PTF IP23010_67326 fixes APAR IC67326 This fix handles the following situation: IC67326 - HALFWIDTH KATAKANA AND KATAKANA VOICED SOUND MARK RETURN INCORRECT RESULTS Apply the fix only to Net Search Extender installation V9.7 FP1 Installation on WINDOWS: ======================= 1) Stop NSE/DB2 - db2text stop - db2stop 2) Copy the libraries. - change to directory \bin (e.g. C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB\BIN) - make a backup copy of the old libs: ctecnt20.dll,cteitl20.dll and itxc5032.dll - copy the new libs into the directory \bin 3) Restart DB2/NSE - db2start - db2text start - db2text level should now contain "itlR3-90 COSLibR5-29"