the Administration Services Console. From this editor, you can create, edit, save, and execute MaxL statements and scripts. You can also use the editor to type and execute MaxL statements interactively, or to perform one DB2 OLAP Server operation at a time. Results from MaxL statements are displayed within the editor.

Background processing
You can execute calculations in the background while performing other tasks. You can also exit the console while the process continues to run. A message panel in the console window notifies you when the process has completed.

Multiple platform support
Both the middle tier Administration Server and the client console are Java products that run on multiple platforms. You can now manage DB2 OLAP Server with a user interface that runs on any platform supported by DB2 OLAP Server.

Printing DB2 OLAP Server information
You can print the contents of many windows in the console. For example, you can print the contents of the Database Properties window or the Log Analyzer window.

Graphical view of DB2 OLAP Server
You can use the Graphical Enterprise view in the console to operate directly on DB2 OLAP Server objects and to create custom views of the DB2 OLAP Server environment.

Parallel data load
DB2 OLAP Server now supports parallel data loading. You can specify the number of data processing threads to be used in parallel in different stages of data load processing. Allocating processing threads across processors on multiple CPUs provides the performance advantages of true parallel operation.

Limits on query duration and time
When users create and execute a report or spreadsheet add-in query, they may unintentionally create a very large query. Some large queries may require too much time to execute or may access too many blocks to run efficiently.

To help administrators, DB2 OLAP Server now provides these new features:

This new ability is available using new essbase.cfgfile settings.

New control of agent-server threads and user logins
Two new configuration settings provide more control over agent activity:

Use these settings to match resources to load patterns:

Log delimiters
If you need to use external reporting tools or import log data into an OLAP database, DB2 OLAP Server now provides the ability to specify a delimiter between fields in DB2 OLAP Server log files:

New calculation functions
DB2 OLAP Server provides three new calculation functions in this release:

See the Technical Reference in the docs directory of your DB2 OLAP Server installation for details.

New API functions
DB2 OLAP Server Version 8.1 has two new API functions. One is a list of native and custom-defined calculation functions, and the other is a new function to create a filter.

External authentication
DB2 OLAP Server now supports external authentication of users against a non-DB2 OLAP server. For this release, DB2 OLAP Server installs a protocol that can authenticate users for an LDAP V3 server.

To enable external authentication, administrators use this procedure:

  1. Set the AUTHENTICATIONMODULE configuration setting in the server and client configuration file essbase.cfg.
  2. Restart OLAP Server.
  3. Create the user in DB2 OLAP Server with a reference to the LDAP protocol by using either Application Manager or DB2 OLAP Server Administration Services.
For instructions about how to set the configuration parameter, see the Technical Reference in the docs directory of your DB2 OLAP Server installation.

Export/Import LROs
The ability to export and re-import linked reporting object (LRO) information from a database has been added to improve backup capabilities and calculation performance.

You can use export LRO and import LRO (MaxL) to perform these tasks:

Export of databases larger than 2 GB
Some file management systems do not support ASCII files larger than 2 GB. To avoid exceeding this limit, if DB2 OLAP Server anticipates that an export file will be larger than 2 GB, it breaks the file into two or more export files, as needed. Use the ESSCMD commands, EXPORT and PAREXPORT, and the MaxL statement, export to export databases. This new feature works the same on all operating systems.

New CALCMODE configuration setting
You can now set CALCMODE to BLOCK or BOTTOMUP by using the configuration setting CALCMODE in the server configuration file essbase.cfg, and give it server, application, or database scope instead of using the @CALCMODE function. For more information, see the configuration settings in Technical Reference in the docs directory of your DB2 OLAP Server installation.

Improved functionality
DB2 OLAP Server Version 8.1 provides these improvements to existing functionality:

Improved handling of sessions and requests

System administrators can log out all users of a particular application or database, or log out instances of particular users from a selected scope: an application, a database, or the entire OLAP server system. If a user request is active when the administrator tries to log off the user, the administrator can force the user off. Using force safely terminates the request, and then logs the user off.

Additionally, administrators may terminate specific requests that have become problematic. For example, if a user loses the connection to the OLAP Server during a request (for example, a calculation), the abandoned request may cause the application to stop responding to subsequent requests.

Each user session has a unique ID number, which can be displayed and used by the administrator to terminate the current request associated with that session. When the administrator terminates a request, the user session remains active. The improved handling of sessions and requests can be found in any of these areas:

The improved handling of sessions and requests is also available to API programmers, who can incorporate the following request management functions:

Multiple DB2 OLAP Server agents on a single server computer
Three new settings in the DB2 OLAP Server configuration file enable a single computer to run multiple DB2 OLAP Server agents at the same time. These settings provide two important improvements:

The new configuration settings are: AGENTPORT, SERVERPORTBEGIN, SERVERPORTEND, and PORTINC.

Case sensitivity improvement
Previous releases of DB2 OLAP Server automatically changed the case of application and database names when they were created: the first letter was converted to uppercase, and other letters were all lowercase. With this release, DB2 OLAP Server creates the database name exactly as it is entered. Some backward compatibility with previous clients is provided:

Some error messages have been rewritten to provide clarity. With this release, behavior on NT and UNIX platforms is identical.

Improved add-in support of of Excel in browsers
DB2 OLAP Serverr supports the ability access the Spreadsheet Add-in features when Microsoft Excel is invoked from Internet Explorer. If you drill down in an Excel spreadsheet accessed using Internet Explorer, Excel refreshes the browser and displays the requested data automatically. Users need not perform any additional steps to refresh the browser view.

Member set function support in FIX
All functions that return a member or set of members are now supported when they occur within FIX statements. Member and member set functions in FIX is also supported for partition definitions and security filters.

New dimensions sparse by default
When you add a dimension to an existing outline, DB2 OLAP Server makes it a sparse dimension. Prior to Version 8.1, DB2 OLAP Server made new dimensions dense by default.

Custom defined functions and macros
Several changes have been made to custom-defined functions (CDF) and custom-defined macros (CDM):

Attribute association memory use
DB2 OLAP Server has improved memory management for processing attributes requiring less memory. This improvement is most noticeable for applications using many attributes.

Buffered I/O default

Version 8.1 includes buffered I/O as the default. If you want to use direct I/O, as was the default for Release 6.0 and 6.1, you can use the configuration setting DIRECTIO TRUE.

Because buffered I/O may affect some DB2 OLAP Server caches, you may need to adjust cache size as well as change the DIRECTIO configuration setting.

DB2 OLAP Server 8.1 clients not available for Windows 95
Clients such as Application Manager and the Spreadsheet Add-in for Version 8.1 are not available for Windows 95.

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