Spreadsheet Add-in User's Guide for Excel


The following table shows the conventions that are used in this document:

Table 1. Conventions Used in This Document



Brackets [ ]

In examples, brackets indicates that the enclosed elements are optional.


Bold text indicates words or characters that you type exactly as they display on the page. Bold in procedural steps highlight major interface elements.


Capital letters denote commands and various IDs. (Example: CLEARBLOCK command)

Example text

Courier font indicates that the material shown is a code or syntax example.

Ctrl + 0

Keystroke combinations shown with the plus symbol (+) indicate that you should press the first key and hold it while you press the next key. Do not type the + symbol.

Courier italics

Courier italic text indicates a variable field in command syntax. Substitute a value in place of the variable shown in Courier italics.


Italics in a product-related term in the body of a book indicates that the term is included in the glossary of the book.

Ellipses (...)

Ellipsis points indicate that text has been omitted from an example.

Mouse orientation

This document provides examples and procedures using a right-handed mouse. If you are using a left-handed mouse, adjust the procedures accordingly.

Menu options

Options in menus are shown in the following format: Menu name > Menu command > Extended menu command

For example: File > Desktop > Accounts

n, x

The variable n indicates that you must supply a generic number; the variable x indicates that you must supply a generic letter.

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