Spreadsheet Add-in User's Guide for Excel

Before You Start

Before starting the tutorial, you should have a working familiarity with the Essbase product through the use of the Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in interface. Review in this guide "A Basic Essbase Tutorial" and "An Advanced Essbase Tutorial" as prerequisite reading.

A sample Essbase database is the basis for the examples in this tutorial. The database administrator creates this sample Essbase database using the sample metaoutline supplied with Essbase Integration Services. For more information, see the OLAP Metaoutline User's Guide. A sample Microsoft Excel file, Essdt.xls, contains a sheet with the appropriate member intersections for the sample drill-through report. For more information on the sample database, Microsoft Excel file, and drill-through report, see "About the Samples Used in This Tutorial".

If you plan to follow the examples in a live working session, check with the person at your organization who installs the Essbase Integration Services product family for information on the sample database you need for drill-through, and to which Essbase server you should connect.

The Essdt.xls file also contains sample results of the drill-through reports when you run them without customizing the reports. The results are provided in separate sheets in the workbook so that you can see the sample report results without working through the tutorial For more information about the sample reports, see "About the Samples Used in This Tutorial".

Before starting the tutorial, make sure you meet the following requirements:

For more information on Essbase Integration Services installations, see the Installation Guide. For more information on Essbase installations, see the Installation Guide.

Keep in mind the following guidelines during the tutorial:

Setting Essbase Options

Before you begin the tutorial, make sure that the spreadsheet options are set to the initial settings, as illustrated in Figure Figure 173 through Figure Figure 177. If your option settings are different, the illustrations presented in this chapter may not match the spreadsheet view.

For information about each option in the Essbase Options dialog box, click Help to see the Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in online help.

To set Essbase options:

  1. From the spreadsheet menu, select Essbase > Options.
  2. In the Essbase Options dialog box, select the Display tab.
  3. Select the appropriate check boxes and option buttons so that your display matches the following illustration:

    Figure 173. Initial Settings for Display Options

  4. Select the Zoom tab.
  5. Select the appropriate check boxes and option buttons so that your display matches the following illustration:

    Figure 174. Initial Settings for Zoom Options

  6. Select the Mode tab.
  7. Select the appropriate check boxes and option buttons so that your display matches the following illustration:

    Figure 175. Initial Settings for Mode Options

  8. Select the Style tab.
  9. Select the appropriate check boxes and option buttons so that your display matches the following illustration:

    Figure 176. Initial Settings for Style Options

  10. Select the Global tab.
  11. Select the appropriate check boxes and option buttons so that your display matches the following illustration:

    Figure 177. Initial Settings for Global Options

  12. Click OK to save the settings for this session and close the Essbase Options dialog box.

About the Samples Used in This Tutorial

The sample database used for this tutorial contains the following dimensions: Scenario, Product, Market, Measures, and Year. The sample Excel file shown in Figure Figure 178 provides a particular view from this database:

Figure 178. View from Sample Database

For this spreadsheet view, detail-level data exists in a relational data source--data that is not available from Essbase. For example, the relational source contains columns of data for market detail, measures detail, and product detail. This tutorial walks you through a sample drill-through session, where you will drill down from the data shown in Figure Figure 178 into the detail data from the relational source.

This tutorial uses two sample drill-through reports, "Measures Detail" and "Market Detail." As with all drill-through reports, these reports have been predefined to retrieve specific columns from the relational source. You will use the Drill-Through Wizard to customize the report, "Measures Detail."

The sample file also contains two more sample reports called "Product Detail" and "Two reports" that you can use for drill-through practice. In "Two reports," select the drill-through cell B3 to select from two drill-through reports, "Product Detail" and Market Detail, select cell B6 to view "Market Detail," and cell G3 to view "Product Detail."

In addition to the sample drill-through reports, Essdt.xls provides sample results of the drill-through reports. The following list describes the drill-through results that are provided:

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