Spreadsheet Add-in User's Guide for Excel



  • Purpose
  • Audience
  • Document Structure
  • Sample Databases and Files
  • Related Documentation
  • Accessing Hyperion Documentation
  • Online Help
  • Online Guides
  • Conventions
  • Introducing Release 6.5

  • Migrating to Release 6.5
  • What's New in Release 6.5
  • Hybrid Analysis
  • Support for Negative Numbers in Filter Criteria in EQD
  • Enhanced Keyboard Accessibility in EQD
  • Introducing Essbase

  • Typical Users of Essbase
  • Components of the Client-Server Environment
  • The Server
  • Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in
  • The Network
  • Essbase Application Products
  • Essbase Spreadsheet Toolkit
  • Essbase Partitioning Option
  • Essbase Structured Query Language Interface
  • Essbase Application Programming Interface
  • Essbase Currency Conversion
  • Essbase Integration Services
  • Hyperion Objects
  • The Multidimensional Database
  • Definition of Multidimensional
  • Database Outlines
  • Dimensions
  • Members
  • Attributes
  • Formulas
  • Aliases
  • Consolidations
  • A Basic Essbase Tutorial

  • Getting Acquainted with Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in
  • Adding Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in
  • Starting Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in
  • Installing the Essbase Toolbar
  • Using the Essbase Toolbar
  • Accessing Online Help
  • Enabling Mouse Actions
  • Preparing to Begin the Tutorial
  • Setting Essbase Options
  • Following Guidelines During the Tutorial
  • Reviewing the Sample Basic Database
  • Retrieving Data
  • Connecting to a Database
  • Changing a Password
  • Retrieving Data from a Database
  • Canceling a Data Retrieval Request
  • Restoring the Previous Database View
  • Drilling Down to More Detail
  • Drilling Up to Less Detail
  • Customizing Drill-Down and Drill-Up Behavior
  • Pivoting, Retaining, and Suppressing Data
  • Pivoting Rows and Columns
  • Retaining a Data Subset
  • Removing a Data Subset
  • Navigating Through the Worksheet Without Retrieving Data
  • Suppressing Missing Values, Zero Values, and Underscore Characters
  • Formatting the Worksheet
  • Formatting Text and Cells
  • Displaying Aliases for Member Names
  • Displaying Both Member Names and Aliases
  • Repeating Member Labels
  • Creating Queries Using Essbase Query Designer
  • Creating and Changing Queries
  • Creating Queries
  • Deleting Queries
  • Viewing Messages and Confirmations
  • Accessing Help
  • Connecting to Multiple Databases from Essbase Query Designer
  • Applying Worksheet Options to Essbase Query Designer Results
  • Selecting Members
  • Saving and Disconnecting
  • Saving a Worksheet
  • Disconnecting from Essbase
  • Logging Off
  • Moving on to Advanced Tasks
  • An Advanced Essbase Tutorial

  • Preparing to Begin the Tutorial
  • Connecting to a Database
  • Setting Essbase Options
  • Performing Advanced Retrieval Tasks
  • Filtering Data
  • Sorting Data
  • Retrieving Data into Asymmetric Reports
  • Working with Formatted Worksheets
  • Preserving Formulas When Retrieving Data
  • Retrieving a Range of Data
  • Retrieving Data by Using a Function
  • Retrieving Dynamic Calculation Members
  • Specifying the Latest Time Period for Dynamic Time Series
  • Using Free-Form Reporting to Retrieve Data
  • Using Linked Reporting Objects
  • Linking a File to a Data Cell
  • Linking a Cell Note to a Data Cell
  • Linking a URL to a Data Cell
  • Accessing and Editing Linked Reporting Objects
  • Connecting to Multiple Databases
  • Viewing Active Database Connections
  • Accessing Linked Partitions
  • Updating Data on the Server
  • Calculating a Database
  • Creating Multiple Worksheets from Data
  • Working with Currency Conversions
  • Retrieving Currency Conversion Data
  • Connecting to the Sample Currency Databases
  • Performing Ad Hoc Currency Reporting
  • Using Drill-Through

  • What Is Drill-Through?
  • What Is the Drill-Through Wizard?
  • Before You Start
  • Setting Essbase Options
  • About the Samples Used in This Tutorial
  • Using Drill-Through
  • Accessing Drill-Through from the Spreadsheet
  • Selecting Drill-Through Reports to View or Customize
  • Selecting and Ordering Columns
  • Ordering Data
  • Filtering Data
  • Disconnecting from Essbase
  • Notices

  • Trademarks
  • Glossary


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  • Product Information

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