Patch Files to Upgrade IBM DB2 IMRM to Version This README file provides information on fixes and new function contained in these fix patches for IBM DB2 Intelligent Miner for Relationship Marketing (IMRM). For AIX, these fix patches are in the form of *.bff installp images and a .toc table-of-contents file. For Windows NT, they are self-extracting ZIP files (Windows executables that can be run to produce the install image directory). They are applicable to IMRM versions and, and they upgrade IMRM to version This README file contains the following topics: * Superceded Fixes * Fixes Included * Installation Instructions for AIX * Installation Instructions for Windows NT Superceded Fixes These patches incorporate all the changes in the previous patch for PTF U469690. That patch upgraded IMRM to version, and fixed APARs IY06631 and IY06632 and other bugs. Fixes Included The following fixes are included in these patches. +-----------------------------------+----------------------------------------+ | Problems Found | Solutions Provided | +-----------------------------------+----------------------------------------+ |The IMRM servlets code had problems|Now you can use the IMRM server name | |with name mapping when the |that is defined in the hosts file to | |following conditions were true: |start servlets. | | | | | * The machine used for the IMRM | | | server had its name defined | | | only in the hosts file and not| | | on the network. | | | * An alias name was defined for | | | this machine. | | | * This alias was defined to the | | | network. | | | | | |Because the IMRM servlet code could| | |not resolve the name mapping from | | |the alias to the real hostname, | | |servlets could not be started in | | |IMRM. | | +-----------------------------------+----------------------------------------+ |IMRM users could not use the |With this fix, you can use the | |user-defined directory for writing |directory defined in the | |temporary files for a look-aside | parameter in the | |buffer while running RBF and Tree |environment file to write temporary | |Classification. Only Segmentation |look-aside buffer files for running | |was supported. |RBF and Tree Classification. | +-----------------------------------+----------------------------------------+ |IMRM could run only as an |With this fix, IMRM runs as a Windows | |application on Windows NT. |NT service. | +-----------------------------------+----------------------------------------+ |There were problems with refreshing|This fix improves refreshing project | |project data, especially in |data in the following areas: | |Customer Focus, as described in | | |APARs IY06631 and IY06632. | * Saving a copy of the historical | | | data. | | | * Handling the null records in the | | | production data in Customer | | | Focus. | | | * Updating the dataset when an | | | underlying data change in Oracle | | | occurs. | +-----------------------------------+----------------------------------------+ |There were problems with exporting |The export function now accounts for | |of numeric columns from Oracle |the leading numeric sign when | |database tables, as described in |calculating the lengths of numeric | |APAR IY07133. |columns being exported from Oracle. | +-----------------------------------+----------------------------------------+ |There were problems with displaying|Segmentation can now provide | |attribute detail charts in |attribute detail charts for all | |segmentation, if the segment number|segments. | |was more than 5, as described in | | |APAR IY09879. | | +-----------------------------------+----------------------------------------+ |Complete and translated tutorials |Tutorials and installation guides can | |were not available. Installation |now be found as described in the | |guides were not entirely |READMEFIRST document. | |translated. | | +-----------------------------------+----------------------------------------+ |The Windows NT IMRM service |The Windows NT IMRM service can now | |introduced in version could|be started and stopped at will. | |not be stopped a second time | | |between reboots, as described in | | |APAR IY09970. | | +-----------------------------------+----------------------------------------+ |Little data validity checking was |Now, when a project is opened, more | |done on the input data when |vailidity checks are done. If the | |creating a project. |checks fail, a warning message is | | |displayed, and the user can choose to | | |continue or not. | +-----------------------------------+----------------------------------------+ Installation Instructions for AIX AIX packaging software currently requires one update file (*.bff) for each AIX installation fileset to be changed. A .toc table-of-contents file is also provided. IMRM has four filesets, and all of them are being updated, so these fixes are provided in four AIX *.bff files. +------------+----------------+ | Fileset | PTF identifier | +------------+----------------+ | common | U470905 | | lang.en_US | U471449 | | lang.ko_KR | U471450 | | lang.Ja_JP | U471451 | +------------+----------------+ Users ought to obtain and install all the BFF files for all the filesets they have installed. The minimum set needed for English, Korean, and Japanese are the BFF files for "common" and "lang.en_US". Korean and Japanese users need to install both of those, and they also need to install their language's fileset. There are three versions of each BFF file, one for each of the Telco, Insurance, and Finance/Banking releases. Each BFF file is named with the PTF identifier above, followed by .bff. The version number after these patches are installed is Using media containing the four *.bff files appropriate for the IBM DB2 IMRM version installed on your system (Telco, Insurance, or Finance), and the .toc for the four BFF files, take the following steps: 1. Become the root user. 2. Use the "smit" or "smitty" program to install all the BFF files. Installation Instructions for Windows NT There are three patch files, one for each of the Telco, Insurance, and Finance/Banking releases. Each patch file is a self-extracting ZIP file named U470905.exe. (Unlike AIX, it can be, and is, all done in one file per release.) Using media containing the EXE file appropriate for the IBM DB2 IMRM release installed on your system, take the following steps. 1. Stop the IMRM server: if you are upgrading from IMRM version, take the following steps: 1. Click on Start. 2. Select Programs. 3. Select IBM DB2 Intelligent Miner for Relationship Marketing, or whatever folder name was entered when IMRM was installed. (If there is no such entry in the Programs folder, then IMRM is probably not installed on the system.) 4. Click on STOP IBM DB2 Intelligent Miner for Relationship Marketing. Otherwise, if you are upgrading from IMRM version or later, take the following steps: 1. Click on Start. 2. Select Settings. 3. Select Control Panel. 4. Double click on Services. 5. Go to the line for a service named IMRM_NT_service. (If there is no such line, then IMRM or later is probably not installed on the system.) The line should have a Status value of Started and a Startup value of Automatic. Select the line, click the Stop button, confirm to the system that you want to stop it by clicking the Yes button, and wait for the service to stop. 2. Run the self-extracting executable ZIP file from the media. You are prompted for the directory name where you want to unzip the file. 3. Enter the name of a temporary directory, or use the default value of C:\TEMP. This extracts the installation files into the specified temporary directory. 4. Run the installation executable. It is in disk1\Setup.exe in the temporary directory you selected in the previous step. The InstallShield installer program will begin to run. 5. Choose the appropriate Setup Language, and click on OK. 6. Read the Welcome screen, and click on Next. 7. If upgrading from IMRM version, select the correct Program Folder. If upgrading from IMRM or later, this dialog box should not appear, and this paragraph can be ignored. The default value is IBM DB2 Intelligent Miner for Relationship Marketing. The correct value is whatever folder name is the name of the IMRM program folder available under the Start Menu / Programs item. If this value is not the same as the default value, use the list box of existing folder names to select the correct folder name. NOTE: Be very sure that any value selected is correct, because the installer unconditionally removes the folder selected and everything in it! When the value is correct, click on Next. 8. Read the Copying Files window and review the information. Most of the information is taken from the system environment variables, whose values were set at the time of the original IMRM installation. If the values are correct, click on Next. 9. See the Setup Complete window. Make sure that the radio button "Yes, I want to restart my computer now." is selected, and click on Finish. 10. After the reboot, verify that the IBM DB2 IMRM service is installed and running. One way is to take the following steps: 1. Click on Start. 2. Select Settings. 3. Select Control Panel. 4. Double click on Services. 5. Verify that there is a line for a service named IMRM_NT_service with a Status value of Started and a Startup value of Automatic. If there is such a line and it is correct, close the Services window. Otherwise, contact IBM for assistance.