IBM DB2 Net Search Extender 9.5 FP3 Install Notes Net Search Extender 9.5 Fix Pack 3 contains fixes for the following APARs IC58821 - NET SEARCH EXTENDER SEARCHES WITH DBCS SEARCH TERMS CAN TERMINATE WITH A SYNTAX ERROR EVEN IF THE SYNTAX LOOKS CORRECT. IC58550 - UNDER HIGH PARALLEL QUERY LOAD, NET SEARCH EXTENDER FAILS TO RELEASE INTERNAL LOCKS UNTIL THE MAXIMUM NUMBER IS EXCEEDED. IC59777 - NET SEARCH EXTENDER QUERIES WITH LARGE DBCS THESAURUS EXPANSIONS CAN FAIL WITH A CTE0103 ERROR. IC58466 - NET SEARCH EXTENDER IGNORES -S OPTION IN DB2NSE_INSTALL FOR SILENT INSTALL IC59825 - NEW NET SEARCH EXTENDER ERROR MESSAGE INDICATES MASK EXPANSION OVERFLOW If you have a previous level of Net Search Extender 9.5 installed on your system and you want to install Net Search Extender 9.5 Fixpack 3 please follow the deinstallation steps. Deinstall an older Net Search Extender 9.5 ========================================== Complete the following steps to uninstall Net Search Extender correctly on UNIX. For each DB2 instance from which you want to uninstall Net Search Extender: 1. Switch to the user ID of the DB2 instance Do NOT disable the database for text. That will drop all your indexes 2. Stop the DB2 Net Search Extender instance 3. Stop the DB2 instance. Ensure that you are active as the root user. Change your working directory to the DB2 path where you want to remove Net Search Extender. For example, cd /opt/IBM/db2/V9.5/install. 4. Issue the command ./db2nse_deinstall. Installing on Sun64 =================== 1. Log in at the target machine as the root user. 2. Extract db2_v95fp3_sun64_sparc_nse.tar.gz 3. Execute the setup script for your platform. Enter: cd solaris and run ./ 4. Follow the instruction in the nsesetup script. 5. If you have existing DB2 instances that you need to update to use Net Search Extender, carry out the following steps for each instance: a. As instance user: Stop DB2 and Net Search Extender. Enter "db2stop" and "db2text stop" b. Log in as a root user. c. Enter cd //instance where is the directory of the DB2 copy you are using. d. Enter ./db2iupdt where is an existing DB2 instance e. Log out.